I am trying to replicate Kafka cluster with MirrorMaker 2.0. I am using following mm2.properties:
name = mirror-site1-site2
topics = .*
connector.class = org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.MirrorSourceConnector
tasks.max = 1
clusters = site1, site2
# for demo, source and target clusters are the same
source.cluster.alias = site1
target.cluster.alias = site2
site1.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required \
username="<someuser>" \
site2.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required \
username="<someuser>" \
site1.bootstrap.servers = <IP1>:9093, <IP2>:9093, <IP3>:9093, <IP4>:9093
site2.bootstrap.servers = <IP5>:9093, <IP6>:9093, <IP7>:9093, <IP8>:9093
site1->site2.enabled = true
site1->site2.topics = topic1
# use ByteArrayConverter to ensure that records are not re-encoded
key.converter = org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.ByteArrayConverter
value.converter = org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.ByteArrayConverter
So here's the issue, mm2 seems to allways replicate x3 messages :
# Manual message production:
kafkacat -P -b <IP1>:9093,<IP2>:9093,<IP3>:9093,<IP4>:9093 -t "topic1"
# Result in the source topic (site1 cluster):
% Reached end of topic topic1 [2] at offset 405
% Reached end of topic topic1 [2] at offset 406
% Reached end of topic topic1 [6] at offset 408
% Reached end of topic topic1 [2] at offset 407
kafkacat -P -b <IP5>:9093,<IP6>:9093,<IP7>:9093,<IP8>:9093 -t "site1.topic1"
# Result in the target topic (site2 cluster):
% Reached end of topic site1.titi [2] at offset 1216
% Reached end of topic site1.titi [2] at offset 1219
% Reached end of topic site1.titi [6] at offset 1229
I tried using Kafka from confluent package and kafka_2.13-2.4.0 directly from Apache, both with Debian 10.1.
I first encouraged this behaviour with confluent 5.4, thought it could be a bug in their package as they have replicator and should not really care about mm2, but I reproduced exactly the same issue with kafka_2.13-2.4.0 directly from Apache without any change.
I'm aware that mm2 is not yet idempotent and can't guarantee once delivery. In my tests (I tried many things including producer tuning or bigger batch of thousand messages). In all these test mm2 always duplicate X3 all messages.
Did I miss something, did someone encourage the same thing ? As a site note with legacy mm1 with the same packages I don't have this issue.
Appreciate any help... Thanks !
Even if the changelog didnt made me very confident about an improvement I tried again to run a mm2, from kafka 2.4.1 this time. => no change allways these strange duplications.
I installed this released on a new server to ensure the strange behaviour I met wasnt something related to the server.
As I use ACL does I need special right ? I put "all" thinking it cant be more permisive... Even if mm2 isnt idempotent yep, I'll give a try to the right related to that.
That suprise me the more is that I cant find anything reporting an issue like this, for sure I must do something wrong, but what that is the question...
You need to remove connector.class = org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.MirrorSourceConnector from your configuration, because this is telling Mirror Maker to use this class for Heartbeats and Checkpoints connectors that it generates along with the Source connector that replicates data, and this class makes them behave exactly like a Source connector, so that's why you get 3 messages replicated each time, you've actually generated 3 Source connectors.
Enabling idempotence to the client config will fix the issue. By default it will be set to false. Add the below to the mm2.properties file
source.cluster.producer.enable.idempotence = true
target.cluster.producer.enable.idempotence = true
We have this issue that when Kafka brokers must be taken offline, no consumer service has any idea about that and keeps running.
We tried listing consumers in the new Kafka instance, and saw no existing consumer listed there. All consumers listed are those newly created.
We had to manually terminate all existing consumer services which is not convenient every time we hit this issue.
Question - How does a consumer know it is no longer listed in the Kafka cluster so it should terminate itself?
P.S. We use Spring Kafka.
1 -- To Check Clusters & Replica status ?
