OID type in regular postgres function - postgresql

I have a PL/pgSQL function, which fetch data from pg_catalog.pg_constraint table to generate restore FK statements like: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name FOREIGN KEY (column) REFERENCES table_name (column);.
Firstly I find oid of the table, then I put that table oid into variable table_oid OID; and make some stuff with it.
My question is.. Is it OK to use OID type variable inside function or I should better use BIGINT or something?
table_oid OID; --> Is it OK or I should use BIGINT?
SELECT pg_class.oid
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
WHERE pg_class.relname = row.table_name
AND pg_namespace.nspname = row.schema_name INTO table_oid;
SELECT nspname, relname, 'ALTER TABLE '||nspname||'.'||relname||' ADD CONSTRAINT '||conname||' '||pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(pg_constraint.oid)||';'
FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint
INNER JOIN pg_class ON conrelid = pg_class.oid
INNER JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
WHERE confrelid = table_oid --> I use this variable here
OR conrelid = table_oid --> ...and here
AND contype = 'f';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

There is nothing wrong with using oid like any other data type.
The only thing that you should keep in mind is that the OIDs that PostgreSQL uses internally to identify objects like tables are subject to change during an upgrade or restore from a dump. So you should not use oids to permanently store references to system objects.
The same applies to the ref* types, which are OIDs under the hood.


Get current table OID (regclass) when inserting in a table

I have a table with a column storing table OID of table where records come from. If this field must be filled (NOT NULL) but can have a default value if not provided. I would like to store the current table OID when inserting.
Source regclass NOT NULL DEFAULT current_table_name()::regclass
Is there any function (current_table_name) in postgreSQL table to perform this task?
There is no such function, but you can achieve the goal in three steps:
Create the table without DEFAULT.
Find the OID of the new table.
ALTER the table and set the DEFAULT.
It is better to use the table OID than to cast the table name to regclass, because with the latter INSERTs will suddenly start failing after the table is renamed.
Here is a DO block that would achieve that:
reloid oid;
CREATE TABLE t (source regclass NOT NULL);
SELECT t.oid INTO reloid
FROM pg_class t
JOIN pg_namespace n ON t.relnamespace = n.oid
WHERE t.relname = 't' AND n.nspname = current_schema;

How to find inherited tables programatically in PostgreSQL?

