What is the platform renderer for StackLayout? - forms

I have been grepping through Xamarin's source all morning and can't find out what renderer / VisualElement is responsible for either platform's StackLayout. What is the source that converts a LinearLayout to a platform specific view?

Yes, StackLayoutRenderer is what everyone expects Xamarin to do the trick. However, there is no such in Xamarin.
Xamarin handles the native conversion of certain layouts in the ViewRenderer<TView, TNativeView> itself. They are mapped to the corresponding NativeViews. As you mentioned there are no explicit files that I could either see to be sure or claim on it. Ever since I started working in Xamarin, am also not sure about this.
However, I believe the StackLayout is internally mapped to either the RelativeLayout or ViewGroup which I could confirm by seeing the below VisualTree. I got this tree when loading an entry and a label inside a StackLayout.
Maybe, have a look at the ViewRenderer and VisualElementRenderer class files in each native renderers to have an idea.

according to the docs, Android uses View and iOS uses UIView


How to make window centered in GTK4?

In GTK3 there was a property on the Gtk.Window class called window-position. By setting this property to Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER it was possible to tell the window to render in the center of the screen.
In GTK4 this property has been removed. How to achieve the same behavior in GTK4, i.e. how to make the main window of my application to be rendered in the center of the screen?
I checked the migration guide but I couldn't find the solution.
There is no replacement API, since it can't possibly work cross-platform, so it is broken API by definition. As such, it was removed.
For example: this is impossible to implement when running on top of a Wayland session, since the protocol doesn't allow getting/setting global coordinates. If you still want to have something similar working, you'll have to call the specific platform API (for example, X11) for those platforms that you want to support.

Custom control within framework not configurable or visible in Xcode

I have created a small selection of custom controls that are tagged #IBDesignable to enable visual configuration within IB. They work perfectly in their parent project/workspace and, as I wanted them to be reusable, I've created a framework.
After importing the framework into another project, I can access the classes programmatically but there is no visual representation in IB and none of the #IBInspectable properties are displayed in the attributes inspector. There are no errors reported during build or run phases. I guess I'm missing something somewhere but does anyone have any pointers?
It would appear that this is not currently possible (using Carthage as a dependency manager at any rate) without considerable effort with workarounds. This kind of defeats the object IMO!
For now it seems that you need to import the framework project into the product project. Explanation here but, for now, this seems dead in the water.

how to inspect gwt screen?

GWT screens are composed of a hierarchy of Widgets each implemented by various application classes. In order to maintain (add/change) these screens it is required to understand its structure, namely to discover which screen element is rendered by which Widget implementation.
Currently, I am trying to read the "suspected" class source while peeking at the DOM structure of the screen.
I am looking for a tool, or method, to aid with discovering which Widget class renders a specific screen element.
Such a tool would monitor the mouse position on screen and provide the class name of the hovered element (for example, in a tooltip).
Alternatively, I would be happy to find a programming method that allows adding a generic mouse event handler, most desirable to the RootPanel, further displaying the class name of currently hovered element.
Unfortunately AFAIK ,as of now there is no such tool for GWT( will be more happy if any ) .
As on browser side there is no such information available related to class files of java available since it compiled to javascript.
So , what's the fix??
Though very common and tradational.
1)Proper naming conventions
2)Proper package structure
3)Documentation etc ...
Check out the GWT-Instrumental project for an example of how this can be achieved. This is not a new project and may need to be updated to be properly useful in some cases, but seems to work with GWT 2.4 and GWT 2.5.1 projects just fine. The Inspector bookmarklet/instructions can be found at http://gwt-instrumental.googlecode.com/svn/latest/inspectorwidget/index.html.
This isn't doing exactly what you are describing, but could be modified fairly simply. What it does do is this:
When launched (or refreshed), look at every element on the page to see what widget might be references, and what css classes it has, what id it has, and what DOM events are sunk on it.
When expanded, renders a firebug-like tree of the DOM elements in the body, along with the details mentioned above
When the user hovers over a element in the tree, draws a yellow overlay on where that item is drawn on the page so you can find it.

Show annotation in custom views

First off - I'm not using MapKit. I'm using my own controls for something entirely different. But the annotation view is something I'd like to mimmic. I've seen other applications with similar views to indicate state or actions on other controls. However, scanning through the class library I can't find a view already in the SDK. Do I have to create my own custom view that mimics this look and behavior or does the iPhone provide a standard way of showing these annotations?
You have to create your own (or find an open source implementation). The annotation views are actually drawn by the map view so they don't work outside of a map.
Well I couldn't find an open source solution so I built my own. To save anyone else the trouble, the source can be found at

iPhone: Is there a pre-made UISettingsView?

On startup, if the user hasn't done any setting of NSUserDefaults, I want my main view to do a flipside view that brings up the same stuff that shows up in the Settings app.
Is there an API for instantiating the same controller that Settings uses, or will I have to reimplement a table view and controller myself?
This website hosts the 'MySettings' API which is a nice toolkit that encapsulates various Settings features (switches, choices, etc) all in a declarative (plist-based) API.
You have to code the ui elements yourself if you wish to make the perferences available within your app. The utility template in xcode gives you a starting point by making a flipview available.
Check out Craig Hockenberry's Generic Table Views, which make it really easy to set up a Settings-like table view.