Spark 2.3: subtract dataframes but preserve duplicate values (Scala) - scala

Copying example from this question:
As a conceptual example, if I have two dataframes:
words = [the, quick, fox, a, brown, fox]
stopWords = [the, a]
then I want the output to be, in any order:
words - stopWords = [quick, brown, fox, fox]
ExceptAll can do this in 2.4 but I cannot upgrade. The answer in the linked question is specific to a dataframe:
words.join(stopwords, words("id") === stopwords("id"), "left_outer")
as in you need to know the pkey and the other columns.
Can anyone come up with an answer that will work on any dataframe?

Here is an implementation for you all. I have tested in Spark 2.4.2, it should work for 2.3 too (not 100% sure)
val df1 = spark.createDataset(Seq("the","quick","fox","a","brown","fox")).toDF("c1")
val df2 = spark.createDataset(Seq("the","a")).toDF("c1")
exceptAllCustom(df1, df2, Seq("c1")).show()
def exceptAllCustom(df1 : DataFrame, df2 : DataFrame, pks : Seq[String]): DataFrame = {
val notNullCondition = pks.foldLeft(lit(0==0))((column,cName) => column && df2(cName).isNull)
val joinCondition = pks.foldLeft(lit(0==0))((column,cName) => column && df2(cName)=== df1(cName))
val result = df1.join(df2, joinCondition, "left_outer")
pks.foldLeft(result)((df,cName) => df.drop(df2(cName)))
Result -
| c1|
| fox|
| fox|

Turns out it's easier to do df1.except(df2) and then join the results with df1 to get all the duplicates.
Full code:
def exceptAllCustom(df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val except = df1.except(df2)
val columns = df1.columns
val colExpr: Column = df1(columns.head) <=> except(columns.head)
val joinExpression = columns.tail.foldLeft(colExpr) { (colExpr, p) =>
colExpr && df1(p) <=> except(p)
val join = df1.join(except, joinExpression, "inner")"*"))


Combine multiple ArrayType Columns in Spark into one ArrayType Column

I want to merge multiple ArrayType[StringType] columns in spark to create one ArrayType[StringType]. For combining two columns I found the soluton here:
Merge two spark sql columns of type Array[string] into a new Array[string] column
But how do I go about combining, if I don't know the number of columns at compile time. At run time, I will know the names of all the columns to be combined.
One option is to use the UDF defined in the above stackoverflow question, to add two columns, multiple times in a loop. But this involves multiple reads on the entire dataframe. Is there a way to do this in just one go?
| col1 | col2 | combined|
| [a,b]| [i,j]|[a,b,i,j]|
| [c,d]| [k,l]|[c,d,k,l]|
| [e,f]| [m,n]|[e,f,m,n]|
| [g,h]| [o,p]|[g,h,o,p]|
val arrStr: Array[String] = Array("col1", "col2")
val arrCol: Array[Column] = => df(c))
val assembleFunc = udf { r: Row => assemble(r.toSeq: _*)}
val outputDf ="*"), assembleFunc(struct(arrCol:
def assemble(rowEntity: Any*):
collection.mutable.WrappedArray[String] = {
var outputArray =
rowEntity.drop(1).foreach {
case v: collection.mutable.WrappedArray[String] =>
outputArray ++= v
case null =>
throw new SparkException("Values to assemble cannot be
case o =>
throw new SparkException(s"$o of type ${o.getClass.getName}
is not supported.")
Process the dataframe schema and get all the columns of the type ArrayType[StringType].
create a new dataframe with functions.array_union of the first two columns
iterate through the rest of the columns and adding each of them to the combined column
>>>from pyspark import Row
>>>from pyspark.sql.functions import array_union
>>>df = spark.createDataFrame([Row(col1=['aa1', 'bb1'],
col2=['aa2', 'bb2'],
col3=['aa3', 'bb3'],
col4= ['a', 'ee'], foo="bar"
| col1| col2| col3| col4|foo|
|[aa1, bb1]|[aa2, bb2]|[aa3, bb3]|[a, ee]|bar|
>>>cols = [ for col_ in df.schema
... if col_.dataType == ArrayType(StringType())
... or col_.dataType == ArrayType(StringType(), False)
... ]
['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4']
>>>final_df = df.withColumn("combined", array_union(cols[:2][0], cols[:2][1]))
>>>for col_ in cols[2:]:
... final_df = final_df.withColumn("combined", array_union(col('combined'), col(col_)))
|combined |
|[aa1, bb1, aa2, bb2, aa3, bb3, a, ee]|

