How to integrate formio offline plugin to angular project - formio

I have integrated formio API's to angular project successfully and the form which I created in fromio is displayed in the angular8 UI. I also implemented language translations on the same page and it is working fine. Trying to integrating formio offline plugin any pointer on how to register offline plugin In angular8 version.?
Reference: but not able to find details for angular8 offline implementation

Its implemented and working fine, below are the steps:
Note: Offline plugin will work only with formio enterprises version
package.json - Ensure formio-offline-plugin and dependencies
"formio-plugin-offline": "formio/formio-plugin-offline",
"formiojs": "^4.9.0-beta.4",
"angular-formio": "^4.5.3",
"#angular/-packages-": "8.2.14" or higher versions
Create offline service(offline.service.ts) and import the same in app-module
Add below code in service file
import { Injectable, EventEmitter } from '#angular/core';
import { Formio } from 'angular-formio';
import { AppConfig } from '../../../config/app.config';
const FormioOfflineProject = require('formio-plugin-offline/index').default;
providedIn: 'root'
export class OfflineService {
public onlineChange: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
public offlinePlugin;
public offlineCount = 0;
public offlineOps: any = {};
public offlineSubmissions = [];
constructor() {
* This Function is used to load all the on inti functions
* #memberOf Formio Offline Line service (OfflineService)
public onOfflineServiceInit() {
* This Function is used to Register Formio Offline Plugin
* #memberOf Formio Offline Line service (OfflineService)
public registerOfflinePlugin() {
this.offlinePlugin = new FormioOfflineProject(AppConfig.appUrl);
Formio.registerPlugin(this.offlinePlugin, `offline-plugin`);
* This Function is used to Register Formio event lisentenr
* #memberOf Formio Offline Line service (OfflineService)
public registerEventsForOffline() {'offline.saveQueue', () => this.updateOfflineCount());'offline.queue', () => this.updateOfflineCount());
* This Function is used to check Formio Offline Plugin
* #memberOf Formio Offline Line service (OfflineService)
public checkOfflineStatus() {
this.offlinePlugin.ready.then(() => {
console.log('Plugin is ready');
* This Function is used to check Formio Offline Plugin
* #memberOf Formio Offline Line service (OfflineService)
public updateOfflineCount() {
this.offlinePlugin.ready.then(() => {
// If we are offline, then check the submission queue length.
this.offlineCount = this.offlinePlugin.submissionQueueLength();
this.offlineOps = {};
if (this.offlineCount > 0) {
this.offlineSubmissions = => {
this.offlineOps[queued.request._id] = queued.request.method;
return queued.request;
} else {
this.offlineSubmissions = [];
To Mock the offline connectivity: Open chrome developer console(network tab) and change the connectivity to offline. (assuming internet connectivity is lost) Refer below image.
Now submit your form which is created in formio and which is rendered in angular application. Expected behavior: Form will be submitted successfully and data will be stored locally by the formio offline plugin.
Once the application is online then stored data will be pushed to with registered formio api


Own Application Class in RCP is not called

I develop a Eclipse RCP Client with the 2019-06 Eclipse Framework.
My aim is it to override the IDEApplication class from the eclipse core, because I would like to force the workspace choose prompt to pop up at every start. In the eclipse class are some coditions which creates problems in my application. This is the reason why I want to override the class. My problem is now that my application class is not called at the startup of the product.
This is my application class.
