Connect to Hasura Postgres database on DigitalOcean droplet - postgresql

I've set up Hasura on a DigitalOcean droplet using the instructions here - -
How can I connect to the Postgres database? Preferably using something like DBeaver - with host, database, user, password.
I guess the Postgres is running inside a Docker container, but how do you expose it to the outside world?

The docker-compose.yaml used on the Digital Ocean Marketplace does not expose the Postgres database on the host machine.
You can find the file at /etc/hasura/docker-compose.yaml. If your database management tool supports running as a docker container, I recommend adding it's relevant configuration to the docker-compose.yaml and exposing that application to the ouside like how graphql-engine is exposed via Caddy (config in /etc/hasura/Caddyfile.
But if you'd like to connect to postgres from within the machine, add a port mapping to the docker-compose file:
image: postgres:10.5
restart: always
- db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- ""
Now, Postgres will be available at postgres://postgres:#
Do set a password if you're exposing it on the host machine.


How do I connect to Docker Postgres Container from an Outside CLI?

I have my Postgres container running, built from this docker-compose file:
version: "3.9"
image: postgres
- ./data/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- "5432:5432"
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres
It spins up fine & my other dockerized servers can connect to it. But, if I open up a CLI from outside the docker instance & try to connect with
psql postgres://postgres:password#localhost:5432/db
Or try to add a database connection in PyCharm, I get
psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL: database "db" does not exist
as a response. What do I need to do to allow outside calls to the containerized database? I've tried adding "expose:5432" to the docker compose, but that didnt help.
answered my own question here - by stopping PgAdmin from running, which I guess was blocking the 5432 port, the containerized postgres service could be accessed by the CLI & PyCharm

Docker Compose + Postgres: Expose port

I am currently trying to use Docker for my new Django/Postgres project. I am working on a Mac and usually use Postico to quickly connect to my database.
I used to connect like here:
I used the official Docker documentation to setup docker-compose. I now have the issue, that I can't connect via Postico to the postgres db. It seems to me that the problem comes from the ports not being exposed.
version: '3'
image: postgres
build: .
command: python3 runserver
- .:/code
- "8000:8000"
- db
Just map the port to the host machine, add this to the db service in your Compose file:
- "5432:5432"
Also make sure to set the postgres password variable in the compose file like this
The default user is postgres, you can change it with the POSTGRES_USER variable.
You can read about the usage of the image with all options here:
By default Compose sets up a single network for your app.
Each container can be accessed by the name of the service in the compose file.
In your case you don't have to expose the port to the host machine for your web app to have access to it. You can simply use db as the hostname for postgres (and 5432 for the port) from any other service running on the same compose.
Actually a very similar example is provided in the docker compose documentation:

How to set up a Postgres SQL database locally in my computer?

I have configured a production postgres sql database.
If I need to do debugging work, I don't want to be interacting with the production database or else that will affect the user base. Instead, I need to create a local environment such that nothing will be changed in the production database during debugging.
I am using Postgres SQL 10 and PGAdmin 4
How can I achieve that?
You could set up a test environment with docker.
first a docker-compose.yml file:
version: "3"
image: postgres:10-alpine
- ./local_path:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- "8000:5432"
- "5432"
image: dpage/pgadmin4
- "8080:80"
See the documentation for the docker postgres image on how to set environment variables to define user/password/db name.
I'm not too familiar with pgadmin but container has minimal setup options:
Then you start the containers with sudo docker-compose up.
The db container is publishing its port on 8000 on your host machine, so there should be no conflict with the postgres server running on the host.
To connect:
psql -h localhost -p 8000 -U postgres
The admin page should be available at port 8080 on your host machine.
When you connect the admin to the database in the UI, the hostname is db and the port is 5432
Now that you have a docker container set up, you might also consider using it for production also :)

Traefik and PostgreSQL

I have server with Docker and open 80 port.
I use Traefik to redirect between containers. And I want to host PostgreSQL database. After start conteiner with this settings:
image: orchardup/postgresql
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.frontend.rule=Path:/postgresql/"
But is not work
What am I doing wrong?
Traefik is a layer 7 reverse proxy.
Postgres doesn't use http, and requires a layer 4 proxy.
You need to look at using another product to proxy Postgres connections.
I guess name of your host should be name of the postgres container, not name of the service. I suggest using container_name in your compose to be persistent.
Postgres does have a http protocol, but I think its way easier to just run it outside of Traefik. Keep your backend and frontend inside traefik, and the db outside:
docker pull postgres:latest
docker run -p 5432:5432 postgres

How to connect Postgresql Docker Container with another Docker Container

I want to connect mysoft docker container to postgresql docker container.
But i have some errors:
ERROR: for mysoft_db_1 Cannot start service db: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint mysoft_db_1 (XXX):
Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
ERROR: for db Cannot start service db: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint mysoft_db_1 (XXX):
Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
here is my docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
image: mysoft/mysoft:1.2.3
- "80:8080"
- DATABASE_URL=postgres://mysoft:PASSWORD#db/mysoft?sslmode=disable
image: postgresql
- POSTGRES_DB=mysoft
- 5432:5432
I want use another, already running docker pg server to connect new soft, also one pg docker server, for more projects
Is it possible?
You should add links to the definition of mysoft service in docker-compose.yml. Then your db service will be accessible from mysoft container.
After that your service definition will look like this.
image: mysoft/mysoft:1.2.3
- "80:8080"
- DATABASE_URL=postgres://mysoft:PASSWORD#db/mysoft?sslmode=disable
- db
Now about error of binding. Probably, you receive it, because you have a local postgresql running on port 5432 or you already have a running docker container with 5432 port mapped to local machine.
- 5432:5432
It is used for mapping ports to your local machine. And if you don't need to access container's db from it, just remove it.
I want use another, already running docker pg server to connect new
soft, also one pg docker server, for more projects Is it possible?
Yes, it's possible. Use external_links.
If you choose this option:
Remove the db service and links in mysoft service definition from your docker-compose.yml
Add external_links with correct container name to mysoft service definition.
Update host and port in DATABASE_URL according to the container name and postgresql port in it.
You might want to check of you already have a local postgres running on port 5432? If you do you can not do the ports 5432:5432 but have to expose the inner port to an other outer port e.g. 5555:5432
at least if you are using native docker (running on localhost)...