How to shift the drag and drop feedback to the left? - flutter

I am building a chess board component, in which we should move the pieces by a simple Drag And Drop. In order to ease the drag and drop, I also try to draw a feedback which is a "cross of cells" centered around the pointer.
So, I am trying this way :
I draw a container that starts at the pointer location
Inside that container, I draw the entire cross, also drawing the dragged piece at the center of this container
So, I need a way to shift that feedback half to the left and to the top. That is, I need the feedback to be positionned to left and to the top of the pointer location.
Is that possible ?
I've tried playing with feedback and dragAnchor properties of Draggable, but I did not achieve.


How to guide tvOS focus items for curved SKNodes

My tvOS app generates a game board using SKNodes that looks like the following:
Each shape, separated by lines, is an SKNode that is focusable (e.g. each colored wedge is composed of 5 SKNodes that gradually diminish in size closer to the center).
My problem is that the focus engine doesn't focus the next focus item (SKNode) that would feel like the logical, most natural next node to focus. This issue is because the focus engine logic is rectangular while my SKNodes are curved. As you can see below, there are inherent problems when trying to figure out the next focusable item when swiping down from the outermost yellow SKNode:
In the example above, the focus engine deducts that the currently focused area is the area within the red-shaded rectangle based on the node's edges. Due to this logic, the focused rectangle overlaps areas that are not part of the currently focused node, including the entire width of the second yellow SKNode. Therefore when swiping downward, the focus engine skips focus to the third (middle) yellow SKNode.
How would one go about solving this focus issue so that focus is more natural both vertically and horizontally for my circular game board of SKNodes without seeming so sporadic? Is this possible? Perhaps with UIFocusGuides?
You have to handle the focus manually. Use the methods listed below to check for the next focused view from the context.
func shouldUpdateFocus(in context: UIFocusUpdateContext) -> Bool
In this method, you will get the focus heading direction (UIFocusHeading). Intercept the required direction and save your required next focused view in some property. Manually update the focus by calling below methods
This will trigger the below
preferredFocusEnvironments: [UIFocusEnvironment] { get }
In this check for saved instance, and return the same. This will help you handle the focus manually as per your requirements.

NGUI can't bring sprite to front in Unity

I have a sprite widget in NGUI, and It can't be brought to front what ever the depth I change in the editor:
Note that the orange panel is a scroll view of NGUI.
Here is the inspector setting of the sprite that I want to set to the very front:
And here is the inspector setting that has overlapped the above sprite that I want to make front of it.
And here is the BottomPanel setting
I finally solve this problem by
Add another panel
Setting the added panel in front the origin one
Make the sprite child of the newly added panel
And the final hierarchy is like this:
And this link of NGUI forum helps
quoted here:
"Depth" property is used to determine the drawing order of the widgets within the same panel that use the same atlas. If you are using different atlases or labels using a dynamic font, bring the widgets forward on the transform's Z, moving them closer to the camera (-Z). If you are using different panels, adjust the transform of the panel you want to bring in front to a lower negative Z value (-Z). I highly recommend sticking to one atlas if you can manage it, it will make your life significantly easier.
And I make a youtube video to explain what I have achieved so far.
Everything looks fine to me but it doesn't seem to work for you. There is another workaround.
On the UIPanel, change the Render Q to Explicit then use z-axis to sort your UISprite. I mean the z position (P) not (R) or (S)
For example, change the z-axis of the "Sprite (1)" object to be 2 then change the z-axis of the "background" object to 1. If this does not work, change the values around.
Please make sure that the Sprite is under the panel.

SceneKit HitTest Small Object in Swift

I am trying to move a cylinder using the pan gesture.
Got this working however the hittest does not work well with small objects and my big fingers.
Is there anyway I can expand the objects bounding box so it is bigger then the cylinder making it easier to be moved/hittested?
I am passing in the SCNHitTestBoundingBoxOnlyKey option so if I could expand the bounding box maybe it will work better.
I think I found a solution!
One should be able to add a bigger cylinder and make it a child note to the original cylinder. Then make it hidden, and pass the option SCNHitTestIgnoreHiddenNodesKey=NO when doing the hitTest. This way a small cylinder/object can be moved with pan gesture allthough it is smaller then a touch/finger point.

