Customize Stepper in Flutter - flutter

I want to customize the Steppers in flutter.
How can I place the Step title to the left of each step bar?
How can I change the line bar to the dotted bar of the stepper?
And how can I customize the state of the step other than the 5 StepState provided like a round bubble?
Here is my code.
child: Stepper(
currentStep: 0,
controlsBuilder: (BuildContext context, {
VoidCallback onStepContinue,
VoidCallback onStepCancel
}) => Container(),
steps: [
content: Container(
child: Card(
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
children: <Widget>[
Text('9:00Am - 10:00AM'),
'Everest Tour',
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
title: Text('9:00 AM'),
content: Text('2nd Data'),
title: Text('10:00 AM'),
state: StepState.editing,
isActive: true,
subtitle: Text('subtitle')

You can customize the Stepper widget by modifying the original Stepper widget class. Here's a customized Stepper widget I've created that can be configured with optional stepIndicatorAlignment and dottedLine arguments. The text on 'Continue' and 'Cancel' buttons can also be modified.
Here's a sample on how it can be implemented.
// stepIndicatorAlignment is set to StepIndicatorAlignment.left by default if not configured
stepIndicatorAlignment: StepIndicatorAlignment.right,
// dottedLine is set to false by default if not configured
dottedLine: true,
currentStep: _index,
onStepCancel: () {
if (_index > 0) {
setState(() {
_index -= 1;
onStepContinue: () {
if (_index <= 0) {
setState(() {
_index += 1;
onStepTapped: (int index) {
setState(() {
_index = index;
steps: <CustomStep>[
title: const Text('Step 1 title'),
content: Container(
alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
child: const Text('Content for Step 1'),
continueButtonLabel: 'YES',
cancelButtonLabel: 'NO',
title: Text('Step 2 title'),
content: Container(
alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
child: Text('Content for Step 2'),
In this similar Stack Overflow post, I've explained how I'm able to modify the stock Flutter Stepper widget.


Flutter - How to remove the ability to click on a step title? Specifically the ripple effect even when stepTapped is undefined

I noticed that the steps can be clicked on to navigate back. But is there a way to disable this? In the image below clicking on the name triggers a material button click.
child: Stepper(
type: StepperType.vertical,
physics: const ScrollPhysics(),
currentStep: _currentStep,
onStepTapped: null,
controlsBuilder: ((context, details) {
return Row(
children: [
onPressed: (() => continued()),
child: const BrandText(
text: 'Continue',
if (_currentStep != 0)
onPressed: (() => cancel()),
child: const BrandText(
text: 'Back',
steps: [
title: const BrandText(text: 'Name'),
content: Column(
children: <Widget>[
controller: _groupNameController,
hintText: 'Name',
iconName: Icons.label)
isActive: _currentStep >= 0,
state: _currentStep >= 0
? StepState.complete
: StepState.disabled,
Make onStepTapped blank
onStepTapped: (step){},
title click effect Disabled
You need to edit the stepper.dart file.
Widget _buildVertical() {
return ListView(
shrinkWrap: true,
physics: widget.physics,
children: <Widget>[
for (int i = 0; i < widget.steps.length; i += 1)
key: _keys[i],
children: <Widget>[
// InkWell(
// onTap: widget.steps[i].state != StepState.disabled ? () {
// // In the vertical case we need to scroll to the newly tapped
// // step.
// Scrollable.ensureVisible(
// _keys[i].currentContext!,
// curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
// duration: kThemeAnimationDuration,
// );
// widget.onStepTapped?.call(i);
// } : null,
// canRequestFocus: widget.steps[i].state != StepState.disabled,
// child: _buildVerticalHeader(i),
// ),
child: _buildVerticalHeader(i),

