sed not working as expected when trying to replace "user='mysql'" with "user=`whoami`" - sed

The following command fails.
sed 's/user=\'mysql\'/user=`whoami`/g' input_file
An example input_file contains the following line
The corresponding expected output is
(Yes, I literally want whoami between backticks, I don't want it to expand my userid.)

This should be what you need:
Using double quotes to enclose the sed command,
so that you are free to use single quotes in it;
escape backticks to avoid the expansion.
sed "s/user='mysql'/user=\`whoami\`/g" yourfile
I've intentionally omitted the -i option for the simple reason that it is not part of the issue.
To clarify the relation between single quotes and escaping, compare the following two commands
echo 'I didn\'t know'
echo 'I didn'\''t know'
The former will wait for further input as there's an open ', whereas the latter will work fine, as you are concatenating a single quoted string ('I didn'), an escaped single quote (\'), and another single quoted string ('t know').


What do I miss in this sed Expression?

I'd like to replace the database server of a horde config file from "localhost" to a remote server (I use "" as a placeholder).
The file in question is /var/www/horde/config/conf.php.
The line in the file looks like this:
$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
Now I have created a sed line like so:
sed s/\$conf\[\'sql\'\]\[\'hostspec\'\]\ \=\ \'localhost\'\;/\$conf\[\'sql\'\]\[\
'hostspec\'\]\ \=\ \'database\.contoso\.com\'\;/ /var/www/horde/config/conf.php
But for whatever reason, it does not work -I spare out the -i option for later.
While trying to figure out, why it does not work, I did this:
echo "\$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';"|sed s/\$conf\[\'sql\'\]\[\'hostspec\'\]\ \=\ \'localhost\'\;/\$conf\[\'sql\'\]\[\'hostspec\'\]\ \=\ \'database\.contoso\.com\'\;/
which returns this:
$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
but it should return:
$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = '';
What am I missing?
From Escape a string for a sed replace pattern in this case it would work:
KEYWORD="\$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';"
REPLACE="\$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = '';"
ESCAPED_REPLACE=$(printf '%s\n' "$REPLACE" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')
ESCAPED_KEYWORD=$(printf '%s\n' "$KEYWORD" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g');
The immediate problem is that you are not quoting enough. To match a regex metacharacter literally, you need to pass in a literal backslash \\ followed by a literal, like for example \[. But the simplest solution by far is to use single quotes around your expression, and then only backslash the characters which are regex metacharacters.
Literal single quotes inside single quotes are still challenging. Here, I have chosen to end the single-quoted string, insert a backslash-escaped but otherwise unquoted single quote, and add an opening single quote to continue with another single-quoted string. The shell glues these together into a single string.
echo "\$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';" |
sed 's/\$conf\['\''sql'\''\]\['\''hostspec'\''\] = '\''localhost'\'';/$conf['\''sql'\'']['\''hostspec'\''] = '\'''\'';/'
A better solution generally is to use backreferences to quote back part of the matched string so you don't have to repeat it.
echo "\$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';" |
sed 's/\(\$conf\['\''sql'\''\]\['\''hostspec'\''\] = '\''\)[^'\'']*'\'';/\'\'';/'
A much much much better solution is to change your PHP script so that this setting can be overridden with an option, an environment variable, and/or a configuration file.
This might work for you (GNU sed & shell):
sed -E 's/(\$conf\[('\'')sql\2]\[\2hostspec\2\] = )\2localhost\2;/\1\\2;/' file
Use pattern matching to match and replace.
N.B. Certain metacharacters must be escaped/quoted i.e. $,[,] and then because the sed commands are surrounded by single quotes, each single quote (within the substitution command) must be replaced by '\'' (see here for reasoning). Also, back references can be used both in the RHS and the LHS of the substitution command. The back references in the LHS especially allow for the shortening of the overall command and perhaps make the regexp more readable.

Issue with sed command in Bash for string replacement

I've been looking for a way to find-and-replace strings in all fortran files in my current directory. Most answers on here are along the lines of using:
sed -i 's/INCLUDE \'atm/\'/USE params/g' *.f
perl -pi -w -e 's/INCLUDE \'atm/\'/USE params/g' *.f
However, when I use either of these the bash line continuation > pops up on the next line as if it's expecting input or another argument. I haven't seen anyone else encounter this and I am not sure what to do with it. Are my commands incorrect; am I missing something?
There are two problems with the original:
You weren't protecting your / in the literal data from being parsed by sed rather than treated as data. One very readable and explicit way to do this is with [/].
You were trying to use \' to put a literal ' in a single-quoted string. That doesn't work. The common idiom is '"'"', which, character-by-character, does the following:
' - exits the original single-quoted context
" - opens a double-quoted context
' - adds a literal single-quote (protected by the surrounding double quotes)
" - ends that double-quoted context
' - resumes the outer single-quoted context.
Thus, consider:
# note: this works with GNU sed, not MacOS sed or others
sed -i 's/INCLUDE '"'"'atm[/]'"'"'/USE params/g' *.f

