Updating Struct variables on a singleton instance - swift

I am trying to update a locally stored feature flag values on my singleton instance based on the UI changes and having trouble implementing a solution. Any help here is much appreciated.
The following is the singleton class that gets instantiated during app launch and the Featureflag values are read from remote and is cached in the "cachedKillSwitchValues" attribute. I have also detailed the implementation of the "KillSwitchValuesCacheEntry" and the "KillSwitches" struct as well.
The feature flag values are displayed in the debug screen of the app so we can override the remote values by toggling them. When this happens I have to override the cachedKillSwitchValues to retain the changes.
On the UI I convert the KillSwitches() object into "var tableData: [(String, Bool)] = []" so it becomes easier to load the table View data . The challenge is I am confused on how to update the cachedKillSwitchValues since my updateLocalKillSwitchCache(key: String, value: Bool) requires a string and a bool argument while I see the only way to update the KillSwitches are by accessing the attribute directly. I took a shot at coding the update method but couldn't complete.
public final class AppConfigurationRepository {
public static let shared = AppConfigurationRepository()
private var cachedKillSwitchValues: KillSwitchValuesCacheEntry?
private init() {
cachedKillSwitchValues = KillSwitchValuesCacheEntry(entryItem: KillSwitches(), lastUpdateMetaDate: Date())
public func updateLocalKillSwitchCache(key: String, value: Bool) {
// The code below is wrong, tried implementing multiple ways but went no where.
var killSwithDict = cachedKillSwitchValues?.entryData.dictionary()
killSwithDict?.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
cachedKillSwitchValues?.entryData = killSwithDict as KillSwitches
struct KillSwitchValuesCacheEntry: Codable {
var entryData: KillSwitches
let remoteConfigLastUpdateDate: Date
init(entryItem: KillSwitches, lastUpdateMetaDate: Date) {
self.entryData = entryItem
self.remoteConfigLastUpdateDate = lastUpdateMetaDate
public struct KillSwitches: Codable {
public var featureA: Bool = true
public var featureB: Bool = true
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case featureA
case featureB
init() { }


Generating auto-incrementing Instance IDs in Swift using Protocols and protocol-extensions only

To create an "AutoIDable" protocol with the following behaviour.
Every instance of a class conforming to this protocol will get an auto-generated "id" property of String type.
The code should generate id strings in the format <prefix><Instance-count-starting-from-1> (Eg: E-1, E-2, ...E-<n> and so on for 1st , 2nd ... nth Instance of the conforming class.
The protocol & protocol extensions should do ALL of the required work to generate the id strings. The conforming class will only have to subscribe to the protocol and nothing more.
Current status:
I have achieved Goal-1 & Goal-2 with the following implementation:
protocol Identifiable {
var id: String { get }
protocol AutoIDable: Identifiable{
static var _instanceCount: Int { get set }
class AutoID: AutoIDable {
init(idPrefix: String) {
setAutoID(prefix: idPrefix)
internal static var _instanceCount: Int = 0
var id: String = ""
func setAutoID(prefix: String = ""){
Self._instanceCount += 1
self.id = "\(prefix)\(Self._instanceCount)"
class Employee: AutoID {
super.init(idPrefix: "E-")
let e1 = Employee()
let e2 = Employee()
let e3 = Employee()
The output from running the above code:
To achieve Goal-3, I need to eliminate the AutoID superclass and implement the same functionality using protocol extensions.
I ran into trouble because:
Protocol extensions do not allow static stored properties. I do know how to work around this limitation without using a superclass.
I do not know how to inject code into all the initialisers the creator of the Employee class might create. Again, I could not think of a workaround without using a superclass.
I would be grateful if you can point me in the right direction.
PS: New to Swift programming. If you’ve suggestions for implementing the code in a more “swifty” way, please do let me know. :-)
Since you want to use protocols, you can't have a stored property in the protocol. So, you'll need some place to store the incrementing ID value, if not the IDs themselves.
Not sure if it violates your requirements of using only protocols, because it would require a type for storage, but at least it won't require conforming classes to have a superclass.
So, let's say we build such a class that holds all the IDs and keeps the incrementing counter:
class AutoIncrementId {
static private var inc: Int = 0
static private var ids: [ObjectIdentifier: String] = [:]
static func getId(_ objectId: ObjectIdentifier, prefix: String) -> String {
if let id = ids[objectId] { return id }
else {
inc += 1
let id = "\(prefix)\(inc)"
ids[objectId] = id
return id
Then the protocol requirement could be:
protocol AutoIdentifiable {
static var prefix: String { get }
var id: String { get }
So, a class would need to define its prefix. But we could define a default implementation for id:
extension AutoIdentifiable where Self: AnyObject {
var id: String {
AutoIncrementId.getId(ObjectIdentifier(self), prefix: Self.prefix)
The usage would be:
class Employee: AutoIdentifiable {
static let prefix = "E-"
let e1 = Employee()
let e2 = Employee()
let e3 = Employee()
print(e1.id) // E-1
print(e2.id) // E-2
print(e3.id) // E-3
print(e1.id) // E-1

