Integrating PayPal Smart Payment API with old Express Checkout API - paypal

We currently have a system in place to process PayPal payments. It is done using the Express Checkout API. The method DoAuthorization accepts a 17 char TransactionID as a parameter.
I'm trying to implement the new PayPal Smart Payment Buttons API. I have the flow programmed with the intent=AUTHORIZE but I can only grab the Authorization ID and Order ID (both 17 char values) from the Auth response once its completed.
When I try and authorize the order and pass one of the 2 values into the DoAuthorization method, returns with an error: TransactionID invalid (10609).
My question is it possible to use the Smart Payments API Authorization ID and Order ID and pass it into the Express Checkout DoAuthorization method and still make the 2 systems work?
Could it be possible that I'm getting the 10609 error because the intent=Authorize already authorizes the order and I need to call the DoCapture method?

It is possible to use the SPB user interface, but not its API (actually it's built on the v2/orders REST API)
You can't mix v2/order API payment setups, with classic captures.
So, so long as you are using classic API calls to capture (this is a very unfortunate requirement that I would advise eliminating ASAP, but it's in your question) -- then, you need to also keep using classic API calls to set up the payment.
See the server demo pattern:
The createOrder portion will do an XHR fetch to your server, which will then call the classic SetExpressCheckout and return an EC token. SPB will use the classic EC token, but show its new UI.


Automatically capture a order in PayPal

I'm integrating my application with PayPal and i found a problem.
I use PayPal REST API with intent: "CAPTURE".
After I create an order in paypal via /v2/checkout/orders POST endpoint and client pay for this order in{TOKEN} website I don't receive any money or transaction on my PayPal business account.
When I check this order status it says that it is APPROVED but not COMPLETED, so i need to capture this order via v2/checkout/orders/{TOKEN}/capture POST endpoint. After capturing this order is has status: COMPLETED and i receive money.
Is It possible to automatically capture an order without any additional request to capture it?
Because when I use PayPal button It works automatically and I want to have the same result using REST API.
No, it's not possible. The capture step is required.
Whether you use a client-side integration:
Or a front-end UI that calls server-side routes of yours:
The capture step after approval (within onApprove) is always required.

How i can find which request method is used for paypal integration

i m new to paypal integration can any one please help me with how i can find which request method is used for paypal itegration.
when i click on pay button following calles made :
So, i m confuse which method is actually making call to paypal for payment.
Paypal is Discontinuing GET method so i want to chang GET to POST
Thanks in advance ...
If you are using the PayPal Express omnipay gateway (PayPal_Express) then all of the calls in that gateway are POST calls. There are no GET calls in use, they were all converted to POST calls some time ago when PayPal announced that they were deprecating the use of GET calls.
In general I would advise use of the PayPal_REST gateway rather than PayPal_Express, the calls are more up to date and the documentation is better. You can go into your developer site for PayPal and obtain API keys for REST which you can use alongside your Express keys while you change over.

Paypal Authorization standard and capture through REST API

I've been asking myself if there is a possibility to use the standard payment page of paypal to redirect user to "Authorize" a payment using their Credit card (using "paymentaction" : "authorization" in the redirect form).
Having IPN setup i could receive the auth_id.
Then later on "Capture" an amount (equals or less) using the Paypal REST API but using the "auth_id" received through IPN ?
It seems the "authorization_id" received through Paypal REST API "Authorize" is the same length. Somehow i suppose it is the same value.
Before implementing such i wonder if anyone tried this before ?
Thank you
You can do this using the standard (Website Payments Standard) page to creat the authorization paired with the "classic" authorization API, but you cannot mix the classic and REST APIs as you described.
The REST APIs store different/additional information on PayPal's server side, so in general you cannot manipulate transactions created through classic APIs via REST APIs (and vice versa is also complicated and generally not advised).

Paypal custom variable solution using php

I'm trying to using paypal as payment for my site.
My site only sell a virtual currency, like "Diamond" in Online game.
So after reading i starting to use Express Checkout for Digital Goods, Is that right ? or i must other payment method ?
Then my question is when using Express Checkout for Digital Goods, how to pass custom variable ?
Let say i want to pay user_id, diamond_id, and some other variable from my database to the paypal api. It seem like paypal don't support custom variable to pass on the api call. I want after user complete the payment, then Paypal notify my server that the payment is complete by user_id and some other variable that i pass, so easy for me to know the detail.
after searching i find some solution,
First solution is to store "TOKEN"(Generated from "SetExpressCheckout" Method) and my custom variable which is belong to the TOKEN in the database, Then after payment complete paypal will notify my server the same TOKEN saved before. So i will query based on the TOKEN.
Second Solution is using get style in RETURNURL variable So i will easy to grab the GET variable.
Which solution is right ? Is there any solution ? and how to secure the payment confirmation, i mean if someone know and hack my returnurl.
Thanks in advance
There are two parts to be able to successfully identify your order in the whole process:
To identify your order when the user is redirected back via the success or cancel URL, just pass the order id via the query string of the URL.
To identify your order when Paypal sends notifications about the transaction and associated events (refunds, reversals, disputes etc.) via IPN: Paypal does support a pass-through variable, which allows you to associate IPNs to the order record in your DB.
For express checkout you set PAYMENTREQUEST_0_INVNUM in the SetExpressCheckout call
In case you are creating a recurring profile, the parameter is named PROFILEREFERENCE in the CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile call
When you receive an IPN the invoice is passed as 'invoice' or 'rp_invoice_id' respectively
(My general advice, though: use Paypal only if you really have to)

Retrieving Billing Type in PayPal Express Checkout for recurring payments

I'm setting up a payment engine for a custom framework using PayPal Express Checkout. One of the business requirements is adding support for recurring payments. I've found documentation on how to implement this at
The thing I don't quite understand is how to retrieve the value of BillingType from the API after I've set it via SetExpressCheckout to "RecurringPayments". It doesn't seem to appear anywhere in the response data I get back from neither GetExpressCheckoutDetails nor DoExpressCheckoutPayment. I need this to know whether I need to create a recurring payments profile or not. So as far as I can tell my only option is to store the value of BillingType in my database and query it again after DoExpressCheckoutPayment. This works for me but I find it odd that this data would not be returned at all by the API. Am I missing something? Or is there another way of correctly implementing recurring payments?
Not all data you send in a request is returned in a response. You already have what you're passing to them...there's really no need for them to pass it back.
You could use session variables to save the data instead of the database, or you could log all of your API requests and refer to those logs when you need to see what you sent, but again, your application is what's telling PayPal whether or not the payment should include billing agreement information...not the other way around.