Shopware custom plugin not generating public folder - plugins

i tested this shopware plugin
which is linked from official shopware documentation here
./psh.phar administration:build command should rebuild public folder under plugin and then copy created folder under public/bundles
this is not happening
what can be issue that public folder isnt created ? any recommendation how to track where is the problem ? i dont see anything usefull in log.

Sounds to me like it is an issue with the read/write permissions on your filesystem. Perhaps you need to check the ownership of the folders (it should be the user that executes your php process).
Otherwhise you could create it manually:


How to create a page extension in Directus 7

I have a working Directus CMS environment and would like to include some custom pages in there as well. According to the documentation!, I "can build page modules for custom dashboards, reporting, point-of-sale systems, or anything else".
The CMS is downloaded from directus, installed in localhost and then moved with FTP to the server as my client doesn't have terminal access allowed.
I already tried the boilerplate from, created a vue page with it, ran npm to transpile it, but now I don't know where to put it. If I put it to public > extensions > custom > pages (I put here the whole created folder), it's not shown anywhere and I can't really find any tutorial or help on how to do it. Not even in the docs.
You have to copy only the dist subdirectory of the extension to your server.
directus-extensions create page orders
directus-extensions build
rsync ./dist/
You should now see your page extension listed in the sidebar when you log in to your Directus app (provided your user role is configured to display extensions in the sidebar).

Copying original *viewdefs.php into custom folder? suiteCRM / sugarCRM CE

I saw someone "extending" an existing viewdef by simply copying the stock file into the custom folder and then modifying that copied file.
It makes sense, but I don't see that in official documentation.
Example modules/Leads/metadata/editviewdefs.php copied to custom/modules/Leads/metadata/editviewdefs.php
Is this safe/correct way of doing it?
That's the correct way to do it.
A quick reminder about future SuiteCRM upgrades and view/edit-defs.
Sometimes newer SuiteCRM versions add/edit fields to modules and the upgrade process will not upgrade your copy of those files, sometimes causing weird errors.
If you have access to a Backup is more easy to copy the file from there and then edit it with a new Uploader Package.

macOS. Replace application in Shared folder with admin priveleges

Our app is being stored in /Users/Shared/OurAppData/
One of the reasons for this is to enforce user to use launcher.
But, now we've met the problem, when we want to update our app through the launcher(we download zip file, extract that and that wants to replace our app with the new one with)
try FileManager.default.replaceItemAt(URL(fileURLWithPath : Paths.ourAppPath) , withItemAt: extractedURL)
"You don’t have permission to save the file “OurApp” in the folder “ OurApp Data”."
My question is - is there a way to handle that situation?
I guess the best solution to promt user for login and password for permissions, and to replace that file? I guess this is something outside the Swift scope, and probably AppleScript, or even .sh.
Please, help.
I recommend to have a look at the Sparkle framework for updating applications.
Sparkle handles the checking if an update is available, downloading the update, asking for an administrator password if required, and cleaning up the downloaded files after the update.
For most application it is enough to just have the new version archived as zip archive.
But it is also possible to update application with helper applications or agents which are outside of the main application bundle.
This can be done with installer package *.pkg. If you are familiar with Sparkle, the "Automatic installation" referred here will only show the Sparkle UI. In the background it will use macOS’s built-in command line installer, /usr/sbin/installer.
In most cases it will make sense to have the same .pkg as user facing installer and update, it is not required.
If your application is sandbox, there are a couple of forks of the framework.

In Magento after installing extension Admin panel in unable to load

As I have assigned to work on magento, according to our requirement i tried to install Arabic extension for magento. The extension got successfully installed. Later on refreshing the admin panel, it shows the URL not found. The Stores FrontEnd CMS home page is loading, But when Iclick on any products, it shows again URL not found..
How can i solve this...
When diagnosing things like this, try the following..
Delete (or move to another folder) files in /var/www/var/cache
Delete (or move to another folder) files in /tmp
From a shell, run
/var/www/shell$ php indexer.php --reindexall
You've just manually cleared your caches and re indexed your data.
See if your system comes back to life.
For me I was redirected to wrong URL from MagentoConnect after installation of extension.
My admin URL: <-hostname->/index.php/admin
Redirected To: <-hostname->/admin
I had same issue when I added extension manually. I could find the issue when checked via shell command and it returned missing table error. This is issue happened when I installed module manually.

How do I create a new folder and deploy files to the 12 hive using VseWSS 1.3?

I have created a web part using VSeWSS 1.3. It creates a wsp file and my web part gets installed, everything works great.
I would like to also create a folder in the LAYOUTS directory of the 12 hive and place a couple files in there. How do I go about doing this? I know that I can manually place the files there, but I would prefer to have it all done in one fell swoop when I uses stsadm to install my solution.
Is there a best practices guide out there for using VSeWSS 1.3 to do this? They changed a bunch of stuff with this new version and I want to make sure I don't mess anything up.
You can create a new folder structure in your webpart project, like:
Templates/Layouts/CustomFolder and put your files in the CustomFolder directory and include them in your project.
When you go to the WSP View in Visual Studio, you can see in the manifest.xml that your files are being included in the deployment.
I have done this successfully on multiple projects now.
In case anyone is wondering, the VSeWSS 1.3 user guide is incredibly helpful. It is installed to the same directory as the tool itself, default in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools 9.0\VSeWSS13.CHM
You can see a working example with screenshots Here
A simple step-by-step tutorial for the above, along with deploy/retract scripts is here at Add New Files To 12-Hive Through A SharePoint Solution. Just follow the steps and in a few minutes you'll be able to add whatever you want to the 12-Hive!