Why doesn't this deref of a reference work as a one-liner? - perl

my #list1 = ('a');
my #list2 = ('b');
my #list0 = ( \#list1, \#list2 );
my #listRef = $list0[1];
my #list = #$listRef; # works
my #list = #$($list0[1]); # gives an error message
I can't figure out why. What am I missing?

There is one simple de-referencing rule that covers this. Loosely put:
What follows the sigil need be the correct reference for it, or a block that evaluates to that.
A specific case from perlreftut
You can always use an array reference, in curly braces, in place of the name of an array.
In your case then, it should be
my #list = #{ $list0[1] };
(not index [2] since your #list0 has two elements)  Spaces are there only for readability.
The attempted #$($list0[2]) is a syntax error, first because the ( (following the $) isn't allowed in an identifier (variable name), what presumably follows that $.
A block {} though would be allowed after the $ and would be evaluated, and must yield a scalar reference in this case, to be dereferenced by that $ in front of it; but then the first # would be in error. That can then fixed as well but this gets messy if pushed, and wasn't meant to go that far. While the exact rules are (still) a little murky, see Identifier Parsing in perldata.
The #$listRef earlier is correct syntax in general. But it refers to a scalar variable $listRef (which must be an array reference since it's getting dereferenced into an array by the first #), and there is no such a thing in the example -- you have an array variable #listRef.
So with use strict; in effect this, too, would fail to compile.
Dereferencing an arrayref to assign a new array is expensive as it has to copy all elements (and to construct the new array variable), while it's rarely needed (unless you actually want a copy). With the array reference on hand ($ar) all that one may need is readily available
#$ar; # list of elements
$ar->[$index]; # specific element
#$ar[#indices]; # slice -- list of some elements, like #$ar[0,2..5,-1]
$ar->#[0,-1]; # slice, with new "postfix dereferencing" (stable at v5.24)
$#$ar; # last index in the anonymous array referred by $ar
See Slices in perldata and Postfix reference slicing in perlref

You need
#{ $list0[1] }
Whenever you can use the name of a variable, you can use a block that evaluates to a reference. That means the syntax for getting the elements of an array are
#NAME # If you have the name
#BLOCK # If you have a reference
That means that
my #array1 = 4..5;
my #array2 = #array1;
my $array1 = [ 4..5 ];
my #array2 = #{ $array1 }
are equivalent.
When the only thing in the block is a simple scalar ($NAME or $BLOCK), you can omit the curlies. That means that
#{ $array1 }
is equivalent to
That's why #$listRef works, and it's why #{ $list0[1] } can't be simplified.
See Perl Dereferencing Syntax.

You have a lot going on there and multiple levels of inadvertent references, so let's go through it:
First, you start by making a list of two items, each of which is an array reference. You store that in an array:
my #list0 = ( \#list2, \#list2 );
Then you ask for the item with index 2, which is a single item, and store that in an array:
my #listRef = $list0[2];
However, there is no item with index 2 because Perl indexes from zero. The value in #listRef in undefined. Not only that, but you've asked for a single item and stored it in an array instead of a scalar. That's probably not what you meant.
You say this following line works, but I don't think you know that because it won't give you the value you were expecting even if you didn't get an error. Something else is happening. You haven't declared or used a variable $listRef, so Perl creates it for you and gives it the value undef. When you try to dereference it, Perl uses "autovivification" to create the reference. This is the process where Perl helpfully creates a reference structure for you if you start with undef:
my #list = #$listRef; # works
There is nothing in that array so #list should be empty.
Fix that to get the last item, which has index of 1, and fix it so you are assigning the single value (the reference) to a scalar variable:
my $listRef = $list0[1];
Data::Dumper is handy here:
use Data::Dumper;
my #list2 = qw(a b c);
my #list0 = ( \#list2, \#list2 );
my $listRef = $list0[1];
print Dumper($listRef);
You get the output:
$VAR1 = [
Perl has some features that can catch these sorts of variable naming mistakes and will help you track down problems. Add these to the top of your program:
use strict;
use warnings;
For the rest, you might want to check out my book Intermediate Perl which explains all this reference stuff.
And, recent Perls have a new feature called postfix dereferencing that allows you to write dereferences from left to right:
my #items = ( \#list2, \#list2 );
my #items_of_last_ref = $items[1]->#*;

