How can i use html2pdf with crontab? - html2pdf

I have to create a daily crontab to send a pdf list to an email address.
The script works fine by calling from a browser, but not in a crontab
I know that is a path problem but anything works (relative path, full url).
Can you help me ? Thank you
$url= ????
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P','A4','fr');


Apps script does not send email containing links to Google Drive files on a given G Suite domain, no error message

We are currently working on a short Apps script that sends links to Google Drive files (shared with anyone with the link) through the MailApp.sendEmail(options) function.
The script works well on our test G Suite domain but on the production domain, it just does not send the emails. There are no error messages.
Some code
The issue can be reproduced through the following pieces of code: file
function test_sendEmail() {
const template = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('template.html'); = "";
template.title = "This is a link";
const mailBody = template.evaluate().getContent();
console.log("Quota: " + MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota()); /* Quota is not exceeded. */
try {
const options = {
to: "", /* Replace this with your email address */
subject: "LINK",
htmlBody: mailBody,
noReply: true
} catch(e) {
template.html file
Link: <a href='<?= link ?>'><?= title ?></a>
What we tried
Emails are properly sent when the link does not contain the part. For example, emails with links to are sent properly.
We are able to send an email from the Gmail account the script is executed as and this email is sent properly with the Drive links.
As opposite as this question, I do not get "Message blocked" email and using GmailApp.sendEmail instead of MailApp.sendEmail does not seem to change anything.
Finally, the script above works well in the test G Suite domains and in some others we tried.
Thus, I believe that it comes from the G Suite domain configuration that have specific restrictions on Apps script. Is it possible? Where can I change it in the G Suite admin console? What other points should I check to make it work?
More details on the issue:
The script fail to send email both with G Suite, gmail and other
email addresses.
We tried in both Apps script runtime (V8 and legacy). Both doesn't
work properly.
I believe that SPF/DKIM/DMARC are not setup in the domain.
We use the same test recipients in both G Suite environments.
The code after the sendEmail method call is executed properly.
The provided template was just an example to reproduce the issue.
The real template looks like a typical email, with a list of links. It is not link-only.
In the future, the script is supposed to send less than 100 emails per day. Right now, it is just sending a few test emails (not more than in test environment).
We use the default cloud project associated with the script.
The script is bound to a Google Sheets file.
Below is the real template that we use.
Dear Customers,<br/><br/>
We inform you that new documents are available. Please find them below:
<? for(let i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) { ?>
<li>Document <a href='<?= docs[i].link ?>'><?= docs[i].title ?></a>, <i><?= docs[i].documentType ?></i> is available</li>
<? } ?>
Your customer service.
Instead of MailApp use GmailApp (you might have to change the sendEmail parameters, check the docs)
The above because others have being reported similar problems, actually something similar happened recently to me while working on client's project.
MailApp.sendEmail method doesn't get through to accounts with URL in the body - Message Blocked

Yii2 download pdf with mail attachment at same time using kartik\mpdf\Pdf

I am using kartik\mpdf\Pdf lib. to generate pdf in yii2 of dynamic data. I am able to download file but I also want to send pdf attachment in mail also at the same time I am download file. Can anyone suggest me good way to do that. what I was thinking to firstly store content in variable and send that to mail then make it download
$pdfAttachment = $pdf->render();
$message = Yii::$app->mailer->compose('attachment-template');
->setSubject('Message subject')
return $pdfAttachment;
but this is not working. can anyone suggest me where I am lacking.
You can do this by following steps:
Create a pdf generate function with parameter 'destination'.
Call this function with parameter 'S' You will get the pdf content as string.
Send it:
$email = \Yii::$app->mailer->compose()
->setFrom([\Yii::$app->params['supportEmail'] => \Yii::$app->name])
->setSubject(' subject')
->setTextBody('...pdf attached..')
->attachContent($content,['fileName' => 'anyFilename.pdf','contentType' => 'application/pdf'])
Call again the function with parameter 'D' or 'I'. Send it to browser.
That's all.

