Show front-end UI from Azure Repos (Github Pages equivalent) - azure-devops

I was recently told by my IT department that I can't use Github as a code repository, so I'm using Azure Repos in Azure Devops.
I am primarily a designer, and my only usage for Github was to render HTML, CSS, and Javascript as a working prototype in Github Pages that can be shared to anyone with an internet connection.
I am not at all familiar with Azure DevOps or Azure Repos, is there any way to show my front end code as a generated page using Azure? Would I have to use something like Jekyll or Hugo?

Is there any way to show my front end code as a generated page using
Azure? Would I have to use something like Jekyll or Hugo?
Displaying the front-end UI directly in Azure Repos is still a not-supported scenario for now.
Azure Repos in Azure Devops Service supports Git and TFVC version control system to manage the code. But it doesn't mean it supports same functions like Github, at least Azure Repos itself doesn't have the feature to render HTML, CSS, and Javascript and display the front-end UI.
Also, I checked the Azure Devops extensions here and didn't find one extension that meet your needs. So I think what you want is now not supported for Azure Repos. You may use the Azure Repos to host the HTML, CSS, and Javascript files like what Github repos do, clone it locally and use third-party tool to display the UI when necessary.
Also, you may post a feature request with details about what you want with Azure Devops Repos here. If it gets enough votes, the team would consider it seriously! Hope all above helps :)


Templates & Resources for creating documentation using Azure DevOps Wiki

Working on a relatively new team in a much larger organization, and as a side project I am looking at our current documentation for opportunities to improve/standardize our best practices/standards. The ideal tool we would like to use, if up to the task, is Azure DevOps Wiki (this is AZDO Service, not Server) since it lines up with the rest of our PM functions. I was doing some digging, and I have not found much in the way of resources/templates/guides that can really get you going for Azure DevOps Wiki.
Beyond general documentation best practices, is there any helpful tricks/resources that we can use to make the most out of that particular tool? Or is there just a better tool we should consider? Looking for ideas! Any feedback is appreciated.
What I am looking for is a library of templates/resources that could
be used to help standardize documentation.
Official doesn't provided any template or resources for standard. There has been a feature request here:
Make it possible to create wiki page based on a template
You can upvote this feature request of Azure DevOps and share your ideas.
But since the DevOps wiki is designed based on Azure DevOps repository, you can clone the template you want to your wiki repository.
The repository url of your wiki should be:<Organization Name>/<Project Name>/_git/<Project Name>.wiki
Use this command to clone the wiki repository:
git clone https://<Personal Access Token><Organization Name>/<Project Name>/_git/<Project Name>.wiki
Every DevOps project has a hidden repository, which named '<Project Name>.wiki', this repository can't be access via the repository UI list, also can't be listed via the List Repositories REST API. This repository also unable to be managed as other common repositories. Only 'Security for Wiki'. The repository will store all of the information in the pages of wiki permanently unless you delete the file in the repo.
And the comments section of the wiki is implemented quite differently, it is not based on a git repo and does not provide an explicit manage method. If you accidentally delete an image in a comment from the wiki, you won't have any way to get it back.

Azure Pipelines CI Not firing

My organization recently changed from using personal GitHub accounts to using GitHub Enterprise Managed Users. Since that change our pipeline continuous integration (in Azure Devops) has stopped working. We can still run the builds manually without issue, but it isn't even attempting to start the builds automatically. I've created new personal access tokens for the pipelines, but that hasn't fixed the continuous integration. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should look at to get this working again?
Instead of relying on user-authenticates service connections between GitHub and Azure Pipelines, I recommend switching over go the Github App for Azure Pipelines to control what repositories Azure Pipelines can access:
That will drastically simplify access maintenance between GitHub and Azure Pipelines and will break the reliance on personal or enterprise managed accounts.
I wound up fixing this by going to the repository in Git Hub, go to settings on the repository, and then to Web Hooks. In there, the hook that Azure Pipelines uses had an error on it because when our tech group migrated the repo they did not bring the secret over. To fix it I just had to delete the web hook, go to the pipeline and a button appeared to restore the connection.

Publish an Azure DevOps Wiki as a stand-alone static site

I have set up a wiki in Azure DevOps and I want to set up a pipeline that takes the markdown files, transform them into HTML and publish them as a stand-alone static web site. When someone commits changes in the markdown files I want to build new static files to the site using a pipeline in Azure DevOps.
Gatsby is a platform that I'm somewhat familiar with, but the wiki consists of markdown files only + a file called "order" that determines the order of the documents in the wiki.
Does anyone have an idea as to how I should set this up?
You need this setup:
Expose your markdown files by an API. Azure should have some kind of serverless lambda function service. The query result should be an array or list of the files you need in the order you need them. It's best to let your Azure based API deal with the order file. Gatsby should only be concerned with building your site in the right order as supplied by your API.
Call your markdon API during the Gatsby build process. See the docs for how to fetch data at build time.
Create a template page for all your wiki pages. See the Gatsby tutorial part 7.
You need to create the wiki pages using the Gatsby node API. Use the createPages function.
PS: I'm interested in your decision what serverless lambda function service you would use because I am running into a similar use case. Feel free to comment how you solved the 1. of your setup.

Github feature like Bitbucket Pipeline

Is there any service / feature of just like Bitbucket Pipeline ?
I'm actually want to push my master branch to FTP server (cpanel, apache) . It's really easy with Bitbucket Pipeline, but any way to do that in Github ?
Github now has a feature called Github Actions, which allows you to execute arbitrary commands and processes triggered by events such as repository writes, pull request merges, and others similar to Bitbucket Pipelines. So your build/test/deploy stages can be run using Github's infrastructure, or you can move your app code to a remote location such as an FTP server, to kick off a code pipeline or update remote artifacts.
GitHub itself doesn't provide this feature, but you can use GitHub apps, such as Travis CI.
Travis CI enables your team to test and ship your apps with confidence. It’s built for everyone and for projects and teams of all sizes, supporting over 20 different languages out of the box, including Javascript and Node.js, Ruby, PHP, Python, Mac/iOS, as well as Docker, while giving you full control over the build environment to customize it to your own needs.
There is also other apps for continuous integration:
Not that I know of. You could however setup an internal build server using jenkins, circle ci, or travis ci. I have used both jenkins and circle ci both integrate well with github(It's fairly straight forward process). Jenkins is open source, where as circle ci is cloud base solution(it has a free tier). Both I believe could help solve your issue.

Is it possible to have code review workflows in Bluemix Devops Services?

We are used to running Java development projects, typically using Atlassian products including Stash. We're now trying to use Bluemix Devops Services instead.
One limitation we have found is that you cannot create Pull Requests, meaning we can't review changes to source code before it is merged.
Is this the case? And what do others do for source code review workflow in Bluemix Devops?
At this time no you can not do code reviews through Bluemix. You can however attached the DevOps pipeline to a Github project though.