my #list = #$#listRef; # works
I doubt that works. That may not throw a syntax error but it sure as hell does not do what you think it does. For once
my #list0 = ( \#list2, \#list2 );
defines an array with 2 elements and you access
my #listRef = $list0[2];
the third element. So #listRef is an array that contains one element which is undef. The following code doesn't make sense either.
Unless the question is purely academic (answered by zdim already), I assume you want the second element of #list into a separate array, I would write
my #list = #{ $list0[1] };

The question is not complete and not clear on desired outcome.
OP tries to access an element $list0[2] of array #list0 which does not exist -- array has elements with indexes 0 and 1.
Perhaps #listRef should be $listRef instead in the post.
Bellow is my vision of described problem
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my #list1 = qw/word1 word2 word3 word4/;
my #list2 = 1000..1004;
my #list0 = (\#list1, \#list2);
my $ref_array = $list0[0];
map{ say } #{$ref_array};
$ref_array = $list0[1];
map{ say } #{$ref_array};
say "Element: " . #{$ref_array}[2];
Element: 1002


Why I can use #list to call an array, but can't use %dict to call a hash in perl? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why do you need $ when accessing array and hash elements in Perl?
(9 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Today I start my perl journey, and now I'm exploring the data type.
My code looks like:
print "$list[0]\n"; # using [ ] to wrap index
print "$dict{1}\n"; # using { } to wrap key
print "#list[2]\n";
print "%dict{2}\n";
it seems $ + var_name works for both array and hash, but # + var_name can be used to call an array, meanwhile % + var_name can't be used to call a hash.
#list[2] works because it is a slice of a list.
In Perl 5, a sigil indicates--in a non-technical sense--the context of your expression. Except from some of the non-standard behavior that slices have in a scalar context, the basic thought is that the sigil represents what you want to get out of the expression.
If you want a scalar out of a hash, it's $hash{key}.
If you want a scalar out of an array, it's $array[0]. However, Perl allows you to get slices of the aggregates. And that allows you to retrieve more than one value in a compact expression. Slices take a list of indexes. So,
#list = #hash{ qw<key1 key2> };
gives you a list of items from the hash. And,
#list2 = #list[0..3];
gives you the first four items from the array. --> For your case, #list[2] still has a "list" of indexes, it's just that list is the special case of a "list of one".
As scalar and list contexts were rather well defined, and there was no "hash context", it stayed pretty stable at $ for scalar and # for "lists" and until recently, Perl did not support addressing any variable with %. So neither %hash{#keys} nor %hash{key} had meaning. Now, however, you can dump out pairs of indexes with values by putting the % sigil on the front.
my %hash = qw<a 1 b 2>;
my #list = %hash{ qw<a b> }; # yields ( 'a', 1, 'b', 2 )
my #l2 = %list[0..2]; # yields ( 0, 'a', 1, '1', 2, 'b' )
So, I guess, if you have an older version of Perl, you can't, but if you have 5.20, you can.
But for a completist's sake, slices have a non-intuitive way that they work in a scalar context. Because the standard behavior of putting a list into a scalar context is to count the list, if a slice worked with that behavior:
( $item = #hash{ #keys } ) == scalar #keys;
Which would make the expression:
$item = #hash{ #keys };
no more valuable than:
scalar #keys;
So, Perl seems to treat it like the expression:
$s = ( $hash{$keys[0]}, $hash{$keys[1]}, ... , $hash{$keys[$#keys]} );
And when a comma-delimited list is evaluated in a scalar context, it assigns the last expression. So it really ends up that
$item = #hash{ #keys };
is no more valuable than:
$item = $hash{ $keys[-1] };
But it makes writing something like this:
$item = $hash{ source1(), source2(), #array3, $banana, ( map { "$_" } source4()};
slightly easier than writing:
$item = $hash{ [source1(), source2(), #array3, $banana, ( map { "$_" } source4()]->[-1] }
But only slightly.
Arrays are interpolated within double quotes, so you see the actual contents of the array printed.
On the other hand, %dict{1} works, but is not interpolated within double quotes. So, something like my %partial_dict = %dict{1,3} is valid and does what you expect i.e. %partial_dict will now have the value (1,2,3,4). But "%dict{1,3}" (in quotes) will still be printed as %dict{1,3}.
Perl Cookbook has some tips on printing hashes.

