access bloc from Navigator.pushNamed in flutter - flutter

I have a routing like this:
routes: {
'/': (context) => MainPage(),
'/othe_page': (context) => OthePage(),
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/othe_page');
How can I pass bloc to OthePage widget?

1) passing bloc as a argument
You have to pass your bloc as argument in navigator as below.
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/deletewidget',
arguments: bloc);
Now you have to accept that bloc in new page as below.
class _DeleteWidgetState extends State<DeleteWidget> {
var bloc;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
bloc = ModalRoute.of(context).settings.arguments;
Note: you have to create bloc variable out of build method and assign bloc variable in build method.
-when you return to last screen then you will not able to access bloc anymore.
2) you can use bloc provider in parent widget so that you can access your bloc in new screen also.
for more detail check out Flutter_bloc package.


Flutter navState context

I searched for a way to navigate through notification and i had to find solution for using context out of widget scoped so i created Global variable and Navigator state and used it, it worked fine.
Now i'm thinking why i have to pass every route push the context of the widget, why not use the navigator state on every route push.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
/// Global variables
/// * [GlobalKey<NavigatorState>]
class GlobalVariable {
/// This global key is used in material app for navigation through firebase notifications.
/// [navState] usage can be found in [notification_notifier.dart] file.
static final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navState = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
adding to the MaterialApp
title: 'myapp',
navigatorKey: GlobalVariable.navState,
Navigator.push(GlobalVariable.navState.currentContext, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) => RoutePage(child: ContactForm())));
instead of
(context) => Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) => RoutePage(child: ContactForm())));

Equivalent of ChangeNotifierProvider widget in Riverpod

Is there a widget equivalent of the ChangeNotifierProvider widget of Provider in Riverpod?
The use case is to create a provider only when a page whose parent widget is ChangeNotifierProvider/or a page that has ChangeNotifierProvider in its widget tree has been pushed unto the Navigator stack using create. I would like the provider to be automatically disposed when the page is popped and the ChangeNotifierProvider widget is removed from the widget tree just like in Provider.
Riverpod has a ChangeNotifierProvider too, so you can use that.
As for the "I would like the provider to be automatically disposed when the page is popped", this functionality is instead implemented using autoDispose
So in the end, the syntax would be:
class MyNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {}
final myNotifierProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider.autoDispose<MyNotifier>((ref) {
return MyNotifier();
class MyWidget extends ConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, ScopedReader watch) {
MyNotifier myNotifier = watch(myNotifierProvider);
With this, when all the widgets using MyNotifier are destroyed (aka when the route is popped), then MyNotifier will be disposed.

How to provide a BLoC (with flutter_bloc) to `showSearch`

I am using the package flutter_bloc for state management. I want to create a search screen, and found the showSearch Flutter function, and have been having issues providing a BLoC instance to the ListView my SearchDelegate implementation creates. I finally made it work, but would like to ask what the best way of doing this is. Here is the code (excerpts, starting from a button that is placed in an AppBar within a Scaffold):
class ItemSearchButton extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return IconButton(
icon: Icon(,
onPressed: () {
final itemListBloc = context.bloc<ItemListBloc>();
context: context,
delegate: _ItemSearchDelegate(itemListBloc),
class _ItemSearchDelegate extends SearchDelegate<String> {
final ItemListBloc itemListBloc;
// other overridden methods
Widget buildSuggestions(BuildContext context) {
return BlocProvider.value(
value: itemListBloc,
child: ItemListWidget(),
Basically, the context that invokes the showSearch method has the correct BLoC instance, but it is not available within my SearchDelegate implementation, unless I re-provide it again explicitly in buildSuggestions.
Why is the BLoC not available by default? The showSearch function internally pushes a new Navigator Route, is this the issue?
What is the canonical way of dealing with things like this?
Yes, when the route changes, buildContextchanges too. So you have to provide that bloc to the new context. Just wrap your page where you want to navigate with BlocProvider:
Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) =>
BlocProvider(create: Mybloc(),child:MyPage());
In the end it works as intended - the pushed route has a new context that is not a child of a context that has my BLoC, it is a child of the Navigator. The solution is to either do what I did initially - pass the BLoC explicitly as constructor argument - or make sure the Navigator context has the BLoCs, which is what I eventually did; to do this, make sure the Navigator is a child of the (Multi)BlocProvider.

