How to create a newtype operation in Q#? - q#

I am working with Q# on a generic grover search implementation and I wanted to define a custom Oracle type
newtype ModelOracle = ((Qubit[], Qubit[], Int[], Qubit) => Unit);
// ...
function GroverMaxMatchingOracle(search_set: (Int,Int)[], vertices: Int[], marked_pts: Bool[]): ModelOracle {
return ModelOracle(ApplyMaxMatchingOracle(_,_,_,_,search_set, vertices, marked_pts));
that will fit into my model. But when I try to use it (kind of in the same way as they use StateOracle in the DatabaseSearch sample), I get an error saying that the new type ModelOracle is not a valid operation
fail: Microsoft.Quantum.IQSharp.Workspace[0]
QS5021: The type of the expression must be a function or operation type. The given expression is of type OracleHelper.ModelOracle.
What am I getting wrong about the types here?

It looks like you have defined things ok, so it might be that you have to unwrap the user defined type first with the ! operator.
So where you are using it you may have to do something like GroverMaxMatchingOracle!(...)
Another approach could be to name the tuple in your UDT:
newtype ModelOracle = (Apply: (Qubit[], Qubit[], Int[], Qubit) => Unit);
Then wherever you want to use it you can directly used the named item Apply like this: GroverMaxMatchingOracle::Apply(...)
If its helpful, there is a section on user defined types (8.2) in the book #cgranade and I are working on, Learn Quantum Computing with Python and Q#


NDepend: Find fields that are either a given type or use a given type in their generic parameters

How would I go about using NDepend to not only identify JustMyCode.Fields that are exactly a given type, but also indirectly, i.e. fields like IList<MyType>, IDictionary<int, MyType>, Lazy<T> and all those "nice" generic variants/usages?
Is there any helper method similar to .UsedBy(...) available by any chance that provides such a functionality?
Here is a query to get field typed with String or Int32:
let types = Types.WithFullNameIn(
from f in Application.Fields
where !f.ParentType.IsEnumeration &&
f.FieldType != null &&
select new { f, type =f.FieldType }
For now you cannot detect when a type is used in a generic parameter.

How to enumerate over columns with tokio-postgres when the field types are unknown at compile-time?

I would like a generic function that converts the result of a SQL query to JSON. I would like to build a JSON string manually (or use an external library). For that to happen, I need to be able to enumerate the columns in a row dynamically.
let rows = client
.query("select * from ExampleTable;")
// This is how you read a string if you know the first column is a string type.
let thisValue: &str = rows[0].get(0);
Dynamic types are possible with Rust, but not with the tokio-postgres library API.
The row.get function of tokio-postgres is designed to require generic inference according to the source code
Without the right API, how can I enumerate rows and columns?
You need to enumerate the rows and columns, doing so you can get the column reference while enumerating, and from that get the postgresql-type. With the type information it's possible to have conditional logic to choose different sub-functions to both: i) get the strongly typed variable; and, ii) convert to a JSON value.
for (rowIndex, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() {
for (colIndex, column) in row.columns().iter().enumerate() {
let colType: string = col.type_().to_string();
if colType == "int4" { //i32
let value: i32 = row.get(colIndex);
return value.to_string();
else if colType == "text" {
let value: &str = row.get(colIndex);
return value; //TODO: escape characters
//TODO: more type support
else {
//TODO: raise error
Bonus tips for tokio-postgres code maintainers
Ideally, tokio-postgres would include a direct API that returns a dyn any type. The internals of already use the database column type information to confirm that the supplied generic type is valid. Ideally a new API uses would use the internal column information quite directly with improved FromSQL API, but a simpler middle-ground exists:-
It would be possible for an extra function layer in that uses the same column type conditional logic used in this answer to then leverage the existing get function. If a user such as myself needs to handle this kind of conditional logic, I also need to maintain this code when new types are handled by tokio-postgresql, therefore, this kind of logic should be included inside the library where such functionality can be better maintained.

