Azure DevOps: Run tests parallely on agents in agentpool with different run settings - azure-devops

We have setup a agentpool with 3 agents tagged to it for running tests in parallel. We would like to use various input values for .runsettings file to override test run parameters (overrideTestrunParameters) & distribute our test runs on various agents. e.g.,
Lets assume that the agentpool P1 have associated agents A1, A2, A3.
We need agent A1 to configure a test run parameter executeTests = Functionality1, agent A2 to configure a test run parameter executeTests = Functionality2 etc.,
Please let us know if it is possible to use executionPlan with options Multiagent or Multi Configuration to achieve it.

So if I did not misunderstand, what you want is run the tests with multiple-configuration into multi-agents?
If yes, I'd better suggest you could apply with matrix in pipeline to achieve what you want.
*Note: Matrix is the new feature that only support YAML pipeline. If you want to make use matrix in your side, you had to use YAML to configure your pipeline.*
For how to apply matrix in this scenario, you could refer to below simple sample:
agentname: "Agent-V1"
executeTests: "Functionality1"
agentname: "Agent-V2"
executeTests: "Functionality2"
agentname: "Agent-V3"
executeTests: "Functionality3"
maxParallel: 3
name: '{pool name}'
- agent-name -equals $(agentname)
With such YAML definition, it can run the job at same time and with different configuration. Also, different configuration run onto the specified agent.
Note: Please ensure your project support parallel consuming.
For more details, see this.

I was able to find a solution for my case here by doing below
Add a variable group in the pipeline named executeTests & assigning names, values for the respective variable group as Functionality1, Functionality2 etc.,
Added multiple agent jobs in the same pipeline & assigned the Override test run parameters with -(test.runsetting variable) $(Functionality1) etc across agents A1, A2, A3
The above does run tests parallelly based on the settings available at each agent job

Using different runsettings or even override settings is not supported. The test task expects it to be consistent across all the agents. It will use whichever is configured for the first to start the test task. For example, if you were to pass an override variable $(Agent.Name), it would use the first agent name regardless of which agent picked it up.
The only way we found to manage this was to handle it in our test framework code. Instead of loading from runsettings, we set environment variables on the agent in a step prior to the test task. Then our test framework will load from the environment variable.


How to make and control of parallel execution of Azure DevOps Pipeline?

I am using Windows Self hosted agent for my Azure DevOps pipelines. Currently the pipelines are executed sequentially. If more than one pipelines triggered from different ADO projects, then it has to wait in queue to get the agent. In order to execute the pipeline in parallel, I came to know from some tutorials if we increase the paid parallel jobs for self hosted agent under billing section of Organization setting. Is my understanding correct? If so what are the precautionary steps I need to take. Do we have any control of when the pipelines to be executed in parallel?
In order to run self-hosted parallel jobs, you need to purchase parallel jobs and register several self-hosted agents.
For parallel jobs, you can register any number of self-hosted agents in your organization. If you want to run 3 jobs in parallel, then you must register at least 3 self-hosted agents in one agent pool. DevOps charges based on the number of jobs you want to run at a time, not the number of agents registered. There are no time limits on self-hosted jobs. For private projects, you can have one job and one additional job for each active Visual Studio Enterprise subscriber who is a member of your organization.
About how to purchase parallel jobs, please refer to Buy parallel jobs.
For how to control the use of parallel jobs, please refer to the following:
For classic pipeline, you can specify when to run the job through dependencies and Run this job in Additional options in the agent job. Then the pipeline will run in sequence according to your settings.
For YAML pipeline, you can specify the conditions under which the job should run with "dependsOn" and "condition".
For example:
For more info about conditions, please refer to Specify conditions
If you don't specify a specific order, the jobs will run in parallel based on the parallel jobs you purchased.
I don't know if my experience can help. I'll try. I started a new job and we use self-hosted TFS / Azure DevOps. I am changing our build process to create 3 product SKUs (it uses conditional compilation). Let's call them Good, Better & Best.
I edited the Build definition. First I switched to the Variables tab. I created a Process variable named SKUs and set it to Good,Better,Best. The commas are important.
Next I switched to the Tasks tab. I located the Agent Phase. Mine was called Phase 1. Select it. On the right, under Parallelism, I selected Multi-configuration. In the Multipliers text field I entered SKUs. I set Maximum number of agents to 3.
What I don't yet know is the TFS back-end administration and options that the company purchased beforehand.

How to run multiple Copy Files task in a Azure DevOps Release pipeline simultaneously with Custom Conditions?

