Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' - form tag and onclick - forms

I am a newbie to javascript and am following an old tutorial from 2013 in German.
I wonder if certain commands and codes are now deprecated as I have tried to make this code work in an external javascript file.
function clicked() {
alert("can't you read?");
<input onclick="clicked()" type ="button" value = "don't click"/>
I get an error message which states:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'
I get the same error message when I try this code instead,
<button onclick="clicked()" type="button">"don't click"</button>
I tried to find solutions online, but it appears as if the javascript-verse has evolved to more complicated looking solutions.
Can someone help?

I actually figured it out by finding a reference from 2008.
Anything between the form tags and including the form tags goes into the html file.
<input onclick="clicked()" type ="button" value = "don't click"/>
The function itself remains on the external javascript file
function clicked() {
alert("can't you read?");
The solution looks definitely simpler than all other onsubmit or onclick codes I have seen today. I therefore assume that I may miss some tricks by being overly simplistic.


Angular2: ControlGroup inside ControlArray

I’m having a hard time figuring out how to iterate over a ControlArray that contains Controlgroups in a template. In TypeScript, so far I have created the ControlArray, and by iterating over data received from a remote service, I added a few ControlGroups to the array. Everything fine up to this point, and I can see the expected data structure in the console.
In the template, I have this:
<div *ngFor="#c of categories.controls">
<div ngControlGroup="c">
... where categories is the ControlArray (which holds an array of ControlGroups in its controls property). When I leave out the inner <div>, I don’t get an error, which suggests that Angular agrees with me that categories.controls is indeed an array. But as soon as I re-add the inner <div> (where I expect the local variable c to be one of the objects in the array), I get an exception with message “Cannot find control 'c' in [c in ]”. Also, I tried various other syntactical approaches, but none of them worked. In addition to a “Cannot find control …” method I also got “Cannot find a differ supporting object …”, but that didn’t take me any further.
Any hints regarding what I’m doing wrong?
ngControlGroup is defining a new control group. If I understand your question correctly, you want to actually be editing items within a control group inside a control array. Check out this plnkr: https://plnkr.co/edit/3gM2TuMGBW13HNATUcCO
<div *ngFor="#c of categories.controls; #i = index">
Control group {{i}}:
<input type="text" class="form-control m-b" [ngFormControl]="c.controls.title"/>
<input type="text" class="form-control m-b" [ngFormControl]="c.controls.id"/>
One error is
which doesn't do any binding. It passes the literal c to ngControlGroup. It should be:
The errors that are still produced after this fix seem because there are no controls.
Error is resolved by changing
Because by assigning c to ngControlGroup you are just assigning the value instead of any binding. but strange why [ngControlGroup] still produces some error.apart from these here is working example

Why does the first assert work, but not the second?

I'm using Watir WebDriver with Firefox.
Here are two asserts for the same element. The first works, but not the second:
assert_match(/Please add user to GMT/, #browser.small(:class, "error").text)
assert_match(/Please add user to GMT/, #browser.div(:class, "eight mobile-three columns").small(:class, "error").text)
I need the second assert to work, because there are 8 error messages on the page, which are presented if the user does not populate 8 mandatory fields. All 8 errors have the identical HTML. So, I need to be able to step down from the parent.
Here is the HTML:
<div class="eight mobile-three columns">
<a id="btnAddUserToGMT" class="success radius button expand error" onclick="AddUserToGMT();" data-reveal-id="addToGMT" href="#"> … </a>
<small class="error" style="margin-top:0px;">
Please add user to GMT
Here is the error message:
Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: unable to locate element, using {:class=>"error", :tag_name=>"small"}
C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/watir-webdriver-0.6.4/lib/watir-webdriver/elements/element.rb:490:in `assert_exists'
C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/watir-webdriver-0.6.4/lib/watir-webdriver/elements/element.rb:85:in `text'
C:/Documents and Settings/Asserts_01.rb:22:in `testBasic'
The complaint for the second assert is:
unable to locate element, using {:class=>"error", :tag_name=>"small"}
And yet that same using was OK for the first assert.
Problem solved.
After discussion with the developer, it appears that by some unusual manipulation of automatically generated HTML, the text of the error message appears at its correct location on the page. But the assertion must be based on a different tag, which is specified at some completely different position on the page.
For example, I was trying to assert on this code at the correct position:
<small class="error" style="margin-top:0px;">
Gender is required
Even unique xPath generated by FirePath failed to find this.
What I should have asserted on was a HIDDEN tag on a completely different part of the page.
<input id="errorMsgGenderID" name="errorMsgGenderID" type="hidden" value="Gender is required" />
There were several such tags for each mandatory field that was not populated, all bunched together on the same line. They were all "input" tags, which puzzled me.

get checkbox group values

This has driven me really bananas. It's so simple and easy and yet I can't figure out what's wrong with it.
I want to get my checkbox value populated in my controller (for testing purposes).
Here is my form.
<a href='#' name='submitForm'>submit the form</a>
//I have jquery attached to this tag and will submit the form when user clicks it
echo form_open('test/show');
echo form_checkbox('checkbox[]','value1');
echo form_checkbox('checkbox[]','value2');
echo form_checkbox('checkbox[]','value3');
echo form_checkbox('checkbox[]','value4');
echo "<input type='text' name='text1' value='ddd'>";
echo form_close();
//My controller test
public function show(){
//I can get text1 value from input box
//it keeps giving me undefined index 'checkbox'
//same error message
//WTH is going on here!!!!!
Please help. This thing drives me nuts! Thanks.
Thanks for the help. To be more precisely, my submit button is a <a> tag and outside of form tag. It appear that I have to include <a> tag inside my form tag to make them works. Is that true?
A checkbox will not submit any data if it is unchecked as they're not considered successful (as per the w3c specification here)
If you actually tick the box and submit, it'll work - in fact it does, I've just tested it.
You need to wrap calls to $_POST in the isset() function.
if( isset( $_POST['checkbox'] ) ) {}
Calling $this->input->post('checkbox') shouldn't give you an undefined index error as the method deals with this eventuality. the Input::post() method returns false or the value of the checkbox.
Edit --
In response to your amendment to your question, you must use an element of type input with the type attribute set to submit in order to submit your form data without the use of Javascript etc. This button must be INSIDE the <form></form> which you are intending to submit.
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
The type="submit" causes the browser to send the data as submit event occurs. If you wish to use another element insider or outside of the form to do this you need to use Javascript. This however can be disabled on a per browser/user basis and isn't reliable as a result.
// Standard Javascript
<form name="myform"...
<a onclick="javascript:document.myform.submit();" href="javascript:void(0)">Submit</a>
// jQuery
$('#my-a-tag-submit-button').live( 'click', function() {

Why do forms timeout in ColdFusion?

We're on CF 8 and we have a CF application with a 1 hour session timeout specified.
<cfapplication sessionmanagement="yes" sessiontimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(0, 0, 60, 0)#" name="myAppName" clientmanagement="yes">
Within the CF administrator, we have a default session timeout of 1 hour, and a max session timeout of 1 day.
We're having some odd (intermittent) form timeout issues on submission of a regular form (not a flash form)...
Let's say the user hits the form page at 10:30am. (I know this because I'm appending the time to the "Action" property of the form tag). At 11:10am, the user submits the form, but none of the form struct is available to the action page, so the user gets an error.
I know that it's coming from the correct page since the CGI.referrer is defined properly.
In my custom error handler, I iterate over any form, session, or client structs -- and there is NO form struct defined at this point. All of the other Session and Client variables ARE still available.
Excerpts from Form Page:
<cfform name="chairsComment" id="chairsComment" action="library/save_chairsComment.cfm?Start=0224_153027" method="post" >
<input name="chairsCommentNumber" id="chairsCommentNumber" type="hidden" value="13" />
<textarea name="comment_13" rows="50" wrap="virtual" cols="100" id="comment_13" ></textarea>
<input name="save_answer" id="save_answer" type="submit" value="Save Response" />
And for the Action page, it throws an error on line 1:
<cfset whichCommentNumber = form.chairsCommentNumber>
It works during testing, but when some of our users use it, it throws the error that "Element CHAIRSCOMMENTNUMBER is undefined in FORM." We've just started looking at the specific browser that this individual is using (Safari 4.0.3) and asked him to upgrade to 5.x, but with SUCH a vanilla form, it seems an unlikely culprit.
Any Ideas?
In the midst of a discussion on Ray Camden's blog about file uploading, someone mentions a problem with Safari 4.0.5 throwing an error because the form field did not contain a file ... it's not the same problem, necessarily, but it could be related. Unfortunately, the commenter never returned with more information.
There's a post on another blog here where a commenter mentions an issue with Safari and a cfform inside a cfdiv tag. If your cfform is similarly nested, you might need to reverse the order (nest the cfdiv inside the form) to make this work.

Zend_Forms Errors Decorator - remove html tags

Error decorator input errors such way:
<ul class="error">
<li>Error message</li>
How can i remove this tags and leave only error message text?
I think a neat solution to the problem is to create your own custom decorator, and use it instead of the "Errors" decorator.
$errors = $zendForm->getErrorMessages();
I think this should work? Not 100% sure though I don't have time to check documentation.