Perl dereferencing in non-strict mode

In Perl, if I have:
no strict;
#ARY = (58, 90);
To operate on an element of the array, say it, the 2nd one, I would write (possibly as part of a larger expression):
$ARY[1] # The most common way found in Perldoc's idioms.
Though, for some reason these also work:
Resulting all in the same object:
print (\$ARY[1]);
print (\#ARY[1]);
print (\#{ARY[1]});
What is the syntax rules that enable this sort of constructs? How far could one devise reliable program code with each of these constructs, or with a mix of all of them either? How interchangeable are these expressions? (always speaking in a non-strict context).
On a concern of justifying how I come into this question, I agree "use strict" as a better practice, still I'm interested at some knowledge on build-up non-strict expressions.
In an attemp to find myself some help to this uneasiness, I came to:
The notion on "no strict;" of not complaining about undeclared
variables and quirk syntax.
The prefix dereference having higher precedence than subindex [] (perldsc § "Caveat on precedence").
The clarification on when to use # instead of $ (perldata § "Slices").
The lack of "[]" (array subscript / slice) description among the Perl's operators (perlop), which lead me to think it is not an
operator... (yet it has to be something else. But, what?).
For what I learned, none of these hints, put together, make me better understand my issue.
Thanks in advance.
Quotation from perlfaq4:
What is the difference between $array[1] and #array[1]?
The difference is the sigil, that special character in front of the array name. The $ sigil means "exactly one item", while the # sigil means "zero or more items". The $ gets you a single scalar, while the # gets you a list.
Please see: What is the difference between $array[1] and #array[1]?
#ARY[1] is indeed a slice, in fact a slice of only one member. The difference is it creates a list context:
#ar1[0] = qw( a b c ); # List context.
$ar2[0] = qw( a b c ); # Scalar context, the last value is returned.
print "<#ar1> <#ar2>\n";
<a> <c>
Besides using strict, turn warnings on, too. You'll get the following warning:
Scalar value #ar1[0] better written as $ar1[0]
In perlop, you can read that "Perl's prefix dereferencing operators are typed: $, #, %, and &." The standard syntax is SIGIL { ... }, but in the simple cases, the curly braces can be omitted.
See Can you use string as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use? for some fun with no strict refs and its emulation under strict.
Extending choroba's answer, to check a particular context, you can use wantarray
sub context { return wantarray ? "LIST" : "SCALAR" }
print $ary1[0] = context(), "\n";
print #ary1[0] = context(), "\n";
Nothing you did requires no strict; other than to hide your error of doing
#ARY = (58, 90);
when you should have done
my #ARY = (58, 90);
The following returns a single element of the array. Since EXPR is to return a single index, it is evaluated in scalar context.
my #array = qw( a b c d );
my $index = 2;
my $ele = $array[$index]; # my $ele = 'c';
The following returns the elements identified by LIST. Since LIST is to return 0 or more elements, it must be evaluated in list context.
my #array = qw( a b c d );
my #indexes ( 1, 2 );
my #slice = $array[#indexes]; # my #slice = qw( b c );
\( $ARY[$index] ) # Returns a ref to the element returned by $ARY[$index]
\( #ARY[#indexes] ) # Returns refs to each element returned by #ARY[#indexes]
${foo} # Weird way of writing $foo. Useful in literals, e.g. "${foo}bar"
#{foo} # Weird way of writing #foo. Useful in literals, e.g. "#{foo}bar"
${foo}[...] # Weird way of writing $foo[...].
Most people don't even know you can use these outside of string literals.

