What about code of Submit a file for static analysis - HTML create on Insomnia?
describe only 3!
The 'Static File Analysis - HTML' option that is shown on our video refers to calling the static file analysis part of the API and including the parameter report_format=html. This will ensure that the response from the API is given in HTML rather than the default of JSON.
You mention that our API documentation shows 3 submissions (1 post and 2 gets) each of these submissions will accept the report_format option which has two options (JSON which is the default and HTML). This has lead to the 6 items that you can see in Insomnia in our video.
I created my own “404 Page not found” error page on a TYPO3 website and implemented it via the /typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php as follows, using the page’s Speaking URL path:
return [
'FE' => [
'pageNotFound_handling' => '/page-not-found/',
Now when I call a non-existing page, the error page gets displayed but there is a 4-digit alphanumeric number (hexadecimal as far as I’ve seen by now) BEFORE the HTML source code and a “0” AFTER it. Example (the number in the beginning is different after most of the reloads):
<!DOCTYPE html>
When calling the error page URL itself the page is returned correctly without those numbers.
Having the RealURL extension activated or deactivated does not make a difference.
Thanks a lot in advance!
I added the full description from the install tool and I guess we might find the solution there.
How TYPO3 should handle requests for non-existing/accessible pages.
empty (default)
The next visible page upwards in the page tree is shown.
'true' or '1'
An error message is shown.
Static HTML file to show (reads content and outputs with correct headers), e.g. notfound.html or http://www.example.org/errors/notfound.html.
Prefix "REDIRECT:"
If prefixed with "REDIRECT:" it will redirect to the URL/script after the prefix.
Prefix "READFILE:"
If prefixed with "READFILE" then it will expect the remaining string to be a HTML file which will be read and outputted directly after having the marker "###CURRENT_URL###" substituted with REQUEST_URI and ###REASON### with reason text, for example: READFILE:fileadmin/notfound.html.
If prefixed with "USER_FUNCTION:" a user function is called, e.g. USER_FUNCTION:fileadmin/class.user_notfound.php:user_notFound->pageNotFound where the file must contain a class user_notFound with a method pageNotFound() inside with two parameters $param and $ref.
What you configured:
You're passing a string, thus TYPO3 expects to find a file - which you don't have, because it's more like an URL.
From what you try to achieve I'd go with REDIRECT:/page-not-found/.
Thanks for pointing this one out btw, I will remove the string configuration from the core since it does not make sense to have more people trip into this pitfall.
In short: change the following line in the FE section of your LocalConfiguration.php:
'pageNotFound_handling' => '/your404page.html',
'pageNotFound_handling' => 'REDIRECT:/your404page.html',
The actual cause is a combination of chunked Content-Encoding and the TYPO3 not being able to decode that in some cases. In your case the page not found handler eventually uses GeneralUtility::getUrl() to retrieve the error page.
If you have [SYS][curlUse] enabled it will use cUrl to retrieve the page and there is no problem.
If you don't have [SYS][curlUse] enabled it will open a socket, read the headers and then read the rest of the body. If the webserver uses "chunked" Content-Encoding the body will contain blocks of data and each block starts with a line with the length in hexadecimal format. The content ends with an empty block (with of course a line with the length "0").
cUrl apparently knows how to decode chunked data.
getUrl() itself does not know how to handle chunked data and uses the content as is as the page content.
In TYPO3 8 LTS the guzzle library is used to handle HTTP requests. In the guzzle code I can't find anything about handling chunked data. Guzzle will check if the cUrl PHP extension is present and use that as preferred transport. In most installations cUrl is present and since this decodes chunked data automagically no problem is visible. I have to test guzzle with PHP that has cUrl disabled to see if the issue is also present in v8/master.
If the PHP extension cUrl is enabled in your installation you can simply set [SYS][curlUse] in the Install Tool. The numbers around the 404 page content will disappear.
I am trying to synchronize an Outlook folder (say the Inbox) using the beta version of the Outlook Rest Api see doc here
I need only to retrieve the property IsRead and the PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID
So following documentation, for the first synchronization my requests look like:
The following Http headers are always added:
request.Headers.Add("Prefer", "odata.track-changes");
request.Headers.Add("Prefer", "odata.maxpagesize=5"); //Use a small page size easier for debugging
The first initial full synchronization request
https://outlook.office365.com/api/beta/Me/MailFolders('inbox')/messages?$select=IsRead&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=(PropertyId eq 'String 0x1035'))
Good results the value array contain what I need.
The second request after the first request uses the deltatoken
https://outlook.office365.com/api/beta/Me/MailFolders('inbox')/messages?$select=IsRead,Subject&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=(PropertyId eq 'String 0x1035'))&$deltatoken=a758b90491954a61ad463ef3a0e690a2
Bad results, no SingleValueExtendedProperties entries
Next requests for paginations with skiptoken...
https://outlook.office365.com/api/beta/Me/MailFolders('inbox')/messages?$select=IsRead,Subject&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=(PropertyId eq 'String 0x1035'))&$skiptoken=e99ad10324464488b6b219ca5ed6be1c
Bad results again, same as 2.
It looks like a bug to me. Can you provide a workaround? From a list of ItemId is possible to retrieve easily the list of corresponding PR_InternetMessage_Id efficiently (not item per item)?
Note also that in the documentation it is written that:
The response will include a Preference-Applied: odata.track-changes
header. If you attempt to sync a resource that is not supported, this
header will not be returned in the response. Check for this header
before processing the response to avoid errors.
It seems that for 2. and 3. calls this response header "Preference-Applied" is not set.
The sync functionality today doesn't support extended properties. However, we are working to enable this and it should start working in a few weeks.
For a workaround for the very special case of the PR_INTERNETMESSAGE_ID look at the comment below.
I'm building a simple image file upload form. Programmatically, I'm using the Laravel 5 framework. Through the Input facade (through Illuminate), I can resolve the file object, which in itself is an UploadedFile (through Symfony).
The UploadedFile's API ref page (Symfony docs) says that
public integer | null getClientSize()
Returns the file size. It is extracted from the request from which the
file has been uploaded. It should not be considered as a safe
value. Return Value integer|null The file size
What will be these cases where the uploaded filesize is wrongly reported?
Are there known exploits using this?
How can the admin ensure this is detected (and hence logged as a trespass attempt)?
That method is using the "Content-Length" header, which can easily be forged. You'll want to use the easy construct $_FILES['myfile']['size']. As an answer to another question has already stated: Can $_FILES[...]['size'] be forged?
This value checks the actual size of the file, and is not modified by the provided headers.
If you'd like to check for people misbehaving, you can simply compare the content-length header to your $_FILES['myfile']['size'] value.
Is there any sample out there how to return a pdf stream (e.g. generated by Crystal Report) from a nancy module via an ajax request?
I'm not sure what you mean by "ajax request" and why it matters, but recently we had to solve similar problem - i.e. returning pdf, generated from other tool. We ended up using as a template a binary processor, utilizing the content negotiation.
You can modify the binary processor to work with application/pdf MIME type and "pdf" file extensions, so it returns the proper response whenever the request has an Accept header of "application/pdf" or when the request is like http://example.com/reports/report.pdf.
Using this, and assuming you have IReportEngine with Stream GetReportByName(string name), your module will look like (pseudo code):
Get["reports/{reportName}"] = _ => _engine.GetReportByName(_.reportName);
AFAIK every resource have a url in REST design. for example /user/28 is url of user with id equal to 28 and /users will return all users.
There are some way to represent output format of the resource:
passing a query parameter like format
specify it using extensions(changing /users url to /users.json to get the users in json format)
specifying the requested format(xml, json, xls, ...) by setting Accept http header.
I search the web and it seems the correct way is setting Accept header.
But if you want to have a http link (specified by href) to download list of users in xls format, you can't!Also if you want to download the xls by the browser, you will encounter many problems(you should use ajax so the xls should download using ajax and etc.)
If it is the best way, what is the solution for download link and if its not, which solution is better?
The Accept header is considered 'more correct', but there are plenty examples of all the options you mention. As far as I can tell, none of them is considered "bad". Personally, I'd say that you should honor and prefer the Accept header, but a format query parameter should override it, if present. The downside of the 'extension' method is that each format results in a different resource, which can get ugly.