Wildlfy Schedule overlapping - scheduled-tasks

I use a scheduler in WildFly 9, with this EJBs:
import javax.ejb.Singleton;
import javax.ejb.Startup;
import javax.ejb.Schedule;
I get loads of these warnings:
2020-01-21 12:35:59,000 WARN [org.jboss.as.ejb3] (EJB default - 6) WFLYEJB0043: A previous execution of timer [id=3e4ec2d2-cea9-43c2-8e80-e4e66593dc31 timedObjectId=FiloJobScheduler.FiloJobScheduler.FiskaldatenScheduler auto-timer?:true persistent?:false timerService=org.jboss.as.ejb3.timerservice.TimerServiceImpl#71518cd4 initialExpiration=null intervalDuration(in milli sec)=0 nextExpiration=Tue Jan 21 12:35:59 GMT+02:00 2020 timerState=IN_TIMEOUT info=null] is still in progress, skipping this overlapping scheduled execution at: Tue Jan 21 12:35:59 GMT+02:00 2020.
But when I measure the elapsed times, they are allways < 1 minute.
The Scheduling is:
#Schedule(second = "*", minute = "*/5", hour = "*", persistent = false)
Has anyone an idea what is going on?

A little logging would help you. This runs every second because that's what you're telling it to do with the second="*" section. If you want to only run every 5 minutes of every hour, change the schedule to:
#Schedule(minute = "*/5", hour="*", persistent = false)


Airflow tasks timeout in one hour even the setting is larger than 1 hour

Currently I'm using airflow with celery-executor+redis to run dags, and I have set execution_timeout to be 12 hours in a S3 key sensor, but it will fail in one hour in each retry
I have tried to update visibility_timeout = 64800 in airflow.cfg but the issue still exist
file_sensor = CorrectedS3KeySensor(
task_id = 'listen_for_file_drop', dag = dag,
aws_conn_id = 'aws_default',
poke_interval = 15,
timeout = 64800, # 18 hours
bucket_name = EnvironmentConfigs.S3_SFTP_BUCKET_NAME,
bucket_key = dag_config[ConfigurationConstants.FILE_S3_PATTERN],
wildcard_match = True,
execution_timeout = timedelta(hours=12)
For my understanding, execution_timeout should work that it will last for 12 hours after total four times run (retry = 3). But the issue is for each retry, it will fail in an hour and it only last total 4 hours+
[2019-08-06 13:00:08,597] {{base_task_runner.py:101}} INFO - Job 9: Subtask listen_for_file_drop [2019-08-06 13:00:08,595] {{timeout.py:41}} ERROR - Process timed out
[2019-08-06 13:00:08,612] {{models.py:1788}} ERROR - Timeout
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/models.py", line 1652, in _run_raw_task
result = task_copy.execute(context=context)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/sensors/base_sensor_operator.py", line 97, in execute
while not self.poke(context):
File "/usr/local/airflow/dags/ProcessingStage/sensors/sensors.py", line 91, in poke
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/utils/timeout.py", line 42, in handle_timeout
raise AirflowTaskTimeout(self.error_message)
airflow.exceptions.AirflowTaskTimeout: Timeout
I figure it out a few days before.
Since I'm using AWS to deploy airflow with celery executor, there's a few improper cloudwatch alarm will keep scale up and down the workers and webserver/scheuler :(
After those alarms updated, it works well now!!

Akka-Quartz-Scheduler, how to use cron expression

When i use jobs and triggers to schedule message publishing, it works
val job = JobBuilder.newJob(classOf[ScheduledMessagePublisher]).withIdentity("Job", "Group").build()
val trigger: CronTrigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger()
.withIdentity("Trigger", "Group")
.withSchedule(CronScheduleBuilder.cronSchedule("0 33 10 11 JAN ? 2019"))
.forJob("Job", "Group")
quartz.scheduleJob(job, trigger)
But, when i use actors and QuartzSchedulerExtension, my code never fire when the time has come, logs just write batch acquisition of 0 triggers
val test = context.actorOf(Executor.props(client))
QuartzSchedulerExtension(context.system).createSchedule("Test", None, "0 33 10 11 JAN ? 2019")
QuartzSchedulerExtension(context.system).schedule("Test", test, Executor.PublishMessage)
i think problem in cron expression "0 33 10 11 JAN ? 2019" because when i use only seconds and minutes, it works "0 30 * * * ? *"
Your cron expression is correct.
But the default timezone for QuartzSchedulerExtension is UTC. Check the document here.
Hence, you explicitly need to specify your current timezone.
Here's the solution:
val test = context.actorOf(Executor.props(client))
QuartzSchedulerExtension(context.system).createSchedule("Test", None, "0 33 10 11 JAN ? 2019", None, TimeZone.getDefault)
QuartzSchedulerExtension(context.system).schedule("Test", test, Executor.PublishMessage)