Cannot understand the following Perl syntax

I am a first timer with Perl and I have to make changes to a Perl script and I have come across the following:
my %summary ;
for my $id ( keys %trades ) {
my ( $sym, $isin, $side, $type, $usrOrdrNum, $qty ) = #{$trades{$id}} ;
$type = "$side $type" ;
$summary{$sym}{$type} += $qty ;
$summary{$sym}{'ISIN'} = $isin ;
The portion I do not understand is $summary{$sym}{$type} += $qty ;. What is the original author trying to do here?
This piece of code populates the %summary hash with a summary of the data in %trades. Each trade is an array with multiple fields which are unpacked inside the loop. I.e. $sym is the value of the first array field of the current trade, $qty the last field
$summary{$sym} accesses the $sym field in the %summary hash. The entry named $type in the $summary{$sym} field is then accessed. If the field does not exist, it is created. If $summary{$sym} does not hold a hashref, one is created there, so everything Just Works. (technical term: autovivification)
$var += $x adds $x to $var, so $summary{$sym}{$type} holds a sum of all $qty values with the same $sym and $type after the loop finishes.
The $summary{$sym}{ISIN} field will hold the $isin value of the last trade with name $sym (I suspect they are the same for all such trades).
Perl has three built in different data types:
Scalar (as in $foo).
Arrays (as in #foo).
Hashes (as in %foo).
The problem is that each of these deal with single bits of data. Sure, there can be lots of items in list and hashes, but they are lots of single bits of data.
Let's say I want to keep track of people. People have a first name, last name, phone, etc. Let's define a person:
my %person;
$person{FIRST_NAME} = "Bob";
$person{LAST_NAME} = "Smith";
$person{PHONE_NUMBER} = "555-1234";
Okay, now I need to store another person. Do I create another hash? What if I could have, say an array of hashes with each hash representing a single person?
Perl allows you to do this by making a reference to the hash:
my #list;
push #list, \%person;
THe \%person is my reference to the memory location that contains my hash. $list[0] points to that memory location and allows me to access that person through dereferencing.
Now, my array contains my person. I can create a second one:
$person{FIRST_NAME} = "Susan";
$person{LAST_NAME} = "Brown";
$person{PHONE_NUMBER} = "555-9876";
push #list, \%person.
Okay, how do I reference my person. In Perl, you dereference by putting the correct sigil in front of your reference. For example:
my $person_ref = #list[0]; #Reference to Bob's hash
my %person = %{person_ref}; #Dereference to Bob's hash. %person is now Bob.
Several things, I'm doing a lot of moving data from one variable to another, and I am not really using those variables. Let's eliminate the variables, or at least their names:
my #list;
push #list, {}; #Anonymous hash in my list
$list[0] still points to a reference to a hash, but I never had to give that hash a name. Now, how do I put Bob's information into it?
If $list[0] is a reference to a hash, I could dereference it by putting %{...} around it!
%person = %{ $list[0] }; #Person is an empty hash, but you get the idea
Let's fill up that hash!
${ $list[0] }{FIRST_NAME} = "Bob";
${ $list[0] }{LAST_NAME} = "Smith";
${ $list[0] }{PHONE_NUMBER} = "555-1234";
That's easy to read...
Fortunately, Perl provides a bit of syntactic sweetener. This is the same:
$list[0]->{FIRST_NAME} = "Bob";
$list[0]->{LAST_NAME} = "Smith";
$list[0]->{PHONE_NUMBER} = "555-1234";
The -> operator points to the dereference you're doing.
Also, in certain circumstances, I don't need the {...} curly braces. Think of it like math operations where there's an order of precedence:
(3 x 4) + (5 x 8)
is the same as:
3 x 4 + 5 x 8
One, I specify the order of operation, and the other I don't:
The original adding names into a hash reference stored in a list:
${ $list[0] }{FIRST_NAME} = "Bob";
${ $list[0] }{LAST_NAME} = "Smith";
${ $list[0] }{PHONE_NUMBER} = "555-1234";
Can be rewritten as:
$list[0]{FIRST_NAME} = "Bob";
$list[0]{LAST_NAME} = "Smith";
$list[0]{PHONE_NUMBER} = "555-1234";
(And I didn't have to do push #list, {}; first. I just wanted to emphasize that this was a reference to a hash.
Is a reference to an array of data.
Think of it as this way:
my #list = qw(a bunch of data);
$trades{$id} = \#list;
And to dereference that reference to a list, I do this:
See Mark's Short Tutorial About References.
$summary{$sym}{$type} is a scalar inside a hashref inside a hash.
+= is an operator that takes the left hand side, adds the right hand side to it, then assigns the result back to the left hand side.
$qty is the value to add to the previously stored value.
$summary{$sym}{$type} += $qty ; #is the same as
#$summary{$sym}{$type} = $summary{$sym}{$type} + $qty;
#This line calculates total of the values from the hash %trades ($trades{$id}[5];).
The best way to see types in Perl if you are a newbie is to use perl debugger option.
You can run the script as :
perl -d <scriptname>
And then withoin the debugger (you will see something like this)
type the following to go to the code where you want to debug:
DB<1> c <linenumber>
Then You can use x to see the variables like:
DB<2>x %trades
DB<3>x $trades{$id}
DB<4>print Dumper \%trades
This way you can actually see whats inside the hash or even hash of hash.
It computes the sum of all values in the last field for each combination of values of the first three fields.
If the hash was a SQL table instead (and why not - something like DBD::CSV may come in handy here) with fields id, sym, isin, side, type, usrOrdrNum, qty, the code would translate to something like
SELECT sym, CONCAT(side,' ',type) AS type, SUM(qty), isin
FROM trades
GROUP BY sym, CONCAT(side,' ',type);

