HLSL - asuint of a float seems to return the wrong value - unity3d

I've been attempting to encode 4 uints (8-bit) into one float so that I can easily store them in a texture along with a depth value. My code wasn't working, and ultimately I found that the issue boiled down to this:
asuint(asfloat(uint(x))) returns 0 in most cases, when it should return x.
In theory, this code should return x (where x is a whole number) because the bits in x are being converted to float, then back to uint, so the same bits end up being interpreted as a uint again. However, I found that the only case where this function seems to return x is when the bits of x are interpreted as a very large float. I considered the possibility that this could be a graphics driver issue, so I tried it on two different computers and got the same issue on both.
I tested several other variations of this code, and all of these seem to work correctly.
asfloat(asuint(float(x))) = x
asuint(asint(uint(x))) = x
asuint(uint(x)) = x
The only case that does not work as intended is the first case mentioned in this post. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? Also, this code is being run in a fragment shader inside of Unity.

After a long time of searching, I found some sort of answer, so I figured I would post it here just in case anyone else stumbles across this problem. The reason that this code does not work has something to do with float denormalization. (I don't completely understand it.) Anyway, denormalized floats were being interpreted as 0 by asuint so that asuint of a denormalized float would always be 0.
A somewhat acceptable solution may be (asuint(asfloat(x | 1073741824)) & 3221225471)
This ensures that the float is normalized, however it also erases any data stored in the second bit. If anyone has any other solutions that can preserve this bit, let me know!


Nesting a specific recursion in Pari-GP

I've posted a similar problem, initially on Stackexchange; it was moved here and can be found at the link: Declaring a functional recursive sequence in Matlab I'm trying to do something similar in this post, but I've figured that Matlab isn't the place to do it. I'll have to use Pari-GP; and at this point there's no two ways about it.
This is essentially a coding project I've made for myself; which is to effectively numerically evaluate a certain construction of the Tetration function. I've been able to code it fairly well in MatLab; the trouble is, as we are dealing with large numbers like e^e^e^e^e^e^e; these short circuit in MatLab. Pari-GP has a much better understanding of numbers which would usually cause overflows; and I'm now fully realizing why it's used consistently by the Tetration community.
Nonetheless, the Matlab code works for small numbers and numbers with a niceness to them (well placed imaginary argument). For completeness of this question; the github repository for the matlab code is https://github.com/JmsNxn92/Recursive_Tetration This isn't the code we want though; I've optimized it further; this isn't up to date totally. But for the purpose of this question, it's enough.
Now, I'm not the best programmer. I haven't programmed since '09, maybe; but I still know my way around. But it's more that I have the framework of coding; and less the actual syntax. Imagine being well acquainted with french philosophy and french writing; but stumbling your words when ordering a cafe.
As to that, I'll stop beating around the bush, and get to the question.
If I define a function beta_function in Pari-GP and write it as,
beta_function(z,l,n) =
out = 0;
out = exp(out)/(exp(l*(n-i-z)) +1));
Everything is good, and it works. Now the code for beta_function in MatLab isn't very different. There's nothing more complex being added. As I originally asked for MatLab, I'm asking again for Pari-GP. This is how to code a function tau_K(z,l,n,k); which is perfectly doable. I'm just missing something obvious.
The code for tau_K(z,l,n,k) in MatLab is attached below. A friendly person on here explained how to do this in MatLab; for those of you interested, I wasn't really defining the recursion properly beforehand. Here is the current MatLab code I'm using,
function f = tau_K(z,l,n,k)
if k == 1
f = -log(1+exp(-l*z));
f = log(1 + tau_K(z+1,l,n,k-1)./beta_function(z+1,l,n)) - log(1+exp(-l*z));
The question is simple. How would one define this recursion in Pari-GP; how do you code this in Pari-GP?
Everything seems to be collapsing towards a return value at 0, when I try to directly translate this code. And honest to god; I know it's just because I'm making some syntax error in how I'm calling the output into the next iteration. I've tried everything I could think of. And the tutorials, they don't seem to be helping. I've tried next to everything. And at this point, I know I'm missing something stupid syntactically.
I'm just hoping someone here would be so helpful as to explain this to me like I'm in kindergarten. I've heard that tail recursion is important here. And if so, how would I code this in? Simply add in a variable which keeps track of everything?
Again, thanks if you got this far into the question.
When asking questions, it would help if you would provide expected output for some specified given arguments, otherwise it is hard to test. I don't know MATLAB, but your functions could be written in PARI:
my(out = 0);
out = exp(out)/(exp(l*(n-i-z)) +1));
if(k == 1,
log(1 + tau_K(z+1,l,n,k-1)/beta_function(z+1,l,n)) - log(1+exp(-l*z))
In the beta_function, it is important to put my() around out = 0. This keeps the variable local to the function. Failure to do this, means that out will be a global variable, and many subtle bugs can arise.
PARI is a functional programming language which means you often don't need to assign things explicitly to temporary variables. For example if will return a value and this can be returned from your tau_K function (in your MATLAB code you assign to a temporary variable f, but in PARI this is not necessary).
There are no issues with calling a function recursively. In this case, tau_K can just call itself as needed.
In the MATLAB program you have ./. I don't know what this means - I have replaced by / which is just the normal division operator.
Before running you will need to set some precision for the numeric operations. The easiest way to achieve this is to enter \p100 at the PARI-GP prompt. (or \p1000 if you need a 1000 decimal digits of precision). It is possible to control precision dynamically, if you need some part of the calculation performed at high precision and other parts at a lower precision or if the precision needs to be dependent on n.

