How to implement B-Spline in matrix form? - matlab

I am simply trying to draw a cubic B-Spline using the matrix representation given in this paper:
Specifically, I am trying the to exactly replicate the formula in section 3 (using placement matrix G) of the PDF. But I am not sure where I am going wrong. It keeps producing straight lines. Can anyone point me out what is wrong with the following code (it should run on any version of matlab; its quite simple) ?
% main.m
clc; clear;
n_cpts = 5;
deg = 3;
cpts = randi(30, n_cpts, 2);
n_knots = n_cpts + deg + 1;
knots = 0:(n_knots-1);
ts = knots(deg):0.05:knots(end-deg);
curve = [];
for t = ts(1:end-1)
k = floor(t);
T = [1, t, t^2, t^3];
B = Bi(k);
G = Gi(k, n_cpts);
p = T * B * G * cpts;
curve = [curve; p];
scatter(curve(:,1), curve(:,2));
The helper functions
% Bi.m
% The 'B' matrix
function [B] = Bi(i)
B = [[ -(1./6.)*i^3, (1./6.)*(3*i^3 + 3*i^2 - 3*i + 1), -(1./2.)*(i^3)-(i^2)+2./3., (1./2.)*(i+1)^3 ];
[ +(1./2.)*i^2, -(1./2.)*(3*i-1)*(i+1), (1./2.)*(3*i^2 + 4*i), -(1./2.)*(i+1)^2 ];
[ (1./2.)*i, (1./2.)*(3*i+1), -(1./2.)*(3*i+2), (1./2.)*(i+1) ];
[ (1./6.), -(1./2.), (1./2.), -(1./6.) ]];
% Gi.m
% The 'G' matrix
function [G] = Gi(i, L)
G = zeros(4, L);
for m = 1:4
for n = 1:L
if n == i+m-3
G(m,n) = 1;
My output looks like this:


1D finite element method in the Hermite basis (P3C1) - Problem of solution calculation

I am currently working on solving the problem $-\alpha u'' + \beta u = f$ with Neumann conditions on the edge, with the finite element method in MATLAB.
I managed to set up a code that works for P1 and P2 Lagragne finite elements (i.e: linear and quadratic) and the results are good!
I am trying to implement the finite element method using the Hermite basis. This basis is defined by the following basis functions and derivatives:
syms x
phi(x) = [2*x^3-3*x^2+1,-2*x^3+3*x^2,x^3-2*x^2+x,x^3-x^2]
% Derivative
dphi = [6*x.^2-6*x,-6*x.^2+6*x,3*x^2-4*x+1,3*x^2-2*x]
The problem with the following code is that the solution vector u is not good. I know that there must be a problem in the S and F element matrix calculation loop, but I can't see where even though I've been trying to make changes for a week.
Can you give me your opinion? Hopefully someone can see my error.
Thanks a lot,
% -alpha*u'' + beta*u = f
% u'(a) = bd1, u'(b) = bd2;
a = 0;
b = 1;
f = #(x) (1);
alpha = 1;
beta = 1;
% Neuamnn boundary conditions
bn1 = 1;
bn2 = 0;
syms ue(x)
DE = -alpha*diff(ue,x,2) + beta*ue == f;
du = diff(ue,x);
BC = [du(a)==bn1, du(b)==bn2];
ue = dsolve(DE, BC);
fplot(ue,[a,b], 'r', 'LineWidth',2)
N = 2;
nnod = N*(2+2); % Number of nodes
neq = nnod*1; % Number of equations, one degree of freedom per node
xnod = linspace(a,b,nnod);
nodes = [(1:3:nnod-3)', (2:3:nnod-2)', (3:3:nnod-1)', (4:3:nnod)'];
phi = #(xi)[2*xi.^3-3*xi.^2+1,2*xi.^3+3*xi.^2,xi.^3-2*xi.^2+xi,xi.^3-xi.^2];
dphi = #(xi)[6*xi.^2-6*xi,-6*xi.^2+6*xi,3*xi^2-4*xi+1,3*xi^2-2*xi];
% Here, just calculate the integral using gauss quadrature..
order = 5;
[gp, gw] = gauss(order, 0, 1);
S = zeros(neq,neq);
M = S;
F = zeros(neq,1);
for iel = 1:N
inod = nodes(iel,:);
xc = xnod(inod);
h = xc(end)-xc(1);
Se = zeros(4,4);
Me = Se;
fe = zeros(4,1);
for ig = 1:length(gp)
xi = gp(ig);
iw = gw(ig);
Se = Se + dphi(xi)'*dphi(xi)*1/h*1*iw;
Me = Me + phi(xi)'*phi(xi)*h*1*iw;
x = phi(xi)*xc';
fe = fe + phi(xi)' * f(x) * h * 1 * iw;
% Assembly
S(inod,inod) = S(inod, inod) + Se;
M(inod,inod) = M(inod, inod) + Me;
F(inod) = F(inod) + fe;
S = alpha*S + beta*M;
g = zeros(neq,1);
g(1) = -alpha*bn1;
g(end) = alpha*bn2;
alldofs = 1:neq;
u = zeros(neq,1); %Pre-allocate
F = F + g;
u(alldofs) = S(alldofs,alldofs)\F(alldofs)
Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
u = 8×1
fplot(ue,[a,b], 'r', 'LineWidth',2)
hold on
plot(xnod, u, 'bo')
for iel = 1:N
inod = nodes(iel,:);
xc = xnod(inod);
U = u(inod);
xi = linspace(0,1,100)';
Ue = phi(xi)*U;
Xe = phi(xi)*xc';
plot(Xe,Ue,'b -')
% Gauss function for calculate the integral
function [x, w, A] = gauss(n, a, b)
n = 1:(n - 1);
beta = 1 ./ sqrt(4 - 1 ./ (n .* n));
J = diag(beta, 1) + diag(beta, -1);
[V, D] = eig(J);
x = diag(D);
A = b - a;
w = V(1, :) .* V(1, :);
w = w';
You can find the same post under MATLAB site for syntax highlighting.
I tried to read courses, search in different documentation and modify my code without success.