I have a PostgreSQL 8.3 database where table inheritance is being used. I would like to get a list of all tables along with its schema name which is inherited from a base table using query. Is there any way we can get this using PGSQL?
Since you're on such an old version of PostgreSQL you'll probably have to use a PL/PgSQL function to handle inheritance depths of > 1. On modern PostgreSQL (or even 8.4) you'd use a recursive common table expression (WITH RECURSIVE).
The pg_catalog.pg_inherits table is the key. Given:
create table pp( ); -- The parent we'll search for
CREATE TABLE notpp(); -- Another root for multiple inheritance
create table cc( ) inherits (pp); -- a 1st level child of pp
create table dd( ) inherits (cc,notpp); -- a 2nd level child of pp that also inherits aa
create table notshown( ) inherits (notpp); -- Table that inherits only notpp
create table ccdd () inherits (cc,dd) -- Inheritance is a graph not a tree; join node
A correct result will find cc, dd, and ccdd, but not find notpp or notshown.
A single-depth query is:
SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_class.relname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (pg_inherits.inhrelid = pg_class.oid)
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid)
WHERE inhparent = 'pp'::regclass;
... but this will only find cc.
For multi-depth inheritance (ie tableC inherits tableB inherits tableA) you have to extend that via a recursive CTE or a loop in PL/PgSQL, using the children of the last loop as parents in the next.
Update: Here's an 8.3 compatible version that should recursively find all tables that inherit directly or indirectly from a given parent. If multiple inheritance is used, it should find any table that has the target table as one of its parents at any point along the tree.
SELECT i.inhrelid FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i WHERE i.inhparent = $1
SELECT find_children(i.inhrelid) FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i WHERE i.inhparent = $1;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION find_children_of(parentoid IN regclass, schemaname OUT name, tablename OUT name) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_class.relname
FROM find_children($1) inh(inhrelid)
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (inh.inhrelid = pg_class.oid)
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid);
regress=# SELECT * FROM find_children_of('pp'::regclass);
schemaname | tablename
public | cc
public | dd
public | ccdd
(3 rows)
Here's the recursive CTE version, which will work if you update Pg, but won't work on your current version. It's much cleaner IMO.
SELECT i.inhrelid FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i WHERE inhparent = 'pp'::regclass
SELECT i.inhrelid FROM inh INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_inherits i ON (inh.inhrelid = i.inhparent)
SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_class.relname
FROM inh
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (inh.inhrelid = pg_class.oid)
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid);
The following statement retrieves all child tables of the table public.base_table_name:
select bt.relname as table_name, bns.nspname as table_schema
from pg_class ct
join pg_namespace cns on ct.relnamespace = cns.oid and cns.nspname = 'public'
join pg_inherits i on i.inhparent = ct.oid and ct.relname = 'base_table_name'
join pg_class bt on i.inhrelid = bt.oid
join pg_namespace bns on bt.relnamespace = bns.oid
It should work with 8.3 although I'm not 100% sure.
For those who are running a version of PostgreSQL with RECURSIVE support here's a function that finds derived tables for the specified base table.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tables_derived_from(base_namespace name, base_table name)
RETURNS TABLE (table_schema name, table_name name, oid oid)
WITH RECURSIVE inherited_id AS
SELECT i.inhrelid AS oid
FROM pg_inherits i
JOIN pg_class base_t ON i.inhparent = base_t.oid
JOIN pg_namespace base_ns ON base_t.relnamespace = base_ns.oid
WHERE base_ns.nspname = base_namespace AND base_t.relname = base_table
SELECT i.inhrelid AS oid
FROM pg_inherits i
JOIN inherited_id b ON i.inhparent = b.oid
SELECT child_ns.nspname as table_schema, child_t.relname as table_name, child_t.oid
FROM inherited_id i
JOIN pg_class child_t ON i.oid = child_t.oid
JOIN pg_namespace child_ns ON child_t.relnamespace = child_ns.oid
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
It's important to note that one table can inherit multiple tables, and none of the solutions listed really expose that; they just walk down the tree of a single parent. Consider:
CREATE TABLE ab_ba_() INHERITS (ab_, ba_);
CREATE TABLE ba_ab_() INHERITS (ba_, ab_);
SELECT i.inhparent::regclass, i.inhrelid::regclass, i.inhseqno FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i WHERE inhparent = 'a'::regclass
SELECT i.inhparent::regclass, i.inhrelid::regclass, i.inhseqno FROM inh INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_inherits i ON (inh.inhrelid = i.inhparent)
) SELECT * FROM inh;
inhparent | inhrelid | inhseqno
a | ab_ | 1
a | ba_ | 2
ab_ | ab__ | 1
ba_ | ba__ | 1
ab_ | ab_ba_ | 1
ba_ | ab_ba_ | 2
ba_ | ba_ab_ | 1
ab_ | ba_ab_ | 2
(8 rows)
Notice that b doesn't show up at all which is incorrect, as both ab_ and ba_ inherit b.
I suspect the "best" way to handle this would be a column that's text[] and contains (array[inhparent::regclass])::text for each table. That would give you something like
inhrelid path
ab_ {"{a,b}"}
ba_ {"{b,a}"}
ab_ba_ {"{a,b}","{b,a}"}
While obviously not ideal, that would at least expose the complete inheritance path and allow you to access it with enough gymnastics. Unfortunately, constructing that is not at all easy.
A somewhat simpler alternative is not to include the full inheritance path at each level, only each tables direct parents. That would give you this:
inhrelid parents
ab_ {a,b}
ba_ {b,a}
ab_ba_ {ab_,ba_}

Postgres dynamically update constraint foreign key

I have lots of tables with lots of foreign keys and about all of them are UPDATE NO ACTION and DELETE NO ACTION.
Is it possible to dynamically update all this foreign keys to CASCADE instead of NO ACTION or RESTRICT?
For example:
No, this is not possible.
You will need to drop and re-create all constraints as a foreign key constraint cannot be altered like that.
The following statement will generate the necessary alter table statements to drop and re-create the foreign keys:
select 'alter table '||pgn.nspname||'.'||tbl.relname||' drop constraint '||cons.conname||';'
from pg_constraint cons
join pg_class tbl on cons.confrelid = tbl.oid
join pg_namespace pgn on pgn.oid = tbl.relnamespace
where contype = 'f'
union all
select 'alter table '||pgn.nspname||'.'||tbl.relname||' add constraint '||cons.conname||' '||pg_get_constraintdef(cons.oid, true)||' ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE;'
from pg_constraint cons
join pg_class tbl on cons.confrelid = tbl.oid
join pg_namespace pgn on pgn.oid = tbl.relnamespace
where contype = 'f'
Save the output of this statement to a file and run it.
Make sure you validate the generated statements before running them!
I would use the following code to generate the necessary alter table SQL statements to drop and re-create the foreign keys (in order):
select 'ALTER TABLE '||pgn.nspname||'.'||tbl.relname||' DROP CONSTRAINT '||cons.conname||';' as sqlstr
from pg_constraint cons
join pg_class tbl on cons.conrelid = tbl.oid
join pg_namespace pgn on pgn.oid = tbl.relnamespace
where contype = 'f'
select 'ALTER TABLE '||pgn.nspname||'.'||tbl.relname||' ADD CONSTRAINT '||cons.conname||' FOREIGN KEY ('||(select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid=cons.conrelid and attnum = ANY(cons.conkey))||') REFERENCES '||tblf.relname||' ('||(select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid=cons.confrelid and attnum = ANY(cons.confkey))||') ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE;' as sqlstr
from pg_constraint cons
join pg_class tbl on cons.conrelid = tbl.oid
join pg_namespace pgn on pgn.oid = tbl.relnamespace
join pg_class tblf on cons.confrelid = tblf.oid
where contype = 'f'
ORDER BY sqlstr desc