sed command not working properly on ubuntu

I have one file named `config_3_setConfigPW.ldif? containing the following line:
on terminal, I used following commands
sed -i "s#{pass}#$SLAPPASSWD#" config_3_setConfigPW.ldif
It should replace {pass} to Pwd&0011 but it generates Pwd{pass}0011.
The reason is that the SLAPPASSWD shell variable is expanded before sed sees it. So sed sees:
sed -i "s#{pass}#Pwd&0011#" config_3_setConfigPW.ldif
When an "&" is on the right hand side of a pattern it means "copy the matched input", and in your case the matched input is "{pass}".
The real problem is that you would have to escape all the special characters that might arise in SLAPPASSWD, to prevent sed doing this. For example, if you had character "#" in the password, sed would think it was the end of the substitute command, and give a syntax error.
Because of this, I wouldn't use sed for this. You could try gawk or perl?
eg, this will print out the modified file in awk (though it still assumes that SLAPPASSWD contains no " character
awk -F \{pass\} ' { print $1"'${SLAPPASSWD}'"$2 } ' config_3_setConfigPW.ldif
That's because$SLAPPASSWD contains the character sequences & which is a metacharacter used by sed and evaluates to the matched text in the s command. Meaning:
sed 's/{pass}/match: &/' <<< '{pass}'
would give you:
match: {pass}
A time ago I've asked this question: "Is it possible to escape regex metacharacters reliably with sed". Answers there show how to reliably escape the password before using it as the replacement part:
pwdEscaped="$(sed 's/[&/\]/\\&/g' <<< "$pwd")"
# Now you can safely pass $pwd to sed
sed -i "s/{pass}/$pwdEscaped/" config_3_setConfigPW.ldif
Bear in mind that sed NEVER operates on strings. The thing sed searches for is a regexp and the thing it replaces it with is string-like but has some metacharacters you need to be aware of, e.g. & or \<number>, and all of it needs to avoid using the sed delimiters, / typically.
If you want to operate on strings you need to use awk:
awk -v old="{pass}" -v new="$SLAPPASSWD" 's=index($0,old){ $0 = substr($0,1,s-1) new substr($0,s+length(old))} 1' file
Even the above would need tweaked if old or new contained escape characters.

sed command over multiple lines not working

I am using sed to replace 14 different abbreviations like CA_23456, CB_scaffold34532,... with 'proper' names in a file and it works putting it all on one line.
sed -e 's/CA_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Hesperocyparis_arizonica/;s/CB_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Hesperocyparis_bakeri/;s/CM_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Hesperocyparis_macrocarpa/;s/CS_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Cupressus_sempervirens/;s/CT_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Cupressus_torulosa/;s/JD_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Juniperus_drupacea/;s/JF_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Juniperus_flaccida/;s/JI_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Juniperus_indica/;s/JP_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Juniperus_phoenicea/;s/JX_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Juniperus_procera/;s/JS_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Juniperus_scopulorum/;s/MD_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Microbiota_decussata/;s/XN_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Xanthocyparis_nootkatensis/;s/XV_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Xanthocyparis_vietnamensis/' ${acc}.nex > ${acc}_replaced.nex
To make it more readable I'd like to have the command split over multiple lines using '\' (not all the replacements are shown for brevity)
sed -e 's/CA_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Hesperocyparis_arizonica/;\
${acc}.nex > ${acc}_replaced.nex
However, I get an error message: sed: -e expression #1, char 168: unterminated address regex. I have looked at the answers to similar problems on various webforums and tried various things (using 's/.../.../' on every line, leaving ';' out,....) but I can't get it to work. What am I doing wrong?
Drop the \ that escapes the newlines. (They are not actually doing it!, they are interpreted as wrong syntax by sed). However I would suggest to put it into a file and run it like this:
sed -f script.sed input
where script.sed looks like this:
Remove the backslashes from the sed code.
Inside singly-quoted shell strings, backslashes are not needed to escape newlines and are not removed because they are not parsed as escape characters. This has the effect that sed sees them as part of its code, and it then expects to find an address regex with a different delimiter than / before the command ends at the next newline (similar to \,/home/, !d). This address regex does not appear (nor an associated command), and so sed complains about invalid code.
Apart from that: The semicolons in the sed code are no longer necessary when you terminate commands with newlines, and anything involving shell variables should be quoted to avoid splitting in case of whitespace.
In sum:
sed -e 's/CA_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Hesperocyparis_arizonica/
s/CM_[A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]*/Hesperocyparis_macrocarpa/' \
"${acc}.nex" > "${acc}_replaced.nex"

How to use sed to delete lines which have certain pattern and at some specific line range?

This is the command working for me:
sed "50,99999{/^\s*printf/d}" the_file
So this command delete all the lines between 50 and 99999 which have "printf" in it and there is only whitespace before printf at the line.
Now my questions are:
how to replace 99999 with some meta symbol to indicate the real line number
I tried sed "50,${/^\s*PUTS/d}" the_file, but it is not right.
how to replace "printf" with an environment variable? I tried
set pattern printf
sed "50,99999{/^\s*$pattern/d}" the_file
but it is not right.
Assuming a Bourne-like shell such as bash:
Simply define shell variables and splice them into your sed command string:
sed '50,'"$endLine"'{ /^\s*'"$pattern"'/d; }' the_file
Note that the static parts of the sed command strings are single-quoted, as that protects them from interpretation by the shell (which means you needn't quote $ and `, for instance).
You can put everything into a single double-quoted string so as to be able to embed variable references directly, but distinguishing between what the shell will interpret up front and what sed will interpret can get confusing quickly.
That said, using a double-quoted string for the case at hand is simple:
sed "50,$endLine { /^\s*$pattern/d; }" the_file
sed "50,${/^\s*PUTS/d}" the_file
this line won't work, because you used double quotes, and you need escape the dollar: \$ or use single quote: '50,${/.../d}' file
sed "50,99999{/^\s*$pattern/d}" file
this line should work.
wait, I just noticed that you set env var via set... this is not correct if you were with Bash. you should use export PAT="PUT" in your script.
check #Jonathan and #tripleee 's comments