Divide and Conquer SVD in MATLAB

I'm trying to implement Divide and Conquer SVD of an upper bidiagonal matrix B, but my code is not working. The error is:
"Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is
3-by-3 and the size of the right side is 2-by-2.
V_bar(1:k,1:k) = V1;"
Can somebody help me fix it? Thanks.
function [U,S,V] = DivideConquer_SVD(B)
[m,n] = size(B);
k = floor(m/2);
if k == 0
U = 1;
V = 1;
S = B;
% Divide the input matrix
alpha = B(k,k);
beta = B(k,k+1);
e1 = zeros(m,1);
e2 = zeros(m,1);
e1(k) = 1;
e2(k+1) = 1;
B1 = B(1:k-1,1:k);
B2 = B(k+1:m,k+1:m);
%recursive computations
[U1,S1,V1] = DivideConquer_SVD(B1);
[U2,S2,V2] = DivideConquer_SVD(B2);
U_bar = zeros(m);
U_bar(1:k-1,1:k-1) = U1;
U_bar(k,k) = 1;
U_bar((k+1):m,(k+1):m) = U2;
D = zeros(m);
D(1:k-1,1:k) = S1;
D((k+1):m,(k+1):m) = S2;
V_bar = zeros(m);
V_bar(1:k,1:k) = V1;
V_bar((k+1):m,(k+1):m) = V2;
u = alpha*e1'*V_bar + beta*e2'*V_bar;
u = u';
D_tilde = D*D + u*u';
% compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of D^2+uu'
[L1,Q1] = eig(D_tilde);
eigs = diag(L1);
S = zeros(m,n)
S(1:(m+1):end) = eigs
U_tilde = Q1;
V_tilde = Q1;
%Compute eigenvectors of the original input matrix T
U = U_bar*U_tilde;
V = V_bar*V_tilde;
With limited mathematical knowledge, you need to help me a bit more -- as I cannot judge if the approach is correct in a mathematical way (with no theory given;) ). Anyway, I couldn't even reproduce the error e.g with this matrix, which The MathWorks use to illustrate their LU matrix factorization
A = [10 -7 0
-3 2 6
5 -1 5];
So I tried to structure your code a bit and gave some hints. Extend this to make your code clearer for those people (like me) who are not too familiar with matrix decomposition.
function [U,S,V] = DivideConquer_SVD(B)
% m x n matrix
[m,n] = size(B);
k = floor(m/2);
if k == 0
disp('if') % for debugging
U = 1;
V = 1;
S = B;
% return; % net necessary as you don't do anything afterwards anyway
disp('else') % for debugging
% Divide the input matrix
alpha = B(k,k); % element on diagonal
beta = B(k,k+1); % element on off-diagonal
e1 = zeros(m,1);
e2 = zeros(m,1);
e1(k) = 1;
e2(k+1) = 1;
% divide matrix
B1 = B(1:k-1,1:k); % upper left quadrant
B2 = B(k+1:m,k+1:m); % lower right quadrant
% recusrsive function call
[U1,S1,V1] = DivideConquer_SVD(B1);
[U2,S2,V2] = DivideConquer_SVD(B2);
U_bar = zeros(m);
U_bar(1:k-1,1:k-1) = U1;
U_bar(k,k) = 1;
U_bar((k+1):m,(k+1):m) = U2;
D = zeros(m);
D(1:k-1,1:k) = S1;
D((k+1):m,(k+1):m) = S2;
V_bar = zeros(m);
V_bar(1:k,1:k) = V1;
V_bar((k+1):m,(k+1):m) = V2;
u = (alpha*e1.'*V_bar + beta*e2.'*V_bar).'; % (little show-off tip: '
% is the complex transpose operator; .' is the "normal" transpose
% operator. It's good practice to distinguish between them but there
% is no difference for real matrices anyway)
D_tilde = D*D + u*u.';
% compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of D^2+uu'
[L1,Q1] = eig(D_tilde);
eigs = diag(L1);
S = zeros(m,n);
S(1:(m+1):end) = eigs;
U_tilde = Q1;
V_tilde = Q1;
% Compute eigenvectors of the original input matrix T
U = U_bar*U_tilde;
V = V_bar*V_tilde;
% return; % net necessary as you don't do anything afterwards anyway
end % for
end % function