Check Kafka cluster all broker status
$ zookeeper-shell.sh localhost:9001 ls /brokers/ids
Check Kafka cluster Specific broker status
$ zookeeper-shell.sh localhost:9001 get /brokers/ids/<id>
specific to replica_unavailability check
$ kafka-check --cluster-type=sample_type replica_unavailability
For first broker check
$ kafka-check --cluster-type=sample_type --broker-id 3 replica_unavailability --first-broker-only
Any partitions replicas not available
$ kafka-check --cluster-type=sample_type replica_unavailability
Checking offline partitions
$ kafka-check --cluster-type=sample_type offline
2 -- Code sample to send/auto-shutdown
2 custom options to do handle the shutdown using a kill-message,
do it gracefully by sending a kill-message before taking down
brokers or topics.
Option 1: Consider an in-band message/signal - i.e. send a “kill” message pertaining to topics/brokers consumer is listening to as it follows the offset order on the topic-partition
Option 2: make the consumer listen to 2 topics for e.g. “topic” and “topic_kill”
The difference between the 2 options above, is that the first version is comes in the the order it was sent, consider that there maybe blocking messages maybe waiting, depending on your implementation, to be consumed before that “kill message”.
While, the second version allows kill-signal to arrive independently without being blocked out of band, this is a nicer & reusable architectural pattern, with a clear separation between data topic and signaling.
Code Sample a) producer sending the kill-message & b) consumer to recieve and handle the shutdown
// Producer -- modify and adapt as needed
import json
from kafka import KafkaProducer
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=['<my port number>'],
key_serializer=lambda m: m.encode('utf8'),
value_serializer=lambda m: json.dumps(m).encode('utf8'))
def send_kill(topic: str, partitions: [int]):
for p in partitions:
producer.send(topic, key='kill', partition=p)
// Consumer to accept a kill-message -- please modify and adapt as needed
import json
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
from kafka.structs import OffsetAndMetadata, TopicPartition
consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers=['<my port number>'],
key_deserializer=lambda m: m.decode('utf8'),
value_deserializer=lambda m: json.loads(m.decode('utf8')),
for msg in consumer:
tp = TopicPartition(msg.topic, msg.partition)
offsets = {tp: OffsetAndMetadata(msg.offset, None)}
if msg.key == "kill":
# do your work...
I first tried to see if I can create a topic in a particular broker. But looks like this is not possible. Even if I mention the broker host in the bootstrap
admin_client = AdminClient({
"bootstrap.servers": "xxx1.com:9092,xxx2.com:9092"
The program is arbitrarily picking up one of the 5 brokers that I have as the leader broker for the topic. I am trying to understand why it happens like this.
I am also trying to see if I can reassign the topic leader to another broker. I know it may be possible through the kafka-reassign-partitions command line script, but I wanted to do it programmatically using python and confluent-Kafka package. Is it possible to do this programmatically. I did not find the reassign partition function in the ADMIN class of confluent-Kafka package
I have finally got the solution for this, the documentation of the confluent Kafka python package is not adequate for this. But one good thing about open source is that you can read the code and figure out. So, to create the topic in a particular broker, I had to code the create topic code as below. Please note that I have used replica_assignment instead of replication_factor. These two are mutually exclusive. If you use the replication_factor, the partitions will be assigned by Kafka, you can control the assignment through replica_assignment. However, I am sure that this will get re-assigned in case of a rebalancing/re-assigning of partitions. But that can also be handled through the on_revoke event. But for now, this works for me.
def createTopic(admin_client,topics):
topic_name = ['rajib1_test_xxx_topic']
replica_assignment = [[262, 261]]
topic_list = [NewTopic(topic, num_partitions=1, replica_assignment=replica_assignment) for topic in topic_name]
# Wait for each operation to finish.
for topic, f in futmap.items():
f.result() # The result itself is None
print("Topic {} created".format(topic))
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to create topic {}: {}".format(topic, e))
#return futmap
You could also use the kafka-reassign-partitions.sh tool that comes with Kafka to change the replicas of one topic to another broker.
