Append SQLite query result to an existing model - swift

This is how I read the data:
func read() -> [ChatModel] {
let queryStatementString = "SELECT * FROM chatoverview;"
var queryStatement: OpaquePointer? = nil
var psns = [ChatModel]()
if sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, queryStatementString, -1, &queryStatement, nil) == SQLITE_OK {
while sqlite3_step(queryStatement) == SQLITE_ROW {
let chatId = sqlite3_column_text(queryStatement, 0)
let partnerId = sqlite3_column_text(queryStatement, 1)
let partnerName = sqlite3_column_text(queryStatement, 2)
let createdDate = sqlite3_column_text(queryStatement, 3)
let lastMessage = sqlite3_column_text(queryStatement, 4)
let lastMessageDate = sqlite3_column_text(queryStatement, 5)
let partnerProfileImage = sqlite3_column_text(queryStatement, 6)
psns.append(ChatModel(dictionary: ["chatId": chatId!, "partnerId": partnerId!, "partnerName": partnerName!, "createdDate": createdDate!, "lastMessage": lastMessage!, "lastMessageDate": lastMessageDate!, "partnerProfileImage": partnerProfileImage!]))
The result from print(chatId) = "Optional(0x000000010d21fd50)" and I am not sure why the result is not a string.. anyway, in my ViewController I am trying to append this data to my existing ChatModel:
import Foundation
import FirebaseFirestore
class ChatModel {
var partnerId: String?
var partnerName: String?
var createdDate: Timestamp?
var lastMessage: String?
var lastMessageDate: Timestamp?
var chatId: String?
var partnerProfileimage: String?
init(dictionary: [String: Any]) {
partnerId = dictionary["partnerId"] as? String
partnerName = dictionary["partnerName"] as? String
createdDate = dictionary["createdDate"] as? Timestamp
chatId = dictionary["chatId"] as? String
lastMessage = dictionary["lastMessage"] as? String
lastMessageDate = dictionary["lastMessageDate"] as? Timestamp
partnerProfileimage = dictionary["partnerProfileimage"] as? String
Relevant code in my ViewController:
var test = [ChatModel]()
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
test =
print(test.count) <---- 5 Items, correct number, my SQLite file also has the correct data / schema
for x in test {
And here is the problem. x.lastMessage is always nil.
How can I append the SQL result to my existing model?


Change a value in my UserModel (class) based on a userid

I have a UserModel:
class UserModel {
var uid: String?
var username : String?
var email: String?
var profileImageUrl: String?
var dateOfBirth: String?
var registrationDate: Int?
var isFollowing: Bool?
var accessLevel: Int?
var onlineStatus: Bool?
init(dictionary: [String : Any]) {
uid = dictionary["uid"] as? String
username = dictionary["username"] as? String
email = dictionary["email"] as? String
profileImageUrl = dictionary["profileImageUrl"] as? String
dateOfBirth = dictionary["dateOfBirth"] as? String
registrationDate = dictionary["userRegistrationDate"] as? Int
accessLevel = dictionary["accessLevel"] as? Int
onlineStatus = dictionary["onlineStatus"] as? Bool
And I also have a value like [12ih12isd89 : True]
I want to change the value "onlineStatus" for the user "12ih12isd89" to True and I thought the right way to do this is updateValue(:forKey:). But my class UserModel does not have updateValue(:forKey:).
How can I use this in my existing model?
How I get the data:
func fetchAllUsers (completion: #escaping ([UserModel]) -> Void) {
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
var model = [UserModel]()
let db = Firestore.firestore()
let docRef = db.collection("users")
docRef.getDocuments { (querySnapshot, err) in
for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
let dic =
model.append(UserModel(dictionary: dic))
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
To me it looks like you need to find the right object in the array and update the property
let dict = ["12ih12isd89" : true]
var model = [UserModel]()
if let user = model.first(where: {$0.uid == dict.keys.first!}) {
user.onlineStatus = dict.values.first!
Depending on what ["12ih12isd89" : true] really is you might want to change the access from dict.keys.first! that I used
If your value dictionary contains more than one user, you can use a for loop like this:
var model = [UserModel]()
//Some initalization ...
let values = ["12ih12isd89" : true]
for (k, v) in values {
model.filter({$0.uid == k}).first?.onlineStatus = v

