Unable to retrieve multiple column values from file in Perl - perl

I have a file with following contents:
191227 055526 FRI
I am fetching argument values from this file, say if I pass DATE as an argument to the script I am getting corresponding value of the DATE. i.e., 191227
When I pass multiple arguments say DATE, DAY I should get values:
But what I am getting here is:
And if I pass RC as an argument I should get:
The script looks below:
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\#ARGV);
foreach my $name(#ARGV){
print "NAME:$name\n";
my ($result, $start, $stop, $width) = "";
while(my $head = <STDIN>)
if( $head =~ (m/\b$name\b/g))
$start = (pos $head) - length($name);
$stop = (pos $head);
my $line = <STDIN>;
pos $head = $stop+1;
$head =~ (m/\b/g);
$width = (pos $head) - $start;
$result = substr($line,$start,$width);
$result =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
print "$name=";
$result = "NULL" if ( $result eq "" );
print "$result\n";
Can someone please help me to get values if I pass multiple arguments also if suppose argument value have data in multiple lines it should be printed comma separated values (ex: for RC, RC=RC1,RC2,RC3).

Here is an example, assuming the input file is named file.txt and the values are starting at the same horizontal position as the keys:
package Main;
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
my $self = Main->new(fn => 'file.txt', params => [#ARGV]);
sub read_file {
my ( $self ) = #_;
my $fn = $self->{fn};
open ( my $fh, '<', $fn ) or die "Could not open file '$fn': $!";
local $/ = ""; #Paragraph mode
my #blocks = <$fh>;
close $fh;
$self->{values} = {};
for my $block (#blocks) {
$self->parse_block( $block );
sub parse_block {
my ( $self, $block ) = #_;
my #lines = split /\n/, $block;
my $header = shift #lines;
my ($keys, $startpos) = $self->get_block_keys( $header );
for my $line ( #lines ) {
for my $key (#$keys) {
my $startpos = $startpos->{$key};
my $str = substr $line, $startpos;
my ( $value ) = $str =~ /^(\S+)/;
if ( defined $value ) {
push #{$self->{values}{$key}}, $value;
sub get_block_keys {
my ( $self, $header ) = #_;
my $values = $self->{values};
my #keys;
my %spos;
while ($header =~ /(\S+)/g) {
my $key = $1;
my $startpos = $-[1];
$spos{$key} = $startpos;
push #keys, $key;
for my $key (#keys) {
if ( !(exists $values->{$key}) ) {
$values->{$key} = [];
return (\#keys, \%spos);
sub new {
my ( $class, %args ) = #_;
return bless \%args, $class;
sub print_values {
my ( $self ) = #_;
my $values = $self->{values};
for my $key (#{$self->{params}}) {
my $value = "<NO VALUE FOUND>";
if ( exists $values->{$key} ) {
$value = join ",", #{$values->{$key}};
say "$key=$value";
If you want to read the file from STDIN instead, change the following part of the code:
# [...]
my $self = Main->new(params => [#ARGV]);
sub read_file {
my ( $self ) = #_;
local $/ = ""; #Paragraph mode
my #blocks = <STDIN>;
$self->{values} = {};
for my $block (#blocks) {
$self->parse_block( $block );
# [...]


How to grep string and assign it to a variable in Perl

I have a file with the below details;
file name: allappsclus
I want to use the value for i-XXX"= in associated cont name and assign it to another variable.
If run my code and get an output it is
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $jupyter = 0;
my $controller = 0;
my $rstudio = 0;
my $zeppelin = 0;
my $fh= '/tmp/allappsclus';
open my $fh2, '<', $fh or die "Cannot open file: $!\n";
while ( <$fh2> ) {
if ( $_ =~ /jup/ ) {
$jupyter = 1;
elsif ( $_ =~ /con/ ) {
$controller = 1;
elsif ( $_ =~ /rs/ ) {
$rstudio = 1;
elsif ( $_ =~ /zep/ ) {
$zeppelin = 1;
print "test-$rs.$con.$jup.$zep\n";
if ( $zepeq '0' && $jup eq '0' && $con eq '1' && $rs eq '1' ) {
print "insideif-CNS";
else {
print "do nothing";
close $fh;
close $fh2;
Now I want to print the value i-02dd208bf1d81c254 instead of CNS in the output.
$myStr = "cont:i-02dd208bf1d81c254 rs:i-0098ad0b59b7fe7cf";
if ($myStr =~ /cont:([^ ]+)/) # match the full pattern with the value you required
$cont = $1; # assign required value to a variable
print $cont; # print the variable
This might work for you.

perl Not a HASH reference

Greeting community.
This is related to Odd number of elements in hash assignment with default
However, I use the reference as suggested but now I am passing a hash and a file handler and it gives this error Not a HASH reference when I call
Heres my code.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
#getDate return date in string format 20161010
sub getDate{
my $date = strftime "%Y%m%d", localtime;
#print $date;
return $date;
#end getDate
#file2hash : read the file in k<file_name> e.g.=kconfig & kmem into hash table
sub file2hash {
my ($file) = #_;
open(my $data, '<', $file) or die "Could not open '$file' $!\n";
my %HoH;
my $key;
my $value;
my $who;
my $rec;
my $field;
#while ( my $line = <$data>) {
while ( <$data>) {
#print $line;
next unless (s/^(.*?):\s*//);
$who = $1;
#print $who;
$rec = {};
$HoH{$who} = $rec;
for $field ( split ) {
($key, $value) = split /=/, $field;
$rec->{$key} = $value;
return %HoH;
#end file2hash
#print out hash table in k<file_name> format
sub hash2print{
(my %HoH,my $debug) = #_;
#my ($debug)=#_||0;
#my %HoH = shift;
#my $debug = shift || 0;
my $family;
my $role;
for $family ( keys %HoH ) {
#print "$family\n";
for $role ( keys %{ $HoH{$family} } ) {
if ($debug){
print "family:$family\n";
print "role: $role\n";
print "$role=$HoH{$family}{$role}";
print "\n";
#end hash2print
#print out hash table in k<file_name> format
sub hash2file2{
#(my %HoH,my $debug) = #_;
(my %HoH,my $fh) = #_;
#my %HoH = shift;
#my $fh = shift;
#my $debug = shift ||0;
my $family;
my $role;
for $family ( keys %HoH ) {
#print "$family\n";
for $role ( keys %{ $HoH{$family} } ) {
#if ($debug){
# print $fh "family:$family\n";
# print $fh "role: $role\n";
print $fh "$role=$HoH{$family}{$role}";
print $fh "\n";
close $fh;
#end hash2file2
sub dispatch{
my $event= shift;
my $debug = shift||0;
my $mail_prog = shift || "mailx";
my $config_f = shift || "kconfig";
my $memory_f = shift || "kmem";
my %h2=&file2hash($config_f);
my %m2=file2hash($memory_f);
my $today=&getDate();
if ($debug){
print "$today\n";
print "$event\n";
print "$config_f\n";
print "$memory_f\n";
print "$mail_prog\n";
my $email1_tag="email1";
my $email1_cnt_tag="email1_cnt";
my $email2_tag="email2";
my $xemail1 = $h2{$event}{$email1_tag};
my $xemail2 = $h2{$event}{$email2_tag};
my $xemail1_cnt = $h2{$event}{$email1_cnt_tag};
#initialize today_event_cnt is not happened today
my $today_event_cnt = $m2{$today}{$event}||1;
if ($today_event_cnt == 1){
$m2{$today}{$event} = 1;
if ($debug){
print "$xemail1\n";
print "$xemail2\n";
print "$xemail1_cnt\n";
print "$today_event_cnt\n";
my $mail1_cmd_str = $mail_prog." -s ".$event." ".$xemail1;
my $mail2_cmd_str = $mail_prog." -s ".$event." ".$xemail2;
if ($today_event_cnt + 1 >$xemail1_cnt){
system "$mail2_cmd_str";
system "$mail1_cmd_str";
open my $rm3d_fh, '>', $memory_f or die "...$!";
}#end dispatch
#my %h2=&file2hash("kconfig");
#my %m2=&file2hash("kmem");
#print &getDate();
#my $xcnt= &dispatch("event_c3_z2");
#print $xcnt;
my test data file1
event_a1_x1: email1=ackee0000#gmail.com email2=kym018#gmail.com email1_cnt=8
event_a1_x2: email1=ackee0000#gmail.com email2=kym018#gmail.com email1_cnt=7
event_b2_y1: email1=ackee0000#gmail.com email2=kym018#gmail.com email1_cnt=6
event_b2_y2: email1=ackee0000#gmail.com email2=kym018#gmail.com email1_cnt=5
event_c3_z1: email1=ackee0000#gmail.com email2=kym018#gmail.com email1_cnt=4
event_c3_z2: email1=ackee0000#gmail.com email2=kym018#gmail.com email1_cnt=3
test data file2
20160926: event_a1_x1=7
20160926: event_a1_x2=6
20160926: event_b2_y1=5
20160926: event_b2_y2=4
20160926: event_c3_z1=3
20160926: event_c3_z2=2
I forget to de-reference
Odd number of elements in hash assignment with default
sub hash2print {
(my $hashref, my $debug) = #_;
my %HoH = %$hashref; # dereference $hashref to get back the hash

