How to animate hideable views with SwiftUI? - swift

I'm trying out SwiftUI, and while I've found many of its features very elegant, I've had trouble with animations and transitions. Currently, I have something like
if shouldShowText { Text(str).animation(.default).transition(AnyTransition.opacity.animation(.easeInOut)) }
This label does transition properly, but when it's supposed to move (when another view above is hidden, for instance) it does not animate as I would have expected, but rather jumps into place. I've noticed that wrapping everything in an HStack works, but I don't see why that's necessary, and I was hoping that there is a better solution out there.

If I correctly understood and reconstructed your scenario you need to use explicit withAnimation (depending on the needs either for "above view" or for both) as shown below
struct SimpleTest: View {
#State var shouldShowText = false
#State var shouldShowAbove = true
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button("ShowTested") { withAnimation { self.shouldShowText.toggle() } }
Button("HideAbove") { withAnimation { self.shouldShowAbove.toggle() } }
if shouldShowAbove {
Text("Just some above text").padding()
if shouldShowText {
Text("Tested Text").animation(.default).transition(AnyTransition.opacity.animation(.easeInOut))


SwiftUI animation transition of conditional views

So, i have this little app with a button where i can change the how the main view display its items, with a grid or list.
But i would like to add a little animation when it makes its transition from one to another. I messed i little bit trying to add withAnimationon the button, or .transition() inside the views, but nothing seems to do the trick.
Any tips on how can i achieve this?
struct FrameworkGridView: View {
#StateObject var viewModel = FrameworkGridViewModel()
#Binding var isGrid: Bool
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Group {
if viewModel.isGrid {
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: viewModel.columns) {
ForEach(MockData.frameworks) { framework in
FrameworkTitleView(framework: framework, isGrid: $viewModel.isGrid)
.onTapGesture {
viewModel.selectedFramework = framework
.sheet(isPresented: $viewModel.isShowingDetailView) {
DetailView(framework: viewModel.selectedFramework ?? MockData.sampleFramework, isShowingDetailView: $viewModel.isShowingDetailView, isGrid: $viewModel.isGrid)
} else {
List {
ForEach(MockData.frameworks) { framework in
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(framework: framework, isShowingDetailView: $viewModel.isShowingDetailView, isGrid: $viewModel.isGrid)) {
FrameworkTitleView(framework: framework, isGrid: $viewModel.isGrid)
.toolbar {
Button {
} label: {
Image(systemName: viewModel.isGrid ? "list.dash" : "square.grid.2x2")
I believe you're looking for matchedGeometryEffect. Check out WWDC 2020: What's New in SwiftUI starting around 19 minutes in. The SwiftUI Lab also has a couple of articles about it.

