Failed to connect to the BizTalkMgmtDb database from BizTalk Management REST Api's - rest

I am using the BizTalk Feature Pack 2 and enabled the BizTalk Server Management REST API's.
When I tried to use the API to resume a suspended messages getting the below error.
Failed to connect to the BizTalkMgmtDb database on 'serverName'
Unable find any logs. All the services are running with same domain account that is used for app pool identity.

The REST API's were deployed to IIS with custom window domain account.
After disabling the Impersonation in IIS, I am able to call the API's without this error.


Error: Error: Failed to deploy web package to App Service. Error: tunneling socket could not be established, statusCode=503

We are getting below error on Azure devops pipeline via Self hosted agent release when Azure web app is on Private network. No Error seen when the web app on azure is on Public.
Error: Error: Failed to deploy web package to App Service. Error: tunneling socket could not be established, statusCode=503
Made Azure web app to private and error comes. Moved to public no error seen.
Seems that the self-hosted agent cannot connect to the Azure app service. It seems to be a network issue.
The agent needs a way to connect to the App service directly. To ensure the connectivity is ok, we need to make sure the self-hosted agent is not blocked by NSG rules or App Service networking Access Restrictions. Just whitelist the agent machine in your rules.
The task using Kudu REST API to deploy the application. We need to check the following App Service networking Access Restrictions to allow deployment from a specific agent:
Make sure the REST site “” have Allow All, i.e. no restriction.
Also, the option “Same restrictions as ***” should be unchecked.
If you are using Private Endpoints for Azure Web App, you must create two records in your Azure DNS private zone or your custom DNS server. Kindly check DNS for more details.
Besides, when the proxy is set up, Web API calls and SCM hosts are bypassed by the user. The same has to be configured in the Azure pipelines agent explicitly. To bypass specific hosts, follow the steps here and restart the agent.
1.Allow access to Public removed.
2.Created Pvt endpoints within same Vnet and Subnet of Target VM
3.Created new file .proxybypass in self hosted agent folder C:\Username\Agent
4.Added below entries in .proxybypass to allow and communicate bypassing corporate proxy
enter code here

How can I authenticate with the machine account during SPNego authentication?

My goal is to create a HTTPS REST service that (in concept) allows a machine account to authenticate using the less- than documented machine$ account.
I have a REST endpoint for an AD connected intranet application. Right now IIS simply echoes the thread CurrentPrincipal when I navigate using Internet Explorer.
Now I'm using the HTTPClient , using default authentication, running a my username, and that also works.
My new goal is to send the AD Connected machineAccount (that ends in the dollar sign $) so that IIS responds with the kerberos name Domain\TestServer$
I attempted creating a Windows Desktop service, running as NetworkService or LocalSystem, and I'm not clear if HttpClientHandler.UseDefaultCredentials is sufficient for running in this (unusual) context or if a different approach is needed to authenticate using the machine account.
Is a PInvoke needed? Is there anything in logonuser32 that needs to be done?

service fabric failed to contact the server. please try again later or get help from "how to configure secure connections"

I'm trying to deploy a service fabric application to an unsecure Azure Service Fabric cluster. When I open the publish window in VS 2017 I get the following. If my cluster is unsecure, shouldn't I be able to publish it w/o configuring the cert?
I tried a publish anyways and I got:
Try accessing the server via powershell to maybe get a better error. Usually, errors like this are caused by firewalls blocking the port 19000.

using Windows Azure Connect local endpoint to send email from web role

I am trying to send email using one of our on-premises servers from one of my web roles hosted on azure. We've got a Windows Azure Connect endpoint installed on this on-premises server which has an SMTP server.
We've configured the web role so that it contains an activation code I acquired using the windows azure portal and the azure subscription we have. The web role has been deployed to azure with this configuration. Looking in the virtual network section of the portal I can see our on-premises server listed as well as the instance of said web role. I Created a group connecting the local endpoint to the web role instance.
The problem I'm having now is figuring out exactly what I have to do in order for the emails I send from the web role to be relayed through the smtp server on the on-premises server.
My first thought was to just specify the local endpoint name as it appears in our azure portal as the host to use when I create my SmtpClient object in code. Of course this didn't work as I received an SmtpException just saying Failure Sending Email.
So my question is once I've set everything up as described above, what do I need to do in ,my web role code and/or configuration in order to use the local endpoint as the smtp host for sending out my emails??
How about open your firewall for the SMTP on both your azure VM and local server.
As I know the azure VM firewall disabled the PING (ICMP) but doesn't know if it blocked all ports except those defined in your CSDEF file. 3.5 Deployment issue

For deploying my website in server by using IIS 5.1,,i created virtual directory,,i browsed in to my application and selected 2.0 tab(application is framework3.5)..I reset framwork configuratio 2,0 Runtime security Policy Enterprise,Machine,User
tab,,What ever things i can do i did
Still also application is working properly,,but i am not able to deploy it in IIS
i am getting this error
If i browse Login.aspx i am getting
Server Application Unavailable
The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.
Administrator Note: An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur.
Is it with IIS 5.1??
Here my machine is acting as server ,It has xp professional 2002 service pack 2 and IIS 5.1
Any body knows how to create application pool in IIS 5.1
I don't think you can ... Creating Application Pools in IIS
IIS 5.1 and earlier: The AppCreate3
method, the IIS WMI provider, and
Application pools are not available,
and therefore this topic does not