Install specific version of PyTorch to conda environment [duplicate] - virtualenv

This question already has answers here:
How to install older version of pytorch
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Using Anaconda Navigator I created a new environment for running someone's VAE code off GitHub that uses Python 3.6 and PyTorch 0.4.0. Unfortunately, Anaconda Navigator doesn't give me the option to install an older version of PyTorch on this environment, just the PyTorch version I have currently installed. How do I install PyTorch 0.4.0 only to this new Conda environment I created? If it's possible via Anaconda Navigator, great! But I assume it's going to be done via a Conda command. I definitely don't want to mess up my other environments.

Just navigate to the conda environment you want to install it, then use
conda install pytorch=0.4.1 -c pytorch
More details here on how you can install previous PyTorch versions:
According to this blog, conda navigator does not work, but you can follow it to install pytorch in a conda environment:

if you also want to specify the cuda version do this:
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch


Is it possible to run tensorflow-data-validation on MacOS with M1 chip?

Question: Is it possible to run tensorflow-data-validation on MacOS with M1 chip?
Steps taken: I have created a conda environment (tfdv38) in which I have installed the Mac-optimized TensorFlow.
I have tried to install the package within the environment, this didn't work:
(tfdv38) ... % pip install tensorflow-data-validation
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow-data-validation
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow-data-validation
Any suggestions?
At the moment unfortunately we don't support TFT, TFX and TFDV for M1 Mac, We are currently working on this issue, and will have an update in the fairly near future. In the meantime, some users have reported success with Rosetta. Other options include using a VM. We understand that neither of those is ideal.
You can also check on our Tensorflow Forum, same discussion is going on here.
TFDV is tested on the following 64-bit operating systems. Supported platforms :
macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave) or later
Ubuntu 16.04 or later
Windows 7 or later

Deploy python package but not for Windows

I'd like to release a version 2 of my python project to pypi but it is not Windows compatible.
The v1 is already on pypi and supports all OSes.
Is it possible to specify in the that this new release is not available on Windows ?
In other word, all I want is pip install my-pkg to install:
v2 on Linux and Mac
v1 on Windows
Thanks you!
You will have to write clear documentation to instruct your Windows users to call:
python -m pip install 'my-pkg<2'

Advantages of having applications from Anaconda or independent (and the latest)

Can someone can explain and advise whether and why one should install and use applications such as Orange or RStudio or VS Code from Anaconda vs. download and install directly/independently (as stand-alone apps)? At a minimum, what I see (as I am using RStudio and VS Code) current stable versions on the internet are (much) newer.
I am using:
conda version : 4.8.1
conda-build version : 3.18.9
python version :
platform : osx-64
Anaconda pre-installed a lot of packages for you, so you don't have to install them manually. Anaconda create an environment in VSCode, so when you need to use these packages, you have to start VSCode from Anaconda, or switch to conda environment.
On the other hand, when using VSCode independently, you have to install packages yourself.

Configuration for windows server is missing

SNMPFWD is discussion forum is hosted on stack overflow and object items discussed can not be found. In trying to implement a windows based portion of the package no code links are available.
It looks like SNMPFWD is a Python library. It can be installed by running pip install snmpfwd on a command line.
You'll need to have Python installed on your windows system to do so. You can download the latest Python release for Windows here:

Python 3.x on Canopy Express

Are there any issues with installing Python 3.3 after installing Canopy Express (which has Python 2.7)? I recently installed Canopy to take advantage of the packages it bundles. I see that it has uses version 2.7 of python, but I would very much like to use the latest and greatest version of Python as I am new to python and just learning it. However I would like to make sure that installing Python 3.3 doesn't break any of the features of Canopy.
You can install Python 3 in parallel to Canopy, but you will not be able to run Canopy on Python 3.