How to solve "Service Fabric Partition is in error" error? - azure-service-fabric

I installed service fabric locally and set up five cluster node. I followed this tutorial and downloaded source code from here. It worked fine. Now I created one .net core application (docker enabled) API with visual studio 2019. I published image on docker hub (I ran image locally to confirm it is working fine.). Then I create service fabric project through visual studio and add container to it. I published on local cluster of five nodes. First one is already running. It is build and published successfully. But on service fabric explorer, it is showing me this error.


Problems accessing Service Fabric Explorer and Cluster via RDP

I have an infrastructure pipeline in Azure DevOps that setup a service fabric cluster. The fabric cluster's key vault and certificate are generated by a custom PowerShell script I wrote, while the cluster and its resources are generated by an ARM template. They are executed as tasks in the pipeline.
However, I am having problems accessing the generated fabric cluster via Service Fabric Explorer using web address:
I also have problem accessing the nodes using RDP:
I tried the following:
Restarted virtual machine scale set.
Checked the ports are open on load balancer: 3389-3391
I don't get this problem if I setup the fabric resource group with visual studio.
I checked the certificate generated and made sure it has a subject that is the same as the fabric cluster url. Does anyone know what might be causing this?
I think I used the ARM template that came with visual studio 2017. The template is old (2016). I updated the template to the recent one and the issue is resolved:
I still have some problem for adding a custom internal load balancer, but all the other resources out of the ARM template are working.

Unable to connect to service fabric cluster through visual studio for remote debugging

Unable to connect to service fabric cluster through visual studio for remote debugging
I have a service fabric cluster deployed using ARM template. I am using the same cluster certificate and client certificate to connect to cluster(for development purpose only). I am able to connect to the cluster using powershell. However, when I try to connect to the cluster using visual studio cloud explorer for remote debugging, I get below error in the output window in visual studio:
Cloud Explorer could not connect to cluster 'xxxxxxxx':
An authentication token could not be obtained. Refresh the node to sign in again.
I have tried to refresh the cloud explorer but it has no effect. Additionally, I tried to deploy the service fabric application and then try, however, it has the same error before and after deployment of service fabric application.

Azure Service Fabric - install previous version of application from Service Fabric Explorer?

I'm trying to determine if it's possible to install a previous version of a Service Fabric application using the online Service Fabric Explorer as opposed to having to use a PowerShell script? In our case, the previous version of the application exists in the cluster and is visible in the list of application versions in the Explorer.
I appreciate any input.
This topic has been raised a few times around SO, short answer is no.
This answer give more details: Service fabric rollback to previous version from visual stuido or service fabric explorer

optashift-employee-rostering build fails on openshift

Trying to build the optashift-employee-rostering project
I followed the instructions in the readme file to build the app from this repo, but it fails every time. When I try it locally on my Windows 10 with Docker and the "oc.exe" tool, it simply hangs and the oc fails to open even the openshift local console (the one on localhost).
I've created an account on openshift (Starter: US East (Virginia) For individual learning and experimenting.)
When I do it in openshift online, it fails the build but doesn't tell me the reason.
Here are the logs:
How can I deploy this app to openshift or to some other cloud (Google Cloud/Microsoft Azure etc.)
OpenShift Online (= free edition) has less than 1GB of RAM for the build pods, which isn't enough to build it (GWT compilations needs more). That leads to error code 137 during GWT compilation.
But OpenShift Online is enough to run it.
Workaround: Build the war locally with ./ deploy employee-rostering --binary
as explained here in the readme. I hope that GWT and OpenShift play along better in the future.

Service Fabric: There was an error during download. Failed to download container image

edit: I have updated this question with more detail
I'm trying to deploy an Docker compose to Service Fabric. This cluster is a custom setup using three vm's (Windows Server 2016 Datacenter with Containers) on Azure running the latest version (CodeVersion
I'm using VSTS with the 'Deploy docker-compose application to a Service Fabric cluster' task to deploy the docker compose file. VSTS uses a custom build server (Server 2016) on which Service Fabric SDK 2.7 is installed. I couldn't install 2.8 because the task in VSTS is not compatible, see
So far, so good. But when Service Fabric deploys the container I receive the following error (In Service Fabric Explorer): There was an error during download. Failed to download container image erwinstaal/dockerdemo. This image has been pushed to a public repo on Docker Hub. However, when I use the Docker images command on one of the nodes the image has been downloaded. Does anyone have a clue on what could be going on?