inconsistent state after zookeeper leader crash? - apache-zookeeper

I'm trying to understand zookeeper's internal.
Suppose a 3-servers zookeeper cluster, the leader server send a proposal(say setdata: foo=1) to two followers and then crashed, but at least one follower record this proposal to its transaction log file. According "Zab paper" says, the other two server can still form a valid quorum and elect a new leader. And the new leader can still propose and commit this proposal(setdata: foo=1).
My question is in this situation, the client think this request is not completed(because of the leader crash and not respond or the client timeout), but in fact it is still success in the zookeeper cluster. Is this an inconsistent?

In fact this is an inconsistent, but it's not a problem.
In zookeeper programmer guide,there is a line:
If a client gets a successful return code, the update will have been applied. On some failures (communication errors, timeouts, etc) the client will not know if the update has applied or not. We take steps to minimize the failures, but the only guarantee is only present with successful return codes. (This is called the monotonicity condition in Paxos.)
This means you know your update succeed when you gets a successful return code, but when you can't know whether it succeed or failed when you don't receive the return code.
But this is not a problem, when your update failed because of leader crash, you can just retry the update operation. This time your update will failed because the the version you specified is behind the actual version number and you will be notified. Then you can call get method to retrive the data to see whether the data equals you specified value.


How to handle reordered RPC in raft

When implementing the Raft algorithm, I found there is a situation that I think may or may not do harm to the cluster.
It is reasonable to assume some AppendEntriesRPC from Leader are received reordered(network delay or other reasons). Consider the Leader send a heartbeat AppendEntriesRPC to peer A, with prev_log_index = 1, and then send another AppendEntriesRPC with entry 2, and then it crash(I ensure this happen immediately by a callback in my test). If the two RPCs are handled in the order which they are sent, entry 2 will be inserted successfully. However, if the heartbeat RPC is delayed, then peer A will firstly insert entry 1 and respond to the Leader. Then comes the delayed heartbeat, peer A will erase entry 2, because the entry conflict with the Leader's prev_log_index = 1. So peer A erases a log entry by mistake.
To dig a little deeper, if the Leader doesn't crash immediately, will it fix this? I think if peer A respond to the delayed heartbeat correctly, the Leader will find out and fix it up in some later RPCs.
However, what if peer A's response to entry 2 lead to the commit_index advancing? In this case peer A vote to advance commit_index to 2, even though it actually does not have entry 2. So there may not enough votes for this advancing. When the Leader crashs now, a node with less logs will be elected as Leader. And I do encounter such situation during my testing.
My question is:
Is my reasoning correct?
If reordered RPC a real problem, how should I solve that? Is indexing and caching all RPCs, and force them be handled one by one a good solution? I found it hard to implement in gRPC.
Raft assumes an ordered stream protocol such as TCP. That is, if a message arrives out of order then it is buffered until its predecessor arrives. (This behavior is why TCP exists: because each individual packet can go through separate routes between servers and there is a high chance of out-of-order messages, and most applications prefer the ease-of-mind of a strict ordering.)
Other protocols, such as plain old Paxos, can work with out-of-order messages, but are typically much slower than Raft.

How ZooKeeper guarantees "Single System Image"?

In the Consistency Guarantees section of ZooKeeper Programmer's Guide, it states that ZooKeeper will give "Single System Image" guarantees:
A client will see the same view of the service regardless of the server that it connects to.
According to the ZAB protocol, only if more than half of the followers acknowledge a proposal, the leader could commit the transaction. So it's likely that not all the followers are in the same status.
If the followers are not in the same status, how could ZooKeeper guarantees "Single System Status"?
ZooKeeper’s atomic broadcast protocol: Theory and practice
Single System Image
Leader only waits for responses from a quorum of the followers to acknowledge to commit a transaction. That doesn't mean that some of the followers need not acknowledge the transaction or can "say no".
Eventually as the rest of the followers process the commit message from leader or as part of the synchronization, will have the same state as the master (with some delay). (not to be confused with Eventual consistency)
How delayed can the follower's state be depends on the configuration items syncLimit & tickTime (
A follower can at most be behind by syncLimit * tickTime time units before it gets dropped.
The document is a little misleading, I have made a pr.
In fact, zookeeper client keeps a zxid, so it will not connect to older follower if it has read some data from a newer server.
All reads and writes go to a majority of the nodes before being considered successful, so there's no way for a read following a write to not know about that previous write. At least one node knows about it. (Otherwise n/2+1 + n/2+1 > n, which is false.) It doesn't matter if many (at most all but one) has an outdated view of the world since at least one of them knows it all.
If enough nodes crash or the network becomes partitioned so that no group of nodes that are able to talk to each other are in a majority, Zab stops handling requests. If your acknowledged update gets accepted by a set of nodes that disappear and never come back online, your cluster will lose some data (but only when you ask it to move on, and leave its dead nodes behind).
Handling more than two requests is done by handling them two at a time, until there's only one state left.

How are out-of-order and wait-free writes handled?