Recommendation when using bloc pattern in flutter

When using flutter bloc what is the recommendation, is it recomended for each page to have its own bloc or can i reuse one block for multiple pages, if so how?
I think that the best solution is to have one BLoC per page. It helps you to always know in which state each screen is just by looking at its BLoC. If you want to show the state of each of your tabs independently you should create one BLoC for each tab, and create one Repository which will handle fetching the data. But if the state of every tab will be the same, (for example you fetch data only once for all of the screens, so you don't show loading screen on every tab) then I think that you could create just one BLoC for all of this tabs.
It is also worth to add, that BLoCs can communicate with each other. So you can get state of one BLoC from another, or listen to its state changes. That could be helpful when you decide to create separate BLoCs for tabs.
I have addressed this topic in my latest article. You can check it out if you want to dive deeper.
There are no hard-set rules about this. It depends on what you want to accomplish.
An example: if each page is "radically" from each other, then yes, a BLoC per page makes sense. You can still share an "application-wide" BLoC between those pages if some kind of sharing or interaction is required between the pages.
In general, I've noticed that usually a BLoC "per page" is useful as there are always specific things related for each page that you handle within their BLoC. You can the use a general BLoC to share data or some other common thing between them.
You can combine the BLoC pattern with RxDart to handle somewhat more complex interaction scenarios between a BLoC and the UI.
Sharing a BLoC is fairly simple, just nest them or use a MultiProvider (from the provider package):
builder: (_) => SettingsBloc(),
child: BlocProvider(
builder: (_) => ApplicationBloc(),
child: MyApp()
and then you can just retrieve them via the Provider:
class MyApp extends ... {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final settingsBloc = Provider.of<SettingsBloc>(context);
final appBloc = Provider.of<ApplicationBloc>(context);
// do something with the above BLoCs
You can share different bloc's in different pages using BlocProvider.
Let's define some RootWidget that will be responsible for holding all Bloc's.
class RootPage extends StatefulWidget {
_RootPageState createState() => _RootPageState();
class _RootPageState extends State<RootPage> {
NavigationBloc _navigationBloc;
ProfileBloc _profileBloc;
ThingBloc _thingBloc;
void initState(){
_navigationBloc = NavigationBloc();
_thingBloc = ThingBloc();
_profileBloc = ProfileBloc();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiBlocProvider(
providers: [
builder: (BuildContext context) => _navigationBloc
builder: (BuildContext context) => _profileBloc
builder: (BuildContext context) => _thingBloc
child: BlocBuilder(
bloc: _navigationBloc,
builder: (context, state){
if (state is DrawProfilePage){
return ProfilePage();
} else if (state is DrawThingsPage){
return ThingsPage();
} else {
return null
And after that, we can use any of bloc from parent and all widgets will share the same state and can dispatch event on the same bloc
class ThingsPage extends StatefulWidget {
_ThingsPageState createState() => _ThingsPageState();
class _ThingsPageState extends State<ThingsPage> {
void initState(){
_profileBloc = BlocProvider.of<ProfileBloc>(context);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
child: BlocBuilder(
bloc: _profileBloc,
builder: (context, state){
if (state is ThingsAreUpdated){
return Container(
} else {
return Container()

Flutter showDialog with navigator key rather than passing context

Currently its very hectic to show dialog from any layer of code in app just because one has to pass context in it. Hence i thought to pass navigatorKey.currentContext (Navigator key is a global key passed to Material app navigatorKey parameter) to show dialog. But i got the error
"Navigator operation requested with a context that does not include a Navigator.The context used to push or pop routes from the Navigator must be that of a widget that is a descendant of a Navigator widget."
The issue is showDialog calls Navigator.of(context) internally and which looks for the navigator ancestor which ofcourse will return null as the navigator is itself the root. Hence it will not find the navigator as ancestor.
Is there a way we can directly pass the navigator state/context to showDialog function to show the dialog? Or is there a more easy way to show Dialog without passing context to it if we want to show it from bloc?
I found a simple solution:
I use this in a redux middleware where I keep navigatorKey, and want to show a dialog globally anywhere in the app everytime I dispatch a specific action.
Since this one is merged:
You can use:
You can make use of InheritedWidget here. Make a InheritedWidget the root for your application which holds a navigator key. Then you can pass any context of child widgets to get the current navigator state.
// Your InheritedWidget
class NavigatorStateFromKeyOrContext extends InheritedWidget {
const NavigatorStateFromKeyOrContext({
Key key,
#required this.navigatorKey,
#required Widget child,
}) : super(key: key, child: child);
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey;
static GlobalKey<NavigatorState> getKey(BuildContext context) {
final NavigatorStateFromKeyOrContext provider =
return provider.navigatorKey;
static NavigatorState of(BuildContext context) {
NavigatorState state;
try {
state = Navigator.of(context);
} catch (e) {
// Assertion error thrown in debug mode, in release mode no errors are thrown
if (state != null) {
// state can be null when context does not include a Navigator in release mode
return state;
final NavigatorStateFromKeyOrContext provider =
return provider.navigatorKey?.currentState;
bool updateShouldNotify(NavigatorStateFromKeyOrContext oldWidget) {
return navigatorKey != oldWidget.navigatorKey;
// Your home screen
class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
_HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState();
class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
navigatorKey: NavigatorStateFromKeyOrContext.getKey(context),
home: InitPage(),
The root of the application will look like,
final GlobalKey navigator = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>(debugLabel: 'AppNavigator');
navigatorKey: navigator,
child: HomePage(),
Now from anywhere in the app, pass any context to get the NavigatorState like
Note: This is one approach I came up with where I used InheritedWidget, there are many other ways to achieve the same, like using Singleton, having a global bloc to provide navigator key, storing the navigator key in a Redux store or any other global state management solutions, etc.
Hope this helps!
Currently, I am showing a dialog by creating a function in my util class which takes the context as a parameter.
static void showAlertDialog(String title, String message, BuildContext context) {
// flutter defined function
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
// return object of type Dialog
return AlertDialog(
title: new Text(title),
content: new Text(message),
actions: <Widget>[
// usually buttons at the bottom of the dialog
new FlatButton(
child: new Text("Close"),
onPressed: () {
Using the above function as:
UtilClass. showAlertDialog("Title", "Message", context);