How to Unit-Test with global structs?

It is clear for me that in a UnitTest you
generate an input property
pass this property to the method you want to test
Compare the results with your expected results
However, what if you have a global struct with e.g. the game xp and game level which has private setters and can't be modified. I automatically load this data from the UserDefaults when the app starts. How can you test methods that access that global struct, when you can not alter the input?
import UIKit
//Global struct with private data
struct GameStatus {
private(set) static var xp: Int = 0
private(set) static var level: Int = 0
/// Holds all winning states
enum MyGameStatus {
case hasNotYetWon
case hasWon
/// Today's game state of the user against ISH
static var todaysGameStatus: MyGameStatus {
if xp >= 100 {
return .hasWon
} else {
return .hasNotYetWon
func restoreXpAndLevel() {
// reads UserData value
func increaseXp(for: Int) {
// class with methods to test
class LevelView: UIView {
enum LevelState {
case showStart
case showCountdown
case showFinalCuontdown
var state: LevelState {
if GameStatus.xp > 95 {
return .showFinalCuontdown
} else if GameStatus.xp > 90 {
return .showCountdown
return .showStart
//...configurations depending on the level
First, LevelView looks like it has too much logic in it. The point of a view is to display model data. It's not to include business logic like GameStatus.xp > 95. That should be done elsewhere and set into the view.
Next, why is GameStatus static? This is just complicating this. Pass the GameStatus to the view when it changes. That's the job of the view controller. Views just draw stuff. If anything is really unit-testable in your view, it probably shouldn't be in a view.
Finally, the piece that you're struggling with is the user defaults. So extract that piece into a generic GameStorage.
protocol GameStorage {
var xp: Int { get set }
var level: Int { get set }
Now make UserDefaults a GameStorage:
extension UserDefaults: GameStorage {
var xp: Int {
get { /* Read from UserDefaults */ return ... }
set { /* Write to UserDefaults */ }
var level: Int {
get { /* Read from UserDefaults */ return ... }
set { /* Write to UserDefaults */ }
And for testing, create a static one:
struct StaticGameStorage: GameStorage {
var xp: Int
var level: Int
Now when you create a GameStatus, pass it storage. But you can give that a default value, so you don't have to pass it all the time
class GameStatus {
private var storage: GameStorage
// A default parameter means you don't have to pass it normally, but you can
init(storage: GameStorage = UserDefaults.standard) {
self.storage = storage
With that, xp and level can just pass through to storage. No need for a special "load the storage now" step.
private(set) var xp: Int {
get { return storage.xp }
set { storage.xp = newValue }
private(set) var level: Int {
get { return storage.level }
set { storage.level = newValue }
EDIT: I made a change here from GameStatus being a struct to a class. That's because GameStatus lacks value semantics. If there are two copies of GameStatus, and you modify one of them, the other may change, too (because they both write to UserDefaults). A struct without value semantics is dangerous.
It's possible to regain value semantics, and it's worth considering. For example, instead of passing through xp and level to the storage, you could go back to your original design that has an explicit "restore" step that loads from storage (and I assume a "save" step that writes to storage). Then GameStatus would be an appropriate struct.
I'd also extract LevelState so that you can more easily test it and it captures the business logic outside of the view.
enum LevelState {
case showStart
case showCountdown
case showFinalCountDown
init(xp: Int) {
if xp > 95 {
self = .showFinalCountDown
} else if xp > 90 {
self = .showCountdown
self = .showStart
If this is only ever used by this one view, it's fine to nest it. Just don't make it private. You can test LevelView.LevelState without having to do anything with LevelView itself.
And then you can update the view's GameStatus as you need to:
class LevelView: UIView {
var gameStatus: GameStatus? {
didSet {
// Refresh the view with the new status
var state: LevelState {
guard let xp = gameStatus?.xp else { return .showStart }
return LevelState(xp: xp)
//...configurations depending on the level
Now the view itself doesn't need logic testing. You might do image-based testing to make sure it draws correctly given different inputs, but that's completely end-to-end. All the logic is simple and testable. You can test GameStatus and LevelState without UIKit at all by passing a StaticGameStorage to GameStatus.
The solution is Dependency Injection!
You can create a Persisting protocol and a facade class to interact with the user defaults
protocol Persisting {
func getObject(key: String) -> Any?
func persist(value: Any, key: String)
final class Persist: Persisting {
func getObject(key: String) -> Any? {
return UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: key)
func persist(object: Any, key: String) {
UserDefaults.standard.set(value: object, forKey: key)
class MockPersist: Persisting {
// this is set from the test
var mockObjectToReturn: Any?
func getObject(key: String) -> Any? {
return mockObjectToReturn
var didCallPersistObject: (Any?, String)
func persist(object: Any, key: String) {
didCallPersistObject.0 = object
didCallPersistObject.1 = key
And now on you struct, you gonna need to inject this a var of type Persisting.
When testing you gonna need to inject the MockPersist and assert against the vars defined on the MockPersist class.
Hope this helps