Spark Join of 2 dataframes which have 2 different column names in list

Is there a way to join two Spark Dataframes with different column names via 2 lists?
I know that if they had the same names in a list I could do the following:
val joindf = df1.join(df2, Seq("col_a", "col_b"), "left")
or if I knew the different column names I could do this:
df1("col_a") <=> df2("col_x")
&& df1("col_b") <=> df2("col_y"),
Since my method is expecting inputs of 2 lists which specify which columns are to be used for the join for each DF, I was wondering if Scala Spark had a way of doing this?
I'm looking for something like a python pandas merge:
joindf = pd.merge(df1, df2, left_on = list1, right_on = list2, how = 'left')
You can easely define such a method yourself:
def merge(left: DataFrame, right: DataFrame, left_on: Seq[String], right_on: Seq[String], how: String) = {
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
val joinExpr = { case (acc, (lkey, rkey)) => acc and (left(lkey) === right(rkey)) }
left.join(right, joinExpr, how)
val df1 = Seq((1, "a")).toDF("id1", "n1")
val df2 = Seq((1, "a")).toDF("id2", "n2")
val joindf = merge(df1, df2, left_on = Seq("id1", "n1"), right_on = Seq("id2", "n2"), how = "left")
If you expect two lists of strings:
val leftOn = Seq("col_a", "col_b")
val rightOn = Seq("col_x", "coly")
Just zip and reduce:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
val on =
.map { case (x, y) => df1(x) <=> df2(y) }
.reduce(_ and _)
df1.join(df2, on, "left")

Dynamically select multiple columns while joining different Dataframe in Scala Spark

I have two spark data frame df1 and df2. Is there a way for selecting output columns dynamically while joining these two dataframes? The below definition outputs all column from df1 and df2 in case of inner join.
def joinDF (df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame , joinExprs: Column, joinType: String): DataFrame = {
val dfJoinResult = df1.join(df2, joinExprs, joinType)
Input data:
val df1 = List(("1","new","current"), ("2","closed","saving"), ("3","blocked","credit")).toDF("id","type","account")
val df2 = List(("1","7"), ("2","5"), ("5","8")).toDF("id","value")
Expected result:
val dfJoinResult = df1
.join(df2, df1("id") === df2("id"), "inner")
.select(df1("type"), df1("account"), df2("value"))
I have looked at options like, cols.tail: _*) but it does not allow to select columns from both DF's.
Is there a way to pass selectExpr columns dynamically along with dataframe details that we want to select it from in my def? I'm using Spark 2.2.0.
It is possible to pass the select expression as a Seq[Column] to the method:
def joinDF(df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame , joinExpr: Column, joinType: String, selectExpr: Seq[Column]): DataFrame = {
val dfJoinResult = df1.join(df2, joinExpr, joinType)*)
To call the method use:
val joinExpr = df1.col("id") === df2.col("id")
val selectExpr = Seq(df1.col("type"), df1.col("account"), df2.col("value"))
val testDf = joinDF(df1, df2, joinExpr, "inner", selectExpr)
This will give the desired result:
| type|account|value|
| new|current| 7|
|closed| saving| 5|
In the selectExpr above, it is necessary to specify which dataframe the columns are coming from. However, this can be further simplified if the following assumptions are true:
The columns to join on have the same name in both dataframes
The columns to be selected have unique names (the other dataframe do not have a column with the same name)
In this case, the joinExpr: Column can be changed to joinExpr: Seq[String] and selectExpr: Seq[Column] to selectExpr: Seq[String]:
def joinDF(df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame , joinExpr: Seq[String], joinType: String, selectExpr: Seq[String]): DataFrame = {
val dfJoinResult = df1.join(df2, joinExpr, joinType), selectExpr.tail:_*)
Calling the method now looks cleaner:
val joinExpr = Seq("id")
val selectExpr = Seq("type", "account", "value")
val testDf = joinDF(df1, df2, joinExpr, "inner", selectExpr)
Note: When the join is performed using a Seq[String] the column names of the resulting dataframe will be different as compared to using an expression. When there are columns with the same name present, there will be no way to separately select these afterwards.
A slightly modified solution from the one given above is before performing join, select the required columns from the DataFrames beforehand as it will have a little less overhead as there will be lesser no of columns to perform JOIN operation.
val dfJoinResult ="column1","column2").join("col1"),joinExpr,joinType)
But remember to select the columns on which you will be performing the join operations as it will first select the columns and then from the available data will from join operation.

