PostgreSQL 11 and Oracle foreign data wrapper - postgresql

I have a problem with installing the Oracle foreign data wrapper for PostgreSQL_11 on CENTOS 8.
I have no connection to internet, so I copied all necessary files by SSH, I have installed PostgreSQL 11 and Oracle client, and finally need to install Oracle FWD ( Initially I unzipped and then by instruction below:
root#user-laptop:~# cd /opt/oracle_fdw/
root#user-laptop:/opt/oracle_fdw# make
root#user-laptop:/opt/oracle_fdw# make install
but I got below issue
[root#oracle_fdw-master]# make
make: pg_config: Command not found
make: *** No targets. Stop.**
Please help how it can be resolved?

First, never run make as user root. It will work, but is an unnecessary danger. That is why mak mand make install are two different steps: the latter typically has to be run by root.
Anyway, your problem is that you either didn't install the postgresql11-devel package, or /usr/pgsql-11/bin is not on your PATH.
Verify that the headers and pg_config are installed, and try
PATH=/usr/pgsql-11/bin:$PATH make


postgres-decoderbufs-master -- centos7

I am trying to CDC by debezium protobuf of postgres 9.6 and as per instruction i have downloaded source from git and trying to make then it have some problem and try to find out the solution on satckoverflow and other sites also then for ubuntu os many solution are available but for centosh 7 no solution found
The following error is coming when i fired make command
/usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/ /usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../src/ No such file or directory
Package libprotobuf-c was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libprotobuf-c.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'libprotobuf-c' found
/usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/ /src/Makefile.shlib: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/src/Makefile.shlib'. Stop.
if any help it will very useful for my project.
You need a protobuf-c-devel package installed. Also there is a problem with version. Check if your system has the correct version otherwise you'd need to install it from 3rd part RPM repository -!msg/debezium/v0s3tacOXeA/gVrdQAR2AgAJ;context-place=forum/debezium

PostgreSQL reinstall : Failed to load sql modules into the database cluster

I tried to re-install postgresql 9.5.3-1 on my windows 7 without success. In fact, at each attempt, I have the message:
failed to load sql modules into the database cluster
then, I get the message:
Error running post install step. Installation may not complete correctly. Error reading C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.5/data/postgresql.conf
I tried several attempts to solve this issue
change the installation folder
switch to 32-bit
clean the register before reinstalling
install as a postgres user as describe here (Failed to load sql modules into the database cluster during PostgreSQL Installation)
PS: installation language is French
I finally found a solution to my problem. I just installed postgres as a super administrator
Had same problem. Just double check permission for your data folder. I set full control to authenticated users and it installs correctly.
Same problem here.
In my case it was a backslash \ at the end of the password.
See also

Freeradius 3.0.11 Postgresql

I'm trying to configure freeradius 3.0.11 with postgresql but I'm having an issue with the driver listed in the sql file inside of 'mods-enabled.' The driver I am listing is 'rlm_sql_postgresql.'
When I run 'radiusd -X' I get the error:
Could not link driver rlm_sql_postgresql: dlopen(/usr/local/Cellar/freeradius-
server/3.0.11/lib/rlm_sql_postgresql.dylib, 6): image not found
Make sure it (and all its dependent libraries!) are in the search path of your system's ld
/usr/local/Cellar/freeradius-server/3.0.11/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/sql[20]: Instantiation failed for module "sql"
When I look in the folder 3.0.11/lib there is indeed no such file called rlm_sql_postgresql.dylib.
Any ideas on this? Should I be generating this file somehow?
It means when configure was run for freeradius, it didn't pick up libpq.
Apparently brew install postgresql will pull down libpq and its development headers.
Remove freeradius, install postgresql, install freeradius with brew install --build-from-source freeradius-server
It should (unless the homebrew people have gone out of their way to break things), install the postgresql driver.

Problems installing/compiling DBD::mysql on OpenSuSE 10

I am getting a bunch of compile errors when I try to install the MySQL DBD::mysql Perl library. I am trying to install this library on OpenSuse linux (SUSE Linux Enterprise server 10 (x86_64) version 10, patch level 4)
The install fails when trying to compile dbdimp.h. There are hundreds of complile errors but I have reason to believe they all stem from the first 3:
dbdimp.h:23:49: error: mysql.h: No such file or directory
dbdimp.h:24:45: error: mysqld_error.h: No such file or directory
dbdimp.h:26:49: error: errmsg.h: No such file or directory
I believe that the reason I am getting the errors above is that I have no MySql Client installed. I do not know how to install mysql client (I believe I am supposed to get some version of libmysqlclient).
I am brand new to opensuse and vaguely familar with installing packages on Linux in general have used yum, yast, apt-get on ubuntu + centOS previously but the only package manager tools that seem to be on OpenSuse 10 are rpm and zypper. I have not managed to install the required mysql client using either of these. If anyone knows how to install MySql Client to resolve my issue I would greatly appreciate any recomendations
You need to install MySQL or the MySQL client libraries, either through your system's package manager or by following the installation instructions from the source code.
It sounds like your question is really "How do I install MySQL on OpenSuse", which would be more appropriate for one of the other StackExchange sites.
I was able to resolve this to a point. In my original question, I stated that I had tried using YAST but that it had not worked. In fact, I did not fully explore the YAST install option but when I did, I managed to download install the required librarys by following an article I found (
I was able to open the YAST GUI in the terminal window (not an X-window display) and navigate through the "software management" section wherein I was able to do a search for MySql. Amoung the search results were mysql client libraries, which I then selected and hit "Accept". The installation started and completed successully.
In order to complile the PERL DBD::mysql module, I had to create a new makefile with the ccflags specified so that the header files could be found:
perl Makefile.PL --cflags -I/usr/include/mysql
I say "to a point" at the top of this comment because I then ran into further problems compiling but my original issue posted has been partially resolved and getting this far may help someone else who is experiencing the same problem. Will update if I get a solution to the compile problem.

Cannot find PGXS for Postgresql 8.4 on Ubuntu

I am trying to install the contrib/unaccent package for Postgresql 8.4 on my Ubuntu box. But I got the error message when I typed make:
/usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/ No such file or directory
Apparently PGXS is Postgresql's infrastructure for installing extensions, but I could not find the file at all on my ubuntu box.
Following some leads on the Internet, I tried installing libpq-dev. Nonetheless, I couldn't find any even after installing libpq-dev.
What's really frustrating is that I can't even find an example of anywhere on the Internet. How do I install the PGXS infrastructure?
Probably you need to install postgresql-server-dev-8.4 package, which contains your missing makefile: