Where can I found documentation about page lifecycle events? - google-chrome-devtools

I am using cdp (https://github.com/mafredri/cdp) in order to use devtools protocol to generate a pdf of a page. But first I need to know when the page is completely loaded. I found that the networkIdle event can help me to know when this occurs. But, I have troubles because the networkIdle event sometimes fired twice. Then I need to know when this one is fired

There are two parts for what you're looking for.
First of all, the reason the event is fired twice. When a new tab (target) is created, the first page it loads is about:blank. You get lifecycle events for this page as well. The second time the load event is fired is the one you're looking for (if you're using Page.lifecycleEvent).
Now, to handle the second matter - there are also other events you can use. The basic one for page loading is Page.loadEventFired, which, as far as I recall, will only be fired for the actual page (but I could be wrong about this one).
Important note: If you're using lifecycle events, they are fired for each frame separately, meaning that the main frame might finish loading before the sub frames are loaded. Page.loadEventFired has a different behavior and waits for all frames to fire their load event.

Here is a good article on the page lifecycle api.
Another possible solution could be:
document.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
run the screenshot code...


Why would fireEvent work but userEvent not work?

In short, I have a table row with an onclick event. I am getting this via
const row = screen.getByRole('row', { name: /My row/i })
await userEvent.click(row)
This does not trigger the event handler. However, if I do:
const row = screen.getByRole('row', { name: /My row/i })
This works fine.
I know userEvent uses more events to simulate a row click, but the event handler works fine in the live application too. Are there any reasons why userEvent might not work?
Like most very strange things, the problem lied elsewhere. But for documentation purposes, this was due to the app rerendering while doing my assertions. What would happen was this:
App renders, making a bunch of API calls
My API call for my test finishes, say, get user
findByText('My User') passes and gets me my DOM element
Another API call finishes, re-rendering the component to show this data
The result of findByText is no longer the current active DOM element
click fires
As its no longer in the document, there's nothing to click/fire an event
I changed my previous lines to check for ALL data loads before grabbing my row and it seems to consistently be working. This means I have to assert things unrelated to my tests, but that may be due to my app having poor UX with things popping in as they load?
Either way, I'm not 100% confident this is the reason, but if
userEvent.click is not firing events, or
toBeInTheDocument is failing, even if findBy worked
It may be due to your app rerendering after you've asserted everything has loaded. Hope I can save someone else 3 days of suffering like I had to to find that simple fact...

ag-grid-vue: Is there an event which is guaranteed to fire before onGridReady and onFirstDataRendered?

I've just started using ag-grid with vue, and noticed that sometimes onGridReady fires first, and sometimes onFirstDataRendered fires first. I was wondering if there was an event guaranteed to fire before both of those, so that I could set this.gridApi = grid.api once. (I'm currently setting it at the beginning of both as a workaround).
Update: this only seems to happen when the vue component containing the grid is initialized after page load (via a v:if), and not when it is visible on page load.
Actually you missed something I suppose, cuz onFirstDataRendered couldn't be executed before gridReady - cuz only after initialization (exact grid-ready event) - the grid itself would be ready to proceed.
Here is a hierarchy from ag-grid doc, which sais :
GridReadyEvent - will be executed very first.

Initializing component inside a home page in Ionic4

I have a Home Page, inside that I have created one component RecentlyViewedProductComponent.
My problem is:
when I navigate to /home by using
the ngOnInit() inside RecentlyViewedProductComponent is not working. When I close the app and open it again, that only it is working .
How to solve this problem?
It sounds like you are not using the right lifecycle event.
Have you looked at the documentation here:
It says that ngOnInit() is:
Fired once during component initialization. This event can be used to initialize local members and make calls into services that only need to be done once.
If you want it to be called every time you navigate to the home page then you want to replace this with something like ionViewWillEnter():
Fired when the component routing to is about to animate into view.
There is actually some guidance at the end of the docs page that you might find interesting which explains when to use each life cycle method.

Ionic- need an event after page is backed

I need an event of page which is backed.
IonWillEnter or ionViewDiEnter events aren't fired when page is backed.
Ionic framework seems to show page simply when a back button is clicked.
Would you like to teach me?
Sorry for my poor English.
For your info.. Ionic 2 lifecycle method
ionViewDidLoad - works the same way as ngOnInit, fires once when the view is
initially loaded into the DOM
ionViewWillEnter and ionViewDidEnter - hooks that are available before and after the page becomes active
ionViewWillLeave and ionViewDidLeave - hooks that are available before and after the page leaves the viewport
ionViewWillUnload - is available before the page is removed from the DOM
You should use ionViewWillLeave / ioniViewDidLeave to track the page back/close event
According to https://ionicframework.com/blog/navigating-lifecycle-events/
ionViewWillEnter: It’s fired when entering a page, before it becomes the active one. Use it for tasks you want to do every time you enter in the view (setting event listeners, updating a table, etc.).
ionViewDidEnter: Fired when entering a page, after it becomes the active page. Quite similar to the previous one.
So you can use any of above. I prefer ionViewDidEnter more in this scenario so screen render faster if you call any API.

GWT event handlers blocking UI

I'm new to GWT. I creating a MVP based project (as described here) that uses a number of custom events. There are several widgets (10+) that listen for some global events and perform some action (including writing to the DOM) in the event handlers.
What I'm finding is that the UI blocks and doesn't update until each and every one of the handlers for the one event finishes processing. This is causing the UI to perform slowly on page load and for any other events that cause the widget to update.
I created a similar project in plain JavaScript/jQuery and this was not an issue with that project. In fact, the UI was blazing fast. What am I doing wrong here? The documentation states that GWT is very performant, so I have to conclude that I'm just doing it wrong.
One example, I have a drop down that selects a date preset (like Yesterday, or Last Week). When this happens I set the selected preset in the model like so:
public void setDateRange(DatePreset dateRange) {
this.dateRange = dateRange;
eventBus.fireEvent(new DateChangedEvent(dateRange));
Each of the widgets has access to the same eventbus and registers to handler DateChanged events. Each of the widgets needs to do a fair amount of logic and processing (including making an ajax call) to then update itself with correct data.
public void onDateChanged(DateChangedEvent event) {
DatePreset dateRange = event.getDate();
… additional processing and logic
… ajax call
I've determined after some basic profiling that each widget requires about 100-150ms to finish processing (which means there's a UI delay of over one to two seconds). When I say blocking, I mean the dropdown where I selected the date preset doesn't even close (and I see the spinny wheel) until everything finishes.
What can I do to make this run faster (and without UI blocking)? I am open to any ideas. Thanks!
Measuring the speed of the project in developer mode can be a reason for this extreme slowness.
You can check out the real speed of the application if you deploy it to an appserver or if you delete the &gwt.codesvr= part from the end of the url in devmode.