Looking to mimic the iPhone lock screen camera drag

I've been searching and searching on how apple makes the dragging motion on the lock screen to open the camera so clean. I'm trying to do a similar thing with an app where you drag from the bottom up to reveal a menu, but i cant quite get it right. Anyone know how to, or of any tutorials that show how to do this? Thanks in advance!
To follow up what's been mentioned by Hejazi I believe you can achieve this in 3 steps:
create a background rectangle with some corner radius (this is a property of CGRect).
create a top view, corresponding to the part you want to be able to slide. Attach a pan gesture to this view so you will be able to handle the animation for this view.
for the text part being highlighted I think you need another two views: I will apply a mask corresponding to the text to a view so you get some transparency only for the letters of your text and animate a white round view behind it.

In gamesalad actor moves out of the screen on x-axis

In gamesalad framework I am creating a game in which I have an actor which only moves on x-axis on touch is pressed. But when I move it to x-axis the actor goes away out of the range of the screen. Let me clarify that I am new to gamesalad framework.
plz help to solve the problem.
I'm reading this in two different ways:
1 - when you press your touch controls the actor disappears from the screen
2 - when you press the touch control the actor moves along the x-axis and out of the screen
For the sake of argument I'm going to assume that we're talking about number two.
What you'll need to do is restrict the actors movement to the boundaries of the current screen. You can do this is two ways with Gamesalad
1 - create an invisible barrier for your actor to collide against
2 - use a behaviour to prevent your actor from going beyond the screen boundary
I'll explain both:
1, Invisible barriers
What you'll do is create a new actor, and set it to collide with the actor that your controlling. You'll create a few instances of this actor to create a walled area for your actor. Although this works, it's a little cludgy and using additional actors in a scene take a little performance away from your application.
2, using a behaviour
In my opinion the better way is to use the given behaviours in Gamesalad itself.
To stop the player actor from moving off screen you can use a combination of Rules and the Constrain Attribute behaviour to achieve this.
The first thing to know is your screen size; for an iPad I believe it's 1074 along the x-axis.
So to stop the actor moving off either side of the screen you'll need to do the following:
Open up the player actor
the click on the "Create Rule" button on the top right.
A new rule window will appear, but default the first dropdown will say "Actor receives event" change this to "Attribute".
Next select the attribute to use the rule against, since we're interested in the x-axis we'll want to query that player attribute which will be:
(also known as self) > Position > X
Select the greater than symbol (">") and then enter the maximum width of the screen minus whatever border value you want, so I'll use 1014 (1024 - 10).
Find and drag the Constrain Attribute behaviour into your rule a set the actors X position to 1014.
This will stop the actor from going beyond one side of the screen, now copy the rule and amend the settings to that if the actor goes less than, say 10, it will constrain the actors X position to 10.
I'd post an image, but alas my Karma isn't large enough right now! Hence the large explanation!
Hope this is what you're looking for!
It is way easier than that.
In top of the Gamesalad Creator there is a play button, which you probably know, displays your progress. To the left of this button there is a button that looks like a little video camera, it changes the camera settings. So what you first have to do is click the camera button, then the rectangular camera screen will show itself as marked. In the center of each of the sides of the highlighted rectangular which is the camera screen, sits 1 little grey rectangular. Each of these needs to be pulled to the center of the camera view so that you get a little grey "cross" in the center and from the center to the boarder there will now be this highlighted color.
Second and last step is easy, just go under your character and in (type or drag in a behavior block) you type control camera... or drag the control camera block, which as by the type box is statet possible.
Since Gamesalad only can have one camera at a time, and you character is the only one with the control camera option applied it will follow him and only him. Wherever your character starts on the screen, the camera will follow it when it passes through the center of the screen. You may know this from Super Mario Bros. Where you start of a little to the left and walk right and the second Mario enters the center of the screen, the camera follows him from then on.
Hope this helps... :