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
* This class controls all aspects of the application's execution
public class Application implements IApplication {
* (non-Javadoc)
* #see
public Object start(IApplicationContext context) throws Exception {
Display display = PlatformUI.createDisplay();
Location instanceLoc = Platform.getInstanceLocation();
boolean isWorkspaceSelected = false;
try {
URL url = new File(System.getProperty(“user.home”), “workspace”).toURI().toURL();
ChooseWorkspaceData data = new ChooseWorkspaceData(url);
ChooseWorkspaceDialog dialog = new ChooseWorkspaceDialog(display.getActiveShell(), data, true, true);
String selection = data.getSelection();
if (selection != null) {
isWorkspaceSelected = true;
url = new File(selection).toURI().toURL();
instanceLoc.set(url, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
try {
if (isWorkspaceSelected) {
int returnCode = PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(display, new ApplicationWorkbenchAdvisor());
if (returnCode == PlatformUI.RETURN_RESTART)
return IApplication.EXIT_RESTART;
return IApplication.EXIT_OK;
} finally {
* (non-Javadoc)
* #see
public void stop() {
if (!PlatformUI.isWorkbenchRunning())
final IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
final Display display = workbench.getDisplay();
display.syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (!display.isDisposed())
Now I have two questions.
If I debug my application this class is never in the callstack. What do I have to do that this class is started ?
Is there a other way to force the prompt for choosing a workspace location at the start of the application than to override this class ?
My main problem is that the original class of the core has the following condition:
if workspace is not set -> create dialog if workspace is already set -> dont create the dialog.
Unfortunatly in my application the workspace location is already set in the internal of eclipse beofre the core of eclipse is loaded.
I have already tried to change the start order of the plugins but that hasn´t helped.

Redirect inside a service class?

I've created my own service class and I have a function inside it, handleRedirect() that's supposed to perform some minimal logical check before choosing to which route to redirect.
class LoginService
private $CartTable;
private $SessionCustomer;
private $Customer;
public function __construct(Container $SessionCustomer, CartTable $CartTable, Customer $Customer)
$this->SessionCustomer = $SessionCustomer;
$this->CartTable = $CartTable;
$this->Customer = $Customer;
public function prepareSession()
// Store user's first name
$this->SessionCustomer->offsetSet('first_name', $this->Customer->first_name);
// Store user id
$this->SessionCustomer->offsetSet('customer_id', $this->Customer->customer_id);
public function handleRedirect()
// If redirected to log in, or if previous page visited before logging in is cart page:
// Redirect to shipping_info
// Else
// Redirect to /
public function setCartOwner()
$customer_id = $this->SessionCustomer->offsetGet('customer_id');
$cart_id = $this->SessionCustomer->offsetGet('cart_id');
$this->CartTable->updateCartCustomerId($customer_id, $cart_id);
This service is invoked in the controller after a successful login or registration. I'm not sure what's the best way to access redirect()->toRoute(); from here (or if I should do it here).
Also if you have other comments on how my code is structured please feel free to leave them.
Using plugins within your services is a bad idea as they require a controller to be set. When a service is created and you inject a plugin it has no idea of the controller instance so it will result in an error exception. If you want to redirect the user you might just edit the response object as the redirect plugin does.
Notice that I stripped the code to keep the example clear and simple.
class LoginServiceFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName, array $options = null)
return new LoginService($container->get('Application')->getMvcEvent());
class LoginService
* #var \Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent
private $event;
* RedirectService constructor.
* #param \Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent $event
public function __construct(\Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent $event)
$this->event = $event;
* #return Response|\Zend\Stdlib\ResponseInterface
public function handleRedirect()
// conditions check
if (true) {
$url = $this->event->getRouter()->assemble([], ['name' => 'home']);
} else {
$url = $this->event->getRouter()->assemble([], ['name' => 'cart/shipping-info']);
/** #var \Zend\Http\Response $response */
$response = $this->event->getResponse();
$response->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('Location', $url);
return $response;
Now from within your controller you can do the following:
return $loginService->handleRedirect();

Keycloak Federation SPI changes

I'm trying to migrate an example user federation provider to a new version of keycloak ( but I'm not finding any obvious documentation around incompatible API changes (i.e. the UserFederationProvider interface seems to have been replaced with several more specific interfaces, but there don't seem to be any examples of how to migrate between them).
I think I've gotten most of the changes by following the keycloak samples, but I'm confused where in the Smartling example RemoteUserFederationProvider makes use of the UserModel interface, which has an updateCredential method that seems to have been removed in the latest version. How should this be implemented in more recent versions of Keycloak?
I think the UserModel change happened somewhere between Keycloak 1.7 and 2.0.
This snippet is from our Keycloak 2.0 implementation.
package org.sample.keycloak.federation;
import org.keycloak.models.UserCredentialModel;
import org.keycloak.models.UserCredentialValueModel;
import org.keycloak.models.UserModel;
import org.keycloak.models.utils.UserModelDelegate;
* Readonly proxy for a UserModel that prevents passwords from being updated.
* #author Bill Burke
* #version $Revision: 1 $
public class UserModelProxy extends UserModelDelegate {
public UserModelProxy(UserModel delegate) {
public void setUsername(String username) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Username is readonly");
public void updateCredentialDirectly(UserCredentialValueModel cred) {
if (cred.getType().equals(UserCredentialModel.PASSWORD)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Passwords are readonly");
public void updateCredential(UserCredentialModel cred) {
if (cred.getType().equals(UserCredentialModel.PASSWORD)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Passwords are readonly");
Hope this helps.

apache shiro allowing multiple roles to Access a url not working

I have a simple web project. I want to have access to more than one role in this project is a URL.
sihor.ini section of the url
/login.xhtml = authc
/logout = logout
/admin/** = user, roles[admin]
/guest/** = user, roles[admin,guest]
I'm getting a 401 error when the role of a user admin visit to guest directory.
shiro version 1.2.1
There's another option: custom implementation of roles filter using OR for the provided role set instead of AND.
import org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject;
import org.apache.shiro.web.filter.authz.RolesAuthorizationFilter;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
* Allows access if current user has at least one role of the specified list.
* Basically, it's the same as {#link RolesAuthorizationFilter} but using {#literal OR} instead
* of {#literal AND} on the specified roles.
* #see RolesAuthorizationFilter
* #author Andy Belsky
public class AnyOfRolesAuthorizationFilter extends RolesAuthorizationFilter {
public boolean isAccessAllowed(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
Object mappedValue) throws IOException {
final Subject subject = getSubject(request, response);
final String[] rolesArray = (String[]) mappedValue;
if (rolesArray == null || rolesArray.length == 0) {
//no roles specified, so nothing to check - allow access.
return true;
for (String roleName : rolesArray) {
if (subject.hasRole(roleName)) {
return true;
return false;
The usage in shiro.ini is like this:
anyofroles = com.your.package.AnyOfRolesAuthorizationFilter
/path/to/some/url = anyofroles["role1,role2"]
Instead of
/guest/** = user, roles[admin,guest]
try out
/guest/** = user, roles[admin],roles[guest]

Multiple pages tutorial in Google Web Toolkit (GWT)

I just started learning Google Web Toolkit (GWT). How do I make different HTML pages in my GWT application?
For example, I want to create an application for a book store. In this application I'll have three pages:
Home pages where I will welcome the user and offer the user books
Page to browse books by categories and view details (use GWT widgets)
Check out books online.
Of course there could be other pages like the user's details, add new book, etc.
So, what is the best way of making different pages in GWT and how can I make navigation from page to page? Are there any examples or tutorials? Or do I even need to create different pages when I can create a whole application in one page?
What I usually do in situations like this is design the webpage framework first. I'll have a div for the header, side menu and footer. I'll also have a div in my HTML for the main content.
<html xmlns="">
<meta name='gwt:module' content='org.project.package.Core=org.project.package.Core'>
<!-- Load the JavaScript code for GWT -->
<script language="javascript" src="ui/org.project.package.ui.Core.nocache.js"></script>
<!-- For some unknown reason in Internet Explorer you have to have cellpadding/spacing ON THE ELEMENT and not on the STYLE if it is in the body tag like this -->
<table id="wrapper" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;">
<!-- Header row -->
<tr style="height: 25%;">
<td colspan="2" id="header"></td>
<!-- Body row and left nav row -->
<tr style="height: 65%;">
<td id="leftnav"></td>
<td id="content"></td>
<!-- Footer row -->
<tr style="height: 10%;">
<td colspan="2" id="footer"></td>
<!-- This iframe handles history -->
<iframe id="__gwt_historyFrame" style="width:0;height:0;border:0"></iframe>
(If you like <div> based layouts, feel free to use those instead.)
