Unable to Connect to AWS RDS Postgres from local system - postgresql

I have created an AWS RDS Instance with Postgres 10.6
I am trying to connect to it from my local system using below command:
psql --host=dev.xyz.ap-south-1.rds.amazonaws.com --port=5432 --user="postgres" --password --dbname=abc
The Inbound rules i have set are
Allow TCP traffic on 5432 from Anywhere.
Still I am getting below error:
psql: could not connect to server: Connection timed out
Is the server running on host "dev.xyz.ap-south-1.rds.amazonaws.com" (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

If Publicly accessible = No, then you will not be able to access the RDS database from outside the VPC.
This is because the DNS Name of the database will not resolve to an IP address.


Cannot connect to RDS PostgeSQL instance

I have just created a new RDS instance with PostgreSQL but I cannot connect to it. I'm using the following command to connect:
psql --host=<dbendpoint> --port=5432 --username=<user> --password --dbname=<dbname>
I have been searching for information related to the problem, but none of the solutions have worked.
I have public access to the DB enabled.
I have allowed all traffic in the security group of the database.
The error I'm getting is this one:
psql: error: could not connect to server: Connection timed out
Is the server running on host "database-test-1-by-hand.cwsxzm3kzzim.us-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com" ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
Any idea about what's happening?
Here are the options from the VPC the database is on:
I remember enabling the DNS hostname to allow public access.
Update 2
I have created an EC2 instance in the same VPC where the db instance is, and I have been able to connect to it.
The db instance is deployed in the same VPC, where I have 4 different subnets, two public and two private. This is the configuration:

EC2 ubuntu machine not able to connect to PostgreSQL RDS

I have an EC2 Ubuntu machine that is trying to establish a connection to Postgress RDS Machine.
I have allowed all outbound traffic for my ec2 machine.
for inbound for RDS, I have allowed all UDP, all TCP, and all ICMP Ipv4 traffic with source as a security group of EC2 machine.
I feel my EC2 is not able to connect to the RDS instance.
Both are in the same default VPC.
I tried :
ping hostname
from my EC2, which doesn't connect and also tried
psql yellow-pages -U yp_develop -h hostname Password
I get
psql: FATAL: database "yellow-pages" does not exist
anything that I am missing or I understood the concept wrongly that I am not able to solve this issue.
Please if anyone cloud solve this problem.
The database is connectable by attempting to use telnet to connect to it.
The issue appeared to be that either the user does not have permission to the database yellow-pages or the database yellow-pages does not exist.
To validate this the telnet $HOSTNAME 5432 command was run and it was able to connect.
After this the psql -U yp_develop -h $HOSTNAME -l command was carried out validating that there was no yellow-pages database setup on this RDS instance.

Heroku Postgresql pg:psql No Route to host

For now I am just trying to make the heroku pg:psql command work but my final purpose is to copy a database that I have on my computer (localhost) to the heroku postgresql database with the pg:push command.
For now when I simply try to access the database that I created on heroku, the heroku pg:psql command returns:
psql: could not connect to server: No route to host
Is the server running on host "ec*-**-***-***-**.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com" (**.***.***.**) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
postgresql.conf: (the lines are not commented)
listen_address ='*'
port = 5432
ssl = true
and host all all **.***.***.** trust in pg_hba.conf
I also tried to add rules to iptables in order to give access to the database from the host IP address provided by heroku.
I am on a Debian computer, how can I solve this?
psql: could not connect to server: No route to host
It means your PostgreSQL server is not starting up or is starting up on a different port.
Solutions you may try:
Check PostgreSQL service by command ps -ef | grep Postgres.
Check the port which PostgreSQL is listening to by command netstat -tupln | grep Postgres.
Make sure your server enables UDP port because PostgreSQL needs UDP port loopback for stats collector service.
Check the startup logs or database logs at pg_log about the problem.

Amazon RDS PostgreSQL not accepting TCP connections on port 5432

I have created a PostgreSQL Amazon RDS databaes but I cannot connect to it from my local machine.
I am connecting like this:
psql -h <db endpoint> -p 5432 -U <username> <db name>
Response is:
Is the server running on host and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
Here are the database settings:
Here are my security group settings:
Your configuration picture is showing a setting of Publicly Accessible = No.
You will need to modify your database to set this to Yes.
From Modifying a DB Instance Running the PostgreSQL Database Engine:
Publicly Accessible
Choose Yes to give the DB instance a public IP address, meaning that it will be accessible outside the VPC (the DB instance also needs to be in a public subnet in the VPC); otherwise, choose No, so the DB instance will only be accessible from inside the VPC.
If you don't want to have Publicly Accessible = Yes then you should ensure that you've set a Security Group which has an Inbound rule. You'd have to then ensure that the security group is set up correctly.

RDS Postgresql DB connection timeout from Heroku

I'm unable to connect to a new PostgreSQL in AWS RDS.
I have a Heroku app and I would like to use Amazon RDS for my database instead of Heroku. For that I've been following this guide: https://www.reinteractive.net/posts/128-heroku-app-backed-by-an-aws-rds-postgres-database
I've made a backup from my current Heroku DB and want to load it on the new database.
My security group for the database allows all inbound connections for port 5432 ( and I've made a new VPC to have my DB set as Publicly Accesible (DNS hostnames and DNS resolution enabled). I created the database on postgres version 9.4.9.
However when I do:
-f latest.sql --host=xxx.xxx.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com --port=5432 --username=awsuser --password --dbname=mydatabase
from my computer, I only get a connection time out error:
psql: could not connect to server: Connection timed out
Is the server running on host xxx.xxx.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com" ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
The server is indeed running. In this case latest.sql is the backup I did. After this I edited the Database security groups to accept all connections ( too.
Database Rules
(from what I've read this should not be necessary because I already have the VPC Security Group), but the result is the same.
Is there any way to trace what's going on / why is my connection getting blocked?