Filter keys not in collection - mongodb

How do we find keys which do not exist in collection.
Given an input list of keys ['3321', '2121', '5647'] , i want to return those that do not exist in the collection :
{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "5e2993b61886a22f400ea319" }, "scrip" : "5647" }
{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "5e2993b61886a22f400ea31a" }, "scrip" : "3553" }
So the expected output is ['3321', '2121']

This aggregation gets the desired output (works with MongoDB version 3.4 or later):
INPUT_ARRAY = ['3321', '2121', '5647']
db.test.aggregate( [
$match: {
scrip: {
$group: {
_id: null,
matches: { $push: "$scrip" }
$project: {
scrips_not_exist: { $setDifference: [ INPUT_ARRAY, "$matches" ] },
_id: 0
] )
The output:
{ "scrips_not_exist" : [ "3321", "2121" ] }


Query nested array from document

Given the following document data in collection called 'blah'...
"_id" : ObjectId("60913f55987438922d5f0db6"),
"procedureCode" : "code1",
"description" : "Description 1",
"coding" : [
"system" : "ABC",
"code" : "L111"
"system" : "DEFG",
"code" : "S222"
"_id" : ObjectId("60913f55987438922d5f0dbc"),
"procedureCode" : "code2",
"description" : "Description 2",
"coding" : [
"system" : "ABC",
"code" : "L999"
"system" : "DEFG",
"code" : "X3333"
What I want to get is all of the coding elements where system is ABC for all parents, and an array of codes like so.
{ "code": "L111" },
{ "code": "L999" },
If I use db.getCollection('blah').find({"coding.system": "ABC"}) I get the parent document with any child in the coding array of ICD.
If I use...
.find({ "coding.system": "ABC" })
.projection({ "coding.code": 1 })
I do get the parent documents which have a child with a system of "ABC", but the coding for "DEFG" seems to come along for the ride too.
"_id" : ObjectId("60913f55987438922d5f0db6"),
"coding" : [
"code" : "L989"
"code" : "S102"
"_id" : ObjectId("60913f55987438922d5f0dbc"),
"coding" : [
"code" : "L989"
"code" : "X382"
I have also tried experimenting with:
{ $unwind: "$coding" },
{ $match: { "system": "ICD" } }
.. as per this page: mongoDB query to find the document in nested array
... but go no where fast with that approach. i.e. no records at all.
What query do I need, please, to achieve something like this..?
{ "code": "L111" },
{ "code": "L999" },
or even better, this..?
$match: { "coding.system": "ABC" }
$unwind: "$coding"
$match: { "coding.system": "ABC" }
$project: { code: "$coding.code" }
$match: { "coding.system": "ABC" }
$unwind: "$coding"
$match: { "coding.system": "ABC" }
$group: {
_id: null,
coding: { $push: "$coding.code" }
Instead of $unwind, $match you can also use $filter:
{ $match: { "coding.system": "ABC" } },
$project: {
coding: {
$filter: {
input: "$coding",
cond: { $eq: [ "$$this.system", "ABC" ] }

How to combine results in a Mongo aggregation query

I'm new to aggregation queries in Mongo and been really struggling trying to produce the output I want. I have the following aggregation query:[
{ $match: { requestState: "APPROVED" } },
{ $unwind: { path: "$payload.description" } },
{ $group: { _id: { instr: "$payload.description", bu: "$createdByUser", count: { $sum: 1 } } } }
that returns the following results:
{ "_id" : { "instr" : "ABC-123", "bu" : "BU2", "count" : 1 } }
{ "_id" : { "instr" : "ABC-123", "bu" : "BU1", "count" : 1 } }
{ "_id" : { "instr" : "DEF-456", "bu" : "BU1", "count" : 1 } }
How can I amend the aggregation query so that there are only 2 documents returned instead of 3? With the two "ABC-123" results combined into a single result with a new array of counts with the "bu" and "count" fields i.e.
{ "_id" : { "instr" : "ABC-123", "counts": [ { "bu" : "BU1", "count" : 1 }, { "bu" : "BU2", "count" : 1 } ] } }
Many thanks
You can add another stage to only $group by _id.instr and another stage to $project to your desired output shape[
$match: { requestState: "APPROVED" }
$unwind: { path: "$payload.description" }
$group: {
_id: { instr: "$payload.description", bu: "$createdByUser", count: { $sum: 1 } }
$group: {
_id: { instr: "$_id.instr" },
counts: { $push: { bu: "$_id.bu", count: "$_id.count" } }
$project: {
_id: { instr: "$_id.instr", counts: "$counts" }

