Webhook Payload explanation - azure-devops

Looking at both the documentation and example service hooks there is little to no explanation about what the contents of the payload is.
For example, I create a Release Started and a Release Completed Service hook, and when I look at the payload none of the included guids actually represent the id of the release pipeline that triggered the alert.
Here is an obfuscated payload I receive:
"subscriptionId": "000-000-000-000-000",
"notificationId": 12,
"id": "000-000-000-000-000",
"eventType": "ms.vss-release.deployment-started-event",
"publisherId": "rm",
"message": {
"text": "Deployment of release Release-430 to stage Test started.",
"html": "Deployment on stage <a href='https://TESTAcentral.visualstudio.com/TESTA/_release?_a=environment-summary&definitionId=34&definitionEnvironmentId=12'>Test</a> started.",
"markdown": "Deployment on stage [Test](https://TESTAcentral.visualstudio.com/TESTA/_release?_a=environment-summary&definitionId=34&definitionEnvironmentId=12) started."
"detailedMessage": {
"text": "Deployment of release Release-430 on stage Test started.\r\nTrigger: After successful deployment of Dev",
"html": "Deployment on stage <a href='https://TESTAcentral.visualstudio.com/TESTA/_release?_a=environment-summary&definitionId=34&definitionEnvironmentId=12'>Test</a> started.<br>Trigger: After successful deployment of Dev",
"markdown": "Deployment on stage [Test](https://TESTAcentral.visualstudio.com/TESTA/_release?_a=environment-summary&definitionId=34&definitionEnvironmentId=12) started.\r\nTrigger: After successful deployment of Dev"
"resourceVersion": null,
"resourceContainers": {
"collection": {
"id": "000-000-000-000-000",
"baseUrl": "https://TESTAcentral.vsrm.visualstudio.com/"
"account": {
"id": "000-000-000-000-000",
"baseUrl": "https://TESTAcentral.vsrm.visualstudio.com/"
"project": {
"id": "000-000-000-000-000",
"baseUrl": "https://TESTAcentral.vsrm.visualstudio.com/"
"createdDate": "2020-01-29T13:49:01.1293269Z",
"resource": null
How should I identify the pipeline that actually triggered this webhook?
Please dont tell me that the intention is to parse the markdown or html fields and break apart that url. The utility of this entire process is compromised if you dont include the triggering identifier!

This is a issue which may caused by new UI in Service Hook.
The temporarily workaround is turn off "Service Hooks setting page improvements preview" in Preview Feature


Unable to activate triggers in Azure Data Factory as part of CI/CD deployment

I am deploying Azure Data Factory pipeline along with linked services and triggers via json templates. Even though the trigger has the "runtime" property as "started" in the template, the triggers are always deployed in the stopped state and have to be activated manually.
"name": "trigger-name-started",
"properties": {
"description": "some connection",
"annotations": [],
"runtimeState": "Stopped",
"pipelines": [
"pipelineReference": {
"referenceName": "pipeline-new",
"type": "PipelineReference"
"type": "ScheduleTrigger",
"typeProperties": {
"recurrence": {
"frequency": "Minute",
"interval": 15,
"startTime": "2022-12-03T09:53:00Z",
"timeZone": "UTC"
Unable to activate triggers in Azure Data Factory as part of CI/CD
deployment ?
If your trigger stopped before you start the deployment . Restart after deployment is complete.
Please follow continuous integration using Azure Pipelines and also, you could use the PowerShell script for stopping triggers and update your trigger settings.
For more in detail, please refer below links:

Azure Devops rest API for create pipeline with source provider bitbucket not working

I am new on Azure and trying to create pipeline through rest api with below URL
When Source Provider is Azure Git Repo then it working perfectly fine with below request body
"folder": "\\",
"name": "Test-Pipeline-1",
"configuration": {
"type": "yaml",
"id": "1f13f61c-eade-b36bc515bb5e",
"name": "TestAzure123",
But when Source Provider is Bitbucket Cloud then its not working
"folder": "\\",
"name": "Bitbucket-Pipeline",
"configuration": {
"type": "yaml",
"repository": {
"id": "sid_07/Bitbucket-repository",
"name": "Bitbucket-repository",
"type": "Bitbucket"
I am getting below exception
"$id": "1",
"innerException": null,
"message": "This API does not support creating pipelines with repositories of type Unknown.",
"typeName": "Microsoft.Azure.Pipelines.WebApi.UnsupportedRepositoryTypeException, Microsoft.Azure.Pipelines.WebApi",
"typeKey": "UnsupportedRepositoryTypeException",
"errorCode": 0,
"eventId": 3000
Is pipeline creation supported through rest api for bitbucket? or am I missing something? Please help
I have already taken reference from similar issue
Azure Devops rest API for create pipeline with source provider bitbucket not working
I am afraid the REST API Pipelines - Create does not support the creation of a pipeline whose source type is bitbucket at this moment.
When I use the request body below, which I used to create a pipeline for the resource type of github:
"folder": "\\",
"name": "Test-Pipeline-2",
"configuration": {
"path": "TestDemo.yml",
"repository": {
"fullName": "xxx/leotest",
"connection": {
"id": "e11d299a-0bfd-4a38-a77c-xxxxxxxx"
"type": "bitbucket"
"type": "yaml"
I got the same error as you:
Then I created that pipeline manually, and use the REST API Pipelines - Get to get the detailed info about this pipeline, I got following info:
"configuration": {
"path": "BitbucketRepo.yml",
"repository": null,
"type": "yaml"
"url": "https://dev.azure.com/xxx/xxxxx/_apis/pipelines/146?revision=2",
"id": 146,
"revision": 2,
"name": "BitbucketRepo",
"folder": "\\YAML\\Resources"
We could to know the part of repository: is null.
So, the REST API Pipelines - Create does not support create pipeline with source provider bitbucket at this moment.
For this request, you could add it for this feature on our UserVoice site (https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/idea/post.html?space=21 ), which is our main forum for product suggestions. Thank you for helping us build a better Azure DevOps.

Arm template deployment fail with 409 error for one specific storage account

I use arm template to deploy a storage account. However, I got an error saying: StorageAccountAlreadyExists: The storage account named xxx already exists.
My release pipeline is set to incremental, so shouldn't really show this error.
I changed storage account name to a new one, not only it worked the first time, but I can keep on deploying the same pipeline and no error ever thrown out.
Looks like it is something specific to this account, however, I can't see anything special. The arm template we use is also quite normal (something we got from official examples before).
"$schema": "http://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-06-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"StorageDescriptor": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "StorageAccount",
"metadata": {}
"StorageAccountName": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "[toLower(concat(parameters('StorageDescriptor'), resourceGroup().name))]",
"metadata": { "Description": "Override name for the storage account" }
"StorageType": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "Standard_LRS",
"allowedValues": [
"Environment": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "PreProd",
"metadata": { "description": "PreProd or Prod" }
"variables": {
"resources": [
"name": "[parameters('StorageAccountName')]",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"apiVersion": "2019-06-01",
"dependsOn": [],
"tags": {
"displayName": "Web Job Storage Account"
"properties": {
"accountType": "[parameters('StorageType')]"
"outputs": {
Even though your release pipeline is set to incremental, the storage account name must be unique every time you deploy. Refer to: here.
Arm template deployment fail with 409 error for one specific storage account
You need to check if the storage account attributes have been changed through the Azure/PowerShell portal by somebody else, and are different than the ones specified on the ARM template.
To resolve this issue, please try to export the template and update it in the Azure devops repo:
Then, we could update this new exported template file as you want and deploy with it.
As test, I could keep on deploying the same pipeline and no error ever thrown out.

Add/remove pipeline checks using REST API

I have a requirement to dynamically add/remove or enable disable approval and checks at azure DevOps pipeline environment.
Is there a rest api for this?
Is there a rest api for this?
Yes, it has. BUT, as what the #Krysztof said, we haven't provide such api documents to public as of today. This is because what you are looking for is one feature (configure Check and approval from environments ) that only support for YAML pipeline, and until now, we are developing but does not publish the corresponding rest api (for YAML) docs.
But, as work around, you can catch these apis from F12. Just do action from UI, then capture and analyze corresponds api records to found out what you are expecting.
Here I make the summary to you.
The api that used to add/delete approval and check to environment is:
https://dev.azure.com/{org name}/{project name}/_apis/pipelines/checks/configurations
The corresponding api method for add or delete is Post and DELETE.
Firstly, share you the request body samples which for approval and check added.
1) Add approval to this environment:
"type": {
"id": "8C6F20A7-A545-4486-9777-F762FAFE0D4D", // The fixed value for Approval
"name": "Approval"
"settings": {
"approvers": [
"id": "f3c88b9a-b49f-4126-a4fe-3c99ecbf6303" // User Id
"executionOrder": 1,
"instructions": "",
"blockedApprovers": [],
"minRequiredApprovers": 0,
"requesterCannotBeApprover": false // The pipeline requester allow to approve it.
"resource": {
"type": "environment",
"id": "1", // Environment id
"name": "Deployment" //Environment name
"timeout": 43200 // Set the available time(30d) of this approval pending. The measure unit is seconds.
2) Add task check, Azure function, Invoke rest api task and etc:
"type": {
"id": "fe1de3ee-a436-41b4-bb20-f6eb4cb879a7", // Fixed value if you want to add task check
"name": "Task Check" //Fixed value
"settings": {
"definitionRef": {
"id": "537fdb7a-a601-4537-aa70-92645a2b5ce4", //task Id
"name": "AzureFunction", //task name
"version": "1.0.10" //task version
"displayName": "Invoke Azure Function", //task display name configured
"inputs": {
"method": "POST",
"waitForCompletion": "false",
"function": "csdgsdgsa",
"key": "436467543756" // These are all task inputs
"retryInterval": 5, // The re-try time specified.
"linkedVariableGroup": "AzKeyGroup"// The variable group name this task linked with
"resource": {
"type": "environment",
"id": "2",
"name": "Development"
"timeout": 43200
In this request body, you can find the corresponding task id from our public source code. Just check the task.json file of corresponding task.
3) Add template check:
"type": {
"id": "4020E66E-B0F3-47E1-BC88-48F3CC59B5F3", // Fixed value for template check added.
"name": "ExtendsCheck" //Fixed value
"settings": {
"extendsChecks": [
"repositoryType": "git", // github for Github source, bitbucket for Bitbucket source
"repositoryName": "MonnoPro",
"repositoryRef": "refs/heads/master",
"templatePath": "tem.yml"
"resource": {
"type": "environment",
"id": "6",
"name": "development"
In this body, if the template source is coming from github or bitbucket, the value of repositoryName should like {org name}/{repos name}.
Hope these are helps.
This is an older question but we had a similar need. There does not appear to be a direct API To query this, but this GitHub Project pointed us in the right direction:
# GET ENVIRONMENT CHECKS (stored under .fps.dataProviders.data['ms.vss-pipelinechecks.checks-data-provider'].checkConfigurationDataList)
GET https://dev.azure.com/{{organization}}/{{project}}/_environments/{{environment_id}}/checks?__rt=fps&__ver=2
As mentioned above under .fps.dataProviders.data['ms.vss-pipelinechecks.checks-data-provider'].checkConfigurationDataList the list of who is authorized is provided.
The officially documented APIs can tell you that there are checks in place; for example:
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/pipelines/checks/configurations?resourceType=environment&resourceId={id}
Can tell you that you have checks enabled (including an Approval check) but this isn't super useful as it does not give a list of who can Approve.
Note that you can get the list of environments (to get their resource ID) using this documented API:
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/distributedtask/environments?api-version=7.1-preview.1
This is not supported at the moment. You can upvote feature request to show your interest here.

TFS/VSTS vNext Build and Release Logs Location

Are the build and release logs saved locally on the Build Agent machine? I know that I can manually click on the "Download all logs as zip" link for each build and release, but if I want to automatically send these logs to someone else (or bulk send them), is there another way to find them (either on the Build Agent machine or in the database somewhere)?
Both for TFS and VSTS, the build/release logs are located in TFS/VSTS server (no business with what the agent is used).
In build/release retention, you can set the policies to keep the builds/releases. And it default keep the latest 30 days' builds and releases.
Except the way to click "Download all logs as zip" button to get a build/release logs, you can also get build/release logs by REST API. Such as below example:
GET https://account.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/Git2/_apis/build/builds/2373/timeline?api-version=2.0
And you can get each build step log in the response, such as:
"records": [
"id": "d2c6b274-40fe-4727-85b6-eb92fb4f6009",
"parentId": "ff7265dc-abe3-5e6a-6194-76bb88f00044",
"type": "Task",
"name": "Initialize Job",
"startTime": "2018-01-15T05:30:25.6Z",
"finishTime": "2018-01-15T05:30:26.0233333Z",
"currentOperation": null,
"percentComplete": null,
"state": "completed",
"result": "succeeded",
"resultCode": null,
"changeId": 8,
"lastModified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"workerName": "V-myPC",
"order": 2,
"details": null,
"errorCount": 0,
"warningCount": 0,
"url": null,
"log": {
"id": 2,
"type": "Container",
"url": "https://account.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/f7855e29-6f8d-429d-8c9b-41fd4d7e70a4/_apis/build/builds/2373/logs/2"
"task": null
"lastChangedBy": "00000002-0000-8888-8000-000000000000",
"lastChangedOn": "2018-01-15T05:30:40.947Z",
"id": "4b4280d4-5358-4238-ab95-d44475c92bc9",
"changeId": 19,
"url": "https://account.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/f7855e29-6f8d-429d-8c9b-41fd4d7e70a4/_apis/build/builds/2373/Timeline/4b4280d4-5358-4238-ab95-d44475c92bc9"
As the above response, you can find the Initialized Job step by the url https://account.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/f7855e29-6f8d-429d-8c9b-41fd4d7e70a4/_apis/build/builds/2373/logs/2.