Create instance from class using other class instance

So i came across this case, an already published application needed to change all of it's API's & Models.
Now i have created a generic tier to handle the requests and apis and almost mid way into implementing all the services, now i came across this problem, the previous defined models are used widely around the application of course and since its MVC , Massive View Controller. it is going to cost me too much changing everything in each scene to the new model type,
therefore i thought of making an adapter to cast the new models when i get them in my
callback closure to the old ones type.
I have already figured out a way but the problem its pretty much long, long way i am looking for a better approach if existed and a better solution over all for the case if there was a better one.
protocol Parsable {
var time: String { get }
var span: String { get }
init(_ copy: Parsable)
class Foo: Parsable {
required init(_ copy: Parsable) {
self.span = copy.span
self.time = copy.time
init(time: String, span: String) {
self.time = time
self.span = span
var time = ""
var span = ""
class Fee: Parsable {
required init(_ copy: Parsable) {
self.span = copy.span
self.time = copy.time
init(time: String, span: String, date: String) {
self.time = time
self.span = span
self.date = date // an extra var that is not used in Foo
var time = ""
var span = ""
var date = ""
var foo = Foo(time: "", span: "")
var fee = Fee(time: "2", span: "ye", date: "123")
// Usage
var deeped = Foo(fee)
As you can tell from the code i've created a protocol that contains the variables and an init() that holds its type, now imagine this to implement a model with +50 variable and +40 model in total, might need an age or two.
I hope i understood the problem, It's not a clean solution but it's quick an flexible:
What about an additional method in the protocol with an implementation in it's extension to perform the all the copies? This is possible since i see that all the properties have an assigned dummy value. Then the only thing to do for each object implementing Parsable is to call such method in the initializer. kind of a commonInit() method.
protocol Parsable {
var time: String { get }
var span: String { get }
init(_ copy: Parsable)
func initParsableProperties(from copy: Parsable)
extension Parsable {
func initParsableProperties(from copy: Parsable) {
self.span = copy.span
self.time = copy.time
class Foo: Parsable {
required init(_ copy: Parsable) {
initParsableProperties(from: copy)
This also allows you to add additional properties in the initializers if needded. If you don't need additional properties it could then be directly implemented in the initializer, but it requires some more tricky solutions.
So i Achieved this using Codable, i have created a dummy protocol that is conforming to Codable, and using that in every class, struct that i needed to convert it, and created a generic function extended from that protocol, to encode the object to data then decode it into the new type desired,
With that i don't have to declare any variable or property i needed to copy manually.
check out the code below.
protocol Convertable: Codable {}
class Foo: Convertable {
var foo: String
var fee: String
init(foo: String, fee: String) {
self.foo = foo
self.fee = fee
class Fee: Convertable{
var fee: String
init( fee: String) {
self.fee = fee
//Generic function to convert
extension Convertable {
func convert<T: Codable>(_ primary: T.Type) -> T? {
return try? JSONDecoder().decode(primary, from: try! JSONEncoder().encode(self))
var foo = Foo(foo: "nothing", fee: "nothing")
let fee = foo.convert(Fee.self)
fee?.fee // nothing

What is a good alternative for static stored properties of generic types in swift?

Since static stored properties are not (yet) supported for generic types in swift, I wonder what is a good alternative.
My specific use-case is that I want to build an ORM in swift. I have an Entity protocol which has an associatedtype for the primary key, since some entities will have an integer as their id and some will have a string etc. So that makes the Entity protocol generic.
Now I also have an EntityCollection<T: Entity> type, which manages collections of entities and as you can see it is also generic. The goal of EntityCollection is that it lets you use collections of entities as if they were normal arrays without having to be aware that there's a database behind it. EntityCollection will take care of querying and caching and being as optimized as possible.
I wanted to use static properties on the EntityCollection to store all the entities that have already been fetched from the database. So that if two separate instances of EntityCollection want to fetch the same entity from the database, the database will be queried only once.
Do you guys have any idea how else I could achieve that?
The reason that Swift doesn't currently support static stored properties on generic types is that separate property storage would be required for each specialisation of the generic placeholder(s) – there's more discussion of this in this Q&A.
We can however implement this ourselves with a global dictionary (remember that static properties are nothing more than global properties namespaced to a given type). There are a few obstacles to overcome in doing this though.
The first obstacle is that we need a key type. Ideally this would be the metatype value for the generic placeholder(s) of the type; however metatypes can't currently conform to protocols, and so therefore aren't Hashable. To fix this, we can build a wrapper:
/// Hashable wrapper for any metatype value.
struct AnyHashableMetatype : Hashable {
static func ==(lhs: AnyHashableMetatype, rhs: AnyHashableMetatype) -> Bool {
return lhs.base == rhs.base
let base: Any.Type
init(_ base: Any.Type) {
self.base = base
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
// Pre Swift 4.2:
// var hashValue: Int { return ObjectIdentifier(base).hashValue }
The second is that each value of the dictionary can be a different type; fortunately that can be easily solved by just erasing to Any and casting back when we need to.
So here's what that would look like:
protocol Entity {
associatedtype PrimaryKey
struct Foo : Entity {
typealias PrimaryKey = String
struct Bar : Entity {
typealias PrimaryKey = Int
// Make sure this is in a seperate file along with EntityCollection in order to
// maintain the invariant that the metatype used for the key describes the
// element type of the array value.
fileprivate var _loadedEntities = [AnyHashableMetatype: Any]()
struct EntityCollection<T : Entity> {
static var loadedEntities: [T] {
get {
return _loadedEntities[AnyHashableMetatype(T.self), default: []] as! [T]
set {
_loadedEntities[AnyHashableMetatype(T.self)] = newValue
// ...
EntityCollection<Foo>.loadedEntities += [Foo(), Foo()]
print(EntityCollection<Foo>.loadedEntities) // [Foo(), Foo()]
print(EntityCollection<Bar>.loadedEntities) // [Bar()]
We are able to maintain the invariant that the metatype used for the key describes the element type of the array value through the implementation of loadedEntities, as we only store a [T] value for a T.self key.
There is a potential performance issue here however from using a getter and setter; the array values will suffer from copying on mutation (mutating calls the getter to get a temporary array, that array is mutated and then the setter is called).
(hopefully we get generalised addressors soon...)
Depending on whether this is a performance concern, you could implement a static method to perform in-place mutation of the array values:
func with<T, R>(
_ value: inout T, _ mutations: (inout T) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R {
return try mutations(&value)
extension EntityCollection {
static func withLoadedEntities<R>(
_ body: (inout [T]) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R {
return try with(&_loadedEntities) { dict -> R in
let key = AnyHashableMetatype(T.self)
var entities = (dict.removeValue(forKey: key) ?? []) as! [T]
defer {
dict.updateValue(entities, forKey: key)
return try body(&entities)
EntityCollection<Foo>.withLoadedEntities { entities in
entities += [Foo(), Foo()] // in-place mutation of the array
There's quite a bit going on here, let's unpack it a bit:
We first remove the array from the dictionary (if it exists).
We then apply the mutations to the array. As it's now uniquely referenced (no longer present in the dictionary), it can be mutated in-place.
We then put the mutated array back in the dictionary (using defer so we can neatly return from body and then put the array back).
We're using with(_:_:) here in order to ensure we have write access to _loadedEntities throughout the entirety of withLoadedEntities(_:) to ensure that Swift catches exclusive access violations like this:
EntityCollection<Foo>.withLoadedEntities { entities in
entities += [Foo(), Foo()]
EntityCollection<Foo>.withLoadedEntities { print($0) } // crash!
I'm not sure if I like this yet or not, but I used a static computed property:
private extension Array where Element: String {
static var allIdentifiers: [String] {
get {
return ["String 1", "String 2"]
