AWX 9.1.1: j2 render Playbook runs successfully, but won't write results out to directory; running from CLI works properly - ansible-awx

I have a weird situation that I think is a bug in the latest release of AWX (v9.1.1). In fact, I have registered this issue as a possible bug with AWX development (Issue #5818). From the report:
When executing a j2 template rendering Playbook role from AWX, the Playbook runs without error, but the rendered file is never written out to the directory. If you run the Playbook from the CLI, it runs without error and will write out the file correctly.
AWX version: 9.1.1
AWX install method: Docker Compose
Ansible version: AWX v2.8.5; CLI environment 2.9.4; have downgraded the CLI to 2.8.5 and no change in behavior.
Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Web Browser: Chrome
Simply execute the Playbook role from CLI - successful. Execute within AWX - successful but no rendered template file is written.
Expect the template to render and show Change=1 as the completed status. Running the job once more should result in Change=0 due to idempotency.
No matter how many times the Playbook is ran in AWX, it still shows Change=1 (idempotency is indicating that the rendered file and existing file don't match).
One other piece of info noted during the debugs is that AWX 9.1.1 apparently uses Python3 in its venv; whereas my old functioning instance uses Python 2.7. Still, I've tried running the Playbook with different versions of Ansible and in both Python2 and Python3 venvs. Again, no issue with CLI execution with "ansible-playbook foo.yml".
Tried stopping all Containers, did a Docker system prune -a, deleted the cloned awx repo, and re-cloned/re-installed AWX. I've even tried pointing to both an internal and external assets database, but still no change.
Hopefully someone else has encountered this bizarre problem.
Thanks, Community!


How to start Github Action (self-runner) on own machine with Ubuntu and Docker?

I successfully downloaded and started GitHub runner on my own Ubuntu machine. GitLab have a nice runner installer, but GitHub have only package with files and file.
When I will start the, it works and GitHub runner starts for listening of actions.
But I couldn't find it anywhere in the documentation, how to correctly integrate the package with sh file into Ubuntu to start sh automatically after Ubuntu starts.
Also I didn't find, if there is needed to do some steps to make runner secure from the internet.
...and also I don't know, where I can setup to be able to run parallel actions, and also where I can setup the limitations of resources, etc...
Thanks a lot for an each help.

Hyperledger FabCar Network issue via Visual Studio Code

While reproducing steps from an interesting tutorial found online - Hyperledger Fabric 1.4 Tutorial - FabCar Sample Application, I have installed all Hyperledger Fabric binaries via the Curl command:
curl -sSL | bash -s
From the Command Prompt window one can see that, the scripts are run correctly leading to the pull of hyperledger-docker images.
However, while launching the network from Visual Studio Code through the execution of
./ javascript from the fabcar sub-directory, one ends up with Fabric Images issues, which seems paradoxical.
A similar issue has been encountered, while attempting to bring up the network via the command
./ up
from the test-network sub-directory too.
Thus, any relevant feedback would indeed be appreciated, given an absence of rationale to justify this matter.
As a matter of fact, a synchronization issue might have caused the previously reported issue, since fabric-samples v.1.4.9 is not found from Curl command documented online. Thus the script automatically installs the latest Fabric binaries 2.x.
To rule out this issue, I have re-executed the Curl command by specifying the version 1.4.4 instead.
Therefore I can confirm, that the test-network sub-directory is not part of the Fabric binaries pertaining to the version 1.4x.
Furthermore, before the installation of this binaries, I had removed all containers, and related images, yielding to:
Back to the fabcar sub-directory, running:
./ javascript has still led to the following network issue :
What strikes me the most is:
firstly, that configtxlator can be found on my C:\Users\...\Documents\test4\fabric-samples\bin as opposed to the path highlighted on the command window.
secondly, I do not see the matter of version's incompatibility by scrutinizing
Eventually, the manual amendment of IMAGETAG has not improved the situation.
You seem to have the different version.
In hyperledger/fabric-samples, the test-network does not exist in version 1.4. In other words, you are running the code for the master version of fabric-samples (currently the version 2.x version). Since you're running the 1.4 tutorial, run the commands based on the 1.4 documentation and code.
[NOTE] It is also very likely that the different version binary has been installed. In the fabric document, the version can be specified and downloaded, so to download the binary of the corresponding version, you need to execute the command including the input parameter (version) below.
curl -sSL | bash -s - 1.4.9 1.4.9 0.4.21
[EDIT - 1]
Prior to the explanation, in 1.4.x, first-network/ exists, not test-network/ Change the branch of your fabric-samples to release-1.4.
Do not run 2.x code while doing the 1.4 tutorial.
./ basically executes the image tag as latest. That is, if you have pulled the 2.x version of the image, even if you proceed to 1.4.x, it will run as 2.x.
cd fabric-samples
git checkout release-1.4
There are two ways.
tag the latest with 1.4.x image
Untag all hyperledger latest image tags, and tag 1.4.x images as latest.
(In fact, the easiest way is to delete both the 2.x and 1.4.x images and execute the command again.)
Or edit in
There is a part to set IMAGE_TAG in
# default image tag
# IMAGETAG="latest"
Make sure the value of that part matches your 1.4.x version
[EDIT - 2]
For binary I don't know where and how you built it. However, you can easily build it on the fabric github.
make binaries
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd fabric
git checkout release-1.4
make native
native - ensures all native binaries are available
configtxgen - builds a native configtxgen binary
configtxlator - builds a native configtxlator binary
cryptogen - builds a native cryptogen binary
idemixgen - builds a native idemixgen binary
peer - builds a native fabric peer binary
orderer - builds a native fabric orderer binary
Path setting
mv $GOPATH/src/* <your_bin_path>
# in my case
# mv $GOPATH/src/* usr/local/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/src/