Oppo Realme1 Job Schduler Min interval for Periodic Work is 1 hr

Currently I am using WorkManager 1.0.0-alpha05. I set periodic Work Request using below code.
When interval is below 1 hr then In Oppo Realme (Android Version - 8.1.0 , ColorOSVersion V5.0)
job execute at 1 hr. When interval greater than 1 hr job execute at exact time . when interval is smaller than 1 hr then job execute at 1 hr.
Please let me know any log or information required :
Code For Schdule Periodic Job:
PeriodicWorkRequest uploadWork = new PeriodicWorkRequest.
Builder(LocationUpdatesJobService.class ,interval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.REPLACE, uploadWork);
in all other device Periodic Work request interval is proper. In Oppo Realme 1 work execute at 1 hr.
Oppo Realme 1: Interval 15 Min
I debug Job Schduler using below command:
adb shell dumpsys jobscheduler
JOB #u0a249/18: cc2fc59 com.cygneto.field_sales/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService
u0a249 tag=job/com.cygneto.field_sales/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService
Source: uid=u0a249 user=0 pkg=com.cygneto.field_sales
Service: com.cygneto.field_sales/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService
PERIODIC: interval=+1h0m0s0ms flex=+21m0s0ms
Requires: charging=false batteryNotLow=false deviceIdle=false
Extras: mParcelledData.dataSize=180
Backoff: policy=1 initial=+30s0ms
Has early constraint
Has late constraint
Required constraints: TIMING_DELAY DEADLINE
Satisfied constraints: APP_NOT_IDLE DEVICE_NOT_DOZING
Unsatisfied constraints: TIMING_DELAY DEADLINE
Doze whitelisted: true
Tracking: TIME
Enqueue time: -9m4s617ms
Run time: earliest=+29m55s383ms, latest=+50m55s383ms
Ready: false (job=false user=true !pending=true !active=true !backingup=true comp=true)
Oppo Realme 1: Interval 1hr 10 Min
Service: com.cygneto.field_sales/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService
PERIODIC: interval=+1h10m0s0ms flex=+1h10m0s0ms
Requires: charging=false batteryNotLow=false deviceIdle=false
Extras: mParcelledData.dataSize=180
Doze whitelisted: true
Tracking: TIME
Enqueue time: -4m19s846ms
Run time: earliest=+1h5m39s833ms, latest=+2h15m39s833ms
Last successful run: 2018-07-25 17:01:23
Ready: false (job=false user=true !pending=true !active=true !backingup=true comp=true)
Other Device :
Log :
PERIODIC: interval=+15m0s0ms flex=+15m0s0ms
Requires: charging=false batteryNotLow=false deviceIdle=false
Tracking: TIME
Enqueue time: -29s237ms
Run time: earliest=+14m30s690ms, latest=+29m30s690ms
Last successful run: 2018-07-25 17:29:19
Ready: false (job=false user=true !pending=true !active=true !backingup=true comp=true)
I also try Using different library. I found same behavior in Job Scheduler and Android-Job.
job period length is 15 min but execute at 1 hr but when i try using firebase job dispatcher
job execute at correct 15 min interval time.
i debug Job Scheduler and Android-Job using below command:
adb shell dumpsys jobscheduler
Job Scheduler:
Interval : 15 Min
Output : 1 hr
JOB #u0a266/1: a0dd846 com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.periodic.JobSchedulerService
u0a266 tag=*job*/com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.periodic.JobSchedulerService
Source: uid=u0a266 user=0 pkg=com.jobscheduler_periodic
Service: com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.periodic.JobSchedulerService
PERIODIC: interval=+1h0m0s0ms flex=+15m0s0ms
Interval : 15 Min
Output : 1 hr:
JOB #u0a266/3: 10c0d65 com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.evernote.android.job.v21.PlatformJobService
u0a266 tag=*job*/com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.evernote.android.job.v21.PlatformJobService
Source: uid=u0a266 user=0 pkg=com.jobscheduler_periodic
Service: com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.evernote.android.job.v21.PlatformJobService
PERIODIC: interval=+1h0m0s0ms flex=+5m0s0ms
Firebase Job Dispatcher:
I debug firebase job Dispatcher using below command:
adb shell "dumpsys activity service GcmService | grep com.jobscheduler_periodic"
Interval : 15 Min
Output : 15 min
u0|com.jobscheduler_periodic: 1
(scheduled) com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.firebase.jobdispatcher.GooglePlayReceiver{u=0 tag="MyJobService" trigger=window{s
tart=720s,end=900s,earliest=46s,latest=226s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED,CHARGING] attributes=[RECURRING] scheduled=-673s last_
run=N/A jid=N/A status=PENDING retries=0 client_lib=FIREBASE_JOB_DISPATCHER-1}
This happens to be an OEM bug. Unfortunately, it is very hard to work around these kind of bugs, in a battery efficient way. If you want a period of 15 mins, I suggest using the following workaround:
Use a OneTimeWorkRequest instead of a periodic work request, and upon first execution of the first work request, schedule a second from inside the worker with an initialDelay of 15 mins. That will essentially give you what you want.

Mojolicious: long subroutine have no effect on my variable

I have some trouble with very long subroutine with hypnotoad.
I need to run 1 minute subroutine (hardware connected requirements).
Firsly, i discover this behavior with:
my $var = 0;
Mojo::IOLoop->recurring(60 => sub {
$log->debug("starting loop: var: $var");
if ($var == 0) {
#make some long (30 to 50 seconds) communication with external hardware
sleep 50; #fake reproduction of this long communication
$var = 1;
$log->debug("ending loop: var: $var");
14:13:45 2018 [debug] starting loop: var: 0
14:14:26 2018 [debug] ending loop: var: 1 #duration: 41 seconds
14:14:26 2018 [debug] starting loop: var: 0
14:15:08 2018 [debug] ending loop: var: 1 #duration: 42 seconds
14:15:08 2018 [debug] starting loop: var: 0
14:15:49 2018 [debug] ending loop: var: 1 #duration: 42 seconds
14:15:50 2018 [debug] starting loop: var: 0
14:16:31 2018 [debug] ending loop: var: 1 #duration: 41 seconds
3 problems:
1) Where do these 42 seconds come from? (yes, i know, 42 seconds is the answer of the universe...)
2) Why the IOLoop recuring loses his pace?
3) Why my variable is setted to 1, and just one second after, the if get a variable equal to 0?
When looped job needs 20 seconds or 25 seconds, no problem.
When looped job needs 60 secondes and used with morbo, no problem.
When looped job needs more than 40 seconds and used with hypnotoad (1 worker), this is the behavior explained here.
If i increase the "not needed" time (e.g. 120 seconds IOLoop for 60 seconds jobs, the behaviour is always the same.
It's not a problem about IOLoop, i can reproduce the same behavior outside loop.
I suspect a problem with worker killed and heart-beat, but i have no log about that.

Can only do 4 concurrent futures as maximum in Scala

I thought that using futures would easily allow me to to fire off one shot code blocks, however it seems I can only have 4 futures at a time.
Where does this restriction come from, or am I abusing Futures by using it like this?
import scala.concurrent._
import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
import java.util.Calendar
object Main extends App{
val rand = scala.util.Random
for (x <- 1 to 100) {
val f = Future {
//val sleepTime = rand.nextInt(1000)
val sleepTime = 2000
val today = Calendar.getInstance().getTime()
println("Future: " + x + " - sleep was: " + sleepTime + " - " + today)
Future: 3 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:44 CEST 2015
Future: 2 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:44 CEST 2015
Future: 4 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:44 CEST 2015
Future: 1 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:44 CEST 2015
Future: 7 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:46 CEST 2015
Future: 5 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:46 CEST 2015
Future: 6 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:46 CEST 2015
Future: 8 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:46 CEST 2015
Future: 9 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:48 CEST 2015
Future: 11 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:48 CEST 2015
Future: 10 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:48 CEST 2015
Future: 12 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:48 CEST 2015
Future: 16 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:50 CEST 2015
Future: 13 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:50 CEST 2015
Future: 15 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:50 CEST 2015
Future: 14 - sleep was: 2000 - Mon Aug 31 10:02:50 CEST 2015
I expected them to all show the same time.
To give some context, I thought I could use this construct and extend it by having a main loop, in which it sleeps every loop according to a value drawn from a exponential disitribution , to emulate user arrival/execution of a query. After each sleep I'd like to execute the query by sending it to the program's driver (in this case Spark, and the driver allows for multiple threads using it.) Is there a more obvious way than to use Futures?
When you are using using import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global,
It creates thread pool which has the same size of the number of CPUs.
From the source of the ExecutionContext.scala
The default ExecutionContext implementation is backed by a work-stealing thread pool. By default,
the thread pool uses a target number of worker threads equal to the number of [[https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Runtime.html#availableProcessors-- available processors]].
And there's good StackOverflow question: What is the behavior of scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global?
Since the default size of the thread pool depends on number of CPUs, if you want to use larger thread pool, you have to write something like
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newWorkStealingPool(8))
before executing the Future.
( In your code, you have to place it before for loop. )
Note that work stealing pool was added in java 8, scala has their own ForkJoinPool which does the work stealing: scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool vs java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
Also if you want one thread per Future, you can write something like
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor)
Therefore, the following code executes 100 threads in parallel
import scala.concurrent._
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
object Main extends App{
for (x <- 1 to 100) {
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor)
val f = Future {
val sleepTime = 2000
val today = Calendar.getInstance().getTime()
println("Future: " + x + " - sleep was: " + sleepTime + " - " + today)
In addition to work stealing thread pool and single thread executors, there's some other executors: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Executors.html
Read the docs for detail:
The default pool when using import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global indeed has as many threads as you have cores on your machine. This is ideal for non-blocking code (no synchronous io/sleep/...) but can be problematic and even cause deadlocks when you use it for blocking code.
However, this pool can actually grow if you mark blocking code in a scala.concurrent.blocking block. The same marker is for example in use when you are using Await.result and Await.ready functions that block while waiting for a Future.
see the api docs for blocking
So all you have to do is update your example:
import scala.concurrent.blocking
val sleepTime = 2000
Now all futures will end after 2000 ms
you can also use
`implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(ExecutorService.newFixedThreadPool(NUMBEROFTHREADSYOUWANT))`
in NUMBEROFTHREADSYOUWANT you can give number of threads want to start.
This will use before Future .