How to Clear Shared Dictionary which is causing saved values not to clear even when I login with other user

How can I clear the shared dictionary on logout in which I am saving login response?
Here is the code I am doing on getting status 1.
if(status == 1)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
UserDefaults.standard.set(self.DataDict, forKey:MaindataKey)
let Dict = self.mainDict[KData] as! [String: AnyObject]
print("self.DataDict", self.DataDict)
let User_ID = Dict[KUuid]as! String
let HMACSECRETKEY = self.deviceToken + "+" + User_ID
let cipher:String = CryptoHelper.encrypt(input:HMACSECRETKEY)!;
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(cipher, forKey:HmacKey)
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "isLogin")
GAloginUserInfo.shared.saveUserInfo(dict: Dict )
let tabar = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "GAtHomeTabbarViewController") as! GAtHomeTabbarViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(tabar, animated: true)
Here is the shared dictionary which I am using to save the values of login response.
import UIKit
import Firebase
class GAloginUserInfo: NSObject {
var loginUserMobileNo : String?
var loginUserId : String?
var loginUserUuid : String?
var loginUserCountry : String?
var loginUserCountryCode : String?
var loginUserEmail : String?
var loginUserlatitude : String?
var loginUserLongitude : String?
var loginUserName : String?
var loginUserQrcode : String?
var loginUserProfilePic : String?
var isverify : String?
var loginPassword : String?
var dateOfBirth: String?
var earnedPoints:String?
var loginUserGender:String?
var loginUserFollowers:Int = 0
static let shared = GAloginUserInfo()
func saveUserInfo (dict : [String : AnyObject?] ) {
if let loginUserMobileNo = dict["mobile"] as? String {
self.loginUserMobileNo = loginUserMobileNo
if let loginUserId = dict["id"] as? String {
self.loginUserId = loginUserId
if let loginUserUuid = dict["uuid"] as? String {
self.loginUserUuid = loginUserUuid
if let loginUserCountry = dict["country"] as? String {
self.loginUserCountry = loginUserCountry
if let loginUserCountryCode = dict["country_code"] as? String {
self.loginUserCountryCode = loginUserCountryCode
if let loginUserEmail = dict["email"] as? String {
self.loginUserEmail = loginUserEmail
if let loginUserProfilePic = dict["profile_pic"] as? String {
self.loginUserProfilePic = loginUserProfilePic
if let loginUserLongitude = dict["logitude"] as? String {
self.loginUserLongitude = loginUserLongitude
if let loginUserName = dict["name"] as? String {
self.loginUserName = loginUserName
if let loginUserQrcode = dict["qr_code"] as? String {
self.loginUserQrcode = loginUserQrcode
if let Password = dict["password"] as? String{
self.loginPassword = Password
if let dateOfBirth = dict["dob"] as? String{
self.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth
if let earnedPoints = dict["points"] as? String{
let myDouble = Double(earnedPoints)
let doubleStr = String(format: "%.2f", myDouble!)
self.earnedPoints = doubleStr
if let loginUserGender = dict["gender"] as? String{
self.loginUserGender = loginUserGender
if let loginUserFollowers = dict["followersCount"] as? Int{
self.loginUserFollowers = loginUserFollowers
Actually, the problem is when I log out and log in again with some other user it still shows some values of the previous user. I am clearing the userdefaults on the logout function. but I don't know how to clear this type of shared dictionary.
Use removeObject(forKey:)
to remove the values stored from user defaults in Logout method
UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: MaindataKey)
UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: HmacKey)
UserDefaults.standard.set(false, forKey: "isLogin")
Create a method to remove the values from the singleton class like this
extension GAloginUserInfo {
func removeUserInfo() {
self.loginUserMobileNo = nil
self.loginUserId = nil
self.loginUserUuid = nil
self.loginUserCountry = nil
self.loginUserCountryCode = nil
self.loginUserEmail = nil
self.loginUserlatitude = nil
self.loginUserLongitude = nil
self.loginUserName = nil
self.loginUserQrcode = nil
self.loginUserProfilePic = nil
self.isverify = nil
self.loginPassword = nil
self.dateOfBirth = nil
self.earnedPoints = nil
self.loginUserGender = nil
self.loginUserFollowers = 0
and call this method in logout

