How to check whether a the whole column in a pyspark contains a value using Expr - pyspark

In pyspark how can i use expr to check whether a whole column contains the value in columnA of that row.
pseudo code below
df=df.withColumn("Result", expr(if any the rows in column1 contains the value colA (for this row) then 1 else 0))

Take an arbitrary example:
valuesCol = [('rose','rose is red'),('jasmine','I never saw Jasmine'),('lily','Lili dont be silly'),('daffodil','what a flower')]
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(valuesCol,['columnA','columnB'])
| columnA| columnB|
| rose| rose is red|
| jasmine|I never saw Jasmine|
| lily| Lili dont be silly|
|daffodil| what a flower|
Application of expr() here. How one can use expr(), just look for the corresponding SQL syntax and it should work with expr() mostly.
df = df.withColumn('columnA_exists',expr("(case when instr(lower(columnB), lower(columnA))>=1 then 1 else 0 end)"))
| columnA| columnB|columnA_exists|
| rose| rose is red| 1|
| jasmine|I never saw Jasmine| 1|
| lily| Lili dont be silly| 0|
|daffodil| what a flower| 0|


assign values to a new column depending on old column values in dataframe

I have assigned values to 4 variables in a conf or file,
A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
I have a dataframe as follows,
|name |
| A |
| C |
| B |
| D |
| B |
I want to add a new column that has the values assigned from the conf variables declared above for A,B,C,D respectively depending on the value in the name column.
Final Dataframe should have,
| A | 1 |
| C | 3 |
| B | 2 |
| D | 4 |
| B | 2 |
I tried lit function in .WITHCOLUMN with conf.getint($name), not accepting Column in lit func requires string, I have to hardcode the variable names in lit. Is there anyway for me to dynamically assign those respective conf variable names in LIT so it can automatically assign values to another column in spark scala?
For this moment i dont have any ideas how to do it as you intended with dynamic usage of vals names.
My proposition is to use a seq of tuples instead of multiple vals, in such case you can create some udf and try to map this value for each row, but you can also use join which i am showing in below example:
val data = Seq(("A"),("C"), ("B"), ("D"), ("B"))
val df = data.toDF("name")
val mappings = Seq(("A",1), ("B",2), ("C",3), ("D",4))
val mappingsDf = mappings.toDF("name", "value")
df.join(broadcast(mappingsDf), df("name") === mappingsDf("name"), "left")
output is as expected:
| A| 1|
| C| 3|
| B| 2|
| D| 4|
| B| 2|
This solution is pretty generic as your mapping are df here so you can hardcode them as showed in my example or load them from some csv or json easily with spark api
Due to broadcast join it should be quite efficient (you should remove this hint if you want to use big amount of mappings!)
I think its easy to understand and maintain as its not udf but only Spark api

transform distinct row values to different columns with corresponding rows using Pyspark