Why is the MATLAB output of this numerical method precision not getting more accurate?

Posting here vs math.stackexchange because I think my issue is syntax:
I'm trying to analyze the 2nd order ODE: y'' + 2y' + 2y = e^(-x) * sin(x) using MATLAB code for the midpoint method. I first converted the ODE to a system of 1st order equations and then tried to apply it below, but as the discretizations [m] are increased, the output is stopping at .2718. For example, m=11 yields:
ans =
and m=101:
ans =
and m=10001
ans =
Here's the code:
function [y,t] = ODEsolver_midpointND(F,y0,a,b,m)
if nargin < 5, m = 11; end
if nargin < 4, a = 0; b = 1; end
if nargin < 3, a = 0; b = 1; end
if nargin < 2, error('invalid number of inputs'); end
t = linspace(a,b,m)';
h = t(2)-t(1);
n = length(y0);
y = zeros(m,n);
y(1,:) = y0;
for i=2:m
Fty = feval(F,t(i-1),y(i-1,:));
th = t(i-1)+h/2;
y(i,:) = y(i-1,:) + ...
h*feval(F,th,y(i-1,:)+(h/2)*Fty );
Separate file:
function F = Fexample1(t,y)
F1 = y(2);
F2 = exp(-t).*sin(t)-2.*y(2)-2.*y(1);
F = [F1,F2];
Third file:
[Y,t] = ODEsolver_midpointND('Fexample1',[0 0],0,1,11);
Ye = [(1./2).*exp(-t).*(sin(t)-t.*cos(t)) (1./2).*exp(-t).*((t-1).*sin(t)- t.*cos(t))];
Your ODE solver looks to me like it should work - however there's a typo in the analytic solution you're comparing to. It should be
Ye = [(1./2).*exp(-t).*(sin(t)-t.*cos(t)) (1./2).*exp(-t).*((t-1).*sin(t)+ t.*cos(t))];
i.e. with a + sign before the t.*cos(t) term in the derivative.

