Multiple suggestion chips selection in Dialogflow - dialogflow-es-fulfillment

Is there any way to select multiple options for single intent?
bot: please select your hobbies? (suggestions chips options are = "Cricket", "Football", "Basketball", "Chess", "Reading" etc.)
user: want to select cricket, football and, chess
Is it possible to make multiple selections?

No, with clicking on chips you can only select one chips suggestion. However, you can handle this via a user utterance in followup intent.
bot: please select your hobbies? (suggestions chips options are = "Cricket", "Football", "Basketball", "Chess", "Reading" etc.)
user: My hobbies are cricket and football.
These you can extract in follow up intent.


IBM Watson Conversation: How to capture and retrieve a list of values in a variable

I have a dialog where users can enter one or more country names.
How do I retrieve the values from the entity defined to store the responses.
Example :
Entity : Country
Question : Where did you travel to?
Answer : Africa, Thailand and
How can I capture these 3 values in a list entity?
Henrik is right, just to add to that,
What he said will return them in an array, if you do
"countries": "<? entities['sys-location'] .toString() ?>"
you will get a comma separated list of the locations returned.
#sys-location entity in System Entities extracts location from the conversation. (Note: Ensure that you have switched on that entity as shown below)
You can now see that location has been extracted from conversation
You can use the system entity for locations, #sys-location. You need to turn that capability on for your workspace. See the wizard for entity creations.
In your dialog node where you want to capture the input in a list, you can assign those countries to a context variable. Switch to the JSON editor to edit variables. Then do something like:
"context": {
"countries": "<? entities['sys-location'] ?>"
See my collection of examples for context processing for something similar.
Its Quite Simple. Use
"countries": "#sys-location.values"
It will list all #sys-location values in array form.

Multiple tag search with Firebase using Swift

I'm trying to understand how to retrieve data from a Firebase database based on multiple tags. Let's consider the following data structure:
"title":"First post",
"description":"that's a nice post",
"tag": ["tag1","tag2","tag3"]
"title":"Second post",
"description":"the best post",
"tag": ["tag4","tag5","tag6"]
"title":"Third post",
"description":"cool post",
"tag": ["tag5","tag80","tag90"]
Each post has a title, description and an arbitrary size array of tags.
My goal is to show the user only the posts having specific tags. For example I may search for tag1 and tag4, then I want to show post1 and post2 to the user. Or search for tag1 and tag5, then all the three posts must be shown.
Tags in each post are not predefine keywords, they could be any possible word because could also be the case that a user set these tags. So could be that I search for tag100 but nothing is in the database.
I've seen couple of similar posts but I couldn't adapt any of them to this case. Can you give me some hints about the best strategy to handle this problem?
I'd recommend creating a separate structure for "tags", something like this:
"title":"First post",
"description":"that's a nice post",
"tag": ["tag1","tag2","tag100"]
"title":"Second post",
"description":"the best post",
"tag": ["tag2","tag3","tag100"]
// more posts...
"tag1": ["post1"],
"tag2": ["post1","post2"],
"tag3": ["post2"],
"tag100": ["post1","post2"]
This way, every time you add a post, you can take tags from that new post and check if they exist in the "tags" structure. If the tag DOES exist already, just push the post onto the end of the array. If the tag DOES NOT exist, create that tag property and add that post in an array as the value.
When you look for posts with any searched tag in the future, you just need to go into the "tags" structure, find any arrays with the searched tag names, use those post titles to get specific posts, and you're on your way.
Note: To add values to the Tag arrays (both in the "posts" and "tags" structures), you should probably use the .push() functionality described in the docs here.
Hopefully this helps!

Crystal Reports 2013 - to hide/delete row (subitem)

On the graph we can see the main items like "Cash and Liquid Assets", "Loan Portfolio", "Securities" and etc. Each of the main items has sub-items, showing what the item consist of. It looks like :
Cash and Liquid Assets (Item )
Cash (subitem)
Precious Metals (subitem)
Nostro accounts (subitem)
Loan Portfolio (item)
Individual (subitem)
SME (subitem)
Micro (subitem)
Securities (item)
Securities (subitem)
Could you please advice, if the Item contains only one sub-item (as in 3.Securities), not to show sub-item in the graph as they indicate the same amount. I am able to blanc the sub-item , but not to remove the row. This, in turn, make the graph look weird. If it is not possible to remove the sub-item row, please advice how to minimize the row's height .
EDIT: this does not apply, i did not understand it was about a crosstab. I did not delete the answer to preserve the comments below.
I supose you have a group with details. So, "3. Securities" shows up in group header and "Securities" shows up in detail section.
If so, then, you may put a formula to hide the detail section.
Create a summary field to count the details per group.
Right click the details section and choose "section expert".
Find the "Suppress (no drill-down)" check box on the right pane.
Click its formula button.
If the counter is 1, return true, else return false.

Is it possible to do this in Microsoft word?

I have a list of values like "fee" "fi" "fo" "fum". I would like to have a popup window where I can check each of the values I want to see in the current document (say "fee" and "fi") and have them appear thus:
fee, fi
If I select "fee" "fo" and "fum" I would like to have them appear thus:
fee, fo, fum
Is there any way to do this in Microsoft Word? Building Blocks is nice but doesn't seem to offer more advanced features like this...

Access multiple rows in a form using a search box

I hava a form which I search data in a table. It has a textbox to input the data. I want to search for and a button do the search.
It has the design below:
[search box][Search Button]
[ text box ] <-- this field shows the data I've insert in search box and search using the Search Button
I've nailed it using macros, it works perfectly, but it only show the first data, not all.
e.g: [Ann ][SB]
[Anna Alfred]
I type "Ann" and the press the search Button [SB] and in the text box it appear "Anna Alfred".
But I have more than one Anna! I have Anna ALfred, Anna Portland, Anna Smith, ...
My doubt is: can I show multiple items in this form?
E.g: [Ann ][SB]
[Anna Alfred ]
[Anna Portland]
[Anna Smith ]`
When I'm not searching, I need it to show all the items in a table with all the names in the table,
when I'm searching I need it to show all the items that contains the data I'd input in the searchbox.