An hour ago i have a problem almost like yours. I also want to have a BaseService class and many other services inherited from this one with only one static instance. And the problem is all services use their own model (ex: UserService using UserModel..)
In short I tried following code. And it works!.
class BaseService<Model> where Model:BaseModel {
var models:[Model]?;
class UserService : BaseService<User> {
static let shared = UserService();
private init() {}
Hope it helps.
I think the trick was BaseService itself will not be used directly so NO NEED TO HAVE static stored property. (P.S. I wish swift supports abstract class, BaseService should be)
It turns out that, although properties are not allowed, methods and computed properties are. So you can do something like this:
class MyClass<T> {
static func myValue() -> String { return "MyValue" }
class MyClass<T> {
static var myValue: String { return "MyValue" }
This isn't ideal, but this is the solution I came up with to fit my needs.
I'm using a non-generic class to store the data. In my case, I'm using it to store singletons. I have the following class:
private class GenericStatic {
private static var singletons: [String:Any] = [:]
static func singleton<GenericInstance, SingletonType>(for generic: GenericInstance, _ newInstance: () -> SingletonType) -> SingletonType {
let key = "\(String(describing: GenericInstance.self)).\(String(describing: SingletonType.self))"
if singletons[key] == nil {
singletons[key] = newInstance()
return singletons[key] as! SingletonType
This is basically just a cache.
The function singleton takes the generic that is responsible for the singleton and a closure that returns a new instance of the singleton.
It generates a string key from the generic instance class name and checks the dictionary (singletons) to see if it already exists. If not, it calls the closure to create and store it, otherwise it returns it.
From a generic class, you can use a static property as described by Caleb. For example:
open class Something<G> {
open static var number: Int {
return GenericStatic.singleton(for: self) {
print("Creating singleton for \(String(describing: self))")
return 5
Testing the following, you can see that each singleton is only created once per generic type:
print(Something<Int>.number) // prints "Creating singleton for Something<Int>" followed by 5
print(Something<Int>.number) // prints 5
print(Something<String>.number) // prints "Creating singleton for Something<String>"
This solution may offer some insight into why this isn't handled automatically in Swift.
I chose to implement this by making the singleton static to each generic instance, but that may or may not be your intention or need.
Depending on how many types you need to support and whether inheritance is (not) an option for you, conditional conformance could also do the trick:
final class A<T> {}
final class B {}
final class C {}
extension A where T == B {
static var stored: [T] = []
extension A where T == C {
static var stored: [T] = []
let a1 = A<B>()
A<B>.stored = [B()]
let a2 = A<C>()
A<C>.stored = [C()]
Well I also ran into the same problem and was able to device a logical work around for it. I had to create a static instance of urlsession using a generic class as handler.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let neworkHandler = NetworkHandler<String>()
class SessionConfigurator: NSObject{
static var configuration:URLSessionConfiguration{
let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: "com.bundle.id")
sessionConfig.isDiscretionary = true
sessionConfig.allowsCellularAccess = true
return sessionConfig
static var urlSession:URLSession?
class NetworkHandler<T> :NSObject, URLSessionDelegate{
func download(){
if SessionConfigurator.urlSession == nil{
SessionConfigurator.urlSession = URLSession(configuration:SessionConfigurator.configuration, delegate:self, delegateQueue: OperationQueue.main)
All I can come up with is to separate out the notion of source (where the collection comes from) and then collection itself. And then the make the source responsible for caching. At that point the source can actually be an instance, so it can keep whatever caches it wants/needs to and your EntityCollection is just responsible for maintaining a CollectionType and/or SequenceType protocol around the source.
Something like:
protocol Entity {
associatedtype IdType : Comparable
var id : IdType { get }
protocol Source {
associatedtype EntityType : Entity
func first() -> [EntityType]?
func next(_: EntityType) -> [EntityType]?
class WebEntityGenerator <EntityType:Entity, SourceType:Source where EntityType == SourceType.EntityType> : GeneratorType { ... }
class WebEntityCollection : SequenceType { ... }
would work if you have a typical paged web data interface. Then you could do something along the lines of:
class WebQuerySource<EntityType:Entity> : Source {
var cache : [EntityType]
func query(query:String) -> WebEntityCollection {
let source = WebQuerySource<MyEntityType>(some base url)
for result in source.query(some query argument) {
source.query(some query argument)
.map { ... }
.filter { ... }
Something like this?
protocol Entity {
class EntityCollection {
static var cachedResults = [Entity]()
func findById(id: Int) -> Entity? {
// Search cache for entity with id from table
// Return result if exists else...
// Query database
// If entry exists in the database append it to the cache and return it else...
// Return nil