Then you build your entry point (in my case as you normally would, setting each of the elements as need be.
RootPanel.get("header").add(new Header());
RootPanel.get("leftnav").add(new NavigationMenu());
RootPanel.get("footer").add(new Footer());
It is, of course, possible to have a static footer and header, but that's neither here nor there.
I also have an abstract class called "Content". Content objects extend "Composite" and will have various methods for simplifying the creation and layout of a new page. Every page that I build for this application, be it a help screen, search screen, shopping cart, or anything else, is of type Content.
Now, what I do is create a class called "ContentContainer". This is a singleton that is responsible for managing the "content" element. It has one method "setContent" that accepts objects of type "Content". It then basically removes anything within the "content" <td> and replaces it with whatever widget (Composite) you assign via the "setContent" method. The setContent method also handles history and title bar management. Basically the ContentContainer serves to aggregate all the various points of binding that you might have to make if each page content had to "know" about all the functions it must perform.
Finally, you need a way to get to that page, right? That's simple:
ContentContainer.getInstance().setContent(new Search());
Put the above in an on-click event somewhere and you're golden.
The only things that your other widgets need to be bound to is the ContentContainer and the type of Content that they are adding.
The downsides that I can see to ChrisBo's approach are that you've got a list that has to be maintained of tokens -> pages. The other downside I can see is that I don't see how you can have an actual history system with this method.
One thing it does offer over my approach is that all page choices are pretty centralized. I'd use some sort of Enum or at least a static class with String values to prevent myself from mongling up links.
In either case, I think the point can be summed up as this: swap the content of some central page element based on what your user clicks actions your user(s) perform.
I would use the HyperLink and History class. The good thing about the Hyperlink class is, that it sets this token(e.g.#foobar), and all you have to do, is catch the event, that is fired when the value of the token is changed(ValueChangeEvent). In the eventHandler you would then replace the pages.
address of welcome Page:
on this page would be a link to the "browse book"-page, when the link is clicked the new address would be something like this:
And here is the code:
public class MainEntryPoint implements EntryPoint, ValueChangeHandler {
VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel();
Label label=new Label();
public void onModuleLoad() {
Hyperlink link1 = new Hyperlink("books", "browse");
Hyperlink link2 = new Hyperlink("user details", "details");
//when there is no token, the "home" token is set else changePage() is called.
//this is useful if a user has bookmarked a site other than the homepage.
} else {
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
public void changePage(String token) {
if(History.getToken().equals("browse")) {
label.setText("Here would be some books");
} else if (History.getToken().equals("details")) {
label.setText("Here would be the user details");
} else {
label.setText("Welcome page");
Awesome! I combined Chris R.'s answer with Chris Boesing's to come up with this:
This is the 'index' start page
public class Index implements EntryPoint, ValueChangeHandler<String> {
public void onModuleLoad() {
if (History.getToken().isEmpty()) History.newItem("index");
Composite c = new Login();
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> e) {
This is the controller, or ContentContainer according to Chris R.
public class FlowControl {
private static FlowControl instance;
private FlowControl() {}
public static void go(Composite c) {
if (instance == null) instance = new FlowControl(); // not sure why we need this yet since everything is static.
RootPanel.get("application").getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Position.RELATIVE); // not sure why, but GWT throws an exception without this. Adding to CSS doesn't work.
