What package contains the CAA_File library? - codesys

And where do I obtain the package from? I would imagine it comes from some package on the CoDeSys store but I can't seem to find which one.

Check this out:
Open library manager
Click add library,
Click advanced
Browse to Intern -> CAA -> System -> CAA File
Select the CAA file and hit OK
Then you can find the library under FILE namespace.


netbeans how is it organized

i have a running package consisting of classes all written by myself, except of course for some basic java libraries. The reason is simple : everytime i try to import an external jar to use it instead of writing it myself, netbeans fails to find the files, so it simply does not work.
as you will understand, i'm really not happy with this situation, so i looked for a solution and tried everything to get external files being integrated in my package ...
So my question : does anyone know a site with a simple and clear explanation on how netbeans deals with the different files, and where they should be stored ? I've read all questions and answers about importing external jar files, but nothing helps ...
To use an external library:
Open the project properties
Click on libraries
Click on "Add JAR/Folder"
Select the jar file(s) in question
If a library consists of multiple jar files and you want to use that in multiple projects:
Open "Tools -> Libraries"
Click "New Library"
Add the jar files using the "Add JAR/Folder" button
Close the "Ant Library Manager" window
Open the project properties
Click on "libraries"
Add the global library by clicking on the "Add Library button"
The NetBeans manual has a lot of information on how to use the IDE:
The chapter "Managing the classpath" describes how to manage external libraries:
The chapter "Creating Dependencies Between Projects" describes how you can re-use code from one project in another:

How to install org.apache.commons.httpclient in Eclipse?

I need to install this library: org.apache.commons.httpclient.
Iwe tried unsing Help -> Install new software but I cant find it there
Please help me I` would need to use in my program these:
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.MultipartPostMethod;
You don't need to install it. Search for the jar containing it and then in eclipse right click on your project -> build path. In the new window, go to libraries, add a new user library and in that new one, add your jars.
Download "commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar" adn save to your local hard disk.
Go to you project, right click/properties/java build path/library/Add External library.
Provide the path to the jar saved on your hard disk and press ok. You can use the classes(HttpClient,MultipartPostMethod) available in the jar.
Thank you

How do I use the GTGE library? Java 2D games

I downloaded from the official site a zip containing a jar and a "docs" folder, inside there is a "com" folder and a "resources" folder. I want to be able to use this libray in my java IDE (eclipse) but when i type : import com.golden.*; it does not recognise the command.
How do I add this library so that I can actually use it with programming? Please be as specific as possible, as I seem to have a natural talent in failing to follow instructions.
Right click on your project
Select properties
Select the Java build path from the list to left side
Click libraries on the right side
Click on "Add external JARS"
Select your file

Pydev: Go to arbitrary module source?

In Pydev, is there a convenient way to open arbitrary (external, globally installed) module? Say, I want to see the source of markdown.blockprocessors module. How can I do that without typing an import directive (import markdown.blockparser), using "Go To Definition" (F3) and removing the directive? It would be nice to see the hierarchy of the whole markdown package in the Package Explorer, but I don't know how.
There are 2 main ways of finding something without using F3:
Open Resource action (Ctrl+Shift+R): allows you to find any file in your workspace (so, it's useful not only for python modules, but any file, but those need to be in your workspace).
The PyDev tokens browser (Ctrl+Shift+T): allows you to find any token (class/method/attributes/globals -- but currently not module name) for modules in the PYTHONPATH (either source folder or external libraries under the project properties > pydev pythonpath). You can filter things as 'myproject.*something' (the dialog that opens provides instructions on how to filter tokens).
Add Markdown source code folder here::
Project properties -> PyDev PYTHONPATH -> Source folders.

netbeans : add library permanently

I work in a group project and after every checkout
I have to remove and add the javamail api..(because the path is relative)
how can i make it IN the Project folder?
This is how i add the library :
right click on librarys folder
Add/jar Folder..
Choose the mail.jar
But when my collegue checks this out... he get's problems.
How can i make the path absolute ?
This worked for me: Project Properties -> Libraries -> Add JAR/Folder, and in that dialog there is a "Reference as" option. Choose "Relative Path" and then locate your library.
A better way to add library to Netbenas would be
Tools -> Libraries -> New Library...
After it:
Project tab -> [your project] -> Properties -> Libraries -> Add Library
This would be always "relative"
You might be better off using a dedicated folder for your libraries. Please see this tutorial to help doing the same. That way, the libraries can always live in their own country.