Traefik redirect from one host to another - redirect

We decided to move from the subdomain structure to one root domain with path prefixes, but we got many old URLs on the internet. So is there any way to add a redirect from the old URL to the new one?
For example,
We got subdomain switched to, I can access correctly site with the string in docker-swarm YAML file
but when I'm trying to add to Traefik config redirects like:
regex = "^https://(*)"
replacement = "^${1}"
Traefik says that it doesn't know where to forward this request
If I'm trying to add:
Traefik adds a prefix to both hosts. Is there any way to resolve this without adding a second reverse proxy?

Assuming that you are using Traefik 2.1, you can use the below middleware for Traefik
regex = "^(https?://)(.*)*)$"
replacement = "${1}${2}/${3}"
permanent = true
The important step to activate the above middleware is to add the below label on the corresponding router and service. For instance, if you a a blog service and you defined a blog router for it, then you need to add the below table to the services
In addition, your route rule should look like the below rule to be able to handle both domains (or you define multiple routes per service)
-``) && Path(`/test`) || Host(```)
in this post, you can find more info about traffic and redirection


frappe.get_url return http:// but not https://

I am using frappe v14, however, when I use frappe.get_url in jinja2, it return me http://xxxx, but not https://xxxxx, may I know if I miss any setup. I am using https://xxxx for visiting
You may have setup ssl manually (not through bench) for your site. You can add a rule in your NGINX config to auto upgrade requests (if you have https setup).
Another way is to debug get_url and figure out which key is missing to be set in the site_config so that Frappe can handle the rest for you.
ref: Adding a redirect rule in NGINX

Ingress session-cookie-path setting regular express in Ingress Session Cookie; resulting in user logout

I have created an ingress controller configuration with following path definitions:
- path: (USA)/my-app/(.*)$
- path: (UK)/my-app/(.*)$
The problem happening here is when I don't set the following annotation;
I get regular expression in INGRESSCOOKIE path as:
cookie-name: INGRESSCOOKIE --------cookie-path: /(USA)/my-app/(.*)$
This is coming from the given path i.e. /(USA)/my-app/(.*)$.
As a result this response cookie from Ingress doesn't go back to Ingress for any subsequent request for http://USA/my-app/?id=1. (as HTTP request path differs from path in INGRESSCOOKIE)
And because of this HTTP request at times hit a different upstream server and user logs out; as session id in request is generated by a different server managed through the same load balancer.
I then tried setting annotation as: /$1/my-app
But $1 doesn't actually resolve here; probably we cant give expressions in session-cookie-path.
Is there anything I am not doing in a right way here? Or, I should try something else to achieve session affinity.
I know this is pretty old but wanted to share my view anyway.
For your issue, you might want to try the following annotation:
Please remove "session-cookie-path" from annotations as Session Cookie Paths doesn't support regex
For more information, please visit below links:

How to configure localized URLs in kubernetes nginx ingress controller API object

I have a cluster in Azure AKS with 1 node.
On that cluster I have two back-end services.
Each back-end service is a web app.
I have a domain
Each app will need to be configured with its own path rule in the ingress object.
Web app 1s (let's call this one the homepage app) target URL needs to be either of the following:
US version of the site:
Swedish version of the site:
Any other location/language version of the site:
Web app 2s (let's call this one the whitepony app) target URL needs to be either of the following:
US version of the site:
Swedish version of the site:
Any other location/language version of the site:
(The whitepony apps target path segment is called whitepony regardless of location/language)
Now to my question.
How can I configure these rules in an ingress API object?
Can I use prefixes in the path rules?
Or do I need to use regular expressions?
And what about the special case of the US version of the homepage app, where I'm not using any prefixes/extra URL segments?
Can I use conditions in the ingress object?
Or how would you configure the ingress resource object to meet all the above requirements?
Note that I know and have successfully configured multiple back-end services using path rules in an ingress object.
But without prefixes or extra URL segments.
I won't give you fully working example on how to specify rules in ingress resource to meet your requirements, I would rather like to share with you some hints:
Yes, you will need regular expressions to achieve it, and here is the example of doing it directly with NGINX directives based on example of wordpress multi-language site.
You don't need to define these re-write rules with annotations, you can use for that pure NGINX config style, by supplying appropriate inline NGINX config file inside ConfigMap, here is the example on how to achieve this.
I hope this will help you

nginx-ingress within kuberntes / how to enable and use geoip?

Just realized that geoip was present by default within the nginx-ingress in the context of kubernetes; that is, looked around, being new into nginx geoip, I don't have much clue about how to benefit from this
Firstly, is there any declarative setup to effectively have it working ? A configmap setup, or so ?
Secondly, how such info is passed from the nginx-ingress to an app ? Is the info present in the headers ? is there any extra setup to apply ?
thanks a lot for any experienced input; best
Find usefull documentation about how to configure Geoip2 for nginx ingress kubernetes deployment.
Example Nginx Configuration ConfigMap
You will find the expected ConfigMap name at the nginx controller container entrypoint or environment variables. Furthermore you can override this name, the way to do so will depend on your nginx installation/deployment method.
ConfiMap Nginx supported configurations
You will find there a listed all the supported configs/properties plus a sort description about them and how to use them.
For this specific question, the property to configure Geoip2 is "use-geoip2" (link below)
Enable GeoIP2
remark: you will need a license and add a flag at nginx entry command providing it
The nginx_http_geoip_module module creates variables with values depending on the client IP address, using the precompiled MaxMind databases.
This module is not built by default, it should be enabled with the --with-http_geoip_module configuration parameter.
The module analyze headers, next connect to defined database, fetch the localization information and offers a variables regarding to them like
country or city of connection origin. Some examples:
$geoip_country_code - two-letter country code
$geoip_city - city name
$geoip_postal_code - postal code

How to configure static nginx redirections for many sites?

There are hosting with nginx configured for many sites.
Now we want allow users to configure redirections. They look like:
/page/from.html /page/to.thml
... ...
Does it possible to say nginx to look into specified file for site and do redirection if request match?
Better solution be when nginx should not be required to restart.
You can add this configuration in nginx default config file :
map $old_uri $redirects {;;