Apache Karaf - Authentication and Authorization via Keycloak - keycloak

I use Apache Karaf 4.x for my rest services. I would like to provide authentication and authorization for my services via Keycloak. I do not want to make direct changes in each service. Instead, I would like to configure karaf in the way that if request is not authenticated then it will forward to keycloak to get a session. or maybe there could be client credentials or bearer token and karaf could check that token before allowing to use the service.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance


No Login Page shown with Keycloak and Quarkus

I have a keycloak Server running on my localhost with port 8081.
I'm trying to connect my Quarkus application with it to secure REST-Endpoints.
However I'm not able to Login to my Keycloak server.
I annotated an /test endpoint with #RolesAllowed("user"). Since then I can't access the endpoint but I get an Empty page with a 401 Unauthorized error in the Web console.
What I want is that I get redirected to the Keycloak default page so I can authorize myself. Any ideas why that is not happening?
Here is my application.properties Keycloak configuration:
when I set policy enforcer to true I can't access any endpoint.
TestRealm has a Resource configured with a /test endpoint.
In the Quarkus documentation for keycloak they said that you don't need to setup your own Keycloak Server in Dev mode since Quarkus comes with one. Might that be the Problem? is my Quarkus Application not connecting to my Keycloak server? And if so, how can I force quarkus in dev mode to use my Keycloak server?
EDIT: I figured out that I have access to my endpoint if I send the request with the Bearer token, so I guess Quarkus is accessing my Keycloak instance.
Still, why don't I get forwarded to the default Keycloak login page when trying to access my Rest endpoint via my browser? Am I missing any configuration?
For anyone with the same issue I fixed it by adding:
To the config

How to configure JWT auth in Envoy Proxy using Okta as provider

I have an app running behind envoy proxy and working on enabling JWT auth for the same using okta. It would be of great help if someone can point me to appropriate example configuration or appropriate document.
I ended up using Gloo's ExtAuth functionality.

Use Envoy Proxy or HA Proxy for authentication using IDP

I have a requirement where i need to authenticate external request via IDP. Can this be done using envoy proxy or HA Proxy?
Currently the only way to achieve this is by using the ext_authz filter to send request metadata to an auth server.
There's currently work on implementing an OAuth filter that would work with any OAuth 2.0 compliant IdP but that work is not yet complete (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/8571)

Keycloak authorization service for REST application without keycloak adapter

I was checking keycloak authorization service to implement authorization service for few of the REST endpoints which do not have keycloak adapter implemented.
From keycloak quick starts example it looks like authorization service only supported for end points which has keycloak adapter implemented.
Has any one tried to perform keycloak authentication to a REST request before request actually goes to that server.
The REST endpoints are written in Node.JS and i can't implement the adapter in Node.JS because it is not maintained by us. :)

Keycloak and Vertx

We are implementing RESTful service and the entire backend application using Vert.x. These API's are consumed by a hybrid mobile app (developed using Ionic / angularjs). We are using Keycloak for user management and also authentication and authorization on the app.
My question is, how can I use Keycloak to also protect (authenticate and authorize for the same set of users) my RESTful service access which is implemented using Vert.x. Any example implementation would be very useful.
We wrote a custom Vert.x auth provider using the Keycloak core library to solve this exact problem (the Vert.x JWT library doesn't work with the Keycloak JWT tokens - arguably we should have improved the Vert.x library instead). I'll see if I can get permission to open source the library.
So, if i understand correctly, you need one authentication entry point for user in mobile app and in REST service. If i am right, you can use JWT. When user will authenticate with Keycloak he will receive jwt with roles and user information. This token you can put into request for REST service and your Service will know who is the user and what roles he have. Please see https://jwt.io/