Eclipse (atollic) Pre-Build command format - eclipse

I'm using Eclipe-Atollic to build for a STM32 micro. Running Windows 10 and TortoiseSvn. Im trying to get the Svn version into my code using the Tortoise "svnversion" command.
I'm trying to add the following command to the Pre-build steps in Eclipse-atollic under "Project Properties >> C/C++ Build >> Settings >> Build Steps >> Pre-build steps" .
svnversion > Src\
This works fine from the Command prompt, but when I use the Eclipse builder - I get the following error message:
Info: Internal Builder is used for build
svnversion > Src\
svnversion: E020024: Error resolving case of '>'
After the initial error, I've tried a variety of combinations of " and \ escapes, but without success.
Looking for any guidance on how to configure Eclipse to execute this command.

OK, If anyone else needs to know, I used "cmd -c" to execute the command, so what worked was:
cmd -c svnversion > Src\


Jupyter extension for VSCode on Linux throws error when doing anything Jupyter related

After installing code-oss on Manjaro Linux along with the Jupyter extension for code and jupyter-notebooks itself, the extension seems to error when I try to do anything Jupyter related inside code. If I try to create a new notebook from the command pallete, it pops up a dialog saying this:
Command 'Jupyter: Create New Jupyter Notebook' resulted in an error (command 'jupyter.createnewnotebook' not found)
Code then tells me that the extension activation failed and to open the chrome developer console for more information. This is what the chrome console then says:
extension activation failed Error: Extension 'ms-toolsai.jupyter' CANNOT use API proposal: notebookEditor. Its package.json#enabledApiProposals-property declares: but NOT notebookEditor. The missing proposal MUST be added and you must start in extension development mode or use the following command line switch: --enable-proposed-api ms-toolsai.jupyter
Initial Pop-up error
Chrome Console error
You can solve that problem by inserting"enable-proposed-api": ["ms-toolsai.jupyter"] in the start settings of vs code. So press CTRL+ALT+P -> "Preference: Configure Runtime Arguments" then insert the upper line. After that restart vscode.
Had the same problem and found out this is happening because of the open source version of code - OSS. It does not have the proper config in the product.json.
The accepted solution to add to Runtime Arguments unfortunately didn't work on Arch.
Easiest solution for me was to install code-features from AUR.
You can find more info on arch wiki site
Or directly on microsoft docs regarding oss code issues.
The solution to add "enable-proposed-api": ["ms-toolsai.jupyter"] to the runtime of vscode didn't work for me on Arch linux. But when I started vscode from the command line using the argument "--enable-proposed-api ms-toolsai.jupyter" the problem was solved. So I created a custom desktop launcher for this:
Fist, copy the desktop launcher to your applications folder
$ cp /usr/share/applications/code-oss.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/.
Then edit the new file:
$ nano ~/.local/share/applications/code-oss.desktop
Now add "--enable-proposed-api ms-toolsai.jupyter" to both of the Exec lines like so:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Code - OSS
Comment=Code Editing. Redefined.
GenericName=Text Editor
Exec=/usr/bin/code-oss --enable-proposed-api ms-toolsai.jupyter --unity-launch %F
[Desktop Action new-empty-window]
Name=New Empty Window
Exec=/usr/bin/code-oss --enable-proposed-api ms-toolsai.jupyter --new-window %F
I restarted my computer and the problem was solved.

Eclipse (2018-09) CDT project with Cygwin, can't debug the binary

It seems that everything cygwin-related configured and works fine in my Eclipse project, for example Eclipse is able to invoke 'make' or 'gcc', and can even run the compiled binary and show the output in the Eclipse console window.
However, when I try to debug my binary within Eclipse, I get the following error:
Error in final launch sequence:
Failed to execute MI command:
Error message from debugger back end:
During startup program exited with code 0xc0000135.
Failed to execute MI command:
Error message from debugger back end:
During startup program exited with code 0xc0000135.
During startup program exited with code 0xc0000135.
I do able to launch gdb from my Cygwin console, so it is installed correctly (I assume). But why it fails when I try to use it from Eclipse?
For my case, as you say, it turns out that adding the Cygwin bin folder to the PATH variable solves this problem.
I use Eclipse 2020-06 and Cygwin 64bit on Win7 64bit. And installing Cygwin doesn't change the PATH variable currently.
But it is also confused to me that "build" and "run" work fine in Eclipse whithout the Cygwin bin in PATH.