// add, determine height/width, center, then move. height/width are unknown until added to document. Catch-22!
int left = Window.getClientWidth() / 2 - c.getOffsetWidth() / 2; // find center
int top = Window.getClientHeight() / 2 - c.getOffsetHeight() / 2;
RootPanel.get("application").setWidgetPosition(c, left, top);
History.newItem(c.getTitle()); // TODO: need to change and implement (or override) this method on each screen
public static void go(String token) {
if (token == null) go(new Login());
if (token.equals("cart")) go(new Cart());
if (token.equals("login")) go(new Login());
// Can probably make these constants in this class
Then you can pepper Hyperlinks and Buttons anywhere throughout your code. (Have not tried Hyperlinks yet.)
Button submit = new Button("Submit");
submit.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
FlowControl.go(new MyScreen());
I added a div to my HTML
<!-- This is where the application will reside within. It is controlled by FlowControl class. -->
<div id="application"></div>
And now all screens must call initWidget() in the constructor instead of adding to RootPanel, since it is a Composite class now, like
initWidget(myPanel); // all composites must call this in constructor
If you want it to be FULL AJAXified (like a desktop app) of course you'd only need one page. Then just change the contents of the body depending on the link.
Also, there is a google group for GWT that is very very active, and I know this has been asked before there, you just need to use the "search" feature.
GWT Multipage - simple framework for multi-page-GWT-applications.
You can use MVP patern.
Here is mi simple library .
And you can split code to more js files.
I used Chloe S. answer (combining Chris R.'s answer with Chris Boesing's) to build this App Controller for a working GWT Web App. The version in production is tested (and working %100) but this redacted version below will need to be modified to integrate with your own app (start by renaming the page keys to your menu items).
* This App Controller utilizes two static inner-classes (Pages and External)
* to manage and server multiple pages with multiple sub-page (through their presenters)
* via String key constants which also serve as the literal text for the menu items.
* Pages are added as menu commands in their respective views:
* // Add menu items to the menu with commands:
* menuItems.put(Pages.PAGE1, mainMenu.addItem(Pages.PAGE1, new Command() {
* public void execute() {
* History.newItem(Pages.PAGE1);
* }
* }));
* Pages are fired as History tokens (from entry point java class):
* **
* * Receives history events and pushes them to the AppController using a deferred command.
* * Changes the cursor to show waiting.
* * #param the value change token
* *
* public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> e) {
* // check token to cover first historical "back" navigation:
* if(!History.getToken().isEmpty()) {
* AppController.waitCursor.execute(); // cursor is reset in page attach method
* }
* Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
* public void execute() {
* AppController.go(History.getToken());
* }
* });
* }
* Wait cursors are implemented as CSS:
* body.wait, body.wait * {
* cursor: wait !important;
* }
* NOTE: This page swapping implementation technique (based on the StackOverflow solution
* found here: [][1])
* differs from the obtuse and ancient 2010 GWT framework documentation in that the App Controller manages / handles
* adding the widget to the container, and therefore all the Presenters must implement the
* "AppControlPresenter" or "AppControlContainerPresenter" interface to give it access to their containers.
* (thus eliminating "public void go(final HasWidgets container);" method in all presenter architecture except for 'MainAppPresenter')
* There is also no event bus; static method calls are used for any needed interactivity.
* Includes a popup for pages still under construction.
package com.;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class AppController {
/** */
public final static String DEFAULT_INITIAL_PAGE1_SUB_PAGE = Pages.PAGE_1A;
/** Singleton instance for the AppController */
private static AppController instance = new AppController();
/** Presenter for the main app */
private static MainAppPresenter mainAppPresenter;
/** container for the different views */
private static LayoutPanel container;
/** sub-container for the different sub-views */
private static LayoutPanel page1Container;
/** */
private static DecoratedPopupPanel popup;
/** constant for Style-Dependent names for menu items (see menu-style.css) */
public final static String MENU_ACTIVE_STYLE = "active";
/** constant for Style-Dependent class name in css */
public final static String CURSOR_WAIT_CLASS = "wait";
/** */
public final static String POPUP_DEMO_ID = "popupDemo";
/** */
public final static int DEMOP_POPUP_VERTICAL_OFFSET = 0;
/** */
public final static String POPUP_DEMO_STATEMENT = "<span class='text'>This page is under construction</span>"
+ "<span class='char'>…</span>";
/** */
public static ScheduledCommand waitCursor = new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
/** */
public static ScheduledCommand normalCursor = new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
/** Flag for determining if the page was reloaded */
private static boolean reloaded = false;
private static final LoginServiceAsync loginRpcService = GWT.create(LoginService.class);
* Called on the resize event to set the position of the demo popup
* window to be adjusted to the correct dimensions (size and positoin)
* regardless of screen size.