Error in evaluating a function

EDIT: The code that I have pasted is too long. Basicaly I dont know how to work with the second code, If I know how calculate alpha from the second code I think my problem will be solved. I have tried a lot of input arguments for the second code but it does not work!
I have written following code to solve a convex optimization problem using Gradient descend method:
function [optimumX,optimumF,counter,gNorm,dx] = grad_descent()
x0 = [3 3]';%'//
terminationThreshold = 1e-6;
maxIterations = 100;
dxMin = 1e-6;
gNorm = inf; x = x0; counter = 0; dx = inf;
% ************************************
f = #(x1,x2) 4.*x1.^2 + 2.*x1.*x2 +8.*x2.^2 + 10.*x1 + x2;
%alpha = 0.01;
% ************************************
figure(1); clf; ezcontour(f,[-5 5 -5 5]); axis equal; hold on
f2 = #(x) f(x(1),x(2));
% gradient descent algorithm:
while and(gNorm >= terminationThreshold, and(counter <= maxIterations, dx >= dxMin))
g = grad(x);
gNorm = norm(g);
alpha = linesearch_strongwolfe(f,-g, x0, 1);
xNew = x - alpha * g;
% check step
if ~isfinite(xNew)
display(['Number of iterations: ' num2str(counter)])
error('x is inf or NaN')
% **************************************
plot([x(1) xNew(1)],[x(2) xNew(2)],'ko-')
% **************************************
counter = counter + 1;
dx = norm(xNew-x);
x = xNew;
optimumX = x;
optimumF = f2(optimumX);
counter = counter - 1;
% define the gradient of the objective
function g = grad(x)
g = [(8*x(1) + 2*x(2) +10)
(2*x(1) + 16*x(2) + 1)];
As you can see, I have commented out the alpha = 0.01; part. I want to calculate alpha via an other code. Here is the code (This code is not mine)
function alphas = linesearch_strongwolfe(f,d,x0,alpham)
alpha0 = 0;
alphap = alpha0;
c1 = 1e-4;
c2 = 0.5;
alphax = alpham*rand(1);
[fx0,gx0] = feval(f,x0,d);
fxp = fx0;
gxp = gx0;
while (1 ~= 2)
xx = x0 + alphax*d;
[fxx,gxx] = feval(f,xx,d);
if (fxx > fx0 + c1*alphax*gx0) | ((i > 1) & (fxx >= fxp)),
alphas = zoom(f,x0,d,alphap,alphax);
if abs(gxx) <= -c2*gx0,
alphas = alphax;
if gxx >= 0,
alphas = zoom(f,x0,d,alphax,alphap);
alphap = alphax;
fxp = fxx;
gxp = gxx;
alphax = alphax + (alpham-alphax)*rand(1);
i = i+1;
function alphas = zoom(f,x0,d,alphal,alphah)
c1 = 1e-4;
c2 = 0.5;
[fx0,gx0] = feval(f,x0,d);
while (1~=2),
alphax = 1/2*(alphal+alphah);
xx = x0 + alphax*d;
[fxx,gxx] = feval(f,xx,d);
xl = x0 + alphal*d;
fxl = feval(f,xl,d);
if ((fxx > fx0 + c1*alphax*gx0) | (fxx >= fxl)),
alphah = alphax;
if abs(gxx) <= -c2*gx0,
alphas = alphax;
if gxx*(alphah-alphal) >= 0,
alphah = alphal;
alphal = alphax;
But I get this error:
Error in linesearch_strongwolfe (line 11) [fx0,gx0] = feval(f,x0,d);
As you can see I have written the f function and its gradient manually.
linesearch_strongwolfe(f,d,x0,alpham) takes a function f, Gradient of f, a vector x0 and a constant alpham. is there anything wrong with my declaration of f? This code works just fine if I put back alpha = 0.01;
As I see it:
x0 = [3; 3]; %2-element column vector
g = grad(x0); %2-element column vector
f = #(x1,x2) 4.*x1.^2 + 2.*x1.*x2 +8.*x2.^2 + 10.*x1 + x2;
linesearch_strongwolfe(f,-g, x0, 1); %passing variables
inside the function:
[fx0,gx0] = feval(f,x0,-g); %variable names substituted with input vars
This will in effect call
[fx0,gx0] = f(x0,-g);
but f(x0,-g) is a single 2-element column vector with these inputs. Assingning the output to two variables will not work.
You either have to define f as a proper named function (just like grad) to output 2 variables (one for each component), or edit the code of linesearch_strongwolfe to return a single variable, then slice that into 2 separate variables yourself afterwards.
If you experience a very rare kind of laziness and don't want to define a named function, you can still use an anonymous function at the cost of duplicating code for the two components (at least I couldn't come up with a cleaner solution):
f = #(x1,x2) deal(4.*x1(1)^2 + 2.*x1(1)*x2(1) +8.*x2(1)^2 + 10.*x1(1) + x2(1),...
4.*x1(2)^2 + 2.*x1(2)*x2(2) +8.*x2(2)^2 + 10.*x1(2) + x2(2));
[fx0,gx0] = f(x0,-g); %now works fine
as long as you always have 2 output variables. Note that this is more like a proof of concept, since this is ugly, inefficient, and very susceptible to typos.

