create data stories in CKAN - plugins

Is there a way to create user stories in CKAN. I've found Showcases but they only display static information. I've also found dashboards but they can only display datasets, not custom text.
For every dataset I'd like to have an extra tab (like with showcases) where I can display some text in combination with some graphs of one or more datasets. That way I can explain what we can see in the dataset.
I'm not able to find any plugins.
Anybody has any experience with this?

You can check query-tool. The extension consist of a combination of three elements:
• Data-driven visualizations: charts, maps and tables.
• Support elements: text and images.
• Interactive elements: filters, download options, sharing options, among others.
These elements can be combined and arranged in different ways to provide a user-friendly experience for exploring public data.


VSTS Chart Query by Parent/Feature

I'm looking to create a nice dashboard in VSTS with a set of relevant charts for my collegues so they can keep track of things.
We have a project for keeping track of it operations tasks. In this project we've created different Features for different departments of the company.
Is there a way to filter the user stories by parent/feature so that I can make different charts for different departments? I've managed to create a "Work items and direct links" query that actually only outputs the User stories in one feature, but such queries can not be used in charts unfortunately.
Other workarounds would be acceptable too.
There is a Work Item Visualization extension that you can check whether it meets your requirement (Can highlight specified work items).
Another way is that you can custom a dashboard widget or other extension to display the result: Add a dashboard widget.
There are many extension samples that may benefit you: vsts-extension-samples

What kind of chart has a count of objects?

I was trying to figure out how to make a chart like this but can't seem to find any information. I can't even find a name for this type of chart to Google it.
Does anyone know what these type of charts are called?
This is actually a little different that what I normally see. This is more of a percentage while most represent a certain number of people (one person = 100,000 people)
Here's a better example. I want to try to make something like this programmatically so it can be populated by data.
This is less of a chart and more of an Infographic. It's used to visual display facts or statistics in a friendly and accessible manner. There are plenty of tools on-line that can help you make one of these, but generally they're made custom by graphic designers using image processing tools such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape (free).

How to create 2 maps using Store Locator Plus plugin in wordpress

I am using Store Locator Plus plugin for showing locations of stores, and plugin works fine. But now i need to create another map for distributor's location. So how can i use this plugin to create 2 maps at a time, something like i could divide the locations into 2 maps. Or can i use this plugin twice in an application, like renaming kind of things.
Please help.
Store Locator Plus supports multiple maps which can filter locations by categories. You can do this with the Tagalong add-on pack to add managed categories or Pro Pack add-on pack if you need simple free-form categories.
You then assign the category / tag "red" or "blue" to each location and use the shortcode filters:
[slplus only_with_tag="red"] on one page or [slplus only_with_tag="blue"] on the other.
Full documentation and examples are on the website at You should also post questions like this in the forum. While I do use Stack Overflow regularly I answer support questions much more quickly at the support forum:

Repeatable data content in umbraco

I am just wondering is there any plugin to create dynamic content for a page i.e something similar to a data repeaters in .net. To make it simple it should be a section that should contains 5 to 6 fields/property like
heading 2
content - rich text editor
This must be in repeatable control so that the editor can add any number of these section a page and all these should be displayed in a single page.
Is there a plugin for the above functionality or what is the best way to achieve this.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can achieve this without any plugins.
Create your repeatable section (containing the relevant fields) as a document type, and then use the multi-node picker in another document type to select one or many of the sections.
So for example, I could have a FAQs page (which uses a document type called "FAQs Page"), and I want to be able to add multiple question and answers to this page. I could set up a document type called "Question". This will contain two fields: Question and Answer.
On the "FAQs Page" document type, I would add a multi-node picker field called "Questions". This way, an author could select multiple "Question" nodes to appear on the FAQs page.
You would obviously need the code to output this, and also you would create a data type that inherited from multi-node picker, so that you could limit the selection to only Question nodes.
There is also the Repeatable Custom Content datatype which works well but does not support all data types. But it does support all the ones you need for your stated purpose (textstring, media picker, richtext area, etc).
You can find it here: I've used it a few times and it works really well in certain situations (e.g. where the items will not be shared across different pages of your site).
If you are sharing content components across multiple pages then #Digbyswift's solution is perfect.
I've always Digbyswifts method, but whilst looking for an alternate solution tonight I found this plugin, which is excellent for those situations where creating lots of widget nodes feels like overkill. It's licensed but the free older version is also available.

How to get filtering to data lists in Alfresco Share (Community 4.0)

How to make filter by specific columns available to data lists in Alfresco Share? Version is Community 4.0. I've tried the existing solutions like fme datalist extension answered here but it has some issues which require customizing the code more than I've got time and expertise. For instance, it loses all custom lists. I tried to add the list definitions from the XML configuration to the embedded definitions but it made the whole site crash.
Is there any other way to achieve filtering? The specific case is that I've got a list which has like ten or so columns. I want to make one or two of them filterable by providing a simple drop down menu of unique values.
Unfortunately it is not possible to filter data-list items out-of-the box in Alfresco Share. The FME extension is the only solution I have seen which will do that for you.