I'm new to Pyspark and trying to transform data
Given dataframe
A=id1a A=id2a B=id1b C=id1c B=id2b
D=id1d A=id3a B=id3b C=id2c
A=id4a C=id3c
id1a id1b id1c
id2a id2b id2c
id3a id3b id3b
id4a null null
I have tried pivot, but that gives first value.
There might be a better way , however an approach is splitting the column on spaces to create array of the entries and then using higher order functions(spark 2.4+) to split on the '=' for each entry in the splitted array .Then explode and create 2 columns one with the id and one with the value. Then we can assign a row number to each partition and groupby then pivot:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df1 = (df.withColumn("Col1",F.split(F.col("Col1"),"\s+")).withColumn("Col1",
from pyspark.sql import Window
w = Window.partitionBy("cols").orderBy("cols")
final = (df1.withColumn("Rnum",F.row_number().over(w)).groupBy("Rnum")
|Rnum| A| B| C| D|
| 1|id1a|id1b|id1c|id1d|
| 2|id2a|id2b|id2c|null|
| 3|id3a|id3b|id3c|null|
| 4|id4a|null|null|null|
this is how df1 looks like after the transformation:
| A|id1a|
| A|id2a|
| B|id1b|
| C|id1c|
| B|id2b|
| D|id1d|
| A|id3a|
| B|id3b|
| C|id2c|
| A|id4a|
| C|id3c|
May be I don't know the full picture, but the data format seems to be strange. If nothing can be done at the data source, then some collects, pivots and joins will be needed. Try this.
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
test = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('A=id1a A=id2a B=id1b C=id1c B=id2b',1),('D=id1d A=id3a B=id3b C=id2c',2),('A=id4a C=id3c',3)],schema=['col1','id'])
tst_spl = test.withColumn("item",(F.split('col1'," ")))
tst_xpl ="item"))
tst_map = tst_xpl.withColumn("key",F.split('col','=')[0]).withColumn("value",F.split('col','=')[1]).drop('col')
tst_pivot = tst_map.groupby(F.lit(1)).pivot('key').agg(F.collect_list(('value'))).drop('1')
tst_arr = ['col',coln) for coln in tst_pivot.columns]
tst_fin = reduce(lambda df1,df2:df1.join(df2,on='pos',how='full'),tst_arr).orderBy('pos')
|pos| A| B| C| D|
| 0|id3a|id3b|id1c|id1d|
| 1|id4a|id1b|id2c|null|
| 2|id1a|id2b|id3c|null|
| 3|id2a|null|null|null|

Pyspark forward and backward fill within column level

I try to fill missing data in a pyspark dataframe. The pyspark dataframe looks as such:
| latitude|longitude| timestamplast|name|
| | 4.905615|2019-08-01 00:00:00| 1|
|51.819645| |2019-08-01 00:00:00| 1|
| 51.81964| 4.961713|2019-08-01 00:00:00| 2|
| | |2019-08-01 00:00:00| 3|
| 51.82918| 4.911187| | 3|
| 51.82385| 4.901488|2019-08-01 00:00:03| 5|
Within the column "name" I want to either forward fill or backward fill (whichever is necessary) to fill only "latitude" and "longitude" ("timestamplast" should not be filled). How do I do this?
Output will be:
| latitude|longitude| timestamplast|name|
|51.819645| 4.905615|2019-08-01 00:00:00| 1|
|51.819645| 4.905615|2019-08-01 00:00:00| 1|
| 51.81964| 4.961713|2019-08-01 00:00:00| 2|
| 51.82918| 4.911187|2019-08-01 00:00:00| 3|
| 51.82918| 4.911187| | 3|
| 51.82385| 4.901488|2019-08-01 00:00:03| 5|
In Pandas this would be done as such:
df = df.groupby("name")['longitude','latitude'].apply(lambda x : x.ffill().bfill())
How would this be done in Pyspark?
I suggest you use the following two Window Specs:
from pyspark.sql import Window
w1 = Window.partitionBy('name').orderBy('timestamplast')
w2 = w1.rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.unboundedFollowing)
w1 is the regular WinSpec we use to calculate the forward-fill which is the same as the following:
w1 = Window.partitionBy('name').orderBy('timestamplast').rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding,0)
see the following note from the documentation for default window frames:
Note: When ordering is not defined, an unbounded window frame (rowFrame, unboundedPreceding, unboundedFollowing) is used by default. When ordering is defined, a growing window frame (rangeFrame, unboundedPreceding, currentRow) is used by default.
after ffill, we only need to fix the null values at the very front if exists, so we can use a fixed Window frame(Between Window.unboundedPreceding and Window.unboundedFollowing), this is more efficient than using a running Window frame since it requires only one aggregate, see SPARK-8638
Then the x.ffill().bfill() can be handled by using coalesce + last + first based on the above two WindowSpecs:
from pyspark.sql.functions import coalesce, last, first
df.withColumn('latitude_new', coalesce(last('latitude',True).over(w1), first('latitude',True).over(w2))) \
.select('name','timestamplast', 'latitude','latitude_new') \
|name| timestamplast| latitude|latitude_new|
| 1|2019-08-01 00:00:00| null| 51.819645|
| 1|2019-08-01 00:00:01| null| 51.819645|
| 1|2019-08-01 00:00:02|51.819645| 51.819645|
| 1|2019-08-01 00:00:03| 51.81964| 51.81964|
| 1|2019-08-01 00:00:04| null| 51.81964|
| 1|2019-08-01 00:00:05| null| 51.81964|
| 1|2019-08-01 00:00:06| null| 51.81964|
| 1|2019-08-01 00:00:07| 51.82385| 51.82385|
Edit: to process (ffill+bfill) on multiple columns, use a list comprehension:
cols = ['latitude', 'longitude']
df_new =[ c for c in df.columns if c not in cols ] + [ coalesce(last(c,True).over(w1), first(c,True).over(w2)).alias(c) for c in cols ])
I got a working solution for either forward or backward fill of one target name "longitude". I guess I could repeat the procedure for also "latitude" and then again for backward fill. Is there a more efficient way?
window = Window.partitionBy('name')\
.rowsBetween(-sys.maxsize, 0) # this is for forward fill
# .rowsBetween(0,sys.maxsize) # this is for backward fill
# define the forward-filled column
filled_column = last(df['longitude'], ignorenulls=True).over(window) # this is for forward fill
# filled_column = first(df['longitude'], ignorenulls=True).over(window) # this is for backward fill
df = df.withColumn('mmsi_filled', filled_column) # do the fill