How can I create a multi-dimensional array in perl?

I was creating a multi-dimensional array this way:
use warnings;
use strict;
my #a1 = (1, 2);
my #a2 = (#a1, 3);
But it turns out that I still got a one-dimensional array...
What's the right way in Perl?
You get a one-dimensional array because the array #a1 is expanded inside the parentheses. So, assuming:
my #a1 = (1, 2);
my #a2 = (#a1, 3);
Then your second statement is equivalent to my #a2 = (1,2,3);.
When creating a multi-dimensional array, you have a few choices:
Direct assignment of each value
Dereferencing an existing array
Inserting a reference
The first option is basically $array[0][0] = 1; and is not very exciting.
The second is doing this: my #a2 = (\#a1, 3);. Note that this makes a reference to the namespace for the array #a1, so if you later change #a1, the values inside #a2 will also change. It is not always a recommended option.
A variation of the second option is doing this: my #a2 = ([1,2], 3);. The brackets will create an anonymous array, which has no namespace, only a memory address, and will only exist inside #a2.
The third option, a bit more obscure, is doing this: my $a1 = [1,2]; my #a2 = ($a1, 3);. It will do exactly the same thing as 2, only the array reference is already in a scalar variable, called $a1.
Note the difference between () and [] when assigning to arrays. Brackets [] create an anonymous array, which returns an array reference as a scalar value (for example, that can be held by $a1, or $a2[0]).
Parentheses, on the other hand, do nothing at all really, except change the precedence of operators.
Consider this piece of code:
my #a2 = 1, 2, 3;
print "#a2";
This will print 1. If you use warnings, you will also get a warning such as: Useless use of a constant in void context. Basically, this happens:
my #a2 = 1;
2, 3;
Because commas (,) have a lower precedence than equal sign =. (See "Operator Precedence and Associativity" in perldoc perlop.)
Parentheses simply negate the default precedence of = and ,, and group 1,2,3 together in a list, which is then passed to #a2.
So, in short, brackets, [], have some magic in them: They create anonymous arrays. Parentheses, (), just change precedence, much like in math.
There is much to read in the documentation. Someone here once showed me a very good link for dereferencing, but I don't recall what it was. In perldoc perlreftut you will find a basic tutorial on references. And in perldoc perldsc you will find documentation on data structures (thanks Oesor for reminding me).
I would propose to work through perlreftut, perldsc and perllol, preferably in the same day and preferably using Data::Dumper to print data structures.
The tutorials complement each other and I think they would take better effect together. Visualizing data structures helped me a lot to believe they actually work (seriously) and to see my mistakes.
Arrays contain scalars, so you need to add a reference.
my #a1 = (1,2);
my #a2 = (\#a1, ,3);
You'll want to read http://perldoc.perl.org/perldsc.html.
The most important thing to understand
about all data structures in
Perl--including multidimensional
arrays--is that even though they might
appear otherwise, Perl #ARRAY s and
%HASH es are all internally
one-dimensional. They can hold only
scalar values (meaning a string,
number, or a reference). They cannot
directly contain other arrays or
hashes, but instead contain references
to other arrays or hashes.
Now, because the top level contains only references, if you try to print out your array in with a simple print() function, you'll get something that doesn't look very nice, like this:
#AoA = ( [2, 3], [4, 5, 7], [0] );
print $AoA[1][2];
print #AoA;
That's because Perl doesn't (ever) implicitly dereference your variables. If you want to get at the thing a reference is referring to, then you have to do this yourself using either prefix typing indicators, like ${$blah} , #{$blah} , #{$blah[$i]} , or else postfix pointer arrows, like $a->[3] , $h->{fred} , or even $ob->method()->[3]
Source: perldoc
Now coming to your question. Here's your code:
my #a1 = (1,2);
my #a2 = (#a1,3);
Notice that the arrays contain scalar values. So you have to use reference and you can add a reference by using the \ keyword before an array's name which is to be referenced.
Like this:
my #a2 = (\#a1, ,3);
Inner arrays should be scalar references in the outer one:
my #a2 = (\#a1,3); # first element is a reference to a1
print ${$a2[0]}[1]; # print second element of inner array
This is a simple example of a 2D array as ref:
my $AoA = undef;
for(my $i=0; $i<3; $i++) {
for(my $j=0; $j<3; $j++) {
$AoA->[$i]->[$j] = rand(); # Assign some value