Perl output format

I'm reading a log file and grouping it based on the 'Program' name and in turn its ID.
DEV: COM-1258
Description:New Entries
QA: COM-9696
Description:Some random changes
JIRA: COM-1234
Reviewer:John Wick
Description:Genral fix
Description:Updating Received
JIRA: COM-6789
Reviewer:Balise Mat
JIRA: COM-8585
Reviewer:Gold frt
Description: yet to be reviewed
The code I have,
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
my $file = "log.txt";
open FH, $file or die "Couldn't open file: [$!]\n";
my $data = {};
my $hash = {};
while (<FH>)
my $line = $_;
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ m/(-){2,}/)
my $program = $hash->{Program} || '';
my $jira = $hash->{JIRA} || $hash->{QA} || $hash->{DEV} ||
if ($program && $jira)
push #{$data->{$program}{$jira}}, $hash;
$hash = {};
if ($line =~ m/:/)
my ($key, $value) = split /:\s*/, $line;
$hash->{$key} = $value;
elsif ($line =~ m#/# && exists $hash->{Files})
$hash->{Files} .= "\n$line";
print 'data = ' . Dumper($data);
foreach my $prg (sort keys %{$data})
print "===========================================================
print " PROGRAM : $prg
+ \n";
print "===========================================================
foreach my $jira (sort keys %{$data->{$prg}})
print "******************\n";
print "JIRA ID : $jira\n";
print "******************\n";
foreach my $hash (#{$data->{$prg}{$jira}})
foreach my $key (keys %{$hash})
# print the data except Program and JIRA
next if $key =~ m/(Program|JIRA|DEV|QA)/;
print " $key => $hash->{$key}\n";
print "\n";
I have a requirement to print the output in the below format and currently unable to do so with my logic, any ideas would be really helpful.
PROGRAM: Development
Change IDs:
PROGRAM: Testing
Change IDs:
I would write this
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use List::Util 'uniq';
my $file = 'log.txt';
open my $fh, $file or die "Couldn't open file: [$!]\n";
my #data;
my %item;
while ( <$fh> ) {
if ( eof or /\-{2,}/ ) {
push #data, { %item } if keys %item;
%item = ();
else {
my ( $key, $value ) = split /\s*:\s*/;
next unless $value;
$item{$key} = $value;
$item{jira} = $key if grep { $key eq $_ } qw/ JIRA DEV QA /;
my %data;
for my $item ( #data ) {
my ($prog, $jira) = #{$item}{qw/ Program jira /};
push #{ $data{$prog}{$jira} }, $item->{$jira};
for my $prog ( sort keys %data ) {
printf "PROGRAM: %s\n", $prog;
print "Change IDs:\n";
my $n = 1;
for my $jira ( qw/ JIRA QA DEV / ) {
next unless my $codes = $data{$prog}{$jira};
printf "%d.%s\n", $n++, $jira;
my $l = 'a';
printf " %s.%s\n", $l++, $_ for sort(uniq(#$codes));
print "\n";
PROGRAM: Development
Change IDs:
PROGRAM: Testing
Change IDs:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $file = 'test';
my $hash;
my $id_hash = ();
my $line_found = 0;
my $line_count = 1;
my $ID;
my $ID_num;
open (my $FH, '<', "$file") or warn $!;
while (my $line = <$FH> ) {
if ( $line =~ m/------------------------------------------/){
$line_found = 1;
if ( $line_found ) {
$line =~ m/(.*?):(.*)/;
$ID = $1;
$ID_num = $2;
$line_found = 0;
if ( $line =~ m/Program:(.*)/ ) {
my $pro = $1;
push #{$hash->{$pro}->{$ID}}, ($ID_num) ;
close $FH;
foreach my $pro (keys %$hash){
# print Dumper($pro);
print "PROGRAM:\t$pro\nChange IDs:\n";
foreach my $ids (keys $hash->{$pro}){
print "\t1. $ids\n";
foreach my $id (values $hash->{$pro}->{$ids}){
print "\t\ta. $id\n";
PROGRAM: Testing
Change IDs:
1. QA
a. COM-9696
1. DEV
a. COM-1258
a. COM-6789
a. COM-8585
PROGRAM: Development
Change IDs:
a. COM-1234
a. COM-1234
Just change the output to your need!!