rj not installing for eclipse/R Statet

I realize there are several posts on this, so apologies if I'm breaching etiquette. In my case, I've tried several of them, and I just can't seem to get the rj issue (of having it installed properly) resolved.
I tried the CMD INSTALL recommendation and literally copied the tar file to my R executable directory
R CMD INSTALL --no-test-load rj_*.tar.gz
I used a DOS cmd window to run it, and it failed using the * notation, so I substituted the exact rj tar file name by navigating to the path...
C:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.1\bin\x64\rj_0.5.0-5.tar.gz
and running
R CMD INSTALL --no-test-load rj_0.5.0-5.tar.gz
This seemed to work as R shows all Java packages installed (inc. Rjava)
> ("rj" %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])
[1] TRUE
> ("rJava" %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])
[1] TRUE
Yet, in the eclipse environment, I'm still getting rj missing error.
Any thoughts on what to try next? I really want to get the debug capability to work here and pulling my hair out over this.
Oh, and also even though it shows installed in R. If I try to launch inside R, I get:
> library(rj)
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rj', details:
call: .jcall("de/walware/rj/server/RJ", "Lde/walware/rj/server/RJ;",
error: RcallMethod: cannot determine object class
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'rj'
Using Eclipse SDK Version: 3.8.0
StatET 3.01.02

ndk-build.cmd: command not found

(sorry for my bad english...)
I'm trying to build my .so library in Eclipse, with the CDT plugin. (It's an android project, with native code...)
Because I'm on windows, I replaced the build command in [Project->Properties->C/C++ build] with this one:
[absolute_path_to_android-ndk]\ndk-build.cmd V=1
But I got this message in the console:
Cannot run program "C:\SDK\android-ndk-r8\ndk-build.cmd": Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.
Error: Program "C:/SDK/android-ndk-r8/ndk-build.cmd" is not found in PATH
I tried with only "ndk-build.cmd" in the eclipse's build command, and the path to this command in my PATH environment variable, but I still have the same error.
In fact, I can't execute any program from the eclipse's build command.
I have no problem to build the library when I call ndk-build in cmd.exe, or in cygwin, but when I try to automate the library's build in Eclipse, it doesn't work...
Does anyone have a solution to my problem?
I found the solution by adding the NDK-path to the path variable, in the ubuntu terminal as well as in eclipse. Then I had to DELETE THE ".cmd" in "ndk-build.cmd" because the terminal says that I have no permission with this file ending.

How to run an Xcode built app from the command line (bash)

Following on from my question How to run an xcode project from bash?
I've found the built *.app in the build directory, but I'm trying to figure out how to get xcode to open it as it can't just be run as a Mac OS X program.
Any ideas?
thanks to chuan at this post: XCode Test Automation For IPhone
I'm stuck with the same problem trying to launch my debug output from building my xcode project. I just experimented with the following
open ./
seems to do the trick.
I've solved my problem using a bash file that uses rsync to sync working directories and then AppleScript which builds and runs the project.
# script for moving development files into xcode for building
echo 'Synchronising...'
rsync -r $developmentDirectory $xcodeDirectory \
--exclude='.DS_Store' --exclude='.*' --exclude='utils/' --exclude='photos'
echo 'Synchronising Done at:'
echo $(date)
set projectName to "projectName"
# AppleScript uses : for / in directory paths
set projectDir to "Users:username:Documents:" & projectName & ":" & projectName & ".xcodeproj"
tell application "Xcode"
open projectDir
tell project projectName
(* for some reasons, debug will hang even the debug process has completed.
The try block is created to suppress the AppleEvent timeout error
end try
end tell
end tell
Then, finally, I'm using a shell script called aliased in my .bash_profile:
bash utils/
osascript utils/buildandrun