private static ScheduledCommand resetPopupDimensions = new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
if(!UNDER_CONSTRUCTION || popup == null) {
int demoWidth = Math.round(Window.getClientWidth() / MainApp.PHI),
demoYPosition = Window.getClientHeight() / 2 - Math.round(popup.getOffsetHeight() / 2);
popup.setWidth(String.valueOf(demoWidth) + "px");
if(popup.getOffsetWidth() >= Window.getClientWidth()) {
popup.setPopupPosition(0, demoYPosition);
} else {
popup.setPopupPosition(Window.getClientWidth() / 2 - (popup.getOffsetWidth() / 2), demoYPosition);
/** */
private static final String LOGIN_OBJECT_NAME = "Login Presenter Object";
* static inner-class for external websites
public static class External {
/** The frame to contain the website */
private static Frame frame;
/** */
public static final String EXTERNAL_URL_1 = "http://";
/** */
public static final String EXTERNAL_URL_2 = "http://";
* #returns true if the name of the token is equal to one of the URLs
* #param token the name to check
public static boolean has(String token) {
return token.equalsIgnoreCase(EXTERNAL_URL_1) ||
* Gets the external Frame object
* #param url
* #return Frame
public static Frame get(String url) {
if(frame == null) {
frame = new Frame(url);
frame.addAttachHandler(new AttachEvent.Handler() {
public void onAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent event) {
// hide the popup:
else if(!frame.getUrl().equalsIgnoreCase(url)) {
return frame;
* static inner-class for holding pages activated by the app's main menu commands
public static class Pages {
/** */
public static final String PAGE1 = "foo";
/** */
public static final String PAGE2 = "bar";
/** */
public static final String PAGE_1A = "baz";
/** */
public static final String PAGE_1B = "qux";
/** */
public static String lastPage;
/** */
public static String lastPage1SubPage;
/** */
public static String unsavedMessage;
/** */
private static HashMap<String, AppControlPresenter> pageMap;
/** */
private static AppControlPresenter presenter;
/** */
private static Composite view;
* initializes the hashmap of pages
public static void init() {
pageMap = new HashMap<String, AppControlPresenter>();
* #returns true if the name of the token is equal to one of the pages
* #param token the name to check
public static boolean has(String token) {
return token.equalsIgnoreCase(PAGE1) ||
token.equalsIgnoreCase(PAGE2) ||
* Gets the correct page container to display as a Composite
* #param page the token name of the page
* #return Composite page
public static Composite get(String page) {
view = null;
presenter = null;
if(page.equalsIgnoreCase(PAGE1)) {
if(pageMap.get(PAGE1) == null) {
pageMap.put(PAGE1, new Page1Presenter(PAGE1));
page1Container = ((AppControlContainerPresenter) pageMap.get(PAGE1)).getContentPane();
presenter = pageMap.get(PAGE1);
lastPage = page;
else if(page.equalsIgnoreCase(PAGE_1A) ||
page.equalsIgnoreCase(PAGE_1B) {
if(pageMap.get(PAGE1) == null) {
pageMap.put(PAGE1, new Page1Presenter(PAGE1));
page1Container = ((AppControlContainerPresenter) pageMap.get(PAGE1)).getContentPane();
presenter = pageMap.get(PAGE1);
lastPage1SubPage = page;
view = ((AppControlContainerPresenter)presenter).setCurrentPage(page);
else if(page.equalsIgnoreCase(PAGE2)) {
if(pageMap.get(PAGE2) == null) {
pageMap.put(PAGE2, new Page2Presenter(PAGE2));
presenter = pageMap.get(PAGE2);
lastPage = PAGE2;
else if(External.has(page)) {
throw new Error("App Controller Error -- Use 'External' inner-class for: " + page);
else {
throw new Error("App Controller Error -- Page name not found: " + page);
if(view == null) {
view = (Composite)presenter.view();
view.addAttachHandler(new AttachEvent.Handler() {
public void onAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent event) {
return view;
* Gets the current AppControlPresenter for the last page.