Renaming files using hash table in perl

I have made a perl code which is shown below. Here what I am trying to do is first get input from a text file consisting of a HTTP URL with a Title.
thus the first regex is the title and the second regex fetches the id from inside the URL.
All these values are inserted into the hash table %myfilenames().
So this hash table has key as the URL id, and value as the Title. Everything till here works fine, now I have a set of files on my computer which have the ID in their name which we extracted from the URL.
What I want to do is that if the ID is there in the hash table, then the files name should change to the value assigned to the ID. Now the output at the print statement in the last function is correct but I am unable to rename the files. I tried many things, but nothing works. Can someone help please.
example stuff:
URL: https://abc.com/789012 <--- ID
Value (new Title) : ABC
file name on computer = file-789012 <---- ID
new file name = ABC
My code:
use File::Slurp;
use File::Copy qw(move);
open( F, '<hadoop.txt' );
$key = '';
$value = '';
%myfilenames = ();
foreach (<F>) {
if ( $_ =~ /Lecture/ ) {
$value = $_;
if ( $_ =~ /https/ ) {
if ( $_ =~ /\d{6}/ ) {
$key = $&;
if ( !( $value eq '' || $key eq '' ) ) {
#print "$key\t\t$value";
$myfilenames{$key} = $value;
$key = '';
$value = '';
#while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %myfilenames ) { print "$k $v\n"; }
my #files = read_dir 'C:\\inputfolder';
for (#files) {
if ( $_ =~ /\d{6}/ ) {
$oldval = $&;
$newval = $myfilenames{$oldval};
print $_ , "\t\t$newval" . "\n";
$key = '';
You probably didn't prepend the path to the file names. The following works for me (on a Linux box):
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Slurp qw{ read_dir };
my $dir = 0;
mkdir $dir;
open my $FH, '>', "$dir/$_" for 123456, 234567;
my $key = my $value = q();
my %myfilenames = ();
for (<DATA>) {
$value = $_ if /Lecture/;
$key = $1 if /https/ and /(\d{6})/;
if ($value ne q() and $key ne q()) {
$myfilenames{$key} = $value;
$key = $value = q();
my #files = read_dir($dir);
for (#files) {
if (/(\d{6})/) {
my $oldval = $1;
my $newval = $myfilenames{$oldval};
rename "$dir/$oldval", "$dir/$newval";
Lecture A1
# Comment
Lecture A2

