Unity - Problem with Holding Mouse Button Multiple times - unity3d

A little background: I am making a small bit of game that involves clicking and dragging a clock hand to add time to a bank. The issue I'm having is with the clicking and dragging process. After an amount of time or multiple clicks, clicking on the clock face no longer works to make the variable "isActive" true. I've confirmed that it stops working somewhere in the code below and not in the code that checks isActive. Thanks for the help.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class ClockFace : MonoBehaviour
public bool isActive = false;
public bool isAble = false;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (isActive)
if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1"))
isActive = false;
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
if (isAble)
isActive = true;
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Mouse"))
isAble = true;
private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collision)
if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Mouse"))
isAble = false;

Unitys old imput system is't very good now that the new imput system is out. It comes in the unity 2019.3 update, but you can install it from the package manager in earlier versions. I recomend to use that.


Unity Microphone.Start() lag, how to get rid of it?

Using unity 2020.3 and the XR Plug-in (currently only oculus but will be moving to openxr i hope) and trying to start the microphone when secondary button is pushed. It works but starting the microphone causes lag. Coroutine doens't help, I tried threading which stops the lag but then can't do anything with the audioclip. This has been asked a few times over the years but no answer yet. Here's the code:
void Update()
foreach(var d in devices){
if (d.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.secondaryButton, out isPressed)){
if (isPressed && !wasTalking)
wasTalking = true;
//start_recording = new Thread(startRecording);
else if (wasTalking && !isPressed){
wasTalking = false;
private void startRecording(){
recording = Microphone.Start(null, false, 30, freq);
startRecordingTime = Time.time;
yield return null;
Edit: I've removed the useless coroutine. Why the -1 to my question?
The primary way I reckon that you could alleviate the stutter is moving this work to another thread, which is notoriously hard with Unity.
A solution to this could be using or adapting another method of recording audio like NAudio.
Use coroutines.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Threading;
public class TestMic : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] AudioSource self;
public int samplerate = 44100;
public int time = 10;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
IEnumerator test()
self.clip = Microphone.Start(null, true, time, samplerate);
self.loop = true;
yield return null;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()

load Scene with Script but it turns Black

I've done it so far that when my player dies the level is restarted and I've written everything in the script but when I try it and the scene is reloaded everything is somehow extremely dark compared to before, although all settings from the camera etc. are the same and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a bug
my Script:
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject enemyPrefab;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
GameObject player = GameObject.Find("Player");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
void RestartGame()
if(GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent<PlayerMovement>().playerHealth <= 0)
You need to bake your lighting inside your scene. Here are instructions on how:
Head to Window > Rendering > Lighting
Press Generate Lighting (Make sure Auto Generate is unselected)
Your code has some trouble. But I'm not going to fix rotation issues. But here your working sample:
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject enemyPrefab;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
GameObject player = GameObject.Find("Player");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
bool navigated = false;
void RestartGame()
if (!navigated)
if(GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent<PlayerMovement>().playerHealth <= 0)
navigated = true;