DATABRICKS connect 6.4 not able to communicate with server anymore

I am running Pycharm on my MacBook.
Client settings:
Python Interpreter -> Python 3.7 (dtabricks-connect-6.4)
Cluster settings:
Databricks Runtime Version -> 6.4 (includes Apache Spark 2.4.5, Scala 2.11)
It worked well for months but suddenly, without any updates made, I cant run my python script from Pycharm against databricks cluster anymore.
The Error is ...
Caused by: `java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The cluster is running server version `dbr-6.4` but this client only supports Set(dbr-5.5)....`
I restarted Pycharm, I witched back and for the interpreter, I restarted the cluster and I even restarted my MacBook but it didnt helped. The Error message is simply false, because both, cluster and client are using the SAME version. I can see that when I execute my python script that the cluster is being started but fails at the end.
pyenv activate databricks-connect-6-4
pip freeze
It looks like that it was caused by some internal changes on the server side, and this prevents databricks-connect from working. You can always disable this check by setting environment variable DEBUG_IGNORE_VERSION_MISMATCH to value 1 (export DEBUG_IGNORE_VERSION_MISMATCH=1 in the console before executing databricks-connect test) - you can also set this environment variable in the PyCharm.
Update: it should be fixed by Databricks Connect 6.4.2 that was just released.
Thanks for raising this. The Databricks-Connect team has acknowledged this issue and we are working on a patch to address this issue. Will keep you posted. In the meantime you can use the DEBUG_IGNORE_VERSION_MISMATCH as Alex pointed out.
Update: A compatible db-connect client has been released to fix this problem: version 6.4.2 (, install with: pip install databricks-connect==6.4.2).

Need to Install Concourse(CI/CD) on windows system

I need to install Concourse(CI/CD) on my Local windows machine
Below process I followed :
Install Bosh on local system.
It was successfully install and while executing command at command prompt
then it show version all "bosh" -- "version 3.0.1-712bfd7-2018-03-13T23:26:43Z".
Try Download the concourse-lite deployment manifest file but it fails it shows below error.
Follow the below link to install Concourse : --- section For Windows:
I don't reccomend doing this at all because you'll be swimming so far out of the main stream that you'll find tons of issues and no one is going to care enough to want to fix them.
Even if you didn't find any issues, resources require a linux worker for anything to work so your going to need linux anyways.
I recommend running your db, web and linux worker on linux and then running windows workers as needed.

Webtop2sd on Driod Bionic

I am not able to boot the custom webtop. When I boot webtop, I just get the standard version with no ability to install programs, run LXTerm, etc...
I am running a rooted stock Bionic 902
I have applied the HDMI webtop hack
I ran webtop2sd
I ran the custom busybox installer
I applied the e mbm.tar.bz2 patch
I reran the webtop2sd installer.
No change in the webtop that booted after any of those steps.
My diagnostics for webtop2sd is:
version: 2.0.1
Mount executable Version webtop2sd/2.0.0
Custom busybox installed: Y
Webtop configurator version: 33
Currently mounted webtops: webtop, mmcblk0p2
Does anybody have a solution for this?
mbm's patch just enables the gnome terminal in Webtop, so that you can then access other things through command line. try Ctrl-alt-t. that should bring up the Terminal built in to Ubuntu. can you link the mbm.tar.bz2? if you have a working one, which you seem to, i cant find one anywhere! thanks!