How to convert numerical values to a categorical variable using pyspark

pyspark dataframe which have a range of numerical variables.
for eg
my dataframe have a column value from 1 to 100.
1-10 - group1<== the column value for 1 to 10 should contain group1 as value
11-20 - group2
91-100 group10
how can i achieve this using pyspark dataframe
# Creating an arbitrary DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,54),(2,7),(3,72),(4,99)], ['ID','Var'])
| ID|Var|
| 1| 54|
| 2| 7|
| 3| 72|
| 4| 99|
Once the DataFrame has been created, we use floor() function to find the integral part of a number. For eg; floor(15.5) will be 15. We need to find the integral part of the Var/10 and add 1 to it, because the indexing starts from 1, as opposed to 0. Finally, we have need to prepend group to the value. Concatenation can be achieved with concat() function, but keep in mind that since the prepended word group is not a column, so we need to put it inside lit() which creates a column of a literal value.
# Requisite packages needed
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, floor, lit, concat
df = df.withColumn('Var',concat(lit('group'),(1+floor(col('Var')/10))))
| ID| Var|
| 1| group6|
| 2| group1|
| 3| group8|
| 4|group10|

Get column names, distinct values and its occurrences into a text file with Spark Scala

I am new to Spark Scala and would like to execute the following tasks:
Get all column names, the values and its occurrences from a table
Write the result into a text file, i.e. in the following format:
Column Name |Value | Occurrences
Col1 |Test | 12
Col2 |123 | 15
I am using Spark 1.6, not Spark 2.0.
Thanks a lot in advance for any help.
Hope this will help you.
Let me explain with an example.
I have a file, users.txt with content as following:
var fileRDD=sc.textFile("users.txt")
case class User(ID:Int,email:String,lang:String,country:String)
var rawRDD=fileRDD.flatMap(_.split("\t")).map(_.split(" "))
sqlContext.sql("select * from user_table").show()
| ID| email|lang|country|
| 1|| EN| US|
| 2|| EN| GB|
| 3|| FR| FR|
var emailCount=sqlContext.sql("select 'email' as col,email as value, count(email) as occur from user_table group by email")
var langCount=sqlContext.sql("select 'lang' as col,lang as value, count(lang) as occur from user_table group by lang")
| col| value|occur|
|email|| 1|
|email|| 1|
|email|| 1|
| lang| EN| 2|
| lang| FR| 1|