Declaring a functional recursive sequence in Matlab

I'd like to declare first of all, that I'm a mathematician. This might be a stupid stupid question; but I've gone through all the matlab tutorials--they've gotten me nowhere. I imagine I could code this in C (it'd be exhausting); but I need matlab for this particular function. And I don't get exactly how to do it.
Here is the pasted Matlab code of where I'm running into trouble:
function y = TAU(z,n)
for i =[1,n]
y(z) = log(beta(z+1,i) + y(z+1)) - beta(z,i);
(beta is an arbitrary "float" to "float" function with an index i.)
I'm having trouble declaring y as a function, in which we call the function at a different argument. I want to define y_n(z) with something something y_{n-1}(z+1). This is all done in a recursive process to create the function. I really feel like I'm missing something stupid.
As a default function it assigns y to be an array (or whatever you call the default index assignment). But I don't want an array. I want y to be assigned as a "function" class (i.e. takes "float" to "float"). And then I'm defining a sequence of y_n : "float" to "float". So that z to z+1 is a map on "float" to "float".
I don't know if I'm asking too much of matlab...
Help a poor mathematician who hasn't coded since the glory days of X-box mods.
...Please don't tell me I have to go back to Pari-GP/C drawing boards over something so stupid.
Please help!
EDIT: At rahnema1 & mimocha's request, I'll describe the math, and of what I am trying to do with my program. I can't see how to implement latex in here. So I'll write the latex code in a generator and upload a picture. I'm not so sure if there even is a work around to what I want to do.
As to the expected output. We'd want,
beta(z+1,i) + TAU(z+1,i) = exp(beta(z,i) + TAU(z,i+1))
And we want to grow i to a fixed value n. Again, I haven't programmed in forever, so I apologize if I'm speaking a little nonsensically.
So, as #rahnema1 suggests; I should produce a reproducible example. In order to do this, I'll write the code for my beta function. It's surprisingly simple. This is for the case where the "multiplier" variable is set to log(2); but you don't need to worry about any of that.
function f = beta(z,n)
for i = 0:n-1
f = exp(f)/(1+exp(log(2)*(n-i-z)));
This will work fine for z a float no greater than 4. Once you make z larger it'll start to overflow. So for example, if you put in,
beta(3,100) - exp(beta(2,100))/(1/4+1)
The significance of the 100, is simply how many iterations we perform; it converges fast so even setting this to 15 or so will still produce the same numerical accuracy. Now, the expected output I want for TAU is pretty straight forward,
TAU(z,1) = log(beta(z+1,1)) - beta(z,1)
TAU(z,2) = log(beta(z+1,2) + TAU(z+1,1)) - beta(z,2)
TAU(z,3) = log(beta(z+1,3) + TAU(z+1,2)) - beta(z,3)
TAU(z,n) = log(beta(z+1,n) + TAU(z+1,n-1)) -beta(z,n)
I hope this helps. I feel like there should be an easy way to program this sequence, and I must be missing something obvious; but maybe it's just not possible in Matlab.
At mimocha's suggestion, I'll look into tail-end recursion. I hope to god I don't have to go back to Pari-gp; but it looks like I may have to. Not looking forward to doing a deep dive on that language, lol.
Thanks, again!
Is this what you are looking for?
function out = tau(z,n)
% Ends recursion when n == 1
if n == 1
out = log(beta(z+1,1)) - beta(z,1);
out = log(beta(z+1,n) + tau(z+1,n-1)) - beta(z,n);
function f = beta(z,n)
f = 0;
for i = 0:n-1
f = exp(f) / (1 + exp(log(2)*(n-i-z)));
This is basically your code from the most recent edit, but I've added a simple catch in the tau function. I tried running your code and noticed that n gets decremented infinitely (no exit condition).
With the modification, the code runs successfully on my laptop for smaller integer values of n, where 1e5 > n >= 1; and for floating values of z, real and complex. So the code will unfortunately break for floating values of n, since I don't know what values to return for, say, tau(1,0) or tau(1,0.9). This should easily be fixable if you know the math though.
However, many of the values I get are NaNs or Infs. So I'm not sure if your original problem was Out of memory error (infinite recursion), or values blowing up to infinity / NaN (numerical stability issue).
Here is a quick 100x100 grid calculation I made with this code.
Then I tested on negative values of z, and found the imaginary part of the output to looks kinda cool.
Not to mention I'm slightly geeking out over the fact that pi is showing up in the imaginary part as well :)
tau(-0.3,2) == -1.45179335740446147085 +3.14159265358979311600i