* #returns the current AppControlPresenter
public static AppControlPresenter getCurrentPresenter() {
return presenter;
* Gets an AppControlPresenter from the pageMap.
* #param token the name of the presenter
* #returns the AppControlPresenter
public static AppControlPresenter getPresenter(String token) {
return pageMap.get(token);
* Returns true if the page is already loaded.
* #param token name of the page
public static boolean alreadyLoaded(String token) {
MainApp.debug(1, "[already loaded: " + presenter.toString() + " (token: " + token + ")");
return presenter.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(token);
* Returns true if the page is visible
* #param page the token name of the page
public static boolean isVisible(String page) {
UIObject component = pageMap.get(page).view();
return !(component.getOffsetHeight() == 0 && component.getOffsetWidth() == 0);
* Returns true if the page is visible
* #param presenter the AppControlPresenter instance
public static boolean isVisible(AppControlPresenter presenter) {
UIObject component = presenter.view();
return !(component.getOffsetHeight() == 0 && component.getOffsetWidth() == 0);
* Returns true if the application has unsaved data.
* Iterates through all the pages and checks each presenter.
public static boolean unsavedData() {
if(pageMap.isEmpty()) return false;
boolean unsaved = false;
for(Map.Entry<String, AppControlPresenter> entry : pageMap.entrySet()) {
AppControlPresenter presenter = entry.getValue();
if(presenter != null && presenter.unsavedData()) {
MainApp.debug(1, "(!) " + presenter.toString() + " has unsaved data");
unsavedMessage = presenter.dataDescription();
unsaved = true;
break; // just need to know one exists for now (window closing event)
return unsaved;
* Called on a resize event on the window. Iterates through all the pages
* and tells their presenters to resize their content.
public static void resize() {
for(Map.Entry<String, AppControlPresenter> entry : pageMap.entrySet()) {
AppControlPresenter presenter = entry.getValue();
if(presenter != null && isVisible(presenter)) {
} //end class Pages
* #returns true if the history token is equal to any of the pages in the app
public static boolean hasHistory() {
String token = History.getToken();
return External.has(token) || Pages.has(token);
* Starts the login view at the root layout level
public static void goLoginScreen() {
//check for reload:
if(hasHistory()) {
MainApp.debug(1, "(!) AppController has History on Login");
reloaded = true;
else {
reloaded = false;
RootLayoutPanel.get().add(new LoginPresenter(LOGIN_OBJECT_NAME).view());
* #returns the last "Page1" page
public static String getLastPage1Page() {
if(Pages.lastPage1SubPage == null || Pages.lastPage1SubPage.isEmpty()) {
return Pages.lastPage1SubPage;
* Tells the app to start with the Page1 page.
* #param username the username of the person logged-in
public static void goMainApp(String username) {
//hide the login background:
RootPanel.getBodyElement().getStyle().setProperty("background", "none");
mainAppPresenter = new MainAppPresenter(username);
//get the center panel:
container = mainAppPresenter.getContainer();
//check for reload:
//NOTE: the token will be empty if the user refreshes
// and navigates all the way back to the zero-state
// from the login screen.