How to connect to new viewController with data saved in struct model of other viewController

How can I get the data that in Struct model in new viewController
I got a viewController when i print the var in Struct model it appeare just fine.
I created New viewController trying to get the same data in otherview of that struct model but when i print it it give me nil
I tryied to make the model equal to the new model in the new viewController
MessageController View
var messages = [Message]()
var users = [Contact]()
var messagesDicionary = [String: Message]()
var testMSG : Message?
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let message = self.messages[indexPath.row]
let chatPartnerId = message.chatPartnerId()
let ref = Database.database().reference().child("users").child(chatPartnerId)
ref.observe(.value) { (snap) in
if let dictinoary = snap.value as? [String: AnyObject] {
guard let email = dictinoary["email"] ,let profileimage = dictinoary["profileimage"], let userid = dictinoary["userid"], let username = dictinoary["username"] else {
var user = Contact()
user.userid = chatPartnerId
user.userid = chatPartnerId
let userValue = Contact.init(email: email as? String, username: username as? String, profileimage: profileimage as? String, userid: userid as? String)
self.showChatControllerToUser(user: userValue)
result of Print Optional("Omar")
ChatMessagesController View
var user :Contact?
var users = [Contact]()
var message: Message?
var messagesArray = [Message]()
func observeChatMessages() {
guard let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {
let userMessagesRef = Database.database().reference().child("usersmesssages").child(uid)
userMessagesRef.observe(.childAdded) { (snap) in
let messageId = snap.key
let messageRef = Database.database().reference().child("messages").child(messageId)
messageRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
guard let dictionary = snapshot.value as? [String:AnyObject] else {
let text = dictionary["text"] as? String
let receiverid = dictionary["receiverid"] as? String
let senderid = dictionary["senderid"] as? String
let time = dictionary["timestamp"] as? TimeInterval
let senderName = dictionary["sendername"] as? String
let receiverName = dictionary["receivername"] as? String
result of print NIL
Message Model
struct Message {
var text: String?
var receiverid: String?
var senderid: String?
var timestamp: TimeInterval?
var sendername: String?
var receivername: String?
func chatPartnerId() -> String {
return (senderid == Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid ? receiverid : senderid)!
I tried to make in MessagesController
let chatMessage = ChatMessageController()
chatMessage.message = self.testMSG