subscript indices must be either positive integers less than 2^31 or logicals

I'm quite new to Matlab/Octave programming, but have this one issue that I can't seem to solve.
I wrote the following which is actually a quite straight forward calculation on an option price using the Black Scholes Formula (just to give you some background). However, I do constantly get the following error msg:
"subscript indices must be either positive integers less than 2^31 or logicals"
One would think that this explaines it quite nicely and I know there've been questions on it before. The thing that causes troubles, however, is that I am not using any kind of subscript index in my code at all.
Here is my code:
function v=BS_LBO_strike_call(s,T,sigma,r,q,l,alpha)
d1=(log(alpha*l./s) + (r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T));
d2=(log(alpha*l./s) - (r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T));
d3=(log(alpha*l./s) + (r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T));
d4=(log(alpha*l./s) + (r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T));
v = exp(-r*T)*s(0.5*sigma^2./(r-q)*(l./s).^(2*(r-q)./sigma^2).*normcdf(d1) - 0.5*sigma^2./(r-q)*alpha.^(-2*(r-q)./sigma^2).*exp((r-q).*T).*normcdf(d2) + alpha.exp*((r-q).*T).*normcdf(d3) - (l./s).*normcdf(d4));
So, I can't seem to figure out what doesn't work out for Octave.
I would highly appreciate if you could maybe shed some light on this. I'm convinced there must be something minor that I overlook
The source of your issues lies in your last line. You have the following:
v = exp(-r * T) * s(0.5 * sigma^2 ....
I think that you have omitted an * between the s and the opening parenthesis because as it is now, everything after that parenthesis is being treated as a subscript into s. This is the root cause of the error you are getting because what follows is likely not an integer or logical.
There is one other point in that line that is likely going to lead to some errors as well. You have the following as part of that statement.
alpha.exp*((r-q).*T) ...
Unless alpha is a struct (I'm sure it's not because you haven't used it that way previously), you will likely want something else besides the . between alpha and exp. Maybe another *?