//NOTE: this logic may change after user-persistence is implemented
if(hasHistory() || History.getToken().isEmpty()) {
// reset the reloaded flag:
reloaded = false;
if(History.getToken().isEmpty()) {
//land on the first page:
else {
MainApp.debug(2, "(!) AppController has History on reload: " + History.getToken());
else {
//land on the first page:
public static void checkIfSessionActive() {
loginRpcService.loginFromSession(new AsyncCallback<LoginSummary>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
public void onSuccess(LoginSummary loginSummary) {
if (loginSummary.getErrorString() != null)
public static void sessionLogout() {
"Are you sure you want to log out?",
new ConfirmDialogCallback() {
public void onAffirmative() {
loginRpcService.logout(new AsyncCallback<Void>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
public void onSuccess(Void aVoid) {
public void onCancel() {
* Shows or hides the "Under Construction" popup if UNDER_CONSTRUCION is true.
* #param show true to show and false to hide
public static void showPopup(boolean show) {
if(MainApp.UNDER_CONSTRUCTION && popup != null) {
if(show) {;
else {
* Called by every history event fired (including the back and forward buttons).
* Ignores the login and empty index historically.
* #param token the name of the page to load
public static void go(String token) {
if(reloaded) {
if(token == null || token.isEmpty() || reloaded == true) return;
MainApp.debug("<history changed> - AppController.go()-> " + token);
// build the popup message for all unfinished pages:
if(popup == null) {
popup = new DecoratedPopupPanel(false);
popup.setWidget(new HTML(new Image("images/workingman.png") + POPUP_DEMO_STATEMENT + new Image("images/workingmanFLIP.png")));
// check token for which page to return:
if(token.equalsIgnoreCase(External.EXTERNAL_URL_1)) {
else if(token.equalsIgnoreCase(External.EXTERNAL_URL_2)) {
else if(token.equalsIgnoreCase(Pages.PAGE1)) {
else if(token.equalsIgnoreCase(Pages.PAGE_1A) ||
token.equalsIgnoreCase(Pages.PAGE_1B)) {
else if(token.equalsIgnoreCase(Pages.PAGE2)) {
else { // default behavior for a page not described:
MainApp.debug(2, "(!) Unknown page: " + token);
* Called by MainApp on a window resize event.
* #param e the ResizeEvent
public static void resize(ResizeEvent e) {
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
if(mainAppPresenter != null) {
* Changes the cursor to "wait" or "auto" depending on the parameter
* #param wait true to set the cursor to waiting
private static void waitCursor(Boolean wait) {
if(wait) {
else {
* Private Constructor which initializes the Pages object.
private AppController() {
* Sets the content of the main app container to one of the "Pages."
* #param c the Composite widget to be added
private static void setContent(Composite c) {
* Sets the content of the main app container an external URL.
* #param f the Frame by which external web sites are added
private static void setExternalContentURL(Frame f) {
// must reset the width and height every time:
f.getElement().getStyle().setWidth(100, Unit.PCT);
f.getElement().getStyle().setHeight(100, Unit.PCT);
* Sets the content of the Page1 container to one of the sub pages.
* #param c the Composite widget to be added
private static void setPage1Content(Composite c) {
package com.*;
* Base interface for all 'Presenters' used by
* NOTE: classes that implement this interface do not launch the presenter's view
* into the provided container; rather, the view is retrieved and used by the
* AppController instance by calling the 'view()' method
public interface AppControlPresenter {
* Gets the view (for use in
public Composite view();
* Indicates if current search data is present and unsaved.
* #returns true to if a search is still active
public boolean unsavedData();
* Called on resize event to notify presenters with visible
* components that need resizing for different screen sizes.
* #returns true if elements were resized
public boolean resize();
* Called on attachEvents to tell the presenter to update.
* #param event the AttachEvent
public void updateAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent event);
* Gets the message to display for unsaved data.
* #returns a message String describing the data
public String dataDescription();
* Gets a fully qualified name for use in comparisons
* #return the name of this presenter used by the <code>AppController</code>
public String toString();
package com.*;
public interface AppControlContainerPresenter extends AppControlPresenter {
* #return
public LayoutPanel getContentPane();
* #param pageName
* #return
public Composite setCurrentPage(String pageName);
Add a module for each page you have that needs the GWT functionality. Reuse your components.