SwiftUI: Animate changes in List without animating content changes

I have a simple app in SwiftUI that shows a List, and each item is a VStack with two Text elements:
var body: some View {
List(elements) { item in
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(item: item)) {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text(self.distanceString(for: item.distance))
The .animate() is in there because I want to animate changes to the list when the elements array changes. Unfortunately, SwiftUI also animates any changes to content, leading to weird behaviour. For example, the second Text in each item updates quite frequently, and an update will now shortly show the label truncated (with ... at the end) before updating to the new content.
So how can I prevent this weird behaviour when I update the list's content, but keep animations when the elements in the list change?
In case it's relevant, I'm creating a watchOS app.
The following should disable animations for row internals
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text(self.distanceString(for: item.distance))
The answer by #Asperi fixed the issue I was having also (Upvoted his answer as always).
I had an issue where I was animating the whole screen in using the below: AnyTransition.asymmetric(insertion: .move(edge: .bottom), removal: .move(edge: .top))
And all the Text() and Button() sub views where also animating in weird and not so wonderful ways. I used animation(nil) to fix the issue after seeing Asperi's answer. However the issue was that my Buttons no longer animated on selection, along with other animations I wanted.
So I added a new State variable to turn on and off the animations of the VStack. They are off by default and after the view has been animated on screen I enable them after a small delay:
struct QuestionView : View {
#State private var allowAnimations : Bool = false
var body : some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 6.0) {
Text("Some Text")
Button(action: {}, label:Text("A Button")
.animation(self.allowAnimations ? .default : nil)
.onAppear() {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.4) {
self.allowAnimations = true
Just adding this for anyone who has a similar issue to me and needed to build on Asperi's excellent answer.
Thanks to #Brett for the delay solution. My code needed it in several places, so I wrapped it up in a ViewModifier.
Just add .delayedAnimation() to your view.
You can pass parameters for defaults other than one second and the default animation.
import SwiftUI
struct DelayedAnimation: ViewModifier {
var delay: Double
var animation: Animation
#State private var animating = false
func delayAnimation() {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) {
self.animating = true
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.animation(animating ? animation : nil)
.onAppear(perform: delayAnimation)
extension View {
func delayedAnimation(delay: Double = 1.0, animation: Animation = .default) -> some View {
self.modifier(DelayedAnimation(delay: delay, animation: animation))
In my case any of the above resulted in strange behaviours. The solution was to animate the action that triggered the change in the elements array instead of the list. For example:
#State private var sortOrderAscending = true
// Your list of elements with some sorting/filtering that depends on a state
// In this case depends on sortOrderAscending
var elements: [ElementType] {
let sortedElements = Model.elements
if (sortOrderAscending) {
return sortedElements.sorted { $ < $ }
} else {
return sortedElements.sorted { $ > $ }
var body: some View {
// Your button or whatever that triggers the sorting/filtering
// Here is where we use withAnimation
Button("Sort by name") {
withAnimation {
List(elements) { item in
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(item: item)) {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {

What is the correct way to update ScrollView in SwiftUI? (MacOS App)

I am using officially released Xcode 11 from appstore.
A number of things can be seen if you run the code below.
Tapping on Root Press correctly adds the missing view#2, But there is no animation. Why is there no animation?
Tapping any of the Press buttons, correctly adds a middle view, but if you look, you will see that the scrollView content size did not update and therefore the content is clipped. What is the correct way to update the ScrollView?
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State var isPressed = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button("Root Press") { withAnimation { self.isPressed.toggle() } }
ScrollView {
Group {
SampleView(index: 1)
if isPressed { SampleView(index: 2) }
SampleView(index: 3)
SampleView(index: 4)
struct SampleView: View {
#State var index: Int
#State var isPressed = false
var body: some View {
HStack {
VStack {
Text("This View = \(index)")
if isPressed {
Text("-----> = \(index)")
Button("Press") { withAnimation { self.isPressed.toggle() } }
Fixing the animations can be done via: .animation(.linear(duration: 0.3)). You can then remove all the animation blocks. (withAnimation { }). As for the bounds/frame, setting the frame helps (when adding the row at the root level), but it doesn't seem to work when you are dealing with an inner view. I added the following: .frame(width:UIScreen.main.bounds.width), and it will look like the following:

SwiftUI: Animate Cells within a Form

I am trying to animate my Form or rather the cells within it. My problem is that the following code give me a nice insertion animation but for the removal the cell is suddenly removed after am ugly looking delay.
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State var toggledValue = false
#State var pickedValue = 0
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
Section {
Toggle(isOn: $toggledValue) {
Text("Toggled Value")
if toggledValue {
Picker(selection: $pickedValue, label: Text("Picked Value")) {
ForEach((0...5).identified(by: \.self)) {
Text("Pick Value \($0)").tag($0)
Section {
Text("Some Text")
.navigationBarTitle("Navigation Bar Title")
What I tried so far is to to wrap the Toggle in a withAnimation closure but this does not change anything. What makes me wondering is that the same code using List instead of Form gives me the expected Animation. Is that a bug or am I overseeing something?
This will probably work (tested in iOS 16 in a similar situation):
Add #State private var isShowingPicker = false
Replace if toggledValue by if isShowingPicker
Under .navigationBarTitle(...) add:
onChange(of: toggledValue)
{ newValue in
withAnimation { isShowingPicker = newValue }