uint64 is not exact for vectors in Matlab

I have discovered an inconsistency for uint64 when using vectors in Matlab. It seems as an array of uint64 is not exact for all 64 bits. This did not give the output I expected,
p =
q = uint64(13286492335502040542)
q =
does. It is also working with
p =
Working with unsigned integers one expect a special behaviour and usually also perfect precision. This seems weird and even a bit uncanny. I do not see this problem with smaller numbers. Maybe anyone knows more? I do not expect this to be an unknown problem, so I guess there must be some explanation to it. I would be good to know why this happen and when, to be able to avoid it. As usual this kind of issues is mentioned nowhere in the documentation.
Matlab 2014a, windows 7.
It is worth mentioning that I can see the same behaviour when defining arrays directly.
p =
This is the root to why I ask this question. I have hard to see workaround for this case.
While it might be surprising, this is a floating point precision issue. :-)
The thing is, all numeric literals are by default of type double in MATLAB; that's why:
13286492335502040542 == 13286492335502041088
will return true; the floating point representation in double precision of 13286492335502040542 is 13286492335502041088. Since p has the class uint64, all assignments done to it will cast the right-hand-side to its class.
On another hand, the uint64(13286492335502040542) "call" will be optimized by the MATLAB interpreter to avoid the overhead of calling the uint64 function for the double argument, and will convert the literal directly to its unsigned integer representation (which is exact).
On a third hand [sic], the function call optimization doesn't apply to
p = uint64([13286492335502040542;13286492335502040543])
because the argument of uint64 is not a literal, but the result of an expression, i.e. the result of the vertcat operator applied to two double operands. In this case the MATLAB interpreter is not smart enough to figure out that the two function calls should "commute" (concatenation of uint should be the same as uint of concatenation), so it evaluates the concatenation (which gives an array of equal double because FP precision), then converts the two similar double values to uint64.
TLDR: the difference between
p = uint64(13286492335502040542);
u = 13286492335502040542; p = uint64(u);
is a side effect of function call optimization.
Matlab, unless told otherwise reads numbers as double, then casts to the relevant datatype. The Matlab double datatype allows for 51 bits for the floating point fraction, giving the possibility to store 52 bit integers without loss of prepossession (mantissa). Notice that 13286492335502041088 is just 13286492335502040543 with the last 12 bits set to zero.
the solution as you said, is to convert the literals directly uint64(13286492335502040543).
p=uint64([13286492335502040542;13286492335502040543]) does not work because it creates a double array and then converts it to uint64
This issue is mentioned in the uint64 documentation, under 'More About', although it doesn't mention that laterals are read as doubles unless otherwise specified.
I agree this seems weird and I don't have an explanation. I do have a workaround:
i.e., cast the separate values to uint64s.

Matlab not taking last number in array?

I've got a Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch problem.
I've already localized the issue, and know exactly what is going on, I just don't know why.
Here's the problematic piece of code:
mFrames(:,i) = vSignal(round(start:1:frameLength*samplingRate));
frameLength = frameLength+frameShift;
I've already checked what's going on in debugmode; usually my resulting column length of mFrames is 128, this stays the same until i=1004. Then, my column length changes to 127.
I've checked the values involved while in debug mode, and it simply does not make sense what is going on. At i==1004 start=32097 and frameLength*samplingRate=32224.
That's a difference of 127 meaning 128 points, that should work.
BUT when i assign a vector A=round(start:1:frameLength*samplingRate)
OR B=start:1:frameLength*samplingRate
In both cases I get a vector going from 32097 to 32223. This ALTHOUGH when I give in frameLength*samplingRate matlab is giving me 32224.
In other words, matlab is telling me it's using one number, but when I test I find it's using a different one.
Any help appreciated.
I suspect your 32224 is not actually 32224. MATLAB's default format only displays so many decimal places, so when dealing with floating point numbers, what is printed on screen is not necessarily the "exact" value.
Let's go back a step and look at how the synatx x = start:step:end works.
1:1:10 should give us numbers in steps of 1 from 1 to 10. Fair enough, that makes sense. What if we set the end value to something that's slightly above 10?
Well, it still gives us 1:1:10, (or 1:10, 1 being the default step) because we can't have values higher than the end-point, so 11 isn't a correct step.
So what about this:
Spoiler: it's the same as 1:9
And this?
Yep, still 1:9
But if we do this:
a = 9.9999999;
Then with default format, the value of a will be shown on the command line and in your list of workspace variables as 10.0000.
Now, if frameLength and samplingRate are both stored as floating point numbers, it's possible that the number you see as 32224 is not 32224 but very slightly below that. You can check this by changing your default format - e.g. format long at the command line - to show more decimal places.
The simplest solution is probably to do something like:
Or try to store the relevant values as integers (e.g., uint32).