Posts Being Uploaded Randomly in Collection View - Swift & Firebase

I have been refactoring my code and now I'm having trouble with the posts.
Whenever I add a new post to the collection view, it is being added in a random cell and out of order, instead of in the first post.
I know the reason is the fetchuser function and from what I'm being told due to the asynchronous loading, but don't know what to do in order to correct this.
Could someone help me figure out what to do so that my posts are added in the first cell?
#objc func observePostsAdoption() {
let postsRef = Database.database().reference().child("posts")
postsRef.queryOrdered(byChild: "postType").queryEqual(toValue: "adopt").observe(.value) { (snapshot) in
var tempPost = [Posts]()
for child in snapshot.children {
if let childSnapshot = child as? DataSnapshot {
let dict = childSnapshot.value as? [String: Any]
let newAdoptiondPost = Posts.transformPost(dict: dict!)
//This will look up all users at once
self.fetchUser(userid: newAdoptiondPost.userid!, completed: {
tempPost.insert(newAdoptiondPost, at: 0)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.postsadoption = tempPost
func fetchUser(userid: String, completed: #escaping ()-> Void ) {
Database.database().reference().child("users").child(userid).observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { (snapshot) in
if let dict = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] {
let user = UserProfile.transformUser(dict: dict)
self.users.insert(user, at: 0)
Here's my Post Struct
class Posts {
var uid: String?
var author: UserProfile?
var timestamp: Date?
var userid: String?
func getDateFormattedString() -> String {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "MMM d, HH:mm"
return formatter.string(from: self.timestamp!)
var photoUrl: URL?
//PostInformation View
var city: String?
var municipality: String?
var name: String?
var breed : String?
var phone : String?
var address : String?
var petType: String?
var genderType: String?
var comments: String?
extension Posts {
static func transformPost(dict: [String: Any]) -> Posts {
let post = Posts()
//Post Picture
let photoUrl = dict["photoUrl"] as? String
post.photoUrl = URL(string: photoUrl!)
post.userid = dict["userid"] as? String = dict["city"] as? String
post.municipality = dict["municipality"] as? String = dict["name"] as? String
post.breed = dict["breed"] as? String = dict["phone"] as? String
post.address = dict["address"] as? String
post.comments = dict["comments"] as? String
post.petType = dict["petType"] as? String
post.genderType = dict["gender"] as? String
let timestamp = dict["timestamp"] as? Double
post.timestamp = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: timestamp!/1000)
return post
If you already have the posts ordered by post type you can just do sorting depending on the timestamp. For example
#objc func observePostsAdoption() {
let postsRef = Database.database().reference().child("posts")
postsRef.queryOrdered(byChild: "postType").queryEqual(toValue: "adopt").observe(.value) { (snapshot) in
var tempPost = [Posts]()
for child in snapshot.children {
if let childSnapshot = child as? DataSnapshot {
let dict = childSnapshot.value as? [String: Any]
let newAdoptiondPost = Posts.transformPost(dict: dict!)
//This will look up all users at once
self.fetchUser(userid: newAdoptiondPost.userid!, completed: {
tempPost.insert(newAdoptiondPost, at: 0)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.postsadoption = tempPost
self.postsadoption.sort { (p1, p2) -> Bool in
return p1.timeStamp?.compare(p2.timeStamp!) == .orderdDescending
With that the posts adoption array will be sorted depending on the timestamp that you have.