In SwiftUI, where are the control events, i.e. scrollViewDidScroll to detect the bottom of list data

In SwiftUI, does anyone know where are the control events such as scrollViewDidScroll to detect when a user reaches the bottom of a list causing an event to retrieve additional chunks of data? Or is there a new way to do this?
Seems like UIRefreshControl() is not there either...
Plenty of features are missing from SwiftUI - it doesn't seem to be possible at the moment.
But here's a workaround.
TL;DR skip directly at the bottom of the answer
An interesting finding whilst doing some comparisons between ScrollView and List:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
ForEach(1...100) { item in
.onAppear { print("Reached end of scroll view") }
I appended a Rectangle at the end of 100 Text items inside a ScrollView, with a print in onDidAppear.
It fired when the ScrollView appeared, even if it showed the first 20 items.
All views inside a Scrollview are rendered immediately, even if they are offscreen.
I tried the same with List, and the behaviour is different.
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(1...100) { item in
.onAppear { print("Reached end of scroll view") }
The print gets executed only when the bottom of the List is reached!
So this is a temporary solution, until SwiftUI API gets better.
Use a List and place a "fake" view at the end of it, and put fetching logic inside onAppear { }
You can to check that the latest element is appeared inside onAppear.
struct ContentView: View {
#State var items = Array(1...30)
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in
.onAppear {
if let last == self.items.last {
print("last item")
self.items += last+1...last+30
In case you need more precise info on how for the scrollView or list has been scrolled, you could use the following extension as a workaround:
extension View {
func onFrameChange(_ frameHandler: #escaping (CGRect)->(),
enabled isEnabled: Bool = true) -> some View {
guard isEnabled else { return AnyView(self) }
return AnyView(self.background(GeometryReader { (geometry: GeometryProxy) in
Color.clear.beforeReturn {
frameHandler(geometry.frame(in: .global))
private func beforeReturn(_ onBeforeReturn: ()->()) -> Self {
return self
The way you can leverage the changed frame like this:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
ForEach(0..<100) { number in
Text("\(number)").onFrameChange({ (frame) in
print("Origin is now \(frame.origin)")
}, enabled: number == 0)
The onFrameChange closure will be called while scrolling. Using a different color than clear might result in better performance.
edit: I've improved the code a little bit by getting the frame outside of the beforeReturn closure. This helps in the cases where the geometryProxy is not available within that closure.
I tried the answer for this question and was getting the error Pattern matching in a condition requires the 'case' keyword like #C.Aglar .
I changed the code to check if the item that appears is the last of the list, it'll print/execute the clause. This condition will be true once you scroll and reach the last element of the list.
struct ContentView: View {
#State var items = Array(1...30)
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in
.onAppear {
if item == self.items.last {
print("last item")
The OnAppear workaround works fine on a LazyVStack nested inside of a ScrollView, e.g.:
ScrollView {
LazyVStack (alignment: .leading) {
TextField("comida", text: $controller.searchedText)
switch controller.dataStatus {
case DataRequestStatus.notYetRequested:
case DataRequestStatus.done:
case DataRequestStatus.waiting:
case DataRequestStatus.error:
.onAppear {
The LazyVStack is, well, lazy, and so only create the bottom when it's almost on the screen
I've extracted the LazyVStack plus invisible view in a view modifier for ScrollView that can be used like:
ScrollView {
Text("Some long long text")
}.onScrolledToBottom {
The implementation:
extension ScrollView {
func onScrolledToBottom(perform action: #escaping() -> Void) -> some View {
return ScrollView<LazyVStack> {
LazyVStack {
Rectangle().size(.zero).onAppear {