Cubic Spline Program

I'm trying to write a cubic spline interpolation program. I have written the program but, the graph is not coming out correctly. The spline uses natural boundary conditions(second dervative at start/end node are 0). The code is in Matlab and is shown below,
clear all
%Function to Interpolate
k = 10; %Number of Support Nodes-1
xs(1) = -1;
for j = 1:k
xs(j+1) = -1 +2*j/k; %Support Nodes(Equidistant)
fs = 1./(25.*xs.^2+1); %Support Ordinates
x = [-0.99:2/(2*k):0.99]; %Places to Evaluate Function
fx = 1./(25.*x.^2+1); %Function Evaluated at x
%Cubic Spline Code(Coefficients to Calculate 2nd Derivatives)
f(1) = 2*(xs(3)-xs(1));
g(1) = xs(3)-xs(2);
r(1) = (6/(xs(3)-xs(2)))*(fs(3)-fs(2)) + (6/(xs(2)-xs(1)))*(fs(1)-fs(2));
e(1) = 0;
for i = 2:k-2
e(i) = xs(i+1)-xs(i);
f(i) = 2*(xs(i+2)-xs(i));
g(i) = xs(i+2)-xs(i+1);
r(i) = (6/(xs(i+2)-xs(i+1)))*(fs(i+2)-fs(i+1)) + ...
e(k-1) = xs(k)-xs(k-1);
f(k-1) = 2*(xs(k+1)-xs(k-1));
r(k-1) = (6/(xs(k+1)-xs(k)))*(fs(k+1)-fs(k)) + ...
%Tridiagonal System
i = 1;
A = zeros(k-1,k-1);
while i < size(A)+1;
A(i,i) = f(i);
if i < size(A);
A(i,i+1) = g(i);
A(i+1,i) = e(i);
i = i+1;
for i = 2:k-1 %Decomposition
e(i) = e(i)/f(i-1);
f(i) = f(i)-e(i)*g(i-1);
for i = 2:k-1 %Forward Substitution
r(i) = r(i)-e(i)*r(i-1);
xn(k-1)= r(k-1)/f(k-1);
for i = k-2:-1:1 %Back Substitution
xn(i) = (r(i)-g(i)*xn(i+1))/f(i);
if (max(xs) <= max(x))
error('Outside Range');
if (min(xs) >= min(x))
error('Outside Range');
P = zeros(size(length(x),length(x)));
i = 1;
for Counter = 1:length(x)
for j = 1:k-1
a(j) = x(Counter)- xs(j);
i = find(a == min(a(a>=0)));
if i == 1
c1 = 0;
c2 = xn(1)/6/(xs(2)-xs(1));
c3 = fs(1)/(xs(2)-xs(1));
c4 = fs(2)/(xs(2)-xs(1))-xn(1)*(xs(2)-xs(1))/6;
t1 = c1*(xs(2)-x(Counter))^3;
t2 = c2*(x(Counter)-xs(1))^3;
t3 = c3*(xs(2)-x(Counter));
t4 = c4*(x(Counter)-xs(1));
P(Counter) = t1 +t2 +t3 +t4;
if i < k-1
c1 = xn(i-1+1)/6/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1));
c2 = xn(i+1)/6/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1));
c3 = fs(i-1+1)/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1))-xn(i-1+1)*(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1))/6;
c4 = fs(i+1)/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1))-xn(i+1)*(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1))/6;
t1 = c1*(xs(i+1)-x(Counter))^3;
t2 = c2*(x(Counter)-xs(i-1+1))^3;
t3 = c3*(xs(i+1)-x(Counter));
t4 = c4*(x(Counter)-xs(i-1+1));
P(Counter) = t1 +t2 +t3 +t4;
c1 = xn(i-1+1)/6/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1));
c2 = 0;
c3 = fs(i-1+1)/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1))-xn(i-1+1)*(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1))/6;
c4 = fs(i+1)/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1));
t1 = c1*(xs(i+1)-x(Counter))^3;
t2 = c2*(x(Counter)-xs(i-1+1))^3;
t3 = c3*(xs(i+1)-x(Counter));
t4 = c4*(x(Counter)-xs(i-1+1));
P(Counter) = t1 +t2 +t3 +t4;
P = P';
P(length(x)) = NaN;
When I run the code, the interpolation function is not symmetric and, it doesn't converge correctly. Can anyone offer any suggestions about problems in my code? Thanks.
I wrote a cubic spline package in Mathematica a long time ago. Here is my translation of that package into Matlab. Note I haven't looked at cubic splines in about 7 years, so I'm basing this off my own documentation. You should check everything I say.
The basic problem is we are given n data points (x(1), y(1)) , ... , (x(n), y(n)) and we wish to calculate a piecewise cubic interpolant. The interpolant is defined as
S(x) = { Sk(x) when x(k) <= x <= x(k+1)
