REST API response of Array Data Provider - rest

I am developing api to get all users
URL is
Here is the code
public function actionIndex() {
$provider = new ArrayDataProvider([
'allModels' => User::find()->all(),
'sort' => [
'attributes' => ['id'],
'pagination' => [
'pageSize' => 10,
return $provider;
OUT put is
"id": 4,
"full_name": "Shahid admin"
"id": 6,
"full_name": "First client"
But when i change the out put in another format:
return (new ApiResponse)->success(['user' => $provider], ApiResponse::success);
then output is changed ie give me whole object of user model and pagination not working
"name": "Success",
"message": "Success",
"code": 200,
"status": "",
"type": "Response",
"models": {
"user": {
"key": null,
"allModels": [
"id": 6,
"full_name": "First client",
"profile_image_id": null,
"profile_image": null,
"isverify": 1
"id": 7,
"full_name": "Eng instrcutor",
"profile_image_id": null,
"profile_image": null,
"isverify": 1


How to handle tags and hierarchies in ag-grid table data structure?

I would like to use the pivot feature, but since my data has a lot of tags (1-level nested), I'm not sure how to make ag-grid parse this data and recognize it.
Here's the data for example:
"_id": "1",
"symbol": "sym1",
"open_date": "2019-04-23",
"_type": "t1",
"currency": "USD",
"quantity": 456,
"tags": [
"tag": "G_TAG1",
"group_name": "Group_1",
"tag": "G_TAG2",
"group_name": "Group_1",
"_id": "2",
"symbol": "sym2",
"open_date": "2029-01-11",
"_type": "t2",
"currency": "EUR",
"quantity": 312,
"tags": [
"tag": "G3_TAG-ABC",
"group_name": "Group_3",
"tag": "G2_TAG-DEF",
"group_name": "Group_2",
"tag": "G_TAG3",
"group_name": "Group_1",
"_id": "3",
"symbol": "sym3",
"open_date": "2010-12-01",
"_type": "t3",
"currency": "AUD",
"quantity": 123,
"tags": [
"tag": "G_TAG3",
"group_name": "Group_1",
In columnDefs, I defined tags column like this:
enablePivot: true,
children: [
headerName: "Tag", valueGetter: params => => x.tag),
enablePivot: true,
headerName: "Tag Group", valueGetter: params => => x.group_name),
enablePivot: true,
Each data point has a list of tags and each tag can belong to a group or not. So the top-most hierarchy is the tag group and below that are the individual tags.
Is there a way aggrid can recognize this or a way I can transform the data so visualize per-tag or per-group statistics? For example, can I view stats grouped by tag group > tag > symbol?

Query nested object in mongodb without key

I have multiple documents saved which look like the one shown below, how would I query against a nested object without the ID to receive the right document?
Here is what I current, but this doesnt work, as I dont have the ID at the start.
"": 5,
This is what ive tested and know works but I dont know the ID -
"": 5,
Document example -
"_id": {
"$oid": "6338b69062433c04642d26ca"
"100201": {
"broken": true,
"details": {
"build": {
"id": 1018458,
"hardware": {
"id": 5,
"model": {
"id": 131,
"id": 2811302,
"view": {
"id": 781,
"id": "100201",
"links": [
"details": {
"id": 7832,
"id": 15012,
"description": null,
"details": {
"id": 6528,
"model": {
"id": 530
"id": 15076,
"ref": false,
any help would be appreciated