How do I access the array's element stored in my hash in Perl?

# I have a hash
my %my_hash;
# I have an array
#my_array = ["aa" , "bbb"];
# I store the array in my hash
$my_hash{"Kunjan"} = #my_array;
# But I can't print my array's element
print $my_hash{"Kunjan"}[0];
I am new to Perl. Please help me.
Your array syntax is incorrect. You are creating an anonymous list reference, and #my_array is a single-element list containing that reference.
You can either work with the reference properly, as a scalar:
$my_array = ["aa" , "bbb"];
$my_hash{"Kunjan"} = $my_array;
Or you can work with the list as a list, creating the reference only when putting it into the hash:
#my_array = ("aa" , "bbb");
$my_hash{"Kunjan"} = \#my_array;
If you had only put this at the top of your script:
use strict;
use warnings;
...you would have gotten some error messages indicating what was wrong:
Global symbol "#my_array" requires explicit package name at kunjan-array.pl line 8.
Global symbol "#my_array" requires explicit package name at kunjan-array.pl line 11.
So, declare the array first with my #my_array; and then you would get:
Can't use string ("1") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at kunjan-array.pl line 14.
You created an arrayref and attempted to assign it to an array - see perldoc perldata for how to declare an array
You attempted to assign an array to a hash (you can only assign scalars, such as an arrayref - see perldoc perlref for more about references)
You need to dereference the hash element to get at the array element, e.g. $my_hash{"Kunjan"}->[0] - again see perldoc perlref for how to dereference a hashref
You have a few errors in your program:
my #my_array = ("aa" , "bbb");
$my_hash{"Kunjan"} = \#my_array;
print $my_hash{"Kunjan"}[0];
I made three changes:
Added my in front of #my_array on the first line
Change the [...] to (...) on the first line
Add a \ in front of #my_array on the second line
Try these amendments:
my %my_hash;
# ["aa" , "bbb"] produces an array reference. Use () instead
my #my_array = ("aa" , "bbb");
# 'Kunjan' hash is given reference to #my_array
$my_hash{ Kunjan } = \#my_array;
# bareword for hash key is nicer on the eye IMHO
print $my_hash{ Kunjan }[0];
However there is still one thing you need to consider if you use this method:
unshift #my_array, 'AA';
print $my_hash{ Kunjan }[0]; # => AA - probably not what u wanted!
So what you are probably after is:
$my_hash{ Kunjan } = ["aa" , "bbb"];
Then the hash is no longer referencing #my_array.
Others already explained nicely what's what, but I would like to add, that (especially if you're new to Perl), it would be great if you spend some time and read the perldsc and perllol docs.