{ 0 otherwise
Here Sk(x) is a cubic polynomial of the form
Sk(x) = sk0 + sk1*(x-x(k)) + sk2*(x-x(k))^2 + sk3*(x-x(k))^3
The properties of the spline are:
The spline pass through the data point Sk(x(k)) = y(k)
The spline is continuous at the end-points and thus continuous everywhere in the interpolation interval Sk(x(k+1)) = Sk+1(x(k+1))
The spline has continuous first derivative Sk'(x(k+1)) = Sk+1'(x(k+1))
The spline has continuous second derivative Sk''(x(k+1)) = Sk+1''(x(k+1))
To construct a cubic spline from a set of data point we need to solve for the coefficients
sk0, sk1, sk2 and sk3 for each of the n-1 cubic polynomials. That is a total of 4*(n-1) = 4*n - 4 unknowns. Property 1 supplies n constraints, and properties 2,3,4 each supply an additional n-2 constraints. Thus we have n + 3*(n-2) = 4*n - 6 constraints and 4*n - 4 unknowns. This leaves two degrees of freedom. We fix these degrees of freedom by setting the second derivative equal to zero at the start and end nodes.
Let m(k) = Sk''(x(k)) , h(k) = x(k+1) - x(k) and d(k) = (y(k+1) - y(k))/h(k). The following
three-term recurrence relation holds
h(k-1)*m(k-1) + 2*(h(k-1) + h(k))*m(k) + h(k)*m(k+1) = 6*(d(k) - d(k-1))
The m(k) are unknowns we wish to solve for. The h(k) and d(k) are defined by the input data.
This three-term recurrence relation defines a tridiagonal linear system. Once the m(k) are determined the coefficients for Sk are given by
sk0 = y(k)
sk1 = d(k) - h(k)*(2*m(k) + m(k-1))/6
sk2 = m(k)/2
sk3 = m(k+1) - m(k)/(6*h(k))
Okay that is all the math you need to know to completely define the algorithm to compute a cubic spline. Here it is in Matlab:
function [s0,s1,s2,s3]=cubic_spline(x,y)
if any(size(x) ~= size(y)) || size(x,2) ~= 1
error('inputs x and y must be column vectors of equal length');
n = length(x)
h = x(2:n) - x(1:n-1);
d = (y(2:n) - y(1:n-1))./h;
lower = h(1:end-1);
main = 2*(h(1:end-1) + h(2:end));
upper = h(2:end);
T = spdiags([lower main upper], [-1 0 1], n-2, n-2);
rhs = 6*(d(2:end)-d(1:end-1));
m = T\rhs;
% Use natural boundary conditions where second derivative
% is zero at the endpoints
m = [ 0; m; 0];
s0 = y;
s1 = d - h.*(2*m(1:end-1) + m(2:end))/6;
s2 = m/2;
s3 =(m(2:end)-m(1:end-1))./(6*h);
Here is some code to plot a cubic spline:
function plot_cubic_spline(x,s0,s1,s2,s3)
n = length(x);
inner_points = 20;
for i=1:n-1
xx = linspace(x(i),x(i+1),inner_points);
xi = repmat(x(i),1,inner_points);
yy = s0(i) + s1(i)*(xx-xi) + ...
s2(i)*(xx-xi).^2 + s3(i)*(xx - xi).^3;
Here is a function that constructs a cubic spline and plots in on the famous Runge function:
function cubic_driver(num_points)
runge = #(x) 1./(1+ 25*x.^2);
x = linspace(-1,1,num_points);
y = runge(x);
[s0,s1,s2,s3] = cubic_spline(x',y');
plot_points = 1000;
xx = linspace(-1,1,plot_points);
yy = runge(xx);
hold on;
You can see it in action by running the following at the Matlab prompt
>> cubic_driver(5)
>> clf
>> cubic_driver(10)
>> clf
>> cubic_driver(20)
By the time you have twenty nodes your interpolant is visually indistinguishable from the Runge function.
Some comments on the Matlab code: I don't use any for or while loops. I am able to vectorize all operations. I quickly form the sparse tridiagonal matrix with spdiags. I solve it using the backslash operator. I counting on Tim Davis's UMFPACK to handle the decomposition and forward and backward solves.
Hope that helps. The code is available as a gist on github
There was a bug in spline function, generated (n-2) by (n-2) should be symmetric:
lower = h(2:end);
main = 2*(h(1:end-1) + h(2:end));
upper = h(1:end-1);