Firebase: How to put data in a child that's already created with childbyAutoID

people in my app sometimes needs to update the status of something. Now can you choose of 2 things: The so called "Rollerbank" is still there or the "Rollerbank" is removed. The users can create a data ref. The id that will be created by childbyAutoID. Now is my question how to get the right child and update some childs with a value. My post:
class Post {
let ref: DatabaseReference!
var TypeControle: String = ""
var Stad: String = ""
var Tijd: String = ""
var TijdControle: String = ""
var TijdControleniet: String = ""
var Latitude: String = ""
var Longitude: String = ""
var Extrainformatie: String = ""
var Staater: String = ""
var Staaternietmeer: String = ""
init(TypeControle: String) {
self.TypeControle = TypeControle
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(Stad: String){
self.Stad = Stad
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(Tijd: String) {
self.Tijd = Tijd
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(Latitude: String) {
self.Latitude = Latitude
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(Longitude: String) {
self.Longitude = Longitude
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(Extrainformatie: String) {
self.Extrainformatie = Extrainformatie
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(Staater: String) {
self.Staater = Staater
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").child("Controletest").childByAutoId()
init(Staaternietmeer: String) {
self.Staaternietmeer = Staaternietmeer
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(TijdControle: String) {
self.TijdControle = TijdControle
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(TijdControleniet: String) {
self.TijdControleniet = TijdControleniet
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init() {
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(snapshot: DataSnapshot)
ref = snapshot.ref
if let value = snapshot.value as? [String : Any] {
TypeControle = value["TypeControle"] as! String
Stad = value["Stad"] as! String
Tijd = value["Tijd"] as! String
Latitude = value["Latitude"] as! String
Longitude = value["Longitude"] as! String
Extrainformatie = value["Extrainformatie"] as! String
Staater = value["Staater"] as! String
Staaternietmeer = value["Staaternietmeer"] as! String
TijdControle = value["TijdControle"] as! String
TijdControleniet = value["TijdControleniet"] as! String
func save() {
func toDictionary() -> [String : Any]
return [
"TypeControle" : TypeControle,
"Stad" : Stad,
"Tijd" : Tijd,
"Latitude" : Latitude,
"Longitude" : Longitude,
"Extrainformatie" : Extrainformatie,
"Staater" : Staater,
"Staaternietmeer" : Staaternietmeer,
"TijdControle" : TijdControle,
"TijdControleniet" : TijdControleniet
Data for the TableViewCell:
class ControleTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
#IBOutlet weak var storyControle: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var storyTijd: UILabel!
var post: Post! {
didSet {
storyControle.text = "\(post.Staaternietmeer)"
storyTijd.text = "\(post.TijdControleniet)"
storyControle.text = "\(post.Staater)"
storyTijd.text = "\(post.TijdControle)"
How my update button looks like:
#IBAction func Update(_ sender: Any) {
let alertController1 = UIAlertController(title: "Update melden" , message: "De rollerbank", preferredStyle: .alert)
// Create the actions
let RollerbankAction1 = UIAlertAction(title: "Staat er nog steeds", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default) {
UIAlertAction in
NSLog("Ja Pressed")
self.newStory.Staater = self.Staater
self.newStory.TijdControle = self.TijdControle
let cancelAction1 = UIAlertAction(title: "Staat er niet meer", style: UIAlertActionStyle.cancel) {
UIAlertAction in
NSLog("Cancel Pressed")
let date = Date()
let calendar = Calendar.current
let hour = calendar.component(.hour, from: date)
let minutes = calendar.component(.minute, from: date)
let Tijd = "\(hour) : \(minutes)"
self.newStory.Staaternietmeer = self.Staaternietmeer
self.newStory.TijdControleniet = Tijd
self.present(alertController1, animated: true, completion: nil)
This is the Structure that i use. If i run all this code, the new data will go in a other childbyAutoID and thats not what i want. It just needs to update/setvalue in the cleare space named "Staaternietmeer" and "TijdControleniet". Can anybody help me with that?
You would then need to store the Push ID somewhere so that you can reuse it later.
To generate a unique Push ID you would use :
And to store it somewhere :
let postKey = Database.database().reference().childByAutoId().key
And then, say you need a method to share a post for example, and want to add this post to multiple nodes, that's how it may look like :
func sharePost(_ postContent: String, completion: #escaping (Bool) -> ()) {
guard let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {
let postKey = Database.database().reference().childByAutoId().key
let postData: [String: Any] = [ "content": "blabla",
"author": currentUserId ]
let childUpdates: [String: Any] = ["users/\(currentUserId)/posts/\(postKey)": true,
"posts/\(postKey)": postData ]
Database.database().reference().updateChildValues(childUpdates, withCompletionBlock: { (error, ref) in
guard error == nil else {
Now to access the unique Push ID later on, you would use :
Database.database().reference().observe(.childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in
// Here you get the Push ID back :
let postKey = snapshot.key
// And others things that you need :
guard let author = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "author").value as? String else { return }
guard let content = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "content").value as? String else { return }
// Here you store your object (Post for example) in an array, and as you can see you initialize your object using the data you got from the snapshot, including the Push ID (`postKey`) :
posts.append(Post(id: postKey, content: content, author: author))