Type wrapping of non-atomic types in golang

I'm new to golang and am trying to understand a code example of type wrapping for the "non-atomic" type time.Time.
The type extension in question is from the Go client for GDAX on github, go-coinbase-exchange project.
The expected behavior would be for Time variables from the project (coinbase.Time), which are of type Time time.Time (as defined in the project's time.go file) to behave something like the following example for extending the "atomic" type int (from in that they might follow a kind of "inheritance" from the base type for functions like Time.format (from golang's standard implementation of time:
package main
import "fmt"
type Int int
func (i Int) Add(j Int) Int {
return i + j
func main() {
i := Int(5)
j := Int(6)
fmt.Println(i.Add(j) + 12)
But if I modify the code example from the project's List Account Ledger example found in to include a print function which might otherwise give me a human-readable view of the CreatedAt struct variables (as follows), I get a compiler error saying that "type coinbase.Time has no field or method Format":
for _, e := range ledger {
print("Entry Creation: ")
fmt.Printf(e.CreatedAt.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999+00"))
The expected behavior inside the for loop would be for it to print the ledger entries in a human-readable format. I can get the contents of the structs, but I'm not really sure how to then use the resulting wall, ext and loc members.
For example, inserting fmt.Printf("%#v", e.CreatedAt) into the for loop gives me a representation of the time that looks something like this:
coinbase.Time{wall:0x3015a123, ext:63612345678, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}
{806986000 63638738354 <nil>}
I can also see that wall is of type uint64, that ext is of type int64 and that loc is just GMT/UTC=0 by formatting the variable as a string because fmt.Printf("%s", e.CreatedAt) gives me output which is similar to the following:
{%!s(uint64=712345678) %!s(int64=63612345678) %!s(*time.Location=<nil>)}
It seems like I'm missing something. I've requested further information through issues tab on github, but maybe this is a nube question. So I'm not sure how quick the response time would be, and I'm interested in the more general case for extending non-atomic types in go.
Named types do not inherit any methods from the underlying type (indeed there is no inheritance at all in Go); you must cast to the underlying type to call any methods from that type:
(time.Time(e.CreatedAt)).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999+00")

How to bind parameters in replaced expression nodes in Entity Framework on the fly

I'm trying to replace a function call like (simplified) Utility.GetString(MyEntity.SomePropertyWithRelatedEntity)=="abc" with an expression visitor into something like p => p.SubRelatedEntities.FirstOrDefault(sre => sre.SomeFlag==true).SomePropertyWithRelatedEntity.
It means, the datamodel goes like:
MyEntity -> RelatedEntity -> SubRelatedEntity
I'm trying to return a string value from the SubRelatedEntity, based on some rules in the RelatedEntity, so I don't have to re-write / copy/paste the whole filtering rules in every usage; that's why I put inside a "call-signature", so my expression visitor can identify it and replace the fake-call to Utility.GetString to some complicated lambda expressions.
My expression visitor contains something like:
public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
if (node == null)
return null;
Expression result = null;
if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.Call)
MethodCallExpression mce = node as MethodCallExpression;
if (mce.Method.DeclaringType == typeof(Utility) && mce.Method.Name == "GetString")
Expression<Func<RelatedEntity, string>> exp = re => re.SubRelatedEntities.FirstOrDefault(sre => sre.SomeFlag == true).SomeStringValue;
result = exp.Body;
result = base.Visit(node);
result = base.Visit(node);
return result;
Now, the problem is, the "sre" parameter is not bound when called the injected lambda expression. After much research, I see the lambda parameters should be replaced with another expression visitor, specifically searching for the new parameters and replacing them with the old ones. In my situation, however, I don't have an "old parameter" - I have the expression MyEntity.SomePropertyWithRelatedEntity (e.g. an property filled with the related entities) which I need to insert somehow in the generated lambda.
I hope my problem is understandable. Thank you for any insights!
After getting no answers for long time and trying hard to find a solution, I've solved it at the end :o)! It goes like this:
The newly injected lambda expression gets an ParameterExpression - well, this is a 'helper', used when directly calling the lambda, what I don't want (hence, 'parameter not bound' exception when ToEnumerable is called). So, the clue is to make a specialized ExpressionVisitor, which replaces this helper with the original expression, which is of course available in the Arguments[] for the method call, which I try to replace.
Works like a charm, like this you can reuse the same LINQ expressions, something like reusable sub-queries, instead of writing all the same LINQ stuff all time. Notice as well, that expression calling a method is not allowed in EF, in Linq2Sql it worked. Also, all the proposed web articles only replace the parameter instances, when constructing/merging more LINQ expressions together - here, I needed to replace a parameter with an faked-method-call argument, e.g. the method should not be called, it only stands for a code-marker, where I need to put my LINQ sub-query.
Hope this helps somebody, at the end it's pretty simple and logical, when one knows how the expression trees are constructed ;-).

Is this C# casting useless?

I have two methods like so:
Foo[] GetFoos(Type t) { //do some stuff and return an array of things of type T }
T[] GetFoos<T>()
where T : Foo
return GetFoos(typeof(T)) as T[];
However, this always seems to return null. Am I doing things wrong or is this just a shortfall of C#?
I know I could solve this problem with:
However, I would prefer to do this wothout any allocations (working in an environment very sensitive to garbage collections).
Bonus points if you suggest an alternative non allocating solution
This raises an interesting question. The MSDN docs here: say that the cast will succeed if there is an implicit or explicit cast. In this case there is an explicit cast, and so the cast should succeed. Are the MSDN docs wrong?
No, C# casting isn't useless - you simply can't cast a Foo[] to a T[] where T is a more derived type, as the Foo[] could contain other elements different to T. Why don't you adjust your GetFoos method to GetFoos<T>()? A method only taking a Type object can easily be converted into a generic method, where you could create the array directly via new T[].
If this is not possible: Do you need the abilities an array offers (ie. indexing and things like Count)? If not, you can work with an IEnumerable<T> without having much of a problem. If not: you won't get around going the Cast<T>.ToArray() way.
There is no possible cast from Foo[] to T[], the description in your link is the other way round - you could cast a T[] to a Foo[] as all T are Foo, but not all Foo are T.
If you can arrange for GetFoos to create the return array using new T[], then you win. If you used new Foo[], then the array's type is fixed at that, regardless of the types of the objects it actually holds.
I haven't tried this, but it should work:
T[] array = Array.ConvertAll<Foo, T>(input,
delegate(Foo obj)
return (T)obj;
You can find more at
I think this converts in-place, so it won't be doing any re-allocations.
From what I understand from your situation, using System.Array in place of a more specific array can help you. Remember, Array is the base class for all strongly typed arrays so an Array reference can essentially store any array. You should make your (generic?) dictionary map Type -> Array so you may store any strongly typed array also while not having to worry about needing to convert one array to another, now it's just type casting.
Dictionary<Type, Array> myDict = ...;
Array GetFoos(Type t)
// do checks, blah blah blah
return myDict[t];
// and a generic helper
T[] GetFoos<T>() where T: Foo
return (T[])GetFoos(typeof(T));
// then accesses all need casts to the specific type
Foo[] f = (Foo[])GetFoos(typeof(Foo));
DerivedFoo[] df = (DerivedFoo[])GetFoos(typeof(DerivedFoo));
// or with the generic helper
AnotherDerivedFoo[] adf = GetFoos<AnotherDerivedFoo>();
// etc...
p.s., The MSDN link that you provide shows how arrays are covariant. That is, you may store an array of a more derived type in a reference to an array of a base type. What you're trying to achieve here is contravariance (i.e., using an array of a base type in place of an array of a more derived type) which is the other way around and what arrays can't do without doing a conversion.