Reduce Flutter Stepper Bar size

I'm using flutter Stepper for my UI . I want to reduce the height of the stepper horizontal menu.
Please help me.
You can also change the heights of the widgets in the contents of Steps to the same value, and make it a SingleChildScrollView if needed. e.g
Step(content: Container(
height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height - 250, //IMPORTANT
child: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(children: <Widget>[
This should work. Stepper has an argument called type where you can decide it's type. More info here:
You may have to play around with the UI to make it look like your desired photo, but this should get you on track. Just set type: StepperType.horizontal.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
height: 300,
width: 300,
child: Stepper(
type: StepperType.horizontal,
currentStep: _index,
onStepCancel: () {
if (_index <= 0) {
setState(() {
onStepContinue: () {
if (_index >= 1) {
setState(() {
onStepTapped: (index) {
setState(() {
_index = index;
steps: [
title: Text("Step 1 title"),
content: Container(
alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
child: Text("Content for Step 1")),
title: Text("Step 2 title"),
content: Text("Content for Step 2"),

Flutter | Load datatable after application load

I want to load data table after application load. But when application load automatically data table also load. I need that data table load with button click event.
This is the primary widget.
Widget build
child: OutlineButton(
child: Text('UPDATE',style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white)),
onPressed: () {abc();},
itemCount==1 ? Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(15.0),
child: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(
children: [
I add that Data table to list view builder. I want to call that from button click.
Called Datatable Widget
return ListView.builder(
shrinkWrap: true,
physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
if (itemCount != 0) {
return Container(
sortAscending: sort,
sortColumnIndex: 0,
columns: [
label: Text("Code", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16)),
numeric: false,
onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) {
setState(() {
sort = !sort;
onSortColum(columnIndex, ascending);
label: Text("QTY", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16)),
numeric: false,
rows: avengers
(avenger) => DataRow(
selected: selectedAvengers.contains(avenger),
cells: [
onTap: () {
print('Selected ${}');
}else {
return SizedBox();
Now that Data table load with the application . But i want it load after application load with button click .
How can i load that table after application load and button click event ?
Initially button is NOT clicked - show SizedBox. When button is clicked we pass callback function to onPressed and show ListView.
setState(() {
clicked = true;
Something like this.
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
bool clicked = false;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("Load list on click"),
body: activityHistory(),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: (){
setState(() {
clicked = true;
child: Icon(Icons.play_arrow),
Widget activityHistory() {
if (!clicked) return SizedBox();
return ListView(
children: [
Text("Item 1"),
Text("Item 2"),
Text("Item 3"),
Text("Item 4"),
Text("Item 5"),

Flutter - Animated process widget

I want to create a process animation widget like this in flutter, which shifts from 1 to 2 with pageview.
Any suggestions are welcome
This can be achieved using the flutter widget Stepper, below is the basic implementation of Stepper Widget
Full article on Medium here
Widget _tabStep() => Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 10),
color: PURPLE,
child: Stepper(
steps: [
title: Text("First"),
content: Text("This is our first example."),
title: Text("Second"),
content: Text("This is our second example."),
title: Text("Third"),
content: Text("This is our third example."),
title: Text("Forth"),
content: Text("This is our forth example."),
currentStep: _index,
onStepTapped: (index) {
setState(() {
_index = index;
onStepCancel: () {
print("You are clicking the cancel button.");
onStepContinue: () {
print("You are clicking the continue button.");

Flutter how to get a popup menu on a ListTile?

I'm trying to get a popupmenu under a ListTile. The title displays a description, the subtitle displays the selected value with some message and the onTap opens the popupmenu in which a user can select a value.
I tried putting a DropdownButtonHideUnderline in the subtitle, but this displays an arrow and does not respond to the ListTile onTab obviously.
How can I get a popupmenu on a ListTile?
Maybe you can try PopuMenuButton,
onSelected: (String value) {
setState(() {
_selection = value;
child: ListTile(
leading: IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.add_alarm),
onPressed: () {
print('Hello world');
title: Text('Title'),
subtitle: Column(
children: <Widget>[
Text('Sub title'),
Text(_selection == null ? 'Nothing selected yet' : _selection.toString()),
trailing: Icon(Icons.account_circle),
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) => <PopupMenuEntry<String>>[
const PopupMenuItem<String>(
value: 'Value1',
child: Text('Choose value 1'),
const PopupMenuItem<String>(
value: 'Value2',
child: Text('Choose value 2'),
const PopupMenuItem<String>(
value: 'Value3',
child: Text('Choose value 3'),
Take a look at How to open a PopupMenuButton?