unable to login to pgAdmin4 - postgresql

after installing binary version (10.11.3) of postgressql, i set the username and password and username and started pgAdmin4. it was asking password to login but whenever i give correct password, it was giving incorrect password. So i reset MASTER_PASSWORD= false in
postgresql-10.11-3-windows-x64-binaries\pgsql\pgAdmin 4\web\congig.py file. I restarted the server. i am getting the below screen and i am unable to login.
I am not sure what is the problem.


Pgadmin4 specified user does not exist

I installed pgadmin4 on ubuntu 18.04 with the command:
sudo apt-get install pgadmin4 pgadmin4-apache2
During installation as usual I was prompted for an email and password, so I provided my email and a password. After installation when I try to login to pgadmin4 homepage with that email, I get the error:
specified user does not exist
I probably provided my email with some typo during installation. How do I solve this problem now? Is it possible to reset email without re-installing pgadmin4?
I found the db location where my credentials are stored.
In user table credentials are stored.
Funny thing is that postgres#localhost is appended right before my email. While providing email didn't expected them to be appended to my email address.
So to update my credentials I installed SQLite 3 and sqlitebrowser by following this tutorial.
I had to change permission of pgadmin folder and pgadmin4.db file. Rest was easy-
open sql browser
click on open database
click on browse data
select table user
update emeil address and save changes. Done

Unable to set connection password for IBM DB2 Warehouse on cloud

Getting the following error while trying to set the new password:
Current password must be provided and be valid when setting a new password.
Since it asks for old password too, I am providing the Bluemix password as the old password. Unable to find a was to set the password in the first place.
You can find the current password in the service credentials section in Bluemix. E.g.
Attribution: http://support.datascientistworkbench.com/knowledgebase/articles/826020-getting-credentials-to-access-a-dashdb-db2-wareho

Glassfish Server administrator password accidently removed

I have Netbeans 7.4 & GlassFish Server 4.0, I've accidently removed the password in server properties..
now everytime I start Netbeans a message box pops up saying
Authorization failed while checking GlassFish Server status, Please provide valid administrator credentials
and it asks me for username and password
the password seemed to be auto-generated, I've tried to login with admin and leave the password blank or admin as a password, it didn't work.
I also tried to permanently remove and re download it again in Netbeans, I got the same issue.
as per http://it.i88.ca/2012/07/glassfish-3-solution-recovery-admin.html
you can change the content of glassfish/domains/domain1/config/admin-keyfile to
and your asadmin password is now "changeit".

Cannot connect to Tryton database

After installing the standard Tryton packages in Ubuntu 12.04, I can start the client and create a new database. But the client refuses to connect to the database. It will display the locally created databases, but will fail to add the localhost profile.
If I try to add a new profile, the client will show the installed databases, but on clicking ok will fail silently back to the start screen, without adding the new profile.
New profile setting was:
Hostname: localhost
Port: 8000
Database: [Correctly displays the list of created Dbs]
Username: [I've tried everything from tryton, admin, test to root]
I have also tried to connect directly in the Tryton client without adding a new profile, then it will always yield "Bad user or password", no matter how exact I re-enter the tryton user with his password, or any other user (admin, root) for that matter.
I have followed the procedure in the documentation (Readme.debian: adding database user in /etc/trytond.conf and so forth, have registered tryton user with postgres and in trytond.conf).
Do I need to be logged in as tryton on Remote Desktop maybe?
The client was started on the Ubuntu desktop via Remote Desktop, logged in as root.
Tried to log in as tryton, too. That will get to the desktop, but somehow not show the Terminal window. Hence I can't start the Tryton client. Terminal will blink for a second and then vanish.
When you create a dabatase from the tryton client it ask you the admin password. You must enter with the 'admin' username and with the admin password you used on the database creation step.
Once you enter the system you will see and step to create additional User. You can skip it if you want, as they can be created at any time from Administration -> Users -> Users menĂº.
You must never use the passwords entered on etc/trytond.conf as this credentials are used from the tryton server to conect to the database. User logins are managed by tryton server.

Problems with postgres database in redmine after change in password

First, I'm a total newbie and I guess that's why this error occurred in the first place.
A colleague of mine stopped working and so I had to take over administrative stuff as the redmine we use and making backups.
So I wanted to schedule these backups automatically. Somewhere on the way I changed /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf for user postgres (that's the one for the redmine database.
from local all postgress peer to local all postgress trust so I could run a shell program in crontab. This worked but then redmine doesn't work anymore. I get this:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres" FATAL:
password authentication failed for user "postgres" (PG::Error)
On this the error site for redmine. I changed everything back and restarted everything, but it did't work.
Then I used an older backup to restore but still.
So, now I have no idea whats wrong. Maybe someone can help me.
I think it is because I've changed the password of the postgres user in ubuntu. I did not know at the moment that they are connected. I always got a password promt but I didn't know it (my colleague at least didn't tell me one) I've tried to change it in the data base as well with
ALTER USER Postgres WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword';
Would it be enough to reinstall the database and use an old backup?