Lookup and aggregate multiple levels of subdocument in Mongodb

I've tried many answers to similar problems using $lookup, $unwind, and $match, but I can't get this to work for my sub-sub-subdocument situation.
I have this collection, Things:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a7241f7912cfc256468cb27"),
"name" : "Fortress of Solitude",
"alias" : "fortress_of_solitude",
"_id" : ObjectId("5a7247ec548c9ad042f579e2"),
"name" : "Batcave",
"alias" : "batcave",
"_id" : ObjectId("6a7247bc548c9ad042f579e8"),
"name" : "Oz",
"alias" : "oz",
and this one-document collection, Venues:
"_id" : ObjectId("5b9acabbbf71f39223f8de6e"),
"name" : "The Office",
"floors" : [
"name" : "1st Floor",
"places" : [
"name" : "Front Entrance",
"alias" : "front_entrance"
"name" : "2nd Floor",
"places" : [
"name" : "Batcave",
"alias" : "batcave"
"name" : "Oz",
"alias" : "oz"
I want to return all the Things, but with the Venue's aggregated with each Thing if it exists if the aliases match between Things and Venues. So, I want to return:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a7241f7912cfc256468cb27"),
"name" : "Fortress of Solitude",
"alias" : "fortress_of_solitude",
<-- nothing added here because
<-- it's not found in Venues
"_id" : ObjectId("5a7247ec548c9ad042f579e2"),
"name" : "Batcave",
"alias" : "batcave",
"floors" : [ <-- this should be
{ <-- returned
"places" : [ <-- because
{ <-- the alias
name" : "Batcave" <-- matches
} <-- in Venues
] <--
} <--
] <--
"_id" : ObjectId("6a7247bc548c9ad042f579e8"),
"name" : "Oz",
"alias" : "oz",
"floors" : [ <-- this should be
{ <-- returned
"places" : [ <-- because
{ <-- the alias
name" : "Oz" <-- matches
} <-- in Venues
] <--
} <--
] <--
I've gotten as far as the following query, but it only returns the entire Venues.floors array as an aggregate onto each Thing, which is way too much extraneous data aggregated. I just want to merge each relevant sub-subsubdocument from Venues into its corresponding Thing if it exists in Venues.
{$lookup: {from: "venues",localField: "alias",foreignField: "floors.places.alias",as: "matches"}},
$replaceRoot: { newRoot: { $mergeObjects: [ { $arrayElemAt: [ "$matches", 0 ] }, "$$ROOT" ] } }
{ $project: { matches: 0 } }
I'm struggling with existing answers, which seem to change at MongoDB version 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, or 4.2 to include or not include $unwind, $pipeline, and other terms. Can someone explain how to get a sub-sub-subdocument aggregated like this? Thanks!
You can try this :
from: "venues",
let: { alias: "$alias" },
pipeline: [
{ $unwind: { path: "$floors", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } },
{ $match: { $expr: { $in: ['$$alias', '$floors.places.alias'] } } },
/** Below stages are only if you've docs like doc 2 in Venues */
{ $addFields: { 'floors.places': { $filter: { input: '$floors.places', cond: { $eq: ['$$this.alias', '$$alias'] } } } } },
{ $group: { _id: '$_id', name: { $first: '$name' }, floors: { $push: '$floors' } } },
{$project : {'floors.places.alias': 1, _id :0}} // Optional
as: "matches"
Test : MongoDB-Playground
Since MongoDB v3.6, we may perform uncorrelated sub-queries which gives us more flexibility to join two collections.
Try this:
$lookup: {
from: "venues",
let: {
"alias": "$alias"
pipeline: [
$unwind: "$floors"
$project: {
_id: 0,
places: {
$filter: {
input: "$floors.places",
cond: {
$eq: [
$match: {
"places.0": {
$exists: true
$unset: ""
as: "floors"

Remove aggregate with conditions

I have the a collection of documents as follows an example document:
'publicacao' : { 'data': '2013-13-13', 'hora': '13:13:13'},
'conteudo' : '',
'titulo' : 'As histórias de ciclano',
'categoria' : 'Romance',
'autor' : 'Ciclano',
'avaliacoes': [
'leitor': 'Fulano',
'nota': 1
'leitor': 'Beltrano',
'nota': 0
'denuncias': [
'denunciante': 'Ciclano'
'denunciante': 'Beltrano'
then i made an aggregate to define some documents to be removed:
var cursor = db.livro.aggregate( [
$project: {
remover: {
$gt: [
{ $size: "$denuncias" },
$divide: [
{ $size: "$avaliacoes" },
this aggregation returns the following docs:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5cf5a9be7d48c53504974439"), "remover" : false }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5cf5a9be7d48c5350497443a"), "remover" : false }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5cf5a9be7d48c5350497443b"), "remover" : true }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5cfd746e40d53565ca52132b"), "remover" : false }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5cfd746e40d53565ca52132c"), "remover" : false }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5cfd746e40d53565ca52132d"), "remover" : true }
I need to remove all docs with "remove": true.
I don't know how to get those ones!
I used the cursor.forEach() to iterate the objects and find the objects with remove = true.
cursor.forEach(function (doc){
if(doc.remover == true) {
db.livro.remove({"_id": doc._id});
print("Doc removido: "+ doc._id)
Instead of doing this with code after the query it is better overall to do it in the actual aggregation. Just check with a $match if the array has an element:
$match: {
"denuncias.0": {
$exists: true
$project: {
id: 1,
remover: {
$gt: [
$size: "$denuncias"
$divide: [
$size: "$avaliacoes"
You can see if working here

MongoDB Count Items in array by name

I have documents like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5b3ced158735f1196d73a743"),
"cid" : 1,
"foo" : [
"k" : "sport",
"v" : "climbing"
"k" : "sport",
"v" : "soccer"
"k" : "sport",
"v" : "soccer"
This Query just return the documents which contains a soccer field.
db.coll.find({foo:{$elemMatch:{ v: "soccer"}} }, {"foo.$" : 1,cid:1})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b3ced158735f1196d73a743"), "cid" : 1, "node" : [ { "k" : "sport", "v" : "climbing" } ] }
But I want to know, how many soccer-Elements are in each returned document. How can I count them?
// Pipeline
// Stage 1
$match: {
foo: {
$elemMatch: {
v: 'soccer'
// Stage 2
$unwind: {
path: '$foo'
// Stage 3
$project: {
cid: 1,
count: {
$cond: {
if: {
$eq: ['$foo.v', 'soccer']
then: {
$sum: 1
else: 0
// Stage 4
$group: {
_id: '$cid',
total_count: {
$sum: '$count'
You can use below query to $filter and $size the filtered array to count no of matching occurrences.