For example, if you want to have your (in this example single-replicated, and single-partitioned) topic "test" be located on broker "1", you can first define a plan (named replicachange.json):
[{"topic": "test", "partition": 0,
"replicas": [
and then execute it using:
kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --execute \
--reassignment-json-file replicachange.json
Set-up 1:
OS: Windows 10
3 ZooKeeper instances downloaded from Apache(tested with v3.5.6 and v.3.4.14):
(1) apache-zookeeper-3.5.6-bin_1
(2) apache-zookeeper-3.5.6-bin_2 (Copy of 1)
(3) apache-zookeeper-3.5.6-bin_3 (Copy of 1)
myid file in dataDir with values 1,2 and 3 respectively
2 Kafka instances:
(1) kafka_2.12-2.3.0_1
(2) kafka_2.12-2.3.0_2 (Copy of 1)
spring-boot-starter-* 2.2.0.RELEASE
Set-up 2:
Same as set-up 1, the only difference being that instead of using the ZooKeeper downloaded from Apache, i am using the ZooKeeper that comes with Kafka.
The issue is that when i bring 1 Kafka down:
=> Set-up 1 will not fail-over, meaning that when i produce a message, the Kafka that is up is not receiving the message
=> Set-up 2 will fail-over, meaning that when i produce a message, the Kafka that is up will receive the message
Do you guys see anything wrong with Set-up 1?
P.S If you need more details, i am happy to provide.
In case it helps someone:
I had 2 Kafka instances, but my replication-factor for any topic created was 1(due to my misunderstanding/misinterpretation of its meaning).
What this means is that, at the time of topic creation, the topic/s will be either created in Kafka-1 or Kafka-2, not both. As such, when i tried to do a fail-over, the fail-over will fail, depending on which topic i am writing to, and which Kafka was brought down.
In short, if you have X Kafka instances, topic replication-factor needs to be X (Same goes for offsets.topic.replication.factor)
I'm trying to send a file to a topic using:
cat myfile | kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list $BROKER_URL --topic mytopic
When I check the count of messages on the topic I see few hundred messages less than actual.
During the write I see a message:
[2017-11-15 14:05:26,864] WARN Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 0 : {abc123=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
I have correctly set the advertised hostname and listeners.
What confuses me is that if leader is not available how does it manage to put any messages into the topic? Furthermore, the message appears randomly, sometimes it doesn't.
How can I debug this?
As pointed out by vahid in comments this is a know issue.
The workaround is to specify --request-required-acks 1 to the console producer.
The random occurence of LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE happens when I write to a new topic without explicitly creating it first. (Thanks to amethystic)
when filebeat output data to kafka , there are many warning message in filebeat log.
*WARN producer/broker/0 maximum request accumulated, waiting for space
*WARN producer/broker/0 maximum request accumulated, waiting for space
nothing special in my filebeat config:
hosts: ["localhost:9092"]
topic: "log-oneday"
i have also updated these socket setting in kafka:
but it did not work.
is there something i missing? or i have to increase those number bigger?
besides , no error or exception found in kafka server log
is there any expert have any idea about this ?
Apparently you have only one partition in your topic. Try to increase partitions for the topic. See the links below for more information.
More Partitions Lead to Higher Throughput
Try the following command (replacing info with your particular use case):
bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper zk_host:port/chroot --alter --topic my_topic_name --partitions 40
You need to configure 3 things:
Filebeat kafka output
Here a example (change paths according your environment).
Broker configuration:
# open kafka server configuration file
vim /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
# add this line
# The largest record batch size allowed by Kafka.
# restart kafka service
systemctl restart kafka.service
Filebeat kafka output:
max_message_bytes: 100000000
Consumer configuration:
# larger than the max.message.size