Shopify API: How to get id where is greater than - rest

How can I get orders thru Shopify API where the id is greater than xxxxx?
Something like:
I hope you understand what I mean.

If you read the documentation you see that orders have a created_at_min and created_at_max. Those values are what you use as your filter criteria for dates. If you need to work off of ID then you can try the since_id filter. In other words, give me all order since 123456. You get what I mean?


Retrieve count related lookup value using REST in SharePoint 2016

I am following this post:
Now I want to get the same results(i.e DepartmentTitle and NbOfEmployees) values programatically using the REST api.
I've tried different variations of:
but haven't got any luck.
Has anyone tried this?
Many thanks!
I created the lookup field "NbOfEmployees" (Department(Count Related) to Employee Data list like this:
This is the two list data:
Then for NbOfEmployees field (Department count), directly get in Rest API:
Actually, this value is the real count value for department, no need to expand in Rest.

Facebook Graph API (v.3.1) Marketing API: use two paramaters with Campaign Insights

I'm trying to return campaign insights in the Facebook Marketing API and show the results aggregated for each day and broken down by country.
I'm trying
but the country and time_increment paramaters don't seem to affect the results.
I've had success with EITHER time_increment of breakdowns if I don't use the ?fields paramater but then I'm not aggregating at the level I want and can still only use one paramater.
Can anyone suggest anything?
Managed to figure this one out:
The key things I was missing were:
define the level of aggregation in the ?level paramater return the
Return insights edge before the ?fields paramater rather than through field
extension as I did in my example.
all you have to do is
This one fetches all campaigns name and insights between the date interval in day by day manner breaking down according to countries
you can use {} for subfields like
you can use . and () for parameters like; always make sure you use you use fields only after parameters like this order .(){}

Facebook Marketing API: Is it possible to filter insights by status

I am trying to filter adsets insights by adset status, but when I add a status filter, I get an empty dataset back:
curl "<redacted>/insights?fields=clicks,impressions,cpc,ctr,account_id&time_range%5Bsince%5D=2016-01-12&time_range%5Buntil%5D=2016-09-12&access_token=<redacted>&format=json&filtering=%5B%7B%22field%22:%22status%22,%22operator%22:%22EQUAL%22,%22value%22:%22ACTIVE%22%7D%5D&level=adset"
here is what filtering param looks like before it gets url-encoded:
I have tried all valid values for status ACTIVE, PAUSED, DELETED, ARCHIVED to no avail.
When I remove filtering param - I see my data.
The question is:
Does anyone know if it is possible to filter by status, and if it is, what I am doing wrong?
It is possible. Using latest version as of March 2018.
You need to actually request all the ads that are ACTIVE and then provide insights as a 'nested' list of fields.
Replace 123456 with your ad account (but leave the 'act_' which is needed)
This also works for /campaigns and /adsets
You can also do this (be sure to include &level=ad):
Filtering by insights isn't possible. At least in v2.7. To get insights for let's say ads I've decided to do the following:
1. Fetch ads that I need via /ads call. This allows me to filter by status.
2. Fetch insights for the same collection of ads and make sure that I ad id is included in the response.
3. Filter the second collection using the first one.
i m using this to filter campaigns with insights , working for me , start playing with it
$campaigncheckstatus = array("ACTIVE","PAUSED");
dont forget to json_encode $campaigncheckstatus if passed through url

How to delete only a subset of posted data in firebase

Posting data to firebase generate new items similar to the following example:
I struggle to find how to e.g. delete entries that is older than x days - preferably with the REST API. Suggestions appreciated.
You can do a range query.
This technique requires you to have a timestamp property for each record.
Using orderBy and endAt you can retrieve all of the items before a specified date.
curl https://<my-firebase-app>"timestamp"&endAt=1449754918067
Then with the result, you can delete each individual item.

Instagram Search for a tag within particular date range

I am looking to retrieve results from instagram for a particular tag mytag , I tried using this API call,{tag-name}/media/recent
but it only returned 33 results even though there are more results. This question can be considered an extension to this question: How To Search Instagram via API Query?
What is the way to return instagram results for a particular tag within a date range?
This may be done through the min_tag_id and max_tag_id which. Not sure how to convert my date time to min_tag_id or max_tag_id?
call the API with max_tag_id and min_tag_id like this:{tag-name}/media/recent?client_id={CLIENT_ID}&max_tag_id=1378677250000000&min_tag_id=1375998850000000
max_tag_id and min_tag_id is epoch_time + "000000"
you still only get 20 per API call, use pagination to get all
Update: Instagram changed the tag_id, so date filter cannot be done
this way. Login on and search for a hashtag and
you can do date/time filter, its a different hack implementation.