Grouping select with partial

Hello i have here this code:
public function getConversations($user, $limit, $page)
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('message');
->select('message, partial o.{id}, partial userFrom.{id, username, avatar}, partial userTo.{id, username, avatar}, partial availability.{id, timeFrom}')
->leftJoin('message.from', 'userFrom')
->leftJoin('', 'userTo')
->leftJoin('message.order', 'o')
->leftJoin('o.availabilities', 'availability')
$qb->expr()->eq('message.from', ':user'),
$qb->expr()->eq('', ':user')
->setParameter('user', $user)
->addOrderBy('message.created', Criteria::DESC);
return $qb->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
I want to get only last message connected to each order. If i have 2 messages to order it gives me 2 rows but i need only one (the last one). I tried to use GROUP BY but it didn't work well. It wanted me to put all foreign ids to group by and then the result was really bad.
Result for this is:
"id": "813fa986-f89b-411d-8324-727e427cbc01",
"isRead": false,
"created": {
"date": "2016-12-12 18:01:00.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
"content": "Hello to you too",
"contentType": "text",
"from": {
"id": "3e1806d6-f47e-48b4-afdb-1081d9555a3f",
"avatar": "",
"username": "User two"
"to": {
"id": "52ead9fa-b498-400b-967d-b49886ab3118",
"avatar": "",
"username": "User one"
"order": {
"id": "8349e718-405a-4e88-8155-3896e9a89fdf",
"availabilities": [
"id": "9ddc07e0-be3d-453c-b12f-0ee31bfce444",
"timeFrom": {
"date": "2016-12-03 12:00:00.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
"id": "813fa986-f89b-411d-8324-727e427cbc00",
"isRead": false,
"created": {
"date": "2016-12-12 18:00:00.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
"content": "Helllooooooo",
"contentType": "text",
"from": {
"id": "52ead9fa-b498-400b-967d-b49886ab3118",
"avatar": "",
"username": "User one"
"to": {
"id": "3e1806d6-f47e-48b4-afdb-1081d9555a3f",
"avatar": "",
"username": "User two"
"order": {
"id": "8349e718-405a-4e88-8155-3896e9a89fdf",
"availabilities": [
"id": "9ddc07e0-be3d-453c-b12f-0ee31bfce444",
"timeFrom": {
"date": "2016-12-03 12:00:00.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
and should be just like this:
"id": "813fa986-f89b-411d-8324-727e427cbc01",
"isRead": false,
"created": {
"date": "2016-12-12 18:01:00.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
"content": "Hello to you too",
"contentType": "text",
"from": {
"id": "3e1806d6-f47e-48b4-afdb-1081d9555a3f",
"avatar": "",
"username": "User two"
"to": {
"id": "52ead9fa-b498-400b-967d-b49886ab3118",
"avatar": "",
"username": "User one"
"order": {
"id": "8349e718-405a-4e88-8155-3896e9a89fdf",
"availabilities": [
"id": "9ddc07e0-be3d-453c-b12f-0ee31bfce444",
"timeFrom": {
"date": "2016-12-03 12:00:00.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"

Domino 9.x calendar service create meeting

I have been following this guide to work on Domino 9.0.1
Domino Calendar services
I am using JSON and the POST command works but creates an appointment, what I want to do is create a meeting. I have tried setting other fields like event['x-lotus-appttype'].data or event.AppointmentType = 3 but I still get an appointment.
JSON I am sending
"events": [
"summary":"Meeting 1",
"location":"Location 1",
"start": {
"end": {
What is the correct JSON format to create a meeting ?
Take a look at the following documentation: Event with attendees represented in JSON format
EXAMPLE 4. Event with attendees and time zone array:
"x-lotus-charset": {
"data": "UTF-8"
"timezones": [
"tzid": "Eastern",
"standard": {
"start": {
"date": "1950-11-05",
"time": "02:00:00"
"offsetFrom": "-0400",
"offsetTo": "-0500",
"daylight": {
"start": {
"date": "1950-03-12",
"time": "02:00:00"
"offsetFrom": "-0500",
"offsetTo": "-0400",
"events": [
"href": "/mail/dlawson.nsf/api/calendar/events/DB7E0BAC21EC322A85257BD200756E26-Lotus_Notes_Generated",
"id": "DB7E0BAC21EC322A85257BD200756E26-Lotus_Notes_Generated",
"summary": "Staff meeting",
"location": "Ray's office",
"description": "Please email your status update 24 hours before the meeting.",
"start": {
"date": "2013-09-12",
"time": "09:00:00",
"tzid": "Eastern"
"end": {
"date": "2013-09-12",
"time": "10:00:00",
"tzid": "Eastern"
"class": "public",
"transparency": "opaque",
"sequence": 0,
"last-modified": "20130825T212457Z",
"attendees": [
"role": "chair",
"status": "accepted",
"rsvp": false,
"displayName": "Duke Lawson/Peaks",
"email": ""
"role": "req-participant",
"status": "needs-action",
"rsvp": true,
"displayName": "Dean Melnyk/Peaks",
"email": ""
"role": "req-participant",
"status": "needs-action",
"rsvp": true,
"displayName": "Raymond Chan/Peaks",
"email": ""
"organizer": {
"displayName": "Duke Lawson/Peaks",
"email": ""
"x-lotus-broadcast": {
"data": "FALSE"
"x-lotus-notesversion": {
"data": "2"
"x-lotus-appttype": {
"data": "3"
I hope this can help :)

Adding Full Contact details in Ionic Framework

In the official documentation of contacts in ngCordova, it only says $scope.contactForm, in other example (link below) only show how to add display name. how can I add fields like phone number email, address etc...
module.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $cordovaContacts) {
$scope.addContact = function() {
$$scope.contactForm).then(function(result) {
// Contact saved
}, function(err) {
// Contact error
// Many more features will be added shortly
$scope.contactForm = {
"displayName": "jones",
"name": {
"givenName": "jones",
"formatted": "jones "
"nickname": null,
"phoneNumbers": [
"value": "99999999999",
"type": "mobile"
"emails": [
"value": "",
"type": "home"
"addresses": [
"type": "home",
"formatted": "This Address, An Address",
"streetAddress": "This Address, An Address"
"ims": null,
"organizations": null,
"birthday": null,
"note": "",
"photos": null,
"categories": null,
"urls": null