describe() function over rows instead columns

As said in:
The describe() function works for each numerical column, It is possible to do it against rows? My DF size is 53 cols and 346,143 rows, so transpose is not an option. How can I do it?
I'm using Spark 2.11
You can do your own UDF. Either you make an separate UDF for each quantity or put everything in 1 UDF returning a complex result:
val df = Seq(
val describe = udf(
{ xs : Seq[Double] =>
val xmin = xs.min
val xmax = xs.max
val mean = xs.sum/xs.size.toDouble
| x1| x2| x3| x4| x5|min|max|mean|
|1.0|2.0|3.0|4.0|5.0|1.0|5.0| 3.0|

Scala Spark: Performance issue renaming huge number of columns

To be able to work with columnnames of my DataFrame without escaping the . I need a function to "validify" all columnnames - but none of the methods I tried does the job in a timely manner (I'm aborting after 5 minutes).
The dataset I'm trying my algorithms on is the golub Dataset (get it here). It's a 2.2MB CSV file with 7200 columns. Renaming all columns should be a matter of seconds
Code to read the CSV in
var dfGolub =
.option("header", "true")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
.drop("_c0") // drop the first column
Attempts to rename columns:
def validifyColumnnames1(df : DataFrame) : DataFrame = {
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
val cols = df.columns
val colsRenamed = => col(name).as(name.replaceAll("\\.",""))) : _*)
def validifyColumnnames2[T](df : Dataset[T]) : DataFrame = {
val newColumnNames = ArrayBuffer[String]()
for(oldCol <- df.columns) {
newColumnNames += oldCol.replaceAll("\\.","")
df.toDF(newColumnNames : _*)
def validifyColumnnames3(df : DataFrame) : DataFrame = {
var newDf = df
for(col <- df.columns){
newDf = newDf.withColumnRenamed(col,col.replaceAll("\\.",""))
Any ideas what is causing this performance issue?
Setup: I'm running Spark 2.1.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 in local[24] mode on a machine with 16cores * 2 threads and 96GB of RAM
Assuming you know the types you can simply create the schema instead of infering it (infering the schema costs performance and might even be wrong for csv).
Lets assume for simplicity you have the file example.csv as follows:
A.B, A.C, A.D
You can do something like this:
val scehma = StructType(Seq(StructField("A_B",StringType),StructField("A_C", IntegerType), StructField("AD", IntegerType)))
val df ="header","true").schema(scehma).csv("example.csv")
|A_B|A_C| AD|
| a| 3| 1|
IF you do not know the info in advance you can use infer schema as you did before, then you can use the dataframe to generate the schema:
val fields = for {
x <- df.schema
} yield StructField("\\.",""), x.dataType, x.nullable)
val schema = StructType(fields)
and the reread the dataframe using that schema as before