Using query to set the column type in PostgreSQL

After the excellent answer by Alexandre GUIDET, I attempted to run the following query:
create table egg (id (SELECT
pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as Datatype
pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
a.attnum > 0
AND NOT a.attisdropped
AND a.attrelid = (
SELECT c.oid
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relname ~ '^(TABLENAME)$'
AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
and a.attname = 'COLUMNNAME'));
PostgreSQL, however, complains about incorrect syntax. Specifically it says that I cannot write: create table egg (id (SELECT.
Are there any workarounds? Can't I convert the result of a query to text and reuse it as a query?
There is a much simpler way to do that.
SELECT pg_typeof(col)::text FROM tbl LIMIT 1
Only precondition is that the template table holds at least one row. See the manual on pg_typeof()
As Milen wrote, you need to EXECUTE dynamic DDL statements like this.
A much simpler DO statement:
|| (SELECT pg_typeof(col)::text FROM tbl LIMIT 1) || ')';
Or, if you are not sure the template table has any rows:
SELECT format('CREATE TABLE egg (id %s)'
, format_type(atttypid, atttypmod))
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = 'tbl'::regclass -- name of template table
AND attname = 'col' -- name of template column
AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped
These conditions seem redundant, since you look for a specific column any
format() requires Postgres 9.1+.
How to check if a table exists in a given schema
You can either convert that query to a function or (if you have Postgres 9.0) to an anonymous code block:
DO $$DECLARE the_type text;
SELECT ... AS datatype INTO the_type FROM <the rest of your query>;
EXECUTE 'create table egg ( id ' || the_type || <the rest of your create table statement>;
You can either have a table a definition or a query, but not both. Maybe your thinking of the select into command.

Problem with Postgres ALTER TABLE

I have one problem with the ALTER TABLE in postgre. I want to change size of the varchar column. When I try to do this, It says that the view is dependent on that column. I can't drop the view because comething else is dependent on it. Is there any other way than to drop everything and recreate it again?
I just found one option, which is to remove the table joining from the view, when I will not change the returned columns, I can do that. But still, there is more views I'll need to change. Isn't there anything how can I say that it should be deferred and checked with commit?
I have run into this problem and couldn't find any way around it. Unfortunately, as best I can tell, one must drop the views, alter the column type on the underlying table, and then recreate the views. This can happen entirely in a single transaction.
Constraint deferral doesn't apply to this problem. In other words, even SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED has no impact on this limitation. To be specific, constraint deferral does not apply to the consistency check that prints ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule when one tries to alter the type of a column underlying a view.
I'm a little late to the party, but years after this question was posted, a brilliant solution was posted via an article referenced below (not mine -- I'm simply a thankful beneficiary of his brilliance).
I just tested this on an object that is referenced (on the first level) in 136 separate views, and each of those views is referenced in other views. The solution ran in mere seconds.
So, read this article and copy and paste the table and two functions listed:
Implementation example:
alter table mdm.global_item_master_swap
alter column prod_id type varchar(128),
alter column prod_nme type varchar(512);
ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule DETAIL:
rule _RETURN on view toolbox_reporting."Average_setcost" depends on
column "prod_id"
********** Error **********
ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule
And now for the PostgreSQL ninja's magic:
select util.deps_save_and_drop_dependencies('mdm', 'global_item_master_swap');
alter table mdm.global_item_master_swap
alter column prod_id type varchar(128),
alter column prod_nme type varchar(512);
select util.deps_restore_dependencies('mdm', 'global_item_master_swap');
-- EDIT 11/13/2018 --
It appears the link above might be dead. Here is the code for the two procedures:
Table that stores DDL:
CREATE TABLE util.deps_saved_ddl
deps_id serial NOT NULL,
deps_view_schema character varying(255),
deps_view_name character varying(255),
deps_ddl_to_run text,
CONSTRAINT deps_saved_ddl_pkey PRIMARY KEY (deps_id)
Save and Drop:
-- Edit 8/28/2020 --
-- This stopped working with Pg12. The fix is below to change the parameters of p_view_schema and p_view_name from varchar to name:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION util.deps_save_and_drop_dependencies(
p_view_schema name, p_view_name name)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
COST 100
v_curr record;
for v_curr in
select obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type from
with recursive recursive_deps(obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type, depth) as
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, null::varchar, 0
select dep_schema::varchar, dep_name::varchar, dep_type::varchar, recursive_deps.depth + 1 from
select ref_nsp.nspname ref_schema, ref_cl.relname ref_name,
rwr_cl.relkind dep_type,
rwr_nsp.nspname dep_schema,
rwr_cl.relname dep_name
from pg_depend dep
join pg_class ref_cl on dep.refobjid = ref_cl.oid
join pg_namespace ref_nsp on ref_cl.relnamespace = ref_nsp.oid
join pg_rewrite rwr on dep.objid = rwr.oid
join pg_class rwr_cl on rwr.ev_class = rwr_cl.oid
join pg_namespace rwr_nsp on rwr_cl.relnamespace = rwr_nsp.oid
where dep.deptype = 'n'
and dep.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass
) deps
join recursive_deps on deps.ref_schema = recursive_deps.obj_schema and deps.ref_name = recursive_deps.obj_name
where (deps.ref_schema != deps.dep_schema or deps.ref_name != deps.dep_name)
select obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type, depth
from recursive_deps
where depth > 0
) t
group by obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type
order by max(depth) desc
) loop
insert into util.deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'COMMENT ON ' ||
when c.relkind = 'v' then 'VIEW'
when c.relkind = 'm' then 'MATERIALIZED VIEW'
else ''
|| ' ' || n.nspname || '.' || c.relname || ' IS ''' || replace(d.description, '''', '''''') || ''';'
from pg_class c
join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace
join pg_description d on d.objoid = c.oid and d.objsubid = 0
where n.nspname = v_curr.obj_schema and c.relname = v_curr.obj_name and d.description is not null;
insert into util.deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'COMMENT ON COLUMN ' || n.nspname || '.' || c.relname || '.' || a.attname || ' IS ''' || replace(d.description, '''', '''''') || ''';'
from pg_class c
join pg_attribute a on c.oid = a.attrelid
join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace
join pg_description d on d.objoid = c.oid and d.objsubid = a.attnum
where n.nspname = v_curr.obj_schema and c.relname = v_curr.obj_name and d.description is not null;
insert into util.deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'GRANT ' || privilege_type || ' ON ' || table_schema || '.' || table_name || ' TO ' || grantee
from information_schema.role_table_grants
where table_schema = v_curr.obj_schema and table_name = v_curr.obj_name;
if v_curr.obj_type = 'v' then
insert into util.deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'CREATE VIEW ' || v_curr.obj_schema || '.' || v_curr.obj_name || ' AS ' || view_definition
from information_schema.views
where table_schema = v_curr.obj_schema and table_name = v_curr.obj_name;
elsif v_curr.obj_type = 'm' then
insert into util.deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ' || v_curr.obj_schema || '.' || v_curr.obj_name || ' AS ' || definition
from pg_matviews
where schemaname = v_curr.obj_schema and matviewname = v_curr.obj_name;
end if;
execute 'DROP ' ||
when v_curr.obj_type = 'v' then 'VIEW'
when v_curr.obj_type = 'm' then 'MATERIALIZED VIEW'
|| ' ' || v_curr.obj_schema || '.' || v_curr.obj_name;
end loop;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION util.deps_restore_dependencies(
p_view_schema character varying,
p_view_name character varying)
v_curr record;
for v_curr in
select deps_ddl_to_run
from util.deps_saved_ddl
where deps_view_schema = p_view_schema and deps_view_name = p_view_name
order by deps_id desc
) loop
execute v_curr.deps_ddl_to_run;
end loop;
delete from util.deps_saved_ddl
where deps_view_schema = p_view_schema and deps_view_name = p_view_name;
COST 100;
If you don't need to change the type of the field, but just the size of it, this approach should work:
Starting with these tables:
CREATE TABLE foo (id integer primary key, names varchar(10));
CREATE VIEW voo AS (SELECT id, names FROM foo);
\d foo and \d voo both show the length as 10:
id | integer | not null
names | character varying(10) |
Now change the lengths to 20 in the pg_attribute table:
UPDATE pg_attribute SET atttypmod = 20+4
WHERE attrelid IN ('foo'::regclass, 'voo'::regclass)
AND attname = 'names';
(note: the 20+4 is some crazy postgresql legacy thing, the +4 is compulsory.)
Now \d foo shows:
id | integer | not null
names | character varying(20) |
Bonus: that was waaay faster than doing:
ALTER TABLE foo ALTER COLUMN names TYPE varchar(20);
Technically you can change the size of the table column without changing the size of the view column, but no guarantees on what side effects that will have; it's probably best to change them both at once.
source and fuller explanation: http://sniptools.com/databases/resize-a-column-in-a-postgresql-table-without-changing-data
I ran into this problem today and found a work around to avoid dropping and recreating the VIEW . I cannot just drop my VIEW because it is a master VIEW that has many dependent VIEWs built on top of it. Short of having a rebuild script to DROP CASCADE and then recreate ALL of my VIEWs this is a work around.
I change my master VIEW to use a dummy value for the offending column, altered the column in the table, and switched my VIEW back to the column. Using a setup like this:
CREATE TABLE base_table
base_table_id integer,
base_table_field1 numeric(10,4)
base_table_id AS id,
(base_table_field1 * .01)::numeric AS field1
FROM base_table;
id AS dependent_id,
field1 AS dependent_field1
FROM master_view;
Trying to alter base_table_field1 type like this:
ALTER TABLE base_table ALTER COLUMN base_table_field1 TYPE numeric(10,6);
Will give you this error:
ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule
DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view master_view depends on column "base_table_field1"
If you change master_view to use a dummy value for the column like this:
base_table_id AS id,
0.9999 AS field1
FROM base_table;
Then run your alter:
ALTER TABLE base_table ALTER COLUMN base_table_field1 TYPE numeric(10,6);
And switch your view back:
base_table_id AS id,
(base_table_field1 * .01)::numeric AS field1
FROM base_table;
It all depends on if your master_view has an explicit type that does not change. Since my VIEW uses '(base_table_field1 * .01)::numeric AS field1' it works, but 'base_table_field1 AS field1' would not because the column type changes. This approach might help in some cases like mine.
I wanted to comment on the second answer but cannot since I'm too new to stackoverflow, so here my comment:
To those interested in the original article mentioned in that answer, the blogspot entry is not available any more but the wayback machine has it still stored: https://web.archive.org/web/20180323155900/http://mwenus.blogspot.com/2014/04/postgresql-how-to-handle-table-and-view.html
Here is the article itself in case archive.org should be turned off at some future point in time:
PostgreSQL: How to handle table and view dependencies
PostgreSQL is very restrictive when it comes to modyfing existing objects. Very often when you try to ALTER TABLE or REPLACE VIEW it tells you that you cannot do it, because there's another object (typically a view or materialized view), which depends on the one you want to modify. It seems that the only solution is to DROP dependent objects, make desired changes to the target object and then recreate dropped objects.
It is tedious and cumbersome, because those dependent objects can have further dependencies, which also may have other dependencies and so on. I created utility functions which can help in such situations.
The usage is very simple - you just have to call:
select deps_save_and_drop_dependencies(p_schema_name, p_object_name);
You have to pass two arguments: the name of the schema and the name of the object in that schema. This object can be a table, a view or a materialized view. The function will drop all views and materialized views dependent on p_schema_name.p_object_name and save DDL which restores them in a helper table.
When you want to restore those dropped objects (for example when you are done modyfing p_schema_name.p_object_name), you just need to make another simple call:
select deps_restore_dependencies(p_schema_name, p_object_name);
and the dropped objects will be recreated.
These functions take care about:
dependencies hierarchy
proper order of dropping and creating views/materialized views across hierarchy
restoring comments and grants on views/materialized views
Click here for a working sqlfiddle example or check this gist for a complete source code.
Autor: Mateusz Wenus o 19:32
do $$
declare gorev_lisans_ihlali_def text;
declare exec_text text;
gorev_lisans_ihlali_def := pg_get_viewdef('public.gorev_lisans_ihlali');
drop view public.gorev_lisans_ihlali;
exec_text := format('create view public.gorev_lisans_ihlali as %s',
ALTER TABLE public.ara_bakis_duyma
execute exec_text;
end $$;