Why here StartCorotine() is necessary

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class FirePistol : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject TheGun;
public GameObject MuzzleFlash;
public AudioSource GunFire;
public bool IsFiring = false;
void Update () {
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
if (IsFiring == false)
IEnumerator FiringPistol ()
IsFiring = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
IsFiring = false;
I am writing a gun mechanic And
I wonder why we need
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); .What is the difference without this command .It's really unnecessary to write this code coz the time is short .Afterall , will it be an error like scene crash after i deleting this code ?Any help is greatly appreciated !
In general: Every method returning IEnumerator has to contain at least one yield statement. In Unity you have to use StartCoroutine to run an IEnumerator as Coroutine.
In your specific case: So you can delay your code by 0.5 seconds!
It is short but 0.5 is about 30 frames!
Someone using e.g. something like AutoClicker could jam the fire key each frame so he would cause significantly more damage then someone playing "normal" (due to physical limitations of your keyboard and finger ;) )
You are just avoiding that and limit down firing to a maximum of 2x per second.
In general - as usual - there are multiple ways to achieve that and you could go without Coroutines entirely but it makes coding so much cleaner and easier to maintain then doing everything in Update!
As some alternative examples for simple delays as here you could also either do a simple timer in Update
private float timer;
void Update ()
if(timer > 0)
// reduce the timer by time passed since last frame
timer -= Time.deltaTime;
timer = 0.5f;
void FiringPistol()
or you can also use Invoke with a given delay.
bool canFire;
void Update ()
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && canFire)
void FiringPistol()
Invoke(nameof(AfterCooldown), 0.5f);
void AfterCooldown()
canFire = true;
In general btw you should store the Animation references to not use GetComponent over and over again:
// if possible already reference these via the Inspector
[SerializeField] private Animation theGunAnimation;
[SerializeField] private Animation muzzleFlashAnimation;
private void Awake()
// as fallback get them on runtime
// since this is a fallback and in best case you already referenced these via the Inspector
// we can save a bit of resources and use GetComponent
// only in the case the fields are not already set
// otherwise we can skip using GetComponent as we already have a reference
if(!theGunAnimation) theGunAnimation = TheGun.GetComponent<Animation>();
if(!muzzleFlashAnimation) muzzleFlashAnimation = MuzzleFlash.GetComponent<Animation>();
then later you reuse them

Control object rotation by mouse click in unity

I need help with my project in unity
I want to stop each object by clicking on it.
What I did so far:
all my objects rotate but when I click anywhere they all stop, I need them to stop only if I click on each one.
This is my code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class EarthScript : MonoBehaviour
public bool rotateObject = true;
public GameObject MyCenter;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
if(rotateObject == true)
rotateObject = false;
rotateObject = true;
if(rotateObject == true)
Vector3 axisofRotation = new Vector3(0,1,0);
transform.RotateAround(MyCenter.transform.position,axisofRotation, 30*Time.deltaTime);
Theres two good ways to achieve this. Both ways require you to have a collider attatched to your object.
One is to raycast from the camera, through the cursor, into the scene, to check which object is currently under the cursor.
The second way is using unity's EventSystem. You will need to attach a PhysicsRaycaster on your camera, but then you get callbacks from the event system which simplifies detection (it is handled by Unity so there is less to write)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class myClass: MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler
public GameObject MyCenter;
public void OnPointerClick (PointerEventData e)
void Update()
if(rotateObject == true)
Vector3 axisofRotation = new Vector3(0,1,0);
transform.RotateAround(MyCenter.transform.position,axisofRotation, 30*Time.deltaTime);

OnCollisionEnter in unity won't call function

I'm a complete unity novice. I want to make a simple scene where you have three lives and you lose a live if you collide with a cube. This is my script:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class Lives : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform player;
public static int lives;
public Image live1;
public Image live2;
public Image live3;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
lives = 3;
live1.enabled = true;
live2.enabled = true;
live3.enabled = true;
void Update () {
public static void Damage() {
lives -= 1;
public void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) {
if (col.gameObject.tag == "cube") {
public void DisplayOfHearts() {
if (lives == 2) {
live3.enabled = false;
else if (lives == 1) {
live2.enabled = false;
else if (lives == 0) {
live1.enabled = false;
What happens is the player can't move through the cube but the amount of lives stays three. Is there something I'm missing?
The problem is you have attached the script to a wrong game object. The script and the collider must be attached to the same game object.
Unity methods inside a MonoBehaviour script (such as OnEnable, Update, FixedUpdate, Awake, Start, OnTriggerEnter, OnCollisionStay, etc..) only work for the game object which the script is attached to.
If you attach the script to another game object don't expect any of those to work. Update only works while that game object is active. OnCollisionEnter only works when a collision occurs on a collider which is attached directly to that game object. (it doesn't even work when a child has the collider instead of the actual game object where script is attached to)