Reference to a string as a class variable

I'm trying to save a reference to a string in a class variable.
I wish to access this variable by dereferencing it.
For example in the routine getHeaders instead of using:
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
my $fileContentsRef1 = $$fileContentsRef;
$fileContentsRef1 =~ /Spaltenname.*?Datentyp.*?---\n(.*?)\n\n/gsmi;
I would like to use:
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
$$fileContentsRef =~ /Spaltenname.*?Datentyp.*?---\n(.*?)\n\n/gsmi;
For more details you should see the code at the end.
My problem is, that the program doesn't work when I don't work with the copy( i.e when I don't use $fileContentsRef1). What am I doing / getting wrong? Is it possible to reach the goal in the way I described? Could some give me clues how?
open FILE, "a1.bad";
$file_contents .= do { local $/; <FILE> };
close FILE;
my $log = auswerter->new(\$file_contents);
# Subs
sub new
my $fileRef = $_[1];
my $self = {};
bless $self;
if($fileRef) { $self->{fileRef} = $fileRef; }
return $self;
sub initialize
# Configuration
my $this = shift;
sub setFile {
my $this = shift;
$this->{file} = shift;
sub getFileContent
my $this = shift;
return $this->{fileRef};
sub getHeaders
print "HEADERS...\n";
my $this = shift;
my #headers = ();
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
my $fileContentsRef1 = $$fileContentsRef;
$fileContentsRef1 =~ /Spaltenname.*?Datentyp.*?---\n(.*?)\n\n/gsmi;
#headers = split ("\n", $1 );
foreach (#headers)
$_ =~ s/^(.*?)\s.*/$1/;
return \#headers;
sub getErrList
print "ERR LIST...\n";
my $this = shift;
my #errors = ();
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
my $fileContentsRef1 = $$fileContentsRef;
$fileContentsRef1 =~ /Spaltenname.*?(Satz.*)ORA.*?^Tabelle/gsmi;
return \#errors if !$1;
#errors = split ("\n\n", $1 );
foreach (#errors)
$_ =~ s/.*Spalte (.*?)\..*/$1/msgi;
return \#errors;
sub getEntries
my $this = shift;
my #entries = ();
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
my $fileContentsRef1 = $$fileContentsRef;
$fileContentsRef1 =~ /.*==\n(.*)/gsmi;
#entries = split ("\n", $1 );
return \#entries;
sub sqlldrAnalyze
my $this = shift;
my $token = shift;
my $errRef =$this->getErrList();
return "" if $#$errRef < 0 ;
my $headersRef = $this->getHeaders();
my $entriesRef = $this->getEntries();
my $i = 0;
my $str = "";
$str = "<html>";
$str .= "<table rules=\"all\">";
$str .= "<tr>";
foreach ( #$headersRef)
$str .= "<th>".$_."</th>";
$str .= "</tr>";
foreach ( #$entriesRef)
my #errOffset = grep { $headersRef->[$_] =~ $errRef->[$i] }0..$#$headersRef ;
my #entries = split($token, $_);
$str .= "<tr>";
foreach (my $j =0; $j <= $#entries;$j++)
$str .= "<td nowrap";
$str .= " style=\"background-color: red\"" if $j == $errOffset[0];;
$str .= ">";
$str .= "<b>" if $j == $errOffset[0];
$str .= $entries[$j];
$str .= "</b>" if $j == $errOffset[0];
$str .= "</td>";
$str .= "</tr>\n";
$str .= "</table>";
$str .= "</html>";
return $str;
return 1;
When you call your class->new(...) constructor with a filename argument, the new subroutine gets the class name as the first argument, and the filename as the second argument.
In your constructor, you are simply copying the value of $_[1] (the filename) into $self->{FileRef}, but that value is not a reference.
So when you access it, there is no need to use a doubled sigil to dereference the value.
You should run all of your code with the following two lines at the top, which will catch many errors for you (including trying to use strings as references when they are not references):
use strict;
use warnings;
These two lines basically move Perl out of quick one-liner mode, and into a mode more suitable for large development (improved type safety, static variable name checking, and others).
Per the update: If the code you have is working properly when copying the string, but not when dereferencing it directly, it sounds like you may be running into an issue of the string reference preserving the last match position (the g flag).
Try running the following:
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
pos($$fileContentsRef) = 0; # reset the match position
$$fileContentsRef =~ /Spaltenname.*?Datentyp.*?---\n(.*?)\n\n/gsmi;