Access application deployed in cloud foundry publicly - deployment

I have deployed a war application using cf push APP-NAME in our company cloud foundry hosting and application is available on APP-NAME.DOMAIN-NAME. Currently application is accessible only after connecting to VPN. I want to make application available on public domain. How can it be done ?

You will need to talk to your company's platform operations team and likely your company's networking team as well.
To make an app publicly accessible, you need to have a publicly resolvable domain and traffic from the public internet needs to be routed to your company's Cloud Foundry platform. Beyond that, you also need your company's platform operations team to add the public domain to Cloud Foundry, so it's an option for you to map routes to your application using that public domain.
If you get your company to set that up, then the good news is that you don't have to do anything different as an application developer. Once you map a route using the public domain to your app, traffic will be able to reach your app.


How can I configure multiple different destinations?

i want to have multiple destinations is it possible to configure in cloud foundry environment?
Your question is not really precise. When talking about SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry, destinations can be configured on different levels. Most importantly the question is where you want to configure them with which purpose.
I suppose your linked screenshot about the xs-app.json is related to the approuter you have deployed, and you want to configure different routes. This is the first important thing to understand. You are probably trying to deploy and configure an application that acts as an entry-point for a bigger application, maybe even a SaaS-style offering or a "simple" service. The approuter on the SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry normally acts as the browser-based gate into your application, handling SAML/IDP authentication and session management.
A destination can be seen as configured "target" for certain requests. Destinations can be configured within the Cloud Cockpit for example on subaccount level. Mostly they define the required configuration for backend systems, for example to establish connectivity to an SAP Backend (S/4 HANA or even OnPremise Systems). The approuter knows also destinations defined in its environment variables, mostly through its deployment descriptor.
I would recommend the following tutorials and documentation references for more information about destinations on the platform and the xs-app.json configuration descriptor:
(not necessarily cloud related, but still helpful)

Difference between deployment and hosting

What is the difference between hosting and deployment? Do web apps, android apps and websites get deployed or do they get hosted?
The process of moving code from your local computer to a public host (server) is called Deployment. It is basically putting out your project to the world so that people can use it.
Web hosting is a service provided by Web Hosts. Web hosts are companies that provide this service which includes:
Web space for storing data of your website and
Domain name
For Example :
Netlify is a web hosting company and it is used for deploying static websites for free.
Deployment is phase of product lifecycle when software and data deployed , that is installed , delivered to environment, configured, etc. After that product enters in next phase - usage. And in this phase we can say that software and data is hosted. This steps can be repeated.

IBM Cloud / Bluemix Webhooks

I have a cloud foundry instance hosted on IBM Cloud (formerly Bluemix). A third party vendor requires a url to publish webhooks onto my app. If I use the bluemix generated base url it works fine but if its a custom route (with my own domain) bluemix doesn't pass it on to the app.
Why is this happening and whats the solution (to be able to use custom domains)?
Turned out to be an SSL CA certificate issue.
Resolution was to grab a g2_bundle.crt file (with root cert in it from GoDaddy as my original cert was bought from them), upload to IBM Cloud certificate manager (found in the catalog) and viola :)!

Single Sign On Service on Bluemix

I have a web application hosted outside bluemix. However, I would like to use the Single Sign on service available on bluemix for authentication. Is that possible. What are the steps involved.
Sorry the Single Sign On Service within Bluemix is only designed to work with Bluemix hosted Node.js and JAVA(Liberty) applications. It will not work with applications outside of Bluemix

What exactly is BlueMix in layman's terms?

How exactly would someone define BlueMix to an engineering major with little to no knowledge in Comp. Sci?
Bluemix is a fully managed cloud service so all of the operations activities such as maintenance, availability, upgrades are part of the Bluemix service, so users don't have to worry about setting up their own infrastructure or installing software.
Bluemix makes it easy for application developers to write applications as it is a polygot environment that supports many different languages and runtimes.
Applications in Bluemix can easily be scaled as needed leveraging the elasticity of the cloud. There are over 100 services available in Bluemix (both IBM and 3rd party services) which can be tied together to make robust applications and also to implement a microservices architecture.
Bluemix cloud services are available as part of the public multi-tenant cloud offering which runs on softlayer. There are also dedicated and local Bluemix cloud offerings available for users who don't want to use the public cloud or want to combine the different offerings to create a hybrid cloud.
it is a platform that lets you build, run, deploy applications via cloud. moreover, it handles multiple languages
Check Bluemix Overview topic in the docs: