Since I don't have watches with xxhdpi and xxxhdpi,I've tried manually configuring an AVD to support both the resolution watches in emulator.
I'm trying to create a new profile for this(Parameters are added in attached screenshot)
But It is creating 480*480 hdpi watch device.As per DisplayMetrics provided by android, 480*480 will have xxhigh
There is no XXHDPI or XXXHDPI WearOS hardware in production (or announced); the highest screen density in the wild is 348dpi, which is still in the XHDPI bucket.
So, I'd conclude that the WearOS emulator hasn't been built to support densities higher than XHDPI.
I'm currently developing a Flutter app which contains online videos. Since users don't want to be bothered with the slow download speeds and high mobile data usage, we decided to introduce two different formats for the video content, where one is more optimized for slower connections and those who prefer using Power Saving Mode (or Low Power Mode in iOS) and Data Saver (or Low Data Mode in iOS).
While some packages including power already exists to detect for Power Saving Mode (thanks to Flutter/IOS Low Power Mode), I can't seem to find any Flutter plugins to detect those functionalities, unless if I can spend some time building native bindings for:
iOS: Is there any way to detect iOS 9 low power mode programmatically?
Searching for for "low data mode", Android's "ConnectivityManager" and iOS' "ProcessInfo" does not work, too. And no, connectivity_plus does not detect for this feature, too.
And even worse, searching for "data saver" and "ConnectivityManager" in the site returns Flutter's material library for some reason 🙃
So, is there any packages which I can use for this? Or should I create one from scratch?
I recently finished to develop a UWP based on the SDK example CameraFrames. On the second screen of this example (and also on my app) you can choose to preview the frames taken by the Kinect v2.0 as shown below.
On the top of the image on the right of "Grupo de fontes" (Source group) I am able to choose between the different cameras that are connected to my PC. The problem comes when I deploy my app to another PC, I am unable to see "Kinect V2 Video Sensor". Thus rendering my app obsolete as it needs to be portable between PCs. I have checked that inside "Package.appxmanifest->Capabilities->Web Cam" checkbox is ticked.
I am out of ideas as I don't have a clue why my app works flawlesly on my computer but not on the rest. If you need any extra info to help me with my problem please let me know.
It is worth noting that on the other PCs that I've tried my app can read frames via Kinect Studio or MatLab.
Inside "Camera privacy settings" my app has privileges to use the camera.
Thank you in advance.
Update due to Nico Zhu's comment
My OS is Windows 10 and my target version is "10.0.16299.0". I have downloading and deploying CameraFrames on the second computer that I'm working with but it doesn't recognize the Kinect as in input source. Even though CameraFrames doesn't work doesn't read anything, I can properly make use of the kinect using Kinect Studio.
It seems that my problem is focused on my second computer not being able to make use of the Kinect on any deployed UWPs. What should I installed in order to make sure that I have all that's needed to properly read from the Kinect?
At the end of a lot of headaches I just needed to upgrade my drivers.
I am using crosswalk to better support older android devices. But app has 5% CPU even doing nothing and even in idle state on background.
Removing crosswalk from project solves problem, but I want it to stay included because of the benefits.
I have found two things what makes the CPU.
1. animated gif image
2. bug in ionic wrapper of device motion cordova plugin (acceleration watcher never stop then)
animated gif: I had animated gif as loading spinner in my index.html while my app becomes available. On mobile phones it was not visible at all, because splash screen is turned off after app init, but it was for browser use. Removing this gif solves about 3% CPU
I have device motion plugin in my app and I was using it as described in ionic docs, so if not needed anymore I have called unsubscribe. But ionic was not calling clearWatch method correctly (with wathID parameter), so the watcher never stops. It caused another ~3% CPU. As an workaround I have used plugin directly, bypassing ionic wrapper as described in cordova docs.
Removing those two problems I get approximately 0.4% CPU which I think is the lowest minimum, because I have tested empty index.html builded into cordova app even without the crosswalk and still getting the minimum 0.4% CPU usage.
Hope that this help someone else, happy coding ;)
I am working on a tablet that has no modem (aka cellular radio) and is not designed to be used for receiving or sending voice calls/SMS/MMS using cdma/gsm/etc, it does however have Wi-Fi. This device unfortunately is based on a device that does have a modem. I wonder if anyone has a complete list of changes that need to be made to the android platform for a devices like this? I am working on Nougat. Here's what I have so far:
switched my device mk file to point to instead of
added a overlay/frameworks/base/care/res/res/values/config.xml with config_voice_capable set to false, config_sms_capable set to false, config_telephonyHardware set to an empty string array
set PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS := tablet in my device mk file
copy tablet_core_hardware.xml to system/etc/permissions instead of handheld_core_hardware.xml
set property to true, comment out service ril-daemon and any ims service from any init rc files
Am I missing anything?
Some things I noticed are the following modules are still included in the system image: BlockedNumberProvider, Telecom, TeleService, MmsService, TelephonyProvider, voip-common.jar, telecom.jar, telephony-common.jar, ims-common.jar. Even though I have selected the "no telephony" build mk files. Are these modules all needed on a device that doesn't have telephony features? As an experiment I removed the APKs (I haven't tried remove the jars yet) and the device seems to boot and run just fine so it seems they are just wasting resources.
I recently read about the HAXM , followed the steps, for first few days emulator used to get started in less than minute but now it gets stuck at this point - as shown below.. although it shows correct time & clock remains working . The worst part is all of the emulators I create show same problem .Any solution ?
You can try couple of things here
Check the RAM size allocated for Emulator. The best RAM size recommended is around 512MB for an Emulator. Make sure you have set the appropriate RAM size
Kill all your emulators, restart your machine and create fresh AVDs
Is this happening with the same application or different ones? a little bit detail on the application will help in suggesting more work around.
a. If it is an OpenGL application choose use Host GPU on your AVD and also install the correct graphics driver on your host machine