Sending HTML email from Joomla! component

I am developing a Joomla!3.0/3.1 component that allows people to book a golf lesson online. When they complete the booking and process paypal payment, I want to send them a receipt/confirmation email.
I can do this fine and send the information in html or plain text format. However I don't like the fact that I now have view (email content) data within my controller code.
Is it possible to have a sort of template view file which can be parsed and sent as the contents instead? or am I stuck with it in my code?
On admin side create a section for editing your email template with Joomla's default editor
you an create an editor on the backend and open an html file inside that, for changing the styles ,formats content etc for users.
keep your template file as an HTML file on server and email sending time something like below.
function send_mail_account_pages($email_title,$greeting_text,$subject,$email_content,$user_email){
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$data['fromname'] = $config->get('fromname');
$data['mailfrom'] = $config->get('mailfrom');
$data['sitename'] = $config->get('sitename');
$path = JPATH_BASE."/email_tmpl/";
$fp = fopen($path."email_tmpl.html","r");
$fsize = filesize($path."email_tmpl.html");
$fcontent = fread($fp,$fsize);
$date_format = date("M.d, Y");
$fcontent = str_replace("{email_page_title}",$email_title,$fcontent);
$fcontent = str_replace("{date}",$date_format,$fcontent);
$fcontent = str_replace("{greeting_text}",$greeting_text,$fcontent);
$fcontent = str_replace("{email_content}",$email_content,$fcontent);
$fcontent = str_replace("{thanks_text}",THANKS_TEXT,$fcontent);
$return = JUtility::sendMail($data['mailfrom'], $data['fromname'], $user_email, $subject, $fcontent,1);
This way you can make admin users to give access to change the template styles make sure admin users do not edit the {place holders}.
Hope its helps..
Add a configuration field to your component of type textarea or editor, and let the user write the email template. You should explain which tokens are available or at least provide a default text, such as
today I received {NUM_MESSAGES} messages on your behalf,
and your profile has been viewed {NUM_PROFILEVIEWS} times.
Then simply replace the {TOKENS} in your code with str_replace.

Laravel 4 Email in development environment

Mail::pretend() logs only that a sending mail was pretended. Is it possible to dump output of the rendered email to a file or log during development?
a great option I've started using is
you set your smtp settings to route to this simple program & it intercepts the emails in an Outlook-like app, as if the email really sent out
If you cache the rendered view in a variable then you can do it, like
$renderedView = View::make('email.index', $data); // email(folder)/index(file);
// Now you can dump the output ($renderedView) to a file
File::put('path/to/file', $renderedView)
$data['content'] = $renderedView;
Mail::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
// code here

Email body in Symfony 1.4 mailer?

I'm using the Symfony 1.4 mailer where I build the various bits needed for an email and then send it out using:
$this->getMailer()->composeAndSend($sender, $recipient, $subject, $body);
In the email body, I need to able to take advantage of variables generated in the action, so right now I might have this in my action:
$body = 'Your username is '.$username.' and this is the email body.';
Does anyone know of an elegant way of storing/organising various email bodies, instead of having to code them like this straight into my action? I will have many email templates and will also have them in multiple languages.
I've found an old Askeet tutorial discussing this but it seems somewhat out of date with the new symfony 1.4 integration of SwiftMailer, and SwiftMailer documentation itself isn't very clear on this.
Thank you.
I store the email bodies as a template file and render them via sfPartialView. E.g. inside an action:
$view = new sfPartialView($this->getContext(), $this->getModuleName(), $this->getActionName(), 'confirmation_mail');
// values can be set e.g. by setAttibute
$view->setAttribute('name', $name);
$body = $view->render()
The body templates are located in the module's template folder, but I am sure you can somehow change this and e.g. put all email templates into one folder if you want to.
How about just using the native method availible inside sfAction.
$this->getPartial('partial_name'); which works like the partial helpers for you templates.