How to save a struct to realm in swift?

It is easy to use Realm with classes by inheriting from Object. But how would I save a struct containing several fields to realm in Swift? E.g.
struct DataModel {
var id = 0
var test = "test"
I know the documentation is clear about supported types. But maybe there is nice workaround or - even better - someone from realm could write about future plans about structs.
I' suggest you to use protocols, to achive what you want.
1) Create your Struct
struct Character {
public let identifier: Int
public let name: String
public let realName: String
2) Create your Realm Object
final class CharacterObject: Object {
dynamic var identifier = 0
dynamic var name = ""
dynamic var realName = ""
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "identifier"
3) Use protocols to transform our struct to Realm Object
public protocol Persistable {
associatedtype ManagedObject: RealmSwift.Object
init(managedObject: ManagedObject)
func managedObject() -> ManagedObject
4) Make your struct persistable
extension Character: Persistable {
public init(managedObject: CharacterObject) {
identifier = managedObject.identifier
name = managedObject.name
realName = managedObject.realName
public func managedObject() -> CharacterObject {
let character = CharacterObject()
character.identifier = identifier
character.name = name
character.realName = realName
return character
With these tools in place, we are ready to implement the insertion methods of our persistence layer.
5) Exemple to write datas
public final class WriteTransaction {
private let realm: Realm
internal init(realm: Realm) {
self.realm = realm
public func add<T: Persistable>(_ value: T, update: Bool) {
realm.add(value.managedObject(), update: update)
// Implement the Container
public final class Container {
private let realm: Realm
public convenience init() throws {
try self.init(realm: Realm())
internal init(realm: Realm) {
self.realm = realm
public func write(_ block: (WriteTransaction) throws -> Void)
throws {
let transaction = WriteTransaction(realm: realm)
try realm.write {
try block(transaction)
5) Use the magic!
let character = Character(
identifier: 1000,
name: "Spiderman",
realName: "Peter Parker"
let container = try! Container()
try! container.write { transaction in
Amazing source : Using Realm with Value Types & My Article
To save a struct in Realm, means copying the data into a Realm Object. The reason why Realm Objects are classes and not structs is because they are not inert values, but auto-updating objects that represent the persisted data in Realm. This has practical benefits, such as the fact that a Realm Object's data is lazy loaded.
You can take advantage of Realm's approach by responding to the change notifications from a Realm instance. For example if your UITableView data source is based off an array property on a Realm Object, as long as you have an instance of that object, you are guaranteed that after the notification it represents the correct values. Used properly this can simplify your code versus having multiple copies of values as structs.
Swift 4 shortest answer
Save structs as Data in Realm
struct MyStruct : Codable { // Variables here }
class MyRealObject : Object {
#objc private dynamic var structData:Data? = nil
var myStruct : MyStruct? {
get {
if let data = structData {
return try? JSONDecoder().decode(MyStruct.self, from: data)
return nil
set {
structData = try? JSONEncoder().encode(newValue)
Use the magic
let realm = try! Realm()
try! realm.write {
let myReal = MyRealObject()
myReal.myStruct = MyStruct(....)
You can do what suggests Ludovic, or you can automate that process and get rid of that boilerplate code for each of your structs by using Unrealm.