I am using Azure DevOps Server 2020 and I have a release pipeline which has around 21 copy file tasks in it to copy the output of multiple microservices to different target paths and this takes almost around 23 mins to complete the release pipeline.
I want to optimize the release pipeline and save some time and thus I am thinking of running all the copy task simultaneously.
Under the copy tasks in Control Options section, I see Run this task option is available where we do have the option to define custom conditions but I am not sure which custom conditions do I need to define exactly so that all my copy tasks gets executed parallelly.
Could anyone please let me know what custom conditions will allow all the copy task to get executed in one go?
Currently it is not possible to have tasks run in parallel. It has been raised as a suggestion here but the feature hasn't been implemented
How to run multiple Copy Files task in a Azure DevOps Release pipeline simultaneously with Custom Conditions?
Just as TheWinterCoder pointed, Currently it is not possible to have tasks run in parallel.
But, as a workaround, you could divide the replication task into several different jobs and make the jobs run in parallel:
This requires you to have multiple agents available in the local agent pool:

How to run two agents in parallel in Azure DevOps?

In this release pipeline, I have two tasks: one is running the kubectl command, and I need it to keep running while I run the second task. After researching for a while, I know that parallel tasks are not available in Azure DevOps, so I tried with multiple agents. However I could not make it work.
May I know which part am I missing?
My current config looks like this:
And in each of the agents, I selected "Multi-Agent" on parallelism with number of 2.
But it seems not the one I want.
What I want is, run the first job with kubectl port-forward command. And keep it running while second job start running. After second job Run script is finished, then the first job can end.
May I know in Azure DevOps is there a way to achieve this?
Thank you so much.
The easiest would be actually to use seprate stages. But if you want to use single stage you can do it as follows:
Define variable like this:
Configure parallelism on the job:
And then define custom condition on the tasks:
One task should have eq(variables['Script'], 'one') and the other eq(variables['Script'], 'two')
You will get two agents runs your jobs but in each job will actually do only one task:

Azure-devops: Share output from different agents running their own jobs

I have a build with multiple jobs, where they depend on each other's output. But I also have multiple agents, which gives me the following issue:
If Agent1 runs Job1, Agent2 runs Job2, and Job3 requires the output from both Job1 and Job2, I can't access the files from just one agent, since they are located on different machines.
How do I make my jobs able to download the output of other agents?
I looked for the workspace on MS Docs, but it doesn't describe how to handle this scenario.
To add more details on top of JukkaK's answer.
I looked for the workspace on MS Docs, but it doesn't describe how to
handle this scenario.
The workspace is something corresponding to agents. No sure which kind of agent do you use, but different agents have different OS instance, so the content under same path(workspace) in one agent should be quite different from that in another agent.
So workspace is not the approach for you needs.
How do I make my jobs able to download the output of other agents?
You can use Publish Artifacts+Download Artifacts combination to do what you need. See this:
You can place Publish build Artifacts task as the last task of agent job1 and job2. Then add a Download buil Artifacts as the first one of agent job3.
And make sure agent job3 depends on agent job1 and job2 like this:
In this way, the output from agent job1 and job2 can be installed in agent job3's machine for further usage. Hope it helps.
Pipeline artifacts in multi-stage pipelines would be a perfect match for this, if the current features available with multi-stage pipelines otherwise satisfy your needs.
If not, the best I can come up with is directing the the jobs to same agent by adding a capability to agent and adding a demand to the pool-assignment (or by creating your own pool). With Deployment group agents, adding tags is a handy way to direct jobs to a certain agent in deployment group, but haven't found anything similar on build agents.

Azure DevOps passing Dynamically assigned variables between build hosts

I'm using Azure DevOps on a vs2017-win2016 build agent to provision some infrastructure using Terraform.
What I want to know is it possible to pass the Terraform Output of a hosts dynamically assigned IP address to a
2nd Job running a different build agent.
I'm able to pass these to build variables in the first Job
But un-able to get these variables to appear to be consumed with the second build agent running ubuntu-16.04
I am able to pass any static defined parameters like Azure Resource Group name that I define before the job start, its just the
dynamically assigned ones.
This is pretty easily done when you are using the YAML based builds.
It's important to know that variables are only available within the scope of current job by default.
However you can set a variable as an output variable for your job.
This output variable can then be mapped to a variable within second job (do note that you need to set the first job as a dependency for the second job).
Please see the following link for an example of how to get this to work
It may also be doable in the visual designer type of build, but i couldn't get that to work in the quick test i did, maybe you can get something to work inspired on the linked example.