In Apache Atlas, is there a way to delete/clean soft deleted entities after enabling hard delete? - apache-atlas

We used to have soft delete and recently enabled hard delete in atlas 1.1. Now we are trying to clean up the soft deleted entities via delete by guid api and not able to clear those. Is there a way to delete/clean soft deleted entities after enabling hard delete?
Even I tried updating the entities with active status to make it active, but the status is still "DELETED".
Apache Atlas Version: 1.1
API: DELETE /v2/entity/guid/{guid}

Atlas seems to have added purge API(/admin/purge) to delete soft deleted Entities.
You can go through the jira: for more details.

curl -iv -u admin:admin -X DELETE http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/v2/entity/guid/88f13750-f2f9-4e31-89f7-06d313fe5d39
---------------- than hard
curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-u admin:admin 'http://loclahost:21000/api/atlas/admin/purge/' \
-d '["88f13750-f2f9-4e31-89f7-06d313fe5d39"]'


Is there a kibana rest API to get and set default-route of a space?

I need to programmatically retrieve and set default route of a kibana space. On Kibana application, this can be set at stack management -> Advanced Settings page. I looked at the elasticsearch REST documentation, but could not find a suitable API. Any help is appreciated.
Not sure what version you are referring to. But the documentation link in the original post points to 7.13. And the suggestion below (from works with 7.13:
these advanced settings are stored as a Saved Object of type config. So you can update them using the Saved Object APIs
So here's how I used the API to 'set' and 'retrieve' the defaultRoute in and from my space:
$ curl --user elastic:******* -X PUT "localhost:${ES_KB_PORT}/s/${my_space}/api/saved_objects/config/7.13.2" -H "kbn-xsrf: true" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"attributes": {"defaultRoute": "/app/dashboards#/view/285828e0-b713-11eb-aba9-211e5623385d"}}'
$ curl --user elastic:******* -X POST "localhost:${ES_KB_PORT}/s/${my_space}/api/saved_objects/_export" -H "kbn-xsrf: true" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"type": "config"}'

Get metadata from Azure Data Lake store gen1

We would like to get the metadata out of the file system. Is there anything like fsImage which stores such a medata information? We used following command:
curl -i -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED>' 'https://<yourstorename>'
But this gives only lists only one level metadata. As per HDFS Api documentation, tried using following command:
curl -i -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED>' 'https://<yourstorename><CHILD> #added code style
But it gives error that it is not implemented.
I checked with Azur support and they mentioned that not all the methods provided by Hadoop are implemented. So in my case LISTSTATUS_BATCH is not implmented.

ERROR 401 on creation of External (Internal) Master Instance on GCP Cloud SQL

I started the creation of a MySQL 1st Gen read replica with Google Cloud SQL. However after 5 hours of waiting I have given up. Now I can't delete the instance and on trying to delete using the cloud terminal just get
I gave up and deleted the project...
Meanwhile back to the first part of the script -
ACCESS_TOKEN="$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)"
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"name": "food22",
"region": "us-central1",
"databaseVersion": "MYSQL_5_5",
"onPremisesConfiguration": {"hostPort": ""}}' -X POST
\[Project ID]/instances
Orange Warning Symbol
I have a nasty feeling that Google have abandoned this on premise link after I saw this - and looked at Answer Two.....
Come on Google - get your act together!

How to purge a Message Hub topic?

Frequently when developing with MessageHub, I find that I want to purge my development data from a topic.
How can I purge a MessageHub topic?
This question is similar to Purge Kafka Queue but differs because that question is directed at apache kafka and I'm not sure if Message Hub supports the kafka command line tools.
The only way to purge a Kafka topic from within Message Hub is to delete and recreate the topic. You can do this manually using the Web UI provided by the Message Hub service. Alternatively you can use the REST API for administering Kafka topics. The advantage of using the REST API is that it can be scripted.
The Message Hub REST API is documented in Swagger here: If you are not a Swagger Guru then the REST call to delete is:
POST /admin/topics/<TOPICNAME>
You will need to specify your Message Hub API key (from VCAP_SERVICES) using the X-Auth-Token header to authenticate the request. So a sample curl implementation would look like:
curl -k -v -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: */*' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: yourapikeyhere' \
The one gotcha is that Kafka topic deletion is asynchronous. So before you can re-create the topic, you need to make sure that the deletion process for the original topic has completed. This can be achieved by polling the following endpoint until it returns a 404 (Not Found) status code:
(Again the X-Auth-Token header must be present).
In curl:
curl -k -v -H -H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: yourapikeyhere' \
To (re-)create a topic requires the following REST request (also with an X-Auth-Token):
POST /admin/topics
The body of the request contains a JSON document with parameters describing the topic to create. For example:
"name": "TOPICNAME",
"partitions": 2
In curl this would would be:
curl -k -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: */*' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: yourapikeyhere' \
-d '{ "name": "TOPICNAME", "partitions": 2 }' \

Couchbase REST API vs CLI

I'm trying to use the REST API on Couchbase 2.2 and I'm finding two things that I cannot seem to do via REST:
Init a new cluster when no other nodes exist.
CLI version:
couchbase-cli cluster-init -u admin -p mypw -c localhost:8091 --cluster-init-ramsize=1024
Remove a healthy node from the cluster.
CLI version:
couchbase-cli rebalance -u admin -p mypw -c --server-remove=
As for removing a node, I've tried:
curl -u admin:mypw -d otpNode=ns_1# \
Which returns: "Cannot remove active server."
I've also tried:
curl -s -u Administrator:myclusterpw \
-d 'ejectedNodes=ns_1%4010.10.1.12&knownNodes=ns_1%4010.10.1.10%2Cns_1%4010.10.1.11' \
Which returns: {"mismatch":1} (presumably due to the node actually not being marked for ejection?)
Am I crazy, or are there no ways to do these things using curl?
I span up a two node cluster on aws ( and, I was able to remove node using the below curl request
curl -v -u Administrator:password -X POST '' -d 'ejectedNodes=ns_1#,ns_1#'
That removes the node and performs the rebalance leaving only '' as the single node. Running this request below results in 'Cannot remove active server' as you have experienced.
curl -u Administrator:password -d otpNode=ns_1#
This is because you can't remove the last node as you can't perform a rebalance, this issue is covered here
I left the real IP's in that I used so the curl requests are as clear as possible, I've terminated the nodes now though :)
Combo of:
curl -X POST -u admin:password -d username=Administrator \
-d password=letmein \
-d port=8091 \
curl -X POST -u admin:password -d memoryQuota=400 \
Ticket raised against this indicates that the ejectnode command itself won't work by design.
Server needs to either be pending or failover state to use that command seemingly