As stated in Guarantees:
Sequential Consistency - Updates from a client will be applied in the order that they were sent.
Let's assume a client makes 2 updates (update1 and update2) in a very short time window (I understand zookeeper is good at read-domination applications). So my questions are:
Is that possible update2 is received before update1, therefore for zookeeper update1 has later stamp than that of update2? I assume yes due to network connection nature. If this the case that means client will lose its update2 and will have update1. Is there anyway zookeeper can ACK back the client with different stamp or whatever other data that let the client to determine if update2 is really received after update1. Basically zookeeper tells what it sees from server side to client, which gives client some info to act if that's not what the client wants.
What if there is a leader failure after receiving and confirming update1 and before receiving update2? I assume such writes are persisted somewhere in disk/DB etc. When the new leader comes back will it catch up first, meaning conduct update1, before confirming update2 back to client?
Just curious, since zookeeper claims it supports wait-free writing, does that mean there is a message queue built inside zookeeper to hold incoming writes? Otherwise if the leader has to make sure the update is populated to all other followers, the client is actually being blocked by during this replication process. I am guessing that's part of reason zookeeper does not support heavy write application.
For the first two questions, I think you can find details in Zookeeper's paper.
It's quite normal that different operations from the same client arrive in disorder to Zookeeper node. But Zookeeper use TCP to ensure that sequential network package will be receive orderly.
Leader must write operations in Write-Ahead-Log before it can confirm operations. The problems will diverge in two dimensions. The first situation we should consider is whether the leader could recover before followers realize leader failure. If yes, nothing bad will happen, all operations in failure time will lost, and client will resend the operations. If not, then we should consider whether the Leader has proposed a proposal before it fails. If it fails before proposing a proposal, then client will know the failure. If it has proposed a proposal, there must be at least one node in the cluster which has got the newest transactions. Then it will be the new Leader in next rolling. When the original Leader recovers from failure, it will realize he's no longer the leader(All transactions of Zookeeper contains a 64-bits transaction id, of which the higher 32 bits represent epoch, and the lower 32 bits represents proposal id). It will communicate with new Leader and then get updated(Sometimes it need truncate it's local transaction log first).
I don't know the details since I haven't read ZooKeeper's source code. But Leader only needs over half acknowledge from followers before it response to clients. Zookeeper provide both blocking and non-blocking API and you can choose what you like.

Handling quorum writies fail on Cassandra

According to Datastax documentation about atomicity in Cassandra: QUORUM write succeeded only on one node will not be rolled back (Check Atomicity chapter there: So when I am performing a QUORUM write on cluster with RF=3 and one node fails, I will get write error status and one successful write on another node. This produces two cases:
write will be propagated to other nodes when they became online;
write can be completely lost if the node accepted that write will be completely broken before propagation.
What is the best ways to deal with such kind of fails in let say hypothetical funds transfer logging?
When a QUORUM write fails with a "TimedOut" exception, you don't know if the write succeeded or not. You should retry the write, and treat it as if it failed. If you have multiple writes that you need to be grouped together, you should place them in a "batch", so that the batch succeeds or fails together.
In either case, you also want to be doing QUORUM reads if you care about consistent results coming back. If you had an RF=3, and the QUORUM write only got on one node, the first time a QUORUM read succeeds that includes the new value, it will be repaired on one of the other nodes, and QUORUM read will always give the new value. So even if the value is written at ONE, successive QUORUM reads will never see the value go back in time.

Concerns about zookeeper's lock-recipe

While reading the ZooKeeper's recipe for lock, I got confused. It seems that this recipe for distributed locks can not guarantee "any snapshot in time no two clients think they hold the same lock". But since ZooKeeper is so widely adopted, if there were such mistakes in the reference documentation, someone should have pointed it out long ago, so what did I misunderstand?
Quoting the recipe for distributed locks:
Fully distributed locks that are globally synchronous, meaning at any snapshot in time no two clients think they hold the same lock. These can be implemented using ZooKeeeper. As with priority queues, first define a lock node.
Call create( ) with a pathname of "locknode/guid-lock-" and the sequence and ephemeral flags set.
Call getChildren( ) on the lock node without setting the watch flag (this is important to avoid the herd effect).
If the pathname created in step 1 has the lowest sequence number suffix, the client has the lock and the client exits the protocol.
The client calls exists( ) with the watch flag set on the path in the lock directory with the next lowest sequence number.
if exists( ) returns false, go to step 2. Otherwise, wait for a notification for the pathname from the previous step before going to step 2.
Consider the following case:
Client1 successfully acquired the lock (in step 3), with ZooKeeper node "locknode/guid-lock-0";
Client2 created node "locknode/guid-lock-1", failed to acquire the lock, and is now watching "locknode/guid-lock-0";
Later, for some reason (say, network congestion), Client1 fails to send a heartbeat message to the ZooKeeper cluster on time, but Client1 is still working away, mistakenly assuming that it still holds the lock.
But, ZooKeeper may think Client1's session is timed out, and then
delete "locknode/guid-lock-0",
send a notification to Client2 (or maybe send the notification first?),
but can not send a "session timeout" notification to Client1 in time (say, due to network congestion).
Client2 gets the notification, goes to step 2, gets the only node ""locknode/guid-lock-1", which it created itself; thus, Client2 assumes it hold the lock.
But at the same time, Client1 assumes it holds the lock.
Is this a valid scenario?
The scenario you describe could arise. Client 1 thinks it has the lock, but in fact its session has timed out, and Client 2 acquires the lock.
The ZooKeeper client library will inform Client 1 that its connection has been disconnected (but the client doesn't know the session has expired until the client connects to the server), so the client can write some code and assume that his lock has been lost if he has been disconnected too long. But the thread which uses the lock needs to check periodically that the lock is still valid, which is inherently racy.
...But, Zookeeper may think client1's session is timeouted, and then...
From the Zookeeper documentation:
The removal of a node will only cause one client to wake up since
each node is watched by exactly one client. In this way, you avoid
the herd effect.
There is no polling or timeouts.
So I don't think the problem you describe arises. It looks to me as thought there could be a risk of hanging locks if something happens to the clients that create them, but the scenario you describe should not arise.
from packt book - Zookeeper Essentials
If there was a partial failure in the creation of znode due to connection loss, it's
possible that the client won't be able to correctly determine whether it successfully
created the child znode. To resolve such a situation, the client can store its session ID
in the znode data field or even as a part of the znode name itself. As a client retains
the same session ID after a